View Full Version : All plates shipped

01-22-2004, 10:05 AM
well i know you guys are all thinking im B.S.ing you around... to be honest, if it was me I would be pissed off too... this whole thing was a mistake. I should have just either not done it to begin with or just collected money and sent via UPS or FedEx...

Anyway, i did it the cheap way out and just stuck them in a regular envelope and I guess the sharp corners were tearing it and falling out, then mail wouldnt deliver an empty envelope I guess..

Some of you guys, I sent the darn thing like 3+ times....

Well Im not sure if there is anyone out there that hasnt gotten theirs yet or not, but just to MAKE SURE I redid EVERY plate that I had record of (like 17 of them) and sent them ALL out again yesterday in a padded envelope. So some of you guys may be getting an extra plate, but just throw it away or find somewhere to put it.. i dont care... i just wanted to make sure that everyone at least got theres.... i feel bad because it is my fault with the shipping method... but i dont want yall thinking its my fault as in just not sending them or dicking ya around....

anyway, if there is anyone who HASNT gotten theirs yet, and you still dont within the next day or two... just personally call me at work 817 417 6400 and let me know and I will refund your money double... just to get this mess behind me...

again, sorry for the hastle,

01-26-2004, 12:59 PM
Received mine over the weekend:tu: looks great.

Thanks Scott

01-29-2004, 05:10 PM
Still waiting ....

02-03-2004, 10:01 AM
Well I've not recieved the two I'd ordered, which if you sent by mail should have only taken 2-3 days to get here. I've sent you two pm's requesting my money back and I've recieved no response. I even sent you the paypal transaction number for when I paid you so you could easily find it in your records including the date when it was made.

I would call you on the number above if I could, but can't during work hours so would you please refund the money to my paypal account as requested or if you prefer it done any other way please pm me a response.

I've lost my patience with this and I know it is only $20 to some, but I hate paying somebody when I don't get what I've ordered.

02-03-2004, 10:18 AM
Come on Scott I drive down there and deliver her plates and her $20 bucks. Maybe she'll give you a kiss:banana: :D . My brother is coming up from UT Friday he can take the plates back with him Sunday if it helps.:tu:

02-03-2004, 10:29 AM
for some reason, my PM hasnt been working at all... i dont have any PMs in my box....

anyway, i emailed you about a week ago after you said "still waiting" and i didnt hear back from you so I just figured that everything was fine...

i just sent the $20 refund about 5 mins ago.... i feel auful this has happend to some of you guys... like i told the other guy, if there is anything you can think of that you need, sign, etc let me know and its on the house....

and if you still havent recieved it, let me know and ill send another one out, but i know for a FACT this would be my 4th one to you.... maybe we have the address mixed up or something....


02-03-2004, 10:41 AM

Thanks I got the paypal transaction. Never recieved an e-mail from you about this. I doubt there is any problems with the address from my side as I've sent it to you multiple times to verify it as well.

Don't know what happened, but thanks for making good.


02-03-2004, 10:46 AM
i just wanted to apoligize again to everyone.... i was just thinking, and this seems really bad... most you guys never even met me and probably think im a flake.... i promise i didnt intend to screw anyone... ill take all the blame, cuz in the end its really my fault... but there were no bad intentions....

i just hope there are no hard feelings with anyone....

02-03-2004, 12:03 PM
i stop by scotts shop every now and then, he is a pretty good guy. Theres just something happening within the shipping crap.