View Full Version : Starting the new year without (Gas) .. Black-Eyed Peas .....

01-01-2003, 08:26 PM
.. After an absolutely wonderful day working in the yard. Late this afternoon, I realized that black-eyed peas were no where to be found in our house. And I thought to myself that the next best thing was to get out and drive the L somewhere (you know, for good luck, and all that stuff).
Now, understand that my L is not a daily driver and some cases, like when I'm travelling, it may be weeks in between taking it out.
So, I decide that I need to make a trip to Home Depot and the beer store. (you know, for good luck ... :D )
I arrive at HD and head for the north forty of the parking lot. After finding a remote corner and pulling in, I look across and see this very clean White Gen 1. WOW, I thought ...... nice truck! :tu:
I get my stuff at HD and head out the door. Walking up the parking lot, I hope that the Gen 1 is still there, just to take another browse at it. But it's gone.
Two spaces down from where the Gen 1 was is a guy leaning against his Chevy Extended cab. As I walk past him, it is obvious that I'm going to my L (no other vehicles around) and I hear "Nice truck" from the guy in the Chevy. Turning to him I say "Thanks" and keep walking.
WOW!! :eek2: Now this is great!!:tu:
The beer store was un-eventfull ... so 2 outta 3 ain't bad.
If 2003 is a reflection on today, I might just buy Dennis and Doug a beer and maybe spend some $$ with Terry ...... :rolleyes:

Happy New Year everyone !! :nana2

01-01-2003, 09:12 PM
Sounds like a good day:tu: Mine was a manly day with power tools, wood working, drilling, cutting, and some mud slinging:D You are always welcome to hang out craziest Mark of all:twitch: