View Full Version : My FFW experience

J.D. Blackwell
09-23-2002, 06:47 PM
Well, I did have fun BS ing with the guys. That is about the only thing that kept me from being down and out this weekend. As most of you know I had ran into a lot of problems with my ride.
I just wanted to know that it was fun hanging out with you guys.
I want to thank Sam, Mark K., and James for the beer, and Mark Jackson for getting some beer for me. I don't know what happened to him though. I was wanting to talk to him some more.
I met a few new faces from the TALON board also. Scott, Steve, "Andy Cain"lol, James, (there were a couple others, but can't think clearly right now lol)
Terry Hogg showed up and we kicked it for a while, but we got mixed up in a conversation and I lost him. I guess I will catch him later on.
I will catch Tim Cowley and Justin Pullin later. You Tyler guys need to meet up in Hallsville with me sometime.
I want to thank Tony and his girlfriend, Julie(I think that is what her name is), for the fajitas. They were delicious.
It was nice meeting the guys from the HALO club. They kicked a$$ this weekend.
The ALOC club is a cool bunch also. Those guys are some alright guys. Travis, Ken, Miami, and the bunch
Most of all I want to thank Jim and Shawn of JDM for helping me. I know they don't get on this board very much, but I wanted to let you know how important they are not just for me, but the Lightning community. They had that huge tent set up for us. I wouldn’t know what to do if they weren’t there to help me. I am not there biggest customer, but they sure did treat me like one. I am in dept to them. Julie and Stephanie was nice to talk and I would like to thank Julie for the decals for my truck. They also fed everyone that was around Saturday night. They ordered 5 “pies”(that is what Julie calls a pizza lol) and they were gone in a hurry. After they found out that Doug, Dennis, Mark, myself, and a couple others didn’t get any, Stephanie went and got 4 more for us. That was very nice of them.
There is probably a lot of other things that I want to say, but I can’t think very clearly right now, so I will leave you with a few pictures that I took. If I didn't mention someone's name it isn't that I forgot, but just that a lot of things were running through my mind this weekend. These are my favorite pictures.

The official Lightning chicks(Tony2000 and Servicetex's girlfriends)
I don't intend to offend anyone, but all of the Lightning owners need to take pictures of their girlfriends with their trucks.

09-23-2002, 07:35 PM
Nice Pics...

Here is link to the mpeg of the sound of justins truck.. It sounds better in person. :burnout: The mpeg is 1.4mb



09-23-2002, 09:39 PM
It'll probably be a little hard to get my wife in front of the truck to take a picture, but my girlfriend will be no problem:d :d !!

I had a blast as well...but didn't stay quite as long as everyone else. Justin, I saw you over there and I checked out your ride, we just never really hooked up. I'm around quite a bit now, so we'll hook up.

Defintely a special thanks to Doug and the JDM crew. Doug's grilling was exceptional (lunch Saturday) and the tent and facilities available to everyone provided by JDM were marvelous. Great way to beat that sun!


Mark #2
09-24-2002, 10:35 AM
I also want to thank JDM for their hospitality. The tent was great, and as Justin described, Julie sent out for more pizza when just a few of us hadn't eaten. Thanks also to Doug for lunch on Sat.

I won first round with a weak 13.30 on a 13.03 dial, and lost in the second round with a much better 13.1 on the 13.03 dial. Removing the bed cover and tailgate were good for 0.2 seconds, but I needed another 0.1. Probably should have tried Sixpipes slicks.

Had a great time visiting and meeting everyone. See some of you next Thursday at the monthly.


09-25-2002, 11:43 PM
Justin Send this to Bankston to remind them to install all 7 bolts next time


09-25-2002, 11:58 PM
Doug posted a funny!:eek2: :banana:

09-26-2002, 12:03 AM
send them this one too

J.D. Blackwell
09-26-2002, 08:20 AM
LMAO Thanks for cheering me up Doug. I needed a laugh this morning. I will post what Bankston says about my little 2 page letter I faxed them. They were wanting me to bring the L back and I told them I wasn't and that they were going to make me happy without fixing my truck. I want my money back dammitt.
I bet you they won't though.

Doug, remember what you told me at the track about what we can do if they don't satisfy me? I may be going that route.:(

09-26-2002, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by J.D. Blackwell
LMAO Thanks for cheering me up Doug. I needed a laugh this morning.

Doug, remember what you told me at the track about what we can do if they don't satisfy me? I may be going that route.:(


In order for " that route " to be effective we need details. Pictures, Quotes, scans of invoices etc etc..


J.D. Blackwell
09-26-2002, 01:42 PM
Gotcha, I will let you know. Right now I am waiting for them to call me back to tell me what they are going to do for me.

09-26-2002, 04:06 PM
Hey bud...

Glad I could help provide a little bit of sunshine in what surely was not a good weekend for you. Had a great time just hangin' out.

We'll have to hook up more often. Too bad you live in easy jabip. :D

I think you should get in touch with your lawyer, as having worked for a Ford store, I am guessing they are not going to be very nice in dealing with you. Of course, I hope that they are, but...

If you need my help in that long drive to NJ, lemme know :burnout:


BTW.. your cam took way better nitetime pics than mine! I really had to work with mine to make them look at least presentable! Nice job!


J.D. Blackwell
09-26-2002, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by OneRedTXBolt
Hey bud...

Glad I could help provide a little bit of sunshine in what surely was not a good weekend for you. Had a great time just hangin' out.

We'll have to hook up more often. Too bad you live in easy jabip. :D

I think you should get in touch with your lawyer, as having worked for a Ford store, I am guessing they are not going to be very nice in dealing with you. Of course, I hope that they are, but...

If you need my help in that long drive to NJ, lemme know :burnout:


BTW.. your cam took way better nitetime pics than mine! I really had to work with mine to make them look at least presentable! Nice job!


:tu: Thanks for the info.
I talked to Jim this morning and he told me to get my butt up there. I told him I am coming ASAP. I believe my dad is going to make the trip with me.
I am really scared to go up there though, because no one will ever know what kind of mods I may have when I come back.:D

09-26-2002, 08:22 PM
LOL! Excellent!

I wish you the best on the journey ahead of you. It's not a lot of fun, IMHO. Much better when it's more than just you, tho, for sure.

Count on me as a backup. I'm itchin' to get back up north anyway :)

May your journey be as event free as possible. Lord knows you've already been thru enough crap.

I'll have a beer in your honor (tonight! :d )
