View Full Version : Anyone experienced with ticket lawyers come inside!
George G.
12-09-2005, 04:42 PM
OK, here's the deal.
Ticket #1
3-18-05, Court date is July 7, 05. Show up and get 180 days probation to not commit any offense during that time and have 60 days to pay the fine.
I forget about it and show up on the 62nd day to pay, ask the clerk if this will still count on my insurance but she doesn't know, I have to talk to the judge.
Next court date is Feb 6, 06 just to tell the judge that I showed up 2 days late but the clerk didn't know if it would stay off my record. And also to pay the fine.
Ticket #2
Today! 12-9-05, court date not set yet.
Here's the tricky part, Since this ticket is less that 180 days from my probation date of July 7, will both count on my record?
Does anyone have a good traffic lawyer? If they put White as the race on this new ticket, can I get it dismissed?
12-09-2005, 04:53 PM
Where did you get these tickets? I know in arlington it took 21 months to get to my first pre-trial. At that time I opted for the defered which meant I had to stay clean for 90 days...So I really had to stay clean for 24 months...
I used Jim Lollar for my attorney. They told me that I don't have to worry about it too much if I get another ticket during the 90 days because Arlington never actually checks that. That didn't make me feel real comfortable, but if it's the lawyer telling me that there's probably some truth to it. Let a lawyer take care of it for you for $40. They might still recommend that you defer it but they can usually get the fine reduced (at least enough to cover their fee)and the probation reduced, and they keep track of it all for you. It's one less court appearance you have to make, and they will fight it for you if you decide that you want to.
George G.
12-09-2005, 05:01 PM
They were both in Dallas County. One off Loop 12 and the other off some long bridge that takes you to Northwest Hwy across the Trinity River, kinda near Love Field.
12-09-2005, 05:04 PM
I used Jim Lollar for my attorney, he got me out of a street racing ticket.
If you were on the ticket probation(defered) for the first ticket just do defensive driving for the second tick and you will be fine.
IVe been on probation and had to do defensive driving in dalworthington gardens, pantego, arlington, and kennedale all with in a few months.. Man that was a bad 6 months.
12-09-2005, 05:34 PM
My next door neighbor got a ticket in Dallas and was put on 180 day probation and got a second ticket less than a month later. He lost his license for 90 days. His situation may have been different than your's
but it seems to me that the Dallas courts do not screw around. An attorney sounds like the right course of action.
12-14-2005, 09:26 AM
FYI, we practice in dallas county, and ALL deffered tickets get 180 days. And any other ticket in the state of texas counts against it.
HOWEVER, THERE IS A SECRET TO BEATING THIS. If you are on probation/deffered adjudication for a ticket, and you get another one. The date that matters is the conviction date, not the issued date. So just appear at the court house and tell the clerk that you are going to represent yourself and dispute the ticket. And please give me an extension to prepare my case. And then try to get is as far out as you can. If its past the expiration date for the other ticket, then you are golden. If its not, repeat the process till it is. I know people that have been granted like 3 years worth of extensions.
12-14-2005, 10:21 AM
i have always had good luck with james mallory, i got a 100mph in a 60 and illegal window equipment(tint too dark) and he got the 100mph dropped if i agreed to pay the tint ticket, that was with the a state trooper too
12-14-2005, 10:50 AM
FYI, we practice in dallas county, and ALL deffered tickets get 180 days. And any other ticket in the state of texas counts against it. ...
The way the court offices have explained it to me is that the probation only counts toward the jurisdiction that you got the ticket. So if it was a dallas police officer and you go to city court you can't get another ticket in the city, if it were the Sheriff and go to the county court it's the county and If you get a ticket from a state trooper I'm not sure how that works, it may be the whole state in that case depending on the physical location where he gave you ticket.
That is good info on the postponement. That makes sense though and is a little bit more fair, because I was a little frustrated that it took the city almost two years to get to my pre-trial then they put me on probation starting that day for 90 days after going all that time without a ticket.
12-14-2005, 10:54 AM
The way the court offices have explained it to me is that the probation only counts toward the jurisdiction that you got the ticket. So if it was a dallas police officer and you go to city court you can't get another ticket in the city, if it were the Sheriff and go to the county court it's the county and If you get a ticket from a state trooper I'm not sure how that works, it may be the whole state in that case depending on the physical location where he gave you ticket.
That is correct for every county in texas except for Dallas county.
12-14-2005, 10:54 AM
seems like i was told one time that if a particular city or county gives you differed and it stays off your record that keeps them from having to send money to the state because the state never actuall finds out about it, so its actually to there advantage to keep them off your record, i maybe wrong but thats what i was told
12-15-2005, 12:27 AM
FYI, we practice in dallas county, and ALL deffered tickets get 180 days. And any other ticket in the state of texas counts against it.
HOWEVER, THERE IS A SECRET TO BEATING THIS. If you are on probation/deffered adjudication for a ticket, and you get another one. The date that matters is the conviction date, not the issued date. So just appear at the court house and tell the clerk that you are going to represent yourself and dispute the ticket. And please give me an extension to prepare my case. And then try to get is as far out as you can. If its past the expiration date for the other ticket, then you are golden. If its not, repeat the process till it is. I know people that have been granted like 3 years worth of extensions.
You actually don't even have to say you're defending yourself. Just set up a random court date and then go and re-schedule it before the date gets there. Also the backlog in Dallas right now is ~6 months for a court date, at least it was for me.
12-15-2005, 03:50 AM
I pulled Def. Adj. on both by Roanoke/The Colony tkts and all was good, all told.
You stated race and "white" in one of your earlier posts, one of the guys in the office, bearded Islamic MicroSoft Consultant that rolls out his mat and prays/etc. each day around 3pm.
5-0 nailed him with a $300+ speeding tkt. for 60~mph/40mph with his kids in the back.
He and others have stated that LEOs are enforcing a "Zero Tolerance" policy around the holidays for speeding, etc.
Martin J. Rubin handled my speeding infractions.
Good luck! I've feel your pain.
George G.
12-15-2005, 09:28 AM
Thanks for all the feedback. Andrew, what exactly do you practice? Are you a traffic lawyer?
So since I was convicted on July 7, 05 for the first ticket, as long as my COURT DATE for the second is after the 180 days, I'm in the clear?
My other concern is that I haven't paid the first ticket yet. I showed up after the 60 day pay period to pay and asked if it would still stay off my record but the cashier didn't know. So on my paper work(1st ticket) it says that if I didn't comply with all conditions, my next court date to explain myself is Feb 6, 06 (which the main reason for me is to ask if it will stay off my record and pay the piper). So was the 180 day thrown out the window since I didn't pay on time?
12-15-2005, 09:38 AM
No, we dont do traffic tickets. (other than our own :) ). Not enought money in it. Our primary practice is aviation law. We all fly (I'm not a pilot yet, but getting close). We rep alot of pilots being attacked by the powers that be (FAA). But we also do alot of civil cases, and we have a couple of federal whitecollar crime cases as well. No violent killers or anything.
And yes, you are correct, if your court date for #2 is after the expiration date for #1, you are free and clear. However, you seriously need to get the fine paid. Last time I checked you WILL be bumped from your probationary period if you fail to pay. They should have given you a 3 page packet with your dates on it as well as the judges stamp. Find that and look over it. Its important. The court system has ZERO mercy for screwups on your part. But your advantage is that they are usually backloged with work. If you are only a week or two overdue, you probablly can still get in before they pull your file.
Oh, and ticket lawyers are all the same. Just get a $75 one. All they do is get you deffered without you having to do anything.
12-15-2005, 09:53 AM
Thanks for all the feedback. Andrew, what exactly do you practice? Are you a traffic lawyer?
Andrew is not a Lawyer - At least not yet - Too young to have finished law school and passed the bar.
No, we dont do traffic tickets. (other than our own :) ). Not enought money in it. Our primary practice is aviation law. We all fly (I'm not a pilot yet, but getting close).
Who is "We " ??
12-15-2005, 10:11 AM
NO WAY am I ever becoming a lawyer. I hate it. I only took the job because they needed a new IT director and were willing to pay big bucks for it. I do computer work. However, quite unfortunately for me, our systems have very little problems (mostly due in part to my careful maintenance :) ) So, I have alot of free time. So I get stuck doing legal work. Thats where the "We" comes from doug, our Firm. (Unless you were refering to the "We all fly" quote. In which the We would be me, the attorneys, and the owner's son. ) Mostly looking up things and using internet resources and databases. Sometimes preparing documents for trial. I absoutely HATE legal work. I despise it. I didnt realize I was going to have to do any when I took an IT position. Call me naive for thinking I wouldent have to do legal work in a law firm......:o
Oh, and as a side note, I know 4 people younger than me that have passed the BAR. But thats just stupid. I perfer to enjoy my youth.
George G.
12-15-2005, 01:27 PM
Alright, I'll get it paid next week. Not sure what'll happen since the 60 day pay period ended roughly September 7, but I'll pay it next week.
Oh, and ticket lawyers are all the same. Just get a $75 one. All they do is get you deffered without you having to do anything.
I thought they had some tricks up their sleeve to get it dismissed and stuff. Not that that's my goal right now, my main concern is to keep it off my record, paying as little as possible would be second.
12-15-2005, 01:36 PM
If they put White as the race on this new ticket, can I get it dismissed?
That's a good one. Gives a whole new twist to racial profiling. :cool:
12-15-2005, 04:46 PM
Did you just say you know 4 people that have passed the bar exam that are younger than you????
Your 22...right?
My mom is a retired attorney. My son is 21 and won't be in actual law school until mid year next year. He has taken 21 hours per semester since the first semester of school after graduating high school at 18. He has not failed any corses, so all of his count towards his 4.0 GPA. I don't see how anyone could have passed a bar exam by the time they are 22.
Those must be 4 very special where just kidding
David N
12-16-2005, 09:46 AM
Did you just say you know 4 people that have passed the bar exam that are younger than you????
Your 22...right?
My mom is a retired attorney. My son is 21 and won't be in actual law school until mid year next year. He has taken 21 hours per semester since the first semester of school after graduating high school at 18. He has not failed any corses, so all of his count towards his 4.0 GPA. I don't see how anyone could have passed a bar exam by the time they are 22.
Those must be 4 very special where just kidding
OR they got out of high school at
12-16-2005, 09:49 AM
Yep, I have a few friends that graduated HS in 3 years, and college in 2. Which I think is stupid..:hammer: Its amazing what you can do with transfer credit.
12-16-2005, 01:11 PM
Yep, I have a few friends that graduated HS in 3 years, and college in 2. Which I think is stupid..:hammer: Its amazing what you can do with transfer credit.
Sorry Andrew....I have to give you the flag.
I'll give you one last chance to say you where just kidding around...:d .
As a side retired attorney mom thinks you should be careful about elluding to being an attorney. I mean...from a legal perspective and all..;) .
12-16-2005, 01:30 PM
Oh daddyrocks, now why would I make up something dumb like that? Really. You know me better than that. Now, I might say I was only running a 50 shot when I actually had a 150... But thats a different ball game. :) You have to take into consideration that I go to UTD. Where 40% of the students are foreign on education visas. Mostly asian and indian, whose sole purpose is to complete their education as fast as possible so they can get a job and send money to their poor families back home.
And I didnt realize people were under the impression that I was an attorney. I forgot only the old-timers know me. Folks, I am a 22yr old IT professional that works at a law firm. I am not an attorney, NOR am I qualified to give you legal advice.
I only posted in this thread because a fellow Talon member requested "Anyone experienced with ticket lawyers come inside". Since I met those criteria I decided to assist with my input. However, I dont mislead anyone so I will refrain from giving input regarding legal situations in the future.:tu:
Andrew :beer:
12-16-2005, 02:04 PM
Oh daddyrocks, now why would I make up something dumb like that? Really. You know me better than that. Now, I might say I was only running a 50 shot when I actually had a 150... But thats a different ball game. :) You have to take into consideration that I go to UTD. Where 40% of the students are foreign on education visas. Mostly asian and indian, whose sole purpose is to complete their education as fast as possible so they can get a job and send money to their poor families back home.
And I didnt realize people were under the impression that I was an attorney. I forgot only the old-timers know me. Folks, I am a 22yr old IT professional that works at a law firm. I am not an attorney, NOR am I qualified to give you legal advice.
I only posted in this thread because a fellow Talon member requested "Anyone experienced with ticket lawyers come inside". Since I met those criteria I decided to assist with my input. However, I dont mislead anyone so I will refrain from giving input regarding legal situations in the future.:tu:
Andrew :beer:
Ohhhh....why didn't you say so earlier. Hindu attorney's. That's a different story. All they have to know is if the offense calls for the removal of a hand...or a foot.
I'm just yankin your chain Andrew. You haven't been around much until recently and I was concerned you would think I didn't notice your presence...:D .
Rocks:D :beer: :D
12-16-2005, 02:13 PM
Oh, I knew that. You know I like a good chain yankin. And I will be arround more these days. I've got alot of free time behind a desk now, so my presence should rise. I will try and stay in the diesel thread since I dont have a L anymore.:(
12-17-2005, 12:46 AM
Good to have you back. I wish I'd never pursued the law-school route all those years - IT has proven much more lucrative. Hind-sight's always 20/20, I suppose.:cool:
FWIW, I did a quick-search of my voted Most-Likely-To-Succeed female-counterpart in HS. She's Director of one of the leading law-firms in OK.
It CAN be done, Uncle Rocks. She was #1 in her graduating class at OU Law-School.
I'm proud of my HS "nemesis".:tu: But, I was The Class-President.:evil
12-17-2005, 01:48 AM
Good to have you back. I wish I'd never pursued the law-school route all those years - IT has proven much more lucrative. Hind-sight's always 20/20, I suppose.:cool:
FWIW, I did a quick-search of my voted Most-Likely-To-Succeed female-counterpart in HS. She's Director of one of the leading law-firms in OK.
It CAN be done, Uncle Rocks. She was #1 in her graduating class at OU Law-School.
I'm proud of my HS "nemesis".:tu: But, I was The Class-President.:evil
Could you possibly be more full of sh!t????
12-17-2005, 02:01 AM
No. Believe it or not. :cool:
Could you possibly be more full of sh!t????
12-17-2005, 02:18 AM
Here ya go :ron: , just to show you we all know how to Google up info.
From the University of Oklahoma School of Law. Ranked 65th in law schools.
Requirements for Admission
To be eligible for admission, an applicant must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university prior to registration.
Figure 3 years if a person really hits it hard.
Programs of Study
Juris Doctor (J.D.): The College of Law offers the Juris Doctor degree. This program is a broad-based three-year curriculum. First-year students are required to follow a prescribed curriculum, however once students are in the second and third year, there are many opportunities to take elective courses. A number of areas of concentration have been developed from which the students may choose courses in their area of special interest. These are business practice; civil litigation; energy-natural resources, and environmental law, commercial and consumer law, international law; and tax law.
That adds up to 6 years....minimum. Let's say your friend is some kind of genious. Which if she was, I doubt she would waste time going to a school ranked number 65, but let's just say she was a genious with low aspirations.
If she graduated at 16 years old, she would still have to be 22 before she even finished school. Now she has to study and pass the bar.
I'll be damned if I believe anyone you know graduated from High School at 16, but again...let's just say she did. She still didn't pass the bar and become an Attorney before she was Andrews age.
Geeze...some of the stuff you post is just out there.
12-17-2005, 02:34 AM
Am I the only one to notice the internet slowing down just after my last post?
:ron: must be Googling his a$$ off. He's bogging down the whole damned net....:rll: .
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