View Full Version : Thanks Doug!

Flats Man
09-29-2007, 07:06 AM
With everything going on at NLOC, I forgot to Thank Doug for all the Burgers amd Brats! Rocks Brats actually!! Anyway Doug, thanks again for all the food. It really does save the Talon members and others a lot of lunch money and is far superior to the "track food." I also want to thank John for springing for that great grill! He paid for that out of his own pocket so that we could all have a grill this year. I tried to sell it for him but the folks that wanted it, forgot to pick it up before they left the track.
Thanks to all the Talon folks for making my Florida friends feel so welcome at the tents. Good job by all!:icon_mrgreen:
Hey John, I will send you a PM on your fuel. Your truck gets great milage, especially for the power that it has!!

09-29-2007, 07:18 AM
+1 on thanking Doug and thanks again Fred for piloting the red brick back to Dallas:D

09-29-2007, 08:40 AM
Ditto for the food provided and pictures taken:tu::bows

09-29-2007, 11:24 AM
Doug, thanks again from Kim and I... it was great!!

John, kudos to you for the classy grill..


09-29-2007, 06:10 PM
Doug, thanks again from Kim and I... it was great!!

John, kudos to you for the classy grill..


Yep the Ricky Bobby's got them a nice grill