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12-02-2005, 01:24 AM
alright two days before the classic and my trucks starts some crap. Its studdering under wot, not 1/2,3/4, just wide open, its not violent studder but enought to piss you off, it was doing it when i first got in it, went and ate got back in nothing, ran it up to 110 and started back again and is still doing it. Now abviously i need to check the fuel filter although i just changed it less than 1 thousand miles ago but i have ran a couple of tanks of aviation 100 oct through it. But i have read that the older trucks are notorious for a fuel line coming off the pump i think, but if this happened should i smell raw fuel? The other thing is i just changes some of my plugs 4 on the passenger side(i did the other ones a week or so ago and got lazy so i just did the rest of them) but if it was them should it do it all the time or could it just do it at wot? And i just washed my motor so could that have damaged anything?

francis studer
12-02-2005, 02:21 AM
alright two days before the classic and my trucks starts some crap. Its studdering under wot, not 1/2,3/4, just wide open, its not violent studder but enought to piss you off, it was doing it when i first got in it, went and ate got back in nothing, ran it up to 110 and started back again and is still doing it. Now abviously i need to check the fuel filter although i just changed it less than 1 thousand miles ago but i have ran a couple of tanks of aviation 100 oct through it. But i have read that the older trucks are notorious for a fuel line coming off the pump i think, but if this happened should i smell raw fuel? The other thing is i just changes some of my plugs 4 on the passenger side(i did the other ones a week or so ago and got lazy so i just did the rest of them) but if it was them should it do it all the time or could it just do it at wot? And i just washed my motor so could that have damaged anything?
Just pull all your plug wires & blow the water out of the spark plug cavities in the heads, plus dry out the wire ends before re-installing. This will cure your problem.

12-02-2005, 02:29 AM
Just pull all your plug wires & blow the water out of the spark plug cavities in the heads, plus dry out the wire ends before re-installing. This will cure your problem.

thing is i washed my motor monday, didnt drive it at all till tonight, and did the plug change last night, do you think that they still could have got wet with left over water that may not ahve dried

12-02-2005, 08:40 AM
You are probably dropping spark under load which is either moisture, coil pack, or plug. It is usually the third or fourth ones back on either side. I would start with the passenger side and pull the pack. See if it has moisture around the boot causing it to short out under load. Jerking under accel is spark related. Lack of fuel is just a limiting of accel.

12-02-2005, 09:34 AM
terry, are you going to be at the shop today, if so and you have time sometime after lunch i may bring it out to ya