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View Full Version : WAS - Well I Finally Did It! - Now - Trying to Understand Ronald

12-16-2005, 11:30 AM
Well after so many months of thinking, i finally did it yesterday.....I ENLISTED IN THE ARMY!:tu: I will probably deploy in about 2 months or so after I take the ASVAB and learn all the basics before I leave for basic training. I signed for 3 years including 9 weeks for basic training and my dental school in San Antonio which is 36 weeks! One thing that hurt me was that i told my mom and she went ape s**t! :flaming: I have never seen her this mad but then she told me that she is mostly worried and alittle mad! Well wish me luck and if there is anything that you guys would like to add then im all ears! :tu:
I really dont know any of you guys but i thought i would like to share since i know that this is a big step in my life! In the meantime while im here i would like start going to gatherings and get to know most of you so if there is meet or something......im in!

Thanks, Luis

12-16-2005, 06:14 PM

Thank-you for your service to our country - and other TALON members' contributions. God-Bless.:tu::bows

Don't feel too bad, I waited a week (temporarily in OH./IL. on work) before I told the parents (in OK.) I bought the L. :flaming:. They figured if it will do 140, I'll do it and meet my demise.:rolleyes:

Mom/Dad didn't speak to me for over a week via cell. :evil Now, Dad's driven the L. to 80+ and Mom's asking to drive the L.:tu:

In what capacity are you serving, Luis? I understand you soldiers have WiFi even in Iraq.

Is this correct?


12-17-2005, 12:32 PM

Thank-you for your service to our country - and other TALON members' contributions. God-Bless.:tu::bows

Don't feel too bad, I waited a week (temporarily in OH./IL. on work) before I told the parents (in OK.) I bought the L. :flaming:. They figured if it will do 140, I'll do it and meet my demise.:rolleyes:

Mom/Dad didn't speak to me for over a week via cell. :evil Now, Dad's driven the L. to 80+ and Mom's asking to drive the L.:tu:

In what capacity are you serving, Luis? I understand you soldiers have WiFi even in Iraq.

Is this correct?



Im confused how in your reality there is a connection between joining the service and Buying a Car or driving it fast...


12-17-2005, 12:42 PM

Im confused how in your reality there is a connection between joining the service and Buying a Car or driving it fast...



12-17-2005, 03:11 PM

I was just mentioning that I had a similar personal experience in making a big-decision that the parents DID NOT like at all and in time, came to respect their kid's decision. That's all.


Check out some of my Iraqi war .mpgs on here, if you want. Crazy stuff!:eek2:

You might also search around on here for long-term storage info. for the L. You might also PM dboat on here.



Im confused how in your reality there is a connection between joining the service and Buying a Car or driving it fast...


12-17-2005, 04:06 PM

I was just mentioning that I had a similar personal experience in making a big-decision that the parents DID NOT like at all and in time, came to respect their kid's decision. That's all.


The point is that there is NO comparison between your so called big decision and his. Yours involves risking your credit rating for your ego - his involves risking his life for his country.

Do you see the difference ?
probobly not - Ill need to come up with a "rediculous ronaldism" gif

Thats the whole point of the ronaldism.... You just dont get how far afield your comparisons go

12-17-2005, 04:07 PM
You might also search around on here for long-term storage info. for the L. You might also PM dboat on here.


Sure, but I dont do any long term storage with mine.. just a few months is all. I get out there and start it every now and then.. let her warm up and shut it back down.. OH, I do have it hooked up to a battery tender to keep the battery going..

12-17-2005, 06:08 PM
Ill need to come up with a "rediculous ronaldism" gif:tu:

12-17-2005, 06:50 PM

Yes, I realize there is huge difference between the two.:rolleyes: My only point is that I upset my parents with a decision I made, which, they later came to accept and learn-to-live-with. Hopefully, Luis' mother will do likewise.:)

I certainly understand there is a night-and-day difference between mine and Luis' actions/decisions. My only point was that I hope his mother learns to accept his decision, as mine did.

What I find ridiculous is your seemingly psychic insight into my motivations behind buying the L - and "risking your credit rating for your ego"? :rolleyes:

Whatever. I'm not going to indulge the ego/credit jab, and let Luis' thread go further awry. You're entirely wrong, I can assure you.:cool: That's never been an issue.

Feel free to PM me off-line with any additional comments/exchanges.



The point is that there is NO comparison between your so called big decision and his. Yours involves risking your credit rating for your ego - his involves risking his life for his country.

Do you see the difference ?
probobly not - Ill need to come up with a "rediculous ronaldism" gif

Thats the whole point of the ronaldism.... You just dont get how far afield your comparisons go

Tex Arcana
12-18-2005, 02:01 AM
BWAHAHAHA!!!:rll: The ol' :ron: debate is alive and well on teh TaLoN!!

Luis, congrats for making a decision to do what is right for you. My dad was in the Army Air Corp, my grandad in the army as well, not to mention my jarhead son. So I can appreciate what you're doing and why.

Doug, *I* got Ronald's point, did you hit neutronium density in 1.3 seconds, again?? :tongue:

12-18-2005, 01:16 PM
BWAHAHAHA!!!:rll: The ol' :ron: debate is alive and well on teh TaLoN!!

Luis, congrats for making a decision to do what is right for you. My dad was in the Army Air Corp, my grandad in the army as well, not to mention my jarhead son. So I can appreciate what you're doing and why.

Doug, *I* got Ronald's point, did you hit neutronium density in 1.3 seconds, again?? :tongue:

Tex...there is no debate. Ronald trys to come off as somehow intelligent. But instead, he makes posts that make him look like he missed the little yellow bus one day to many.

To compare his parents being upset over him buying a truck(which is about the most rediculous thing I have ever heard in itself, unless he was 16 when he purchased it), to a guys Mom being worried about him getting killed in the desert by a pizzed off Arab, is just absurd.


12-18-2005, 02:08 PM
Ok, I have read enough, and I cant not post on this one..

I know Ronald to be a pretty decent guy. And I clearly understood what he was trying to say when he made his post about comparing his getting a L to joining the military, in his mothers eyes.. However, I think such a comparison should have stayed on the sideline. That one is just too far of a reach. Its just not a fair comparison, no matter how much you try to justify it.
Besides, we all know that Ronald drives granny and it makes it even more ludicrous. :evil
Luis is going to possibly be putting his life on the line for guys like us, in situations over which he has very little control over what is going around him. Ronald has almost complete control based upon what he decides to do with his right foot and hands.

That is my .02

Ronald or Doug may not feel like I am defending either one of them, but this is the way I see it.


12-18-2005, 09:34 PM

I'm sorry you had to experience this typically-fussy TALON melee.:rolleyes:

Thank-you for your future service in the Iraqi/Afghani theaters.

Be safe, and always respect your Mother!:bows

Uncle Rocks,

Any time you want to compare IQs/University Degrees/etc., you let me know.:cool: Now, who's the window-licker on the short yellow-bus?

Luv ya'.:d


Thanks. It amazes me that so much is lost-in-interpretation over the 'net.:cool:. Tell Kimmie that Ronald, Elaine and Baby Brown said "HI"! :)

I only meant the best for Luis and his safe return to TALON from the Sandbox.


12-18-2005, 09:59 PM
Uncle Rocks,

Any time you want to compare IQs/University Degrees/etc., you let me know.:cool: Now, who's the window-licker on the short yellow-bus?

Luv ya'.:d

That is part of the problem Ronald. I think you really believe you are smarter than everyone else. So you come up with your rediculous bullsh!t stories thinking that folks are looking at you and saying wow. Well folks are saying wow alright. But it's not for the reason you want to believe it is.

Now open your eyes and read that 3 members have just told you your post was silly.


12-18-2005, 10:51 PM
Ok. :rolleyes::cool:

That is part of the problem Ronald. I think you really believe you are smarter than everyone else. So you come up with your rediculous bullsh!t stories thinking that folks are looking at you and saying wow. Well folks are saying wow alright. But it's not for the reason you want to believe it is.

Now open your eyes and read that 3 members have just told you your post was silly.


12-18-2005, 11:30 PM
Uncle Rocks,

Any time you want to compare IQs/University Degrees/etc., you let me know.:cool: Now, who's the window-licker on the short yellow-bus?

Luv ya'.:d


No matter what the degrees and the tests say. If your fellow humans dont see it it, having great scores on tests doesnt help...much

David N
12-19-2005, 12:07 PM
No matter what the degrees and the tests say. If your fellow humans dont see it it, having great scores on tests doesnt help...much

:rll: :rll:

12-19-2005, 12:14 PM
Boy did this thread ever go astray :0fftopic

12-19-2005, 12:37 PM
Boy did this thread ever go astray :0fftopic

It's OK now. Doug changed it to Trying to understand Ronald. This means the conversation can go all over the place and still be on topic. Hell, if you can't think of anything to say, just type up some wild bullsh!t you have read in a book or watched in some movie and act like it was you it happened to. It will still be on topic...:banana: . It's now a :ron: thread, so just go wild. You can even Google up stuff you know nothing about and portray it as your own thinking.

Just think Wes, if it turns out your wrong about something you post, you don't have to admit it. Instead, you can deflect the conversation or even better still, you can pretend that you where misunderstood because your deep intellectual thinking far surpasses the rest of humanity.

Sh1t dude...this could be the best thread ever....knana knana knana .


12-19-2005, 02:47 PM
Thats why I love this board. :)

For the record, if anyone cares, (and you probably dont), I am with Dana. I see *what* Ronald was trying to say, but the two situations are so far seperated it is pretty funny.

12-19-2005, 02:56 PM
lmao...poor Ronald....he gets no love around here :(

This thread is indeed making me LOL :rll:


12-19-2005, 03:39 PM
i really dont know Ronald but...damn i sure feel sorry for him!
i knew that his post was alittle off the topic, but hey give him alittle slack...lol
Ronald, your famous as i can see, nothing against you bro! :tu:

Good Luck on this one :banana: :banana: :banana:

12-19-2005, 03:57 PM
...Ronald, your famous as i can see,...

Check out what pops up when you google "Ronaldism".

12-19-2005, 04:00 PM
WOW! :bows :bows :bows

Ronald, i have to meet you bro!

12-19-2005, 04:40 PM
so this is what the :ron: thing is all about? lol. being a noob i was afraid to ask.

12-19-2005, 04:47 PM
Check out what pops up when you google "Ronaldism".

Thats priceless ....

Ron you are ranked number one !!!!

12-19-2005, 06:29 PM
WOW! :bows :bows :bows

Ronald, i have to meet you bro!

I have known Ronald longer than anyone here:cool: .


Mark #2
12-19-2005, 07:35 PM
Any time you want to compare IQs/University Degrees/etc., you let me know.:cool: Now, who's the window-licker on the short yellow-bus?

Might arm wrestle on the intelligence stuff, have few trophies on the shelf
All this stuff is really better lied about FTF at the WWFB garages.;)

12-19-2005, 08:25 PM
Might arm wrestle on the intelligence stuff, have few trophies on the shelf
All this stuff is really better lied about FTF at the WWFB garages.;)

I know that I am not the sharpest stick in the box and wouldnt even think of taking on Mark#2... unless it has to do with Medical Practice Management.. :evil

Mark #2
12-19-2005, 08:33 PM
I know that I am not the sharpest stick in the box and wouldnt even think of taking on Mark#2... unless it has to do with Medical Practice Management.. :evil

I'll put the SO up on this one she manages a few of these:D

12-19-2005, 08:33 PM
I know that I am not the sharpest stick in the box and wouldnt even think of taking on Mark#2... unless it has to do with Medical Practice Management.. :evil

I went to a Dr. last Friday :ron: .


12-19-2005, 08:39 PM
I went to a Dr. last Friday :ron: .


And I plan to stay at a Holiday Inn Express some day :cool: .

Mark #2
12-19-2005, 08:43 PM
Nice correlations...:beer:

12-19-2005, 08:52 PM
Nice correlations...:beer:

Sorry it took me a minute to answer Mark. I had to Google up correlations. For a minute there I thought you where coming on to me:eek: .

I got it now;) .... Thanks....:bows

Now try to keep it down to single syllable words for me, if you don't mind:D .


12-19-2005, 08:54 PM
I'll put the SO up on this one she manages a few of these:D

Well, over 20 years experience, CMPE, and have over 80 of them now with the idea going around to move it up to over 200... done it in academic, private practice, for profit hospital owned and not for profit hospital owned. Been a reviewer for the certification exam... yada yada yada... done it East West South North..

