View Full Version : My Sons elementary school has crossed the line

01-14-2005, 04:41 PM
My son comes home today from school (3rd grade) and one of the first things my son says is that they watched a movie about Martin Luther King Jr. Ok, I said, what did you learn? He immediately says he learned about "white kids" getting in trouble. :mad:
That is the very first time I've EVER heard him distinguish somebody based on skin color. I'm so friggin pissed at the school right now I could SPIT!
We've worked very hard to teach him that people are individuals and not to stereotype people based on skin color. It takes the school one day to wreck what we've spent years teaching. :flaming: :flaming:

01-14-2005, 04:50 PM
i hear ya... my wife and I try the same thing with our son. He is alot younger and only 4... but he has 2 "brown kids" as he calls them in his class and they are 2 of his best friends....

makes me more and more want to keep him in private school, but each year the price goes up and up

01-15-2005, 02:56 AM
same crap goes on at private schools as well. so if there were teh main reason save your money.

01-15-2005, 04:29 PM
Its sometimes worse at private schools. I went to one and parents yanked me out.

01-15-2005, 06:38 PM
My son comes home today from school (3rd grade) and one of the first things my son says is that they watched a movie about Martin Luther King Jr. Ok, I said, what did you learn? He immediately says he learned about "white kids" getting in trouble.

He probably doesn’t know how to verbalize exactly what he learned. He probably saw something about how MLK led the movement against racial oppression. When you're learning history you have to also get into the black and white. I doubt they literally said white kids were getting in trouble.