View Full Version : My First LFest

09-26-2006, 08:54 PM

As a long time member here, I thought I would post up about my first LFest experience.

It started out with a two day drive from Erie, Pa. We spent the night in Indianapolis, which is almost exactly halfway to KC from our home. We were supposed to meet up on a convoy on the west side of Indianapolis, but the time posted was Eastern and not Central time.. so we caught them in St Louis. I was the fourth truck in the convoy, everyone else was a Gen 1 that was being towed, I had a lone Gen2.. but by the time we got to KC we had picked up enough to make a 15 truck team.. This was great and we started to meet some folks.. there was one guy on the convoy that was from New Jersey, I had to admire him driving that far to go to LFest.
When we are in St Louis waiting on a few folks to get to us, we went over to the grocery store to get some stuff.. well, we had some kid flip us off and I went ballistic. I pulled up next to the asshat's car and beat the crap out of his side window, I hope that I scared the crap out of him.. :evil

So anyway we drove on into the hotel and a little later saw the Talon guys come on in.. We were bushed and when Terry called us to come to the party, well, we were already fast asleep.

Then the next day we went to the track and met some of the guys and I made my inaugural run down the track. Man, was I scared. But after the first couple of passes, I was feeling ok, except my reaction time and 60' times just sucked. Doug handed me my ass, and so did a lot of others. But I really enjoyed making my first passes on the 1/4 mile.
The True Street thing was fun to have a bunch of L's cruising around and then come back for some passes.. too bad I "broke out" but heck what do you expect when you sit for an hour, letting Vrods make passes and your truck cools down.. but it was fun for me nonetheless..
The next day was fun too, not so many passes but it was great to chat with everyone and follow how they were doing in their own respective classes. Terry checked my a/f and all was good. Thanks again Terry.
We then left for the day around 5p and went back to the hotel.
As an aside, this was a very special trip for me. I got to see my old boss, friend and mentor, Larry, as he was coming through town. He stopped off at the hotel Sat morn and we chatted for over an hour. Larry has a form of cancer that is hard to treat. He is now in St Louis getting chemo and radiation for 3 straight days, then he will get a bone marrow transplant/stem cell transfer from his brother. If this doesnt work then Sat is probably the last time I will see Larry alive. He will have to stay in the hospital for several weeks after the transplant because he will be rebuilding his immune system.

Then, as a lot of you know, we had some very dear friends of ours drive up from OKCity to see us and see drag racing for the very first time. They sat over in the stands and watched many of you race. They really enjoyed the entire time. We tried to spend time with them and the Talon gang as much as we could.

We left on Sunday around noon to head back to the Great White North. We spent some time with our friends from OKC and were able to see some of you and talk with some before we left. The trip to Indianapolis was pretty uneventful and we didnt see too many L's on the way there either. We left Monday morn and went home the northern route on I-80. What was great is that about 20 miles west of Toledo, OH, there was a cop out on the highway and our V1 laser detector and the laser jammer went screaming.. Well, he kept that laser on us until we got on top of him.. Hey, no reading, eh mr copper? He gave us the dirtiest look... LOL>> those jammers really work.. other than that and the occasional hit on radar, it was pretty uneventful coming home as well.. but we were dead tired... but glad to be home.

I want to say Thanks to Doug, Gary, Mark, Mark, Dennis, Ronnie, Terry, Rob, Tyson, Cathy, Curtis, and all the rest of the gang for helping me during my first time down the track and for being friends with us while we were there. We had so many folks that were just nice and helpful. It was a great time for us and we cant wait to do it again.


Aggie Mom
09-26-2006, 09:28 PM
Well I am glad I finally got to meet you all. I had a blast talking “girl” stuff with Kim. She’s cool…she gets me! :beer:

09-26-2006, 09:35 PM
Glad ya'll had a good time Dana. It was great to see you. Thanks for letting us know you got home safely.:tu:

09-26-2006, 10:56 PM
Hey Dana,
Good to see you bro! Can't wait till next year. If you make it to Texas before then please let your Talon buddies know and we will have a party. I really enjoyed meeting you and Kim. Had an awesome time at #4. Your good people.
Take Care

09-26-2006, 11:25 PM

Good to hear you and Kim made it home alright - I wish circumstances would have allowed me to attend. :rolleyes:

Our old Uncle Julios is is doing well - as it was when we all double-dated there during happier times.:cool:

Yesterday, I gave Suzie the PR WOT exhaust-blast running North back-up the Tollway past UJs just for you!:nana2

Ronald and Zane.

09-27-2006, 08:04 PM
Dana it was nice to meet you and your wife. Glad you made the trip this year, had a blast talking with you. Hope you guys cane make it down next year for Lfest.

09-28-2006, 05:06 AM
Dana it was nice to meet you and your wife. Glad you made the trip this year, had a blast talking with you. Hope you guys cane make it down next year for Lfest.

Thanks, were planning on it.. but I guess it will depend on where it is..