So bring it on...:evil

Actually, as you probably know, you cant be right in the head and do this for a long time like I have...

12-19-2005, 08:54 PM

This is great ....

Im not smart - people just think I am cause i use big words ....

12-19-2005, 08:56 PM

This is great ....

Im not smart - people just think I am cause i use big words ....

Hey, I used yada yada yada in my prior post.. does that count?

Mark #2
12-19-2005, 09:04 PM

This is great ....

Im not smart - people just think I am cause i use big words ....

Yeah we all are just bored. I'll kept it going.:D

Mark #2
12-19-2005, 09:06 PM
Sorry it took me a minute to answer Mark. I had to Google up correlations. For a minute there I thought you where coming on to me:eek: .

I got it now;) .... Thanks....:bows

Now try to keep it down to single syllable words for me, if you don't mind:D .


LOL...really :rll:

12-19-2005, 09:06 PM
Yep, I am just trying to keep up my post count:postwhore


Mark #2
12-19-2005, 09:09 PM
Well, over 20 years experience, CMPE, and have over 80 of them now with the idea going around to move it up to over 200... done it in academic, private practice, for profit hospital owned and not for profit hospital owned. Been a reviewer for the certification exam... yada yada yada... done it East West South North..

So bring it on...:evil

Actually, as you probably know, you cant be right in the head and do this for a long time like I have...

Nope you can't be, and neither is the SO on many days trying to manage multiple facilities(some will recall some long calls to me at tracks after bad days), but you win on this one I think, but the years are the same.

12-19-2005, 09:10 PM
Hey, I used yada yada yada in my prior post.. does that count?

I was impressed with it Dana. I was more impressed with the use of caps in describing your credentials. I was like WTF is a CMPE. Then I changed my thought to WTFC what a CMPE is.


12-19-2005, 09:18 PM
I was impressed with it Dana. I was more impressed with the use of caps in describing your credentials. I was like WTF is a CMPE. Then I changed my thought to WTFC what a CMPE is.


Hey Rocks, you cared when I paid the bill on the HVAC work... right?:rolleyes:

CMPE.. Certified Medical Practice Executive.. for those inquiring minds

12-19-2005, 10:13 PM
There's no reason to try and bring this thread back on topic, since there obviously isn't one anymore, but since it can be about anything, I'll comment about the original post.

Unlike Dana and Garett, (but like Doug and Ron) I didn't understand what Ronald was trying to say there. Once he explained it, I took it at face value. He said it was about making decisions that Mom and Dad don't agree with and that seemed pretty reasonable.

He didn't say that his decision was on par with the decision Luis was making, and without saying so was made to defend it like it was some kind of whacked out comparison. His response was about making decisions that Mom and Dad don't like, not the desision of buying and L vs joining the Army. At it's basic level, that conversation could have happened over a beer and no one would have thought it was anything special.

Luis - "I joined the Army and Mom and Dad are really PO'd about it."
Ronald - "I remember how mad my parents were at me when I bought the L."

As far as the Ronaldism thing is concerned, it's no surprise that he gets the top hit. It was invented here. When I'm just hanging out with friends, most of the chatter is talk about stuff that people were reminded of by the stories that were told by the guy who just got done talking. I see no problem with that either and I have no idea why so many people try and make such a big deal of it here.



Mark #2
12-19-2005, 10:28 PM
When I'm just hanging out with friends, most of the chatter is talk about stuff that people were reminded of by the stories that were told by the guy who just got done talking.

That is the point, like I have said and may have practiced many times before... first liar loses every time.:D

12-19-2005, 10:52 PM
There's no reason to try and bring this thread back on topic, since there obviously isn't one anymore, but since it can be about anything, I'll comment about the original post.


Actually you are on topic. Doug renamed this selection of posts in honor of :ron: .

12-19-2005, 10:59 PM
As far as the Ronaldism thing is concerned, it's no surprise that he gets the top hit. It was invented here. When I'm just hanging out with friends, most of the chatter is talk about stuff that people were reminded of by the stories that were told by the guy who just got done talking. I see no problem with that either and I have no idea why so many people try and make such a big deal of it here.



Ah, but the differences in a Ronaldism versus a regular story told over a beer are several things:

- relevance to topic at hand
- time it takes to tell a simple story/arrive at your point
- how defensive you get when people pick on you a bit :D


(BTW, if we didn't like :ron: we wouldnt have a :ron: gif. We would told him to piss off a long time ago. ) ;)

12-19-2005, 11:02 PM
Actually you are on topic. Doug renamed this selection of posts in honor of :ron: .

I know. You even quoted me where I said the topic is now about anything. :tongue:

I just chose to make my "anything" about the original topic.

12-19-2005, 11:05 PM

I was just mentioning that I had a similar personal experience in making a big-decision that the parents DID NOT like at all and in time, came to respect their kid's decision. That's all.


Brook.... for me.... comparing the decision to join the army and risk your life for God and Country to making the decision to buy a pickup truck was where it got out of line. Even if I where sitting with a group of friends shooting the sh!t...this would have the appearance of compromising the decision to join the army.

It would be like someone stating that they where being charged with murder and then their buddy says..yeah, I have to go to court for a speeding ticket.


12-19-2005, 11:58 PM
Brook.... for me.... comparing the decision to join the army and risk your life for God and Country to making the decision to buy a pickup truck was where it got out of line. Even if I where sitting with a group of friends shooting the sh!t...this would have the appearance of compromising the decision to join the army.

It would be like someone stating that they where being charged with murder and then their buddy says..yeah, I have to go to court for a speeding ticket.

Sorry, but I just don't see it that way.

You say that Ronald was comparing Luis' decision to join the army to making the decision to buy a pickup truck and it's just not there. The very part you quoted supports what I said where he indicates his comment was about making decisions that make parents mad.

Your analogy doesn't fit because there's only one subject being discussed. The idea of one person equating their crime to another crime.

In this original thread, we are talking about 3 things. The big decision of someone deciding to join the army. The big decision of buying the L (which Ronald clearly indicates is not as big as joining the army when he said)

Yes, I realize there is huge difference between the two.

and lastly, the idea that Ronald, like Luis, had done something in their past to peeve off their parents in a major way.

Ronald doesn't say anywhere, "Luis joining the army is like me buying my truck." What he did say, is that both of them were big decisions and obviously "big" is relative.

I spent almost 8 years in the Marines and I wasn't offended by Ronald's comment in the least.


12-20-2005, 12:11 AM
Damn Brook...that was almost a :ron: ....LOL.


True Blue Aggie
12-20-2005, 12:20 AM

Thank-you for your service to our country - and other TALON members' contributions. God-Bless.:tu::bows

This is the first part of Ronald's statement. It was a great statement, and if this was said alone, would have not caused this mess. Clear, consise, and easily understood by all.

But as always, Ronald has to add to it.....

Don't feel too bad, I waited a week (temporarily in OH./IL. on work) before I told the parents (in OK.) I bought the L. :flaming:. They figured if it will do 140, I'll do it and meet my demise.:rolleyes:

Mom/Dad didn't speak to me for over a week via cell. :evil Now, Dad's driven the L. to 80+ and Mom's asking to drive the L.:tu:

No relevance to the subject, other than Ronald making a "big" decision. This is where Ronald always goes wrong. Always. Most of us are just tired of hearing story after story turned around in some way towards something Ronald did or experienced or knows about. It just gets old.

In what capacity are you serving, Luis? I understand you soldiers have WiFi even in Iraq.

Is this correct?


Original thought back on track....Good questions, with relevance and incouraging further discussion about the decision Luis made to join the service. More posts like this, and there would be less threads like this...

No one doubts Ronald is a good guy and means well, but he just has to tone it down...

12-20-2005, 12:25 AM
Damn Brook...that was almost a :ron: ....LOL.


I'm thinkin Brook has earned his own 'ism whaddaya say

12-20-2005, 12:32 AM
I'm thinkin Brook has earned his own 'ism whaddaya say

I would love to say yes, but I am afraid I may get accused of demeaning the :ron: smiley. Ronald worked very hard to earn that smiley. It just doesn't seem fair to give one to Brook after one inspiring post.


12-20-2005, 12:42 AM
I would love to say yes, but I am afraid I may get accused of demeaning the :ron: smiley. Ronald worked very hard to earn that smiley. It just doesn't seem fair to give one to Brook after one inspiring post.


You are probably right. Try harder Brook.

12-20-2005, 12:49 AM
This is the first part of Ronald's statement. It was a great statement, and if this was said alone, would have not caused this mess. Clear, consise, and easily understood by all.

But as always, Ronald has to add to it.....

No relevance to the subject, other than Ronald making a "big" decision. This is where Ronald always goes wrong. Always. Most of us are just tired of hearing story after story turned around in some way towards something Ronald did or experienced or knows about. It just gets old.

Original thought back on track....Good questions, with relevance and incouraging further discussion about the decision Luis made to join the service. More posts like this, and there would be less threads like this...

No one doubts Ronald is a good guy and means well, but he just has to tone it down...

Wow Michael...I almost missed this. It deserves repeating....:bows .

12-20-2005, 01:05 AM
Damn Brook...that was almost a ....LOL.

Heh. Not even close. I didn't relate any of my similar life experiences in my posts that were relevent (or possibly not).

No relevance to the subject, other than Ronald making a "big" decision. This is where Ronald always goes wrong. Always. Most of us are just tired of hearing story after story turned around in some way towards something Ronald did or experienced or knows about. It just gets old.

I can respect that. I know I haven't been around as long as others have, but I think I've been around as long as Ronald has. I guess his posts and life stories just don't affect me the way it does others here. I have no problems with people's opinions of other people. To each his own. I try to take them individually and it just didn't seem like he was getting a fair shake on this one.

I'm thinkin Brook has earned his own 'ism whaddaya say

Thanks for the vote of confidence Adam, but I agree with Ron on this one.

It just doesn't seem fair to give one to Brook after one inspiring post.

Night all.


12-20-2005, 01:08 AM
I find it interesting to note that neither Luis, Brook, Larry, John (and Moonshine) and others that have read this post - who have and/or will serve our country/state daily weren't at all perturbed/offended by my original comments.:cool:

Nothing but respect.


Thanks for bringing some sense-and-sensibility, coupled with measured military experience, to the TALON-table.:tu:

Acquiring the :ron: was effortless - it's a talent, I suppose.:D I wish I could bottle it and sell it in high-end department-stores.

I shall name it '"Essense of :ron:". I'll update as to our IPO.:d

Maybe some people just need to "Think outside the box"!:rolleyes:

Have a good evening, fellers.


12-20-2005, 01:34 AM
the empty can rattles the most

12-20-2005, 01:53 AM
Darned gimpy hoof! I'm arranging my thoughts and retorts. ;)

12-20-2005, 02:38 AM
Typing with one-hand sucks.

12-20-2005, 02:39 AM
I see Showtime is a Metallica fan - "My Friend of Misery" track to be exact.

Thanks, you'll being hearing from Lars' attorneys very soon.Those suits don't mess around.:rll:

Wrong again, Cup-Cake.:Dhttp://www.ls2.com/forums/images/smilies/lol_hitting.gif


the empty can rattles the most

12-20-2005, 12:44 PM
You guys do realize, Ronald excluded, that you've spent 4 or 5 pages of posts analyzing what Ronald has said. Thats why we have :ron: in the first place. Was what he said really that provacative? Or are you guys just guilty of picking on somebody less fortunate. He can't help being a one armed, gimpy, schizo-cripple. He's probably sitting on his porch, wearing a dress, and yelling at traffic. Let's give poor Ronald a break this fine christmas season.

Tex Arcana
12-20-2005, 06:34 PM
Thats why I love this board. :)

For the record, if anyone cares, (and you probably dont), I am with Dana. I see *what* Ronald was trying to say, but the two situations are so far seperated it is pretty funny.
QFT. Just because Ronald's orbit is a bit more eccentric and somewhat retrograde to the rest of y'alls (mine's definitely retrograde AND fully perpendicular to boot), doesn't mean he doesn't make his point--it's just that it annoys some of y'all becasue of it's tendency to be more confined than y'alls. And you ALL will get over it before your a$$h0l35 grow shut. :tu:

12-20-2005, 06:39 PM
I have personally been taking advantage of the ignore list function in the control panel and have had a quite peaceful and enjoyable week so far. :cool:

Tex Arcana
12-20-2005, 06:46 PM
No matter what the degrees and the tests say. If your fellow humans dont see it it, having great scores on tests doesnt help...much
oh, admit it, you were the guy in school that blew the curve for everybody...

