View Full Version : more problems

09-14-2004, 07:52 PM
im needing some advise from you guys again. My truck is acting up. Im just driving down the interstate then it starts acting like someone just cut the fuel off and its sounds like the motor is running under water. I went to the ford dealership where one of my friends work and he put the computer on it and said that my 1 and 5 cylinders were week so I changed the coils. Well now there not week but still same problem. It only does is when i am chill riding it runs fine at WOT. Any Ideas

O also it does it off and on it runs fine for bout 10mins then starts missing again

09-14-2004, 10:38 PM
Have you made any changes recently?

Have you been detailing or cleaning the engine recently?

09-15-2004, 06:28 AM
all stock havent changed anything, I also check for vac leaks and i couldnt find any