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12-05-2005, 02:53 PM
verizon FIOS TV is avail in My neighborhood starting tomorrow

Expanded basic, Video on demand with 20 hd channels and DVR for ~$46 a month

https://www22.verizon.com/FiosForHome/images/FiosTV/fiosOLO_redbullet.gifLocal channels such ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX https://www22.verizon.com/FiosForHome/images/FiosTV/fiosOLO_redbullet.gifNearly 180 digital channelshttps://www22.verizon.com/FiosForHome/images/FiosTV/fiosOLO_redbullet.gifIncludes 47 all-digital music channelshttps://www22.verizon.com/FiosForHome/images/FiosTV/fiosOLO_redbullet.gifIncludes more than 20 high definition channelshttps://www22.verizon.com/FiosForHome/images/FiosTV/fiosOLO_redbullet.gifAll your favorite channels like ESPN, Discovery, TNT, MTV, CNN and more!

12-05-2005, 03:12 PM
verizon FIOS TV is avail in My neighborhood starting tomorrow

Expanded basic, Video on demand with 20 hd channels and DVR for ~$46 a month

But what are you doing for your ISP?

12-05-2005, 03:20 PM
But what are you doing for your ISP?

FIOS is Fiber to the curb essentially. Much faster and more reliable that Comcrap, still a bit expensive tho. They're primary offering is Internet, the TV service is being added on.

It's already available in Lewisville I believe....wish they had it out our way.


12-05-2005, 03:52 PM
But what are you doing for your ISP?

I already have FIOS internet - Its much faster and cheaper than cable modem was.

15mb down / 2 mb up

The upload speed helps a GREAT deal when screwing with the websites

12-05-2005, 03:59 PM
I have had the Fios internet since about April I guess, and it has been great. Pricing is awesome too compared to cable. But I called today about the TV service and apparently it hasnt been turned on for my address yet - how did you find out it will be available tomorrow for your neighborhood tomorrow, Doug?

12-05-2005, 05:25 PM
I have had the Fios internet since about April I guess, and it has been great. Pricing is awesome too compared to cable. But I called today about the TV service and apparently it hasnt been turned on for my address yet - how did you find out it will be available tomorrow for your neighborhood tomorrow, Doug?

I got an email about my Verizon statement and one click lead to another...

I did the "see if its available " thing and it said " call this number " So I did - they put me on hold and came back and said " Im very sorry to keep you on hold sir AND Im sorry to inform you that Verizon TV wont be available in your area.................................. Till Tomorrow ...."

If they have a money back deal Im tempted to try it - I have dish network now and the buying of hardware every 2 years gets expensive. Plus Dish does so much compression of the signla the quality is not great - Ive never seen HD on dish but it cant be good - Next year Ill likley upgrade to HD

12-05-2005, 05:29 PM
I hate Comcast for cable TV. Their customer service stinks!

The only thing that I do like about them is the way that the HBO programs are all available On Demand for free so I don't have to remember to record them.

12-05-2005, 05:44 PM
I hate Comcast for cable TV. Their customer service stinks!

The only thing that I do like about them is the way that the HBO programs are all available On Demand for free so I don't have to remember to record them.

the on demand is one of the reasons I want to try Verizon TV

12-05-2005, 09:33 PM
I got an email about my Verizon statement and one click lead to another...

I did the "see if its available " thing and it said " call this number " So I did - they put me on hold and came back and said " Im very sorry to keep you on hold sir AND Im sorry to inform you that Verizon TV wont be available in your area.................................. Till Tomorrow ...."

If they have a money back deal Im tempted to try it - I have dish network now and the buying of hardware every 2 years gets expensive. Plus Dish does so much compression of the signla the quality is not great - Ive never seen HD on dish but it cant be good - Next year Ill likley upgrade to HD

I have DirectTv and have a HD DVR.. The HD is great.. you can see the pores on the peeps faces, beads of sweat.. individual blades of grass, heck I have put off buying glasses for a while now that I have it.. the best is being able to watch the football games on Sun in HD.. that ROCKS!!

12-05-2005, 09:40 PM
I hate 60 bucks a month for Crapcast ISP but have not seen any better options. If it wasn't for free cable TV I would brun the statements and mail them back!

12-06-2005, 09:40 AM
The 21 additional markets where Verizon will offer FiOS TV are the Verizon service areas in: Allen, Carrollton, Colleyville, Coppell, Denton, Double Oak, Flower Mound, Fort Worth, Garland, Grapevine, Hebron, Highland Village, Irving, Lewisville, Lucas, Murphy, Parker, Plano, Rowlett, Southlake and St. Paul.
More dteails

12-06-2005, 10:02 AM
Doug, I have heard something about 3 months free for existing Fios customers - see if that pans out when you order...

12-06-2005, 10:16 AM
Just called - no contract - 2 months free expanded basic - still ave to pay rent for dvr

They have 2 tuner DVR but dont realise that it would be enough to work for 2 TVs

They would have installed on Friday - I have it scheduled for Monday

This should be interesting


12-06-2005, 10:20 AM
I have DirectTv and have a HD DVR.. The HD is great.. you can see the pores on the peeps faces, beads of sweat.. individual blades of grass, heck I have put off buying glasses for a while now that I have it.. the best is being able to watch the football games on Sun in HD.. that ROCKS!!

Same here. My HD receiver is the kind with the cable on the back (not the RCA jack types) and it looks terrific.

I had the NFL package last year, but even though you get a lot of games, you don't get all of the games. It seems like the games I always wanted to watch were on regular TV or they didn't have them. I called before the season this year and apparently they still don't have all of the games. Must take special cameras at the stadiums and some don't have or something.

Anyway, I'm not sure what others HD looks like, but I'm fine with what comes from Direct TV. It's way better than the non-HD channels.

12-06-2005, 11:02 AM
I called again today and its not available yet at my address. :(

Which is BS, because I had Fios before you! :)

12-06-2005, 08:15 PM
Same here. My HD receiver is the kind with the cable on the back (not the RCA jack types) and it looks terrific.

I had the NFL package last year, but even though you get a lot of games, you don't get all of the games. It seems like the games I always wanted to watch were on regular TV or they didn't have them. I called before the season this year and apparently they still don't have all of the games. Must take special cameras at the stadiums and some don't have or something.

Anyway, I'm not sure what others HD looks like, but I'm fine with what comes from Direct TV. It's way better than the non-HD channels.

Between basic cable and Direct I get all the games.. however, not all the games come in HD, you are correct there. But I do get to watch most of the Cowboy games in HD.. DirectTv just launched a satellite to expand their HD lineup too.. they are offering more HD that I would watch than anyone else.. besides, I really dislike the local cable company..

12-06-2005, 11:28 PM
Yep, Comcast sucks! Cable Internet/TV outages on a regular basis, here - internet outages more often than cable.:flaming:


12-10-2005, 09:54 PM
verizon FIOS TV is avail in My neighborhood starting tomorrow

Expanded basic, Video on demand with 20 hd channels and DVR for ~$46 a month

thanks for your support.... :beer: the service rox...


12-10-2005, 10:03 PM
But what are you doing for your ISP?

triple play....voice/data/video, bi-directional (1 fiber FTTP/Fiber to the Premise)

downstream voice/data 1490/nm
downstream video 1550/nm
upstream voice/data 1310/nm

Video on Demand with Interactive Program Guide (IPG).


12-10-2005, 10:44 PM
Is there a website I can punch my zip code into to see if it's available to me?
I am sick of Charter.

12-11-2005, 11:36 AM
So Doug, did you ever get it, or what?

12-11-2005, 11:55 AM
So Doug, did you ever get it, or what?

Install on Monday

12-11-2005, 11:56 AM
Is there a website I can punch my zip code into to see if it's available to me?
I am sick of Charter.

12-11-2005, 01:05 PM
Verizon FiOS Internet Service is not currently available at your address

Thanks Doug. Looks like I'll have to wait a while.

12-11-2005, 05:48 PM
They can't even find my address so I'm guessing it is not available.

12-11-2005, 09:15 PM
They can't even find my address so I'm guessing it is not available.

You have to be in a verizon area

Call the phone number to be sure

12-12-2005, 11:01 AM
Hey, will you post back up when you have it installed?

And if you could take a picture of the on screen guide or menu, that would be super great. :) I am curious if they have different software loaded than the awful excuse for an interface my Comcast box has.

12-12-2005, 11:49 AM
Hey, will you post back up when you have it installed?

And if you could take a picture of the on screen guide or menu, that would be super great. I am curious if they have different software loaded than the awful excuse for an interface my Comcast box has.
Verizon Selects Microsoft TV as Software Platform for FiOS TV Service

The installers are here - running all new coax

One thing that strange is the DVR has 2 tuners BUT CANT be used for 2 TVs - At least the installers dont know how. The Dish network 2 tuner receivers are often used for 2 TVs, but they have RF remotes... Ill know for sure in a an hour or 2

Seems they connect some piece of equipment to the Router - Think it controls the video on demand.... But the coax comes straight from the Fiber box on the house...


12-12-2005, 02:15 PM
Well it turns out Im the 6th verizon customer in Carrollton

The video seems MUCH clearer than Dish network - I dont have a HD TV but the DVR supports it so I think I may be putting the hurt on a Credit card soon

Here are some pictures


12-12-2005, 02:48 PM
Looks awesome. I am a little concerned about putting any more traffic through my router, but we shall see.

I just called again, and they still dont have a date it will be available. :mad:

12-12-2005, 03:06 PM
Looks awesome. I am a little concerned about putting any more traffic through my router, but we shall see.

I just called again, and they still dont have a date it will be available. :mad:

the only thing that goes thru the router is VOD although the recievers both have IPs -
I was watching Dicovery HD channel even though I dont have HD TV ... For some reason the reciever shut itself off.
Good news is that it takes 2 seconds to get thru to Verizon support. They are sending reset to the reciever - if that doesnt fix it they will send another technician with another box

Well as it turns out there is nothing worng with the reciever - it just takes an hour or 2 for all the software updates to dload.
I have a Sony WEGA TV that is NOT HD and the HD channels look good - The regulart channels look visibly better than dish

Need to get Mark # 2 to sneak a 50" DLP home from china in his carry on ... LOL

FYI - if you order a DVR you automatically get a HD DVR and get the HD channels


Mark #2
12-12-2005, 07:49 PM
the only thing that goes thru the router is VOD although the recievers both have IPs -
I was watching Dicovery HD channel even though I dont have HD TV ... For some reason the reciever shut itself off.
Good news is that it takes 2 seconds to get thru to Verizon support. They are sending reset to the reciever - if that doesnt fix it they will send another technician with another box

Well as it turns out there is nothing worng with the reciever - it just takes an hour or 2 for all the software updates to dload.
I have a Sony WEGA TV that is NOT HD and the HD channels look good - The regulart channels look visibly better than dish

Need to get Mark # 2 to sneak a 50" DLP home from china in his carry on ... LOL

FYI - if you order a DVR you automatically get a HD DVR and get the HD channels


Most are made in Korea, I haven't been there yet, but it will tough to get through customs, :d

12-12-2005, 09:22 PM
channel lineup



added pdf of channels

Tex Arcana
12-14-2005, 02:39 AM
omfg, I am hating you all with a passion tonite... I can't get above 16k on dialup now, and last I saw neither Crapcast or Verizon had any plans for my area. :flaming::crying:

01-03-2006, 08:11 PM
here is good article on FIOS TV
I cancelled Dishnetwork yesterday

Found out this weekend that the DVR can record 2 channels at once ...

Mark #2
01-03-2006, 08:17 PM
here is good article on FIOS TV
I cancelled Dishnetwork yesterday

Found out this weekend that the DVR can record 2 channels at once ...

I have a hard time finding 1 channel I want to watch at a given time period much less 1 to watch and 2 to record.;)

01-03-2006, 08:29 PM
I have a hard time finding 1 channel I want to watch at a given time period much less 1 to watch and 2 to record.;)

I was recording last years barret jackson auction on Speedvision - which since its 2 cars then 6 commercials is the only way to watch it - and was recording something else...

01-03-2006, 08:30 PM
I have a hard time finding 1 channel I want to watch at a given time period much less 1 to watch and 2 to record.;)

not me.. do it all the time.. its a nice feature.. I esp like to be able to fast forward thru commercials.. saves at least 20 min from every hour..

01-03-2006, 08:31 PM
I have a hard time finding 1 channel I want to watch at a given time period much less 1 to watch and 2 to record.;)

You cant do that. You can record two channels at the same time and watch a recorded program, but not record two and watch a thrid channel live.

Mark #2
01-03-2006, 08:48 PM
You cant do that. You can record two channels at the same time and watch a recorded program, but not record two and watch a thrid channel live.

Okay...but on the posts above I guess I will always be technology challenged, probably the last guy to get an 8 track, cassette, VCR, computer, pager, cell phone, CD, DVD, high speed internet,

No playstation, HDTV, or DVR

Kind of interesting since I had the first transistor radio, calculator and video game as a child, and make the highest tech MEMS device in the world.

01-03-2006, 09:03 PM
Okay...but on the posts above I guess I will always be technology challenged, probably the last guy to get an 8 track, cassette, VCR, computer, pager, cell phone, CD, DVD, high speed internet,

No playstation, HDTV, or DVR

Kind of interesting since I had the first transistor radio, calculator and video game as a child, and make the highest tech MEMS device in the world.

Yeah, I dont get this one either.. I would have thought you would have everything under the sun.. go figure..

In fact, when I see Dan Marino doing his Samsung commercials, I was thinking that you probably have one of those DLP tv's in your closet, bedroom, etc etc..


Mark #2
01-03-2006, 09:35 PM
Yeah, I dont get this one either.. I would have thought you would have everything under the sun.. go figure..

In fact, when I see Dan Marino doing his Samsung commercials, I was thinking that you probably have one of those DLP tv's in your closet, bedroom, etc etc..

Yeah I like that commercial with Marino and Aikman, we will soon get Staubach and Labonte too.

Electronic technology advances so quickly you have to decide when to buy into it, I seem to go for the mechanical stuff (Roush suspension, Hotchkis bars, FTVB, headers, KB, etc) quickly but wait on the electronic stuff (still just running a chip too);)

01-04-2006, 09:03 PM
Yeah I like that commercial with Marino and Aikman, we will soon get Staubach and Labonte too.

Electronic technology advances so quickly you have to decide when to buy into it, I seem to go for the mechanical stuff (Roush suspension, Hotchkis bars, FTVB, headers, KB, etc) quickly but wait on the electronic stuff (still just running a chip too);)

maybe you should change your moniker to Old School:evil

Mark #2
01-04-2006, 09:06 PM
maybe you should change your moniker to Old School:evil
I don't think Roush, Hotchkis, and a KB is old school.:D

01-04-2006, 09:15 PM
I don't think Roush, Hotchkis, and a KB is old school.:D

I was gigging you on running a chip... even I dont have some of that stuff..

01-05-2006, 11:47 PM
more info from CES


01-14-2006, 12:44 AM
another plus is Skinamax in HD..:evil :evil

01-14-2006, 01:53 PM
added channel lineup pdf

03-01-2006, 01:24 AM
FINALLY came available for me today, install date is 3/7.

SO pumped! Cant wait to ditch ComCrap. :banana:

03-02-2006, 12:17 PM
I've been really happy with my DirectTV, but hearing the news that they are going away from TiVo is really pissing me off. I hate cable, so I guess eventually I'll be using DVR w/ Verizon FIOS. You still liking the service Doug?

03-02-2006, 12:50 PM
I've been really happy with my DirectTV, but hearing the news that they are going away from TiVo is really pissing me off. I hate cable, so I guess eventually I'll be using DVR w/ Verizon FIOS. You still liking the service Doug?

I'm no fan of Comcast, but they are supposed to have a Tivo-integrated set top box available late 2006.

03-02-2006, 04:39 PM
I'm no fan of Comcast, but they are supposed to have a Tivo-integrated set top box available late 2006.

Yep. If you want TiVo you'll pretty much have to use cable. :grrr: I guess I still chose DVR over cable. :hammer:

03-02-2006, 06:34 PM
FINALLY came available for me today, install date is 3/7.

SO pumped! Cant wait to ditch ComCrap. :banana:

Sounds good

03-03-2006, 01:11 PM
I've been really happy with my DirectTV, but hearing the news that they are going away from TiVo is really pissing me off. I hate cable, so I guess eventually I'll be using DVR w/ Verizon FIOS. You still liking the service Doug?

what are you saying here? I have DirectTV.. are they getting rid of all DVR service?

Tex Arcana
03-03-2006, 02:01 PM
Yep. If you want TiVo you'll pretty much have to use cable. :grrr: I guess I still chose DVR over cable. :hammer:
Dish provides single- and dual-tuner DVRs, that work quite nicely. :tu:

03-03-2006, 02:08 PM
Dish provides single- and dual-tuner DVRs, that work quite nicely. :tu:

As long as you dont mind paying ~$400 - $800 per reciver every couple years PLUS $10 a month per reciever for the DVR guide


Tex Arcana
03-03-2006, 02:34 PM
As long as you dont mind paying ~$400 - $800 per reciver every couple years PLUS $10 a month per reciever for the DVR guide


IIRC, I only ponied up $50 for our dual-tuner receiver, as part of the installation package; it runs 2 tvs, has over 100 hours record time, and with the new dish doesn't lose signal in storms. :tu: For those of use outside the FIOS networks, it's a decent alternative.

03-03-2006, 02:57 PM
what are you saying here? I have DirectTV.. are they getting rid of all DVR service?

Nope, that's not what I'm saying. TiVo is the original DVR/PVR/whatever you want to call it. TiVo IMHO is WAY better then all the knock-off DVRs. I prefer TiVo even though it and all the other DVRs "supposedly" do the same thing. Up to this point, Direct TV has had an agreement with TiVo (a seperate entity) to use them. Now they think they can grab more money by basically making their own DVR and dropping TiVo. I, for one, will leave DirectTV over this because them supporting TiVo was one of the things I loved. :flaming:

To sum up, if you have DTV's DVR you won't be affected. If you have an actual TiVo box ... you won't be able to upgrade it in the future.

03-09-2006, 06:37 PM
Info on Verizon FIOS costs per home

In 2005, Verizon spent about $1,200 per home to connect customers to its fiber network, Verizon President Lawrence Babbio told investors at a conference in New York in January. This was in addition to the $1,400 per home the company spent digging up neighborhood streets and stringing fiber on telephone poles.
Verizon hopes to reduce these costs significantly in 2006. Specifically, it plans to cut the cost of laying new fiber in neighborhoods to $890 per home and reduce the cost of home installation to $715 per home, Babbio said.

03-09-2006, 06:38 PM
IIRC, I only ponied up $50 for our dual-tuner receiver, as part of the installation package; it runs 2 tvs, has over 100 hours record time, and with the new dish doesn't lose signal in storms. :tu: For those of use outside the FIOS networks, it's a decent alternative.

You were either a NEW customer or you are leasing the box

There is no new dish that wont lose signal in storms - they didnt change the way radio wave are transmitted

and they still dont have record by name in the DVRs yet

Tex Arcana
03-10-2006, 01:10 PM
You were either a NEW customer or you are leasing the box

There is no new dish that wont lose signal in storms - they didnt change the way radio wave are transmitted

and they still dont have record by name in the DVRs yet

When I got my first box, it cost me $99 to upgrade as an existing customer; and here, yes, I did pose as a new customer, so I could get this thing attached to the SBC phone bill, and I got the "new customer" deal.

As for the signal loss: they *can* change either the output power of the satellite, or enlarge the dish so that it can "see" a better signal. I haven't lost signal due to a storm since we've lived here.

DVR "record by name": I have no earthly idea what that is. My setup works, that's all I care about. :tu:

03-10-2006, 07:20 PM
Nope, that's not what I'm saying. TiVo is the original DVR/PVR/whatever you want to call it. TiVo IMHO is WAY better then all the knock-off DVRs. I prefer TiVo even though it and all the other DVRs "supposedly" do the same thing. Up to this point, Direct TV has had an agreement with TiVo (a seperate entity) to use them. Now they think they can grab more money by basically making their own DVR and dropping TiVo. I, for one, will leave DirectTV over this because them supporting TiVo was one of the things I loved. :flaming:

To sum up, if you have DTV's DVR you won't be affected. If you have an actual TiVo box ... you won't be able to upgrade it in the future.

Dang it.. I have tivo dvr's that I bought when I got DirectTv.. one is a HD unit for the living room.. the other is the one that you got when you signed up, its in the bedroom.. I too like the service.. but I got DTV for the NFL package and stayed on because I dislike the cable service here so much..


03-11-2006, 10:01 AM
When I got my first box, it cost me $99 to upgrade as an existing customer; and here, yes, I did pose as a new customer, so I could get this thing attached to the SBC phone bill, and I got the "new customer" deal.

As for the signal loss: they *can* change either the output power of the satellite, or enlarge the dish so that it can "see" a better signal. I haven't lost signal due to a storm since we've lived here.

DVR "record by name": I have no earthly idea what that is. My setup works, that's all I care about. :tu:

They are NOT goiong to "turn up" the satellite - As far as I know the only Dish they have is the dish 500 - I havent seen a BIGGER dish. Dish 500 has been around for years

The record by name means that lets say you want to record the entire season of 2Guys garage on Speed. But SPeed is famous for moving things around - Its not that tough to be able to tell the DVR that you want to record 2 guys garage ANYtime it comes on as long as its a NEW episode. Well the Dish recievers were supposed to do the NAME record part 3 years ago and still cant and they are light years away from being able to record ONLY new versions


Tex Arcana
03-11-2006, 10:41 PM
They are NOT goiong to "turn up" the satellite - As far as I know the only Dish they have is the dish 500 - I havent seen a BIGGER dish. Dish 500 has been around for years

The record by name means that lets say you want to record the entire season of 2Guys garage on Speed. But SPeed is famous for moving things around - Its not that tough to be able to tell the DVR that you want to record 2 guys garage ANYtime it comes on as long as its a NEW episode. Well the Dish recievers were supposed to do the NAME record part 3 years ago and still cant and they are light years away from being able to record ONLY new versions


This dish is physically larger than the last one, and I was told that it's loss of signal was greatly reduced--which is proven.

And I *have* "record-by-name", because I have EXACTLY those options for my recordings.

06-09-2006, 03:09 PM
Fios update


Multiroom dvr and other cool stuff on the way


06-09-2006, 05:40 PM
Funny enough ...I just put in an order for FIOS today. They won't be able to get out until the 22nd though to install. :(

06-10-2006, 07:59 AM
I got a new receiver a couple of years ago when I got my HDTV, and the cost was pretty small. Definately not in the $400-800 range and they knew I wasn't a new customer. I was however, a long time customer so maybe that's why I got a break.

They also put in a new dish at the time. I had the original round one that I first got back in 99. They replaced it with a more elliptical one, but it doesn't appear to be any bigger.

In regard to rain and radio waves, they do turn up the signal on the uplink to get the signal to the satellite when there's heavy rain at the uplink facility. It's an automatic process. They do not turn up the signal coming from the satellite and any major rainstorm is going to cause a loss of signal, no matter how big your dish is.