View Full Version : MadMax: My Apologies....

07-12-2002, 03:07 PM
I don't know how, exactly, but I have obviously hacked you off. I did not mean to do that to you or anyone else (the L driver in question notwithstanding). I stand by my comments in that they were not intended to be racist in any fashion. I was merely describing the vehicle and my use of the term 'Mexi-L Boy', as inappropriate as it was percieved, was a clearly feeble attampt on my part to be humorous. I failed. I apologise. To you, Tony, or whomever else took offense to my comments. No harm intended. Just venting. I just don't want the L community to looked at the same way as the 'ricer' community seems to because of a bad example or two. I've driven an L since July of '93. I think there is room for all of us to express opinions, yet still get along. Again, I apologise.

07-12-2002, 04:05 PM
...and on behalf of Canada, I apologize too.

There. Everything's all better now.

07-13-2002, 08:37 PM
Don't worry about it. I apologize too. I am not in a very good mood lately. I lost a good paying job and on top of that I have lost over 100K on the stock market last week alone. I need to crawl in a damn shell. Dad lost 500,000 last week too :mad: The bottom line is...alot of friends and neighbors are experiencing these problems now days...so it is not just my problem...as you read the news daily...

We need a prayer post around here a la HALO Houston.....

Logan, Doug....start a prayer topic..it might not be the most popular topic but at least we can supply info on our friends and loved ones. There is nothing wrong with a prayer listing...and it could not hurt....jw