View Full Version : i hate thieves

04-06-2004, 10:47 PM
well this morning I walk out of the hotel I was staying in in baton rouge, la and what do i find when i open my door to my L. I find out that I have just been robbed they stole all my cd's and my brand new panisonic cd player that I just put in 3 days ago also they took a few other things but they couldnt get my speaker box with my 12's out or my amp. (whew) least they left something but it look like they left that because they couldnt figure out how to get the seat to fall all the way down. guess they couldnt find the lever on the back of the seat. because both seats were halfway forward and the box was pulled up. they didnt break anything I am assuming they used a slim jim but to top it off I finally get the police to come and file a report so then I haul arse to New Orleans to the airport and I miss my plane. then they put me on another plane and it was to leave out an hour later but because of the weather in houston we were delay another 2-3 hours. so I left hotel at 9am finally get to san antonio at 6:45 was supposed to be here at 2. I just had a really bad freaking day

04-06-2004, 11:32 PM
Man... sorry to hear about that... you are not alone. My truck was broken into last night too. Maybe this will make you feel better:
