View Full Version : Did 130 mph today in a Viper !

06-04-2004, 06:09 PM
I'll start from the beginning... remember a while back I posted about this? http://www.talonclub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3886&highlight=Viper

Well, I checked out Ronnie's website (coincidence with our first names and vehicle color) and we've been IMing back-forth a bit and had lunch today at the Hooter's in McKinney. Really nice guy!

I suggested we go take shot-gun rides in Lightning and Viper for comparison as Ronnie's never ridden in a L.

We leave Hooter's and hit 75 South, hold back a good ways to "sling-shot" it and BAM! Ya'll won't believe the HP/TQ those things have seat-of-the-pants! :eek: We hit 130 and it felt like "90-100 ish" in the L. It didn't feel that fast. :confused:

To describe the whole experience, it's as loud as my L..but with a "ricey" note to it, sitting VERY low with the interior, etc up high and the thing pulls HARD now matter what speed! :bows The roof is kinda' "bubbled" out on the interior, and then you're doing good to see over the hood/fenders at eye-level. The air-conditioner s#cks, too.

Mods include: "Hennessey intake/exhaust (+ 70 bhp) , 5 point simpson racing harnesses, Alpine pop out screen with DVD player, Nav, GPS, XM... Phoenix Gold 1000 amp, and JL 10" sub...Hoosier 335 slicks in back, and 275's in front"

We went out in the L and I hit 100 under WOT and it's amazing the difference between the two.

And another thing, if you think you get stares and 2nd glances in your L, you won't BELIEVE what it's like in a Viper. :burnout:

That's my :ron: for the day... helluvan' experience!






06-04-2004, 09:28 PM
BAD BIATCH :eek: :tu:

06-04-2004, 11:01 PM
And another thing, if you think you get stares and 2nd glances in your L, you won't BELIEVE what it's like in a Viper. :burnout:

That's my :ron: for the day... helluvan' experience!


Think thats an experience, should try driving one :d
The rear tires are wider than most guys slicks:rll: