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12-08-2005, 09:51 AM
When down on Canal St. the looters dey came

The po-lice had seen dem and called dem by name

STOP! Melvin, Shaneekwa, Chantel and Joe Brown

Leroy and Rickita, put dem shoes down.

Da baskets dey loaded as fast as dey could

While big screens was rollin on back to da hood

Shoes, electronics, fur coats and rings.

All de essential survival things.

From de east and de west da levees seperated

An da peoples had wished dey evacuated.

Da water poured in like Dixie beer foam

And da hood emptied in to da Superdome.

Dey crapped an dey pillaged an da Dome went to hell

It'll take 10 years to get rid of da smell.

But it's not like cleaning da dome affects us

Since dem Saints is gone to San Antonio, Texas.

Soon after Arron Broussard clearly started to drink

An Kathleen Blanco needed her time to think,

Da forces finally came to help out da cops

Wit dere M-16's up on da roof tops.

Dey were poppin da ganstas like da hooka's pop gum

An tossin dem into the river like chum.

St. Gabriel was not dere eternal slumber.

An dey never made da body count number.

No longer to walk among civilization,

Dey now a part of coastal restoration.

So When ya open up oysters, instead of pearls

You'll find little gold teeth and Geri curls.

An da ones dat was bussed to other states

An places where da Red Cross facilitates

Are waitin around for dere FEMA checks

An demandin everything else dey expects.

You can call em moochas. You can call em no good.

But dey ain't comin back to your neighborhood.

To all you evacuees and your plight

Hope you like TEXAS...

An to all a good night.