View Full Version : Caught air in the sand-pit lately ?

01-16-2004, 04:04 PM
I have back in the day at the parents neighbor's "sand-pit" on my brother's Yamaha Warrior. It's a blast! The view/sensation with 10+ ft. of air underneath is crazy! I know I'm a quad-racing light-weight.:rolleyes:


Note, this is a .wmv I found on the www and thought I would post up. It reminded me of the crazy sh#t we pulled back then. I'm amazed Regan (younger brother) and I are both still walking up-right. :D

Check out the very last scene with the white 01/02 L with the motorcycle in the bed doing a donut! :beer:


01-16-2004, 10:21 PM
Looks like fun! We don't quite go that nuts on teh dirt bikes, but I've worked myself up to 60 - 65 foot jumps. As i get faster and better I'm sure th jumps will get bigger! I can't wait to learn how to whip it. I have gotten some small wips outta my bike, but I want to get that sucker sideways! The on;y bad thing about all this is when you start old, things seem to take loger to learn and the injuries take longer to heal!

But at least when I go out there, I do it in style - Yamaha in the Sonic Blue L.