True Blue Aggie
12-20-2005, 06:47 PM
I wish you would let some of the others hear your inner voice Dennis....it made me laugh all day Sunday....:D

Tex Arcana
12-20-2005, 06:49 PM
I have personally been taking advantage of the ignore list function in the control panel and have had a quite peaceful and enjoyable week so far. :cool:
Boring, more like...:d

Mark #2
12-20-2005, 06:51 PM
I have personally been taking advantage of the ignore list function in the control panel and have had a quite peaceful and enjoyable week so far. :cool:

I have had workers here the past few days wrecking out a bathroom: shower pan, and termite damage. So my week really sucks so far... please feel free to post your own :ron: on home repair.

This thread is my stress reliever this week.

Oh...and I am an Army brat and Dad is a Vietnam Veteran and I wasn't allowed to join the service.


12-20-2005, 06:57 PM
QFT. Just because Ronald's orbit is a bit more eccentric and somewhat retrograde to the rest of y'alls (mine's definitely retrograde AND fully perpendicular to boot), doesn't mean he doesn't make his point--it's just that it annoys some of y'all becasue of it's tendency to be more confined than y'alls. And you ALL will get over it before your a$$h0l35 grow shut. :tu:

QFT? Havent heard that one.

OK, I looked it up. Um...so? I didn't try to change my opinion...

Wont argue about anyone's retrogrades, eccentricities, or perpendicularities.

I think the lack of confinement at times is what annoys people, but that's semantics I guess. :cool:

12-20-2005, 07:40 PM
:ron: My mom got really pissed off at me when I told her my girlfriend was pregnant and that we where going to get married. I was so afraid to tell her that I waited until my girlfriend was 3 months along before coming home from Lake Dallas. She wouldn't speak to me for like 20 minutes. My mom has grown to love her , now favorite, granddaughter.....:cool: .:ron:


David N
12-20-2005, 08:03 PM
QFT = QFE for idiots. Devised by those who lack an understanding of the word "Emphasis". Quoted for Emphasis is essentially the same as Quoted for Truth, only it makes sense. If you are quoting something "for truth", you are quoting it for, get this - EMPHASIS.

'QFT' is usually used by children (i.e, under 13) who have clearly not had internet access long enough. Thus it is usually found on forums with something to do with children's games - namely CS, and various MMOs.
"u suck lol get a life!! u r so awseom lololr lmao"

12-20-2005, 08:08 PM
Well, the fact I had to find out what it means on urbandictionary.com may mean something. :tongue:

12-20-2005, 08:37 PM
How does that make you feel? :cool:

:ron: My mom got really pissed off at me when I told her my girlfriend was pregnant and that we where going to get married. I was so afraid to tell her that I waited until my girlfriend was 3 months along before coming home from Lake Dallas. She wouldn't speak to me for like 20 minutes. My mom has grown to love her , now favorite, granddaughter.....:cool: .:ron:


12-20-2005, 08:49 PM
How does that make you feel? ;-)

It was the late 70's....everybody I knew, seemed to be knocking somebody up. Back in the day, you where expected to do the right thing as a male.

Now days doing the right thing means paying for the abortion...

Ahhh...but I digress....

Back on topic...oh yeah what was the topic again?


12-20-2005, 09:05 PM
....Uncle Hyena Humper can be pretty insightful himself. If you’ve ever watched the Lightning Fest DVD it’s hard to imagine but it’s true. He surely has his moments.

12-20-2005, 10:08 PM
I find it interesting to note that neither Luis, Brook, Larry, John (and Moonshine) and others that have read this post - who have and/or will serve our country/state daily weren't at all perturbed/offended by my original comments.:cool:

Nothing but respect.


Thanks for bringing some sense-and-sensibility, coupled with measured military experience, to the TALON-table.:tu:

Acquiring the :ron: was effortless - it's a talent, I suppose.:D I wish I could bottle it and sell it in high-end department-stores.

I shall name it '"Essense of :ron:". I'll update as to our IPO.:d

Maybe some people just need to "Think outside the box"!:rolleyes:

Have a good evening, fellers.


Naw..I wasn't offended. Nothin' to be offended about. I understood the point that Ronald was trying to make. Parents get pissed at the choices we make make. I'm going through a situation now with my son now. He is making choices that I don't much like. Without question the level of commitment between Joining up and buying an L is vast. But I think that Ronald is just trying to say, In his own Ronald way that...We make choices, Our parents don't like it, We suffer the wrath and press on. He just put the L spin on it. No big deal.

