View Full Version : My GT500 just saved the taxpayers some $

08-27-2009, 02:44 PM
Driving my 9th grader to school this AM in my GT500, this dumb lady literally pulls out 100' in front of me (probably closer to 60-70' after further thought, but I don't know for sure), trying to cross 4 lanes of traffic. I was going near the speed limit (~35mph) and had to use every bit of reflexes, judgement, etc to avoid her. I slammed on the brakes, had to veer left, and when she came to a stop (not sure how I got on the horn, but that is all that alerted her to the impending doom that was about to be a horrific accident...I would have slammed into her driver's side t-bone style), we were both less than a foot from each other. She was literally still perpendicular in the road, as all she did was slam on the brakes at the last second...doing nothing else to avoid the collision.

It was all driver and the fact I was in one of my hi-po, hot-rods. So the silly greenies can bark, complain, and gripe about our gas-guzzlers. The fact is due to hi-po brakes, suspension, and tires, I just saved the taxpayers in my city some serious coin... from insurance rates, to EMTs who would have been called to the scene, to the police dept that would have spent better of 1 hr directing traffic, to city workers who would have had to clean up the mess.

This car just cost the planet less than if I was driving some silly hybrid.

So take that you stinkin' liberal leftist tree-huggers!!!

08-27-2009, 03:49 PM
nice work

BUT you sacrificed the Darwin effect that would have resulted

Potentially taking her out of the gene pool


08-27-2009, 04:15 PM
nice work

BUT you sacrificed the Darwin effect that would have resulted

Potentially taking her out of the gene pool



08-27-2009, 04:33 PM
nice work

BUT you sacrificed the Darwin effect that would have resulted

Potentially taking her out of the gene pool


You know... I actually thought about that. However, the benefits of keeping her alive are that my kid, myself, and my car went unscathed.

08-27-2009, 05:31 PM
You know... I actually thought about that. However, the benefits of keeping her alive are that my kid, myself, and my car went unscathed.
No doubt ... I wouldst wish an accident on anyone... Glad everyones ok.

I recently drove 3500 miles crsss country and while I was driving, I had a couple chances to realize that the choice and condition of my car and the abilities of the driver to predict and avoid accidents likley saved a couple idiots some injury and expense.... knana

08-27-2009, 07:01 PM
Nice :D

08-27-2009, 08:43 PM
I took a sheet of plywood through my wind shield because I was in a non performing vehicle.

08-27-2009, 09:09 PM
Good job, Wes! :icon_cool:

08-28-2009, 11:03 AM
Wes good to hear from you! Glad you did not get a scratch on the new car, I know you would have had to sell it if you had a bunch of damage.

I was leaving the Byron Nelson years back driving my 560SEL Benz at the time, and as I was going down the road in the inside lane, this lady comes accelarating out from other side of the road inside lane, no reaction time head on collision, of course back in the day I did not buckle up:nono: well as I recall the air bag helped get me back out from the windshield. I buckle up now! Both cars were totaled to say the least, but the point being that German 4 door heavy beast took a beating and me and my two passengers survived if I had been in a smart car or a small car I would have been dead or worse maimed!!

Lets go racing!