View Full Version : L Spotted

01-17-2007, 04:53 PM
I was heading out for work this morning, and was on Bryant Irvin Road at about 4:30ish. When I saw a truck behind me and taught that looks like a Lightning. Sure enough it was a White 01-02 L. It had a PR sticker, but no talon sticker. Was wondering if it was anyone form here?

01-17-2007, 05:12 PM
yea i think i know who that is.. he dosent post much but he and i usualy always end up at the same bars

01-17-2007, 06:15 PM
yea i think i know who that is.. he dosent post much but he and i usualy always end up at the same bars

We honked at each other. I rolled down window but he just kept on going.

01-17-2007, 09:31 PM
You guys drive your L's in this weather???? Holy God there's no way mine would be able to stay on the road.


01-18-2007, 10:05 AM
You guys drive your L's in this weather???? Holy God there's no way mine would be able to stay on the road.


i have no choice.. well i do.. could take moms truck in but rather leave her with a truck shes comfortable driving if she has to get out in this mess in case of an emergency...

But ive been driving in this since we started getting ice/snow this year.... Its a task keeping my truck on the road as well. But ive been getting off at midnight when the roads are starting to get bad again and refreeze.. so i just drive 20-30 mph... took me and hour to get home when it normaly takes 20mins with traffic on a normal day.

I am going to get off my ass and find a beater honda to drive... Im going to have one hell of a paycheck from working these 12+ hour shifts

01-18-2007, 11:14 AM
i have no choice....I would but my is currently driving my daily driver. Hopefully she will be giving it back soon.