12-21-2005, 12:19 AM
. But I think that Ronald is just trying to say, In his own Ronald way that....\

Is that too long to fit on a new smiley ?:ron2:

12-21-2005, 12:28 AM
Not at all, Doug. Size matters.
Is that too long to fit on a new smiley ?:ron2:[/quote]

12-21-2005, 01:42 AM

Thank you for driving-home the point I was trying to beat certain members of TALON over the head with, earlier. :cool:

Sometimes, I think that post-counts and maturity have an inverse relationship around here.;) Myself excluded.:D


Naw..I wasn't offended. Nothin' to be offended about. I understood the point that Ronald was trying to make. Parents get pissed at the choices we make make. I'm going through a situation now with my son now. He is making choices that I don't much like. Without question the level of commitment between Joining up and buying an L is vast. But I think that Ronald is just trying to say, In his own Ronald way that...We make choices, Our parents don't like it, We suffer the wrath and press on. He just put the L spin on it. No big deal.

12-21-2005, 02:50 AM

Thank you for driving-home the point I was trying to beat certain members of TALON over the head with, earlier. :cool:

Sometimes, I think that post-counts and maturity have an inverse relationship around here.;) Myself excluded.:D


You just couldn't leave it alone could you?

Ronald...nobody said they where offended. To say anybody was offended by your dopy ass post would be to give you far more credibility than you deserve.

Your correlation was just plain dopy...get it??? Dopy!!! Not offensive Ronald...DOPY.

Read Michaels post to you. This should clear it up.


12-21-2005, 02:55 AM
P.S. To read a post by the guy who I would vote most likely to spew milk out his nose....talk about maturity....is just funny.


12-21-2005, 03:17 AM
Uncle Rocks, Ph.D.,

"DOPY" is actually spelled "dopey". If you're going to try to insult me on TALON, at least have the common decency to do it with proper grammar, spelling and diction.

I almost refuse to fight a battle of the wits with an unarmed-man - metaphorically speaking, of course. Why don't you read John (Shiner1) and Brook's posts?

You'll get there someday, Rocks.


12-21-2005, 03:22 AM
Hey Rocks, you cared when I paid the bill on the HVAC work... right?:rolleyes:

CMPE.. Certified Medical Practice Executive.. for those inquiring minds

LOL....you thought I missed this didn't you? I care Dana...I just wanted to come up with some initials too...so I could fit in with you and Mark. WTFC was the longest thing I could come up with...:d .

Certified Medical Practice Executive....got it. I would tell you I will remember for the next time...but I would probably be telling a lie.

I need to come up with a fancy title for what I do.


12-21-2005, 03:47 AM
Uncle Rocks, Ph.D.,

"DOPY" is actually spelled "dopey". If you're going to try to insult me on TALON, at least have the common decency to do it with proper grammar, spelling and diction.

I almost refuse to fight a battle of the wits with an unarmed-man - metaphorically speaking, of course. Why don't you read John (Shiner1) and Brook's posts?

You'll get there someday, Rocks.


Here ya go.....you just keep on asking for it :evil


The adjective dopy has one meaning:
Meaning #1 (http://www.answers.com/main/ntquery?method=4&dsid=502&deid=982300542&gwp=8&curtab=502_1): (informal) having or revealing stupidity
Synonyms: anserine (http://www.answers.com/main/ntquery?method=4&dsid=501&dekey=anserine&gwp=8&curtab=501_1), dopey (http://www.answers.com/main/ntquery?method=4&dsid=501&dekey=dopey&gwp=8&curtab=501_1), fool (http://www.answers.com/main/ntquery?method=4&dsid=501&dekey=fool&gwp=8&curtab=501_1), foolish (http://www.answers.com/main/ntquery?method=4&dsid=501&dekey=foolish&gwp=8&curtab=501_1), goosey (http://www.answers.com/main/ntquery?method=4&dsid=501&dekey=goosey&gwp=8&curtab=501_1), goosy (http://www.answers.com/main/ntquery?method=4&dsid=501&dekey=goosy&gwp=8&curtab=501_1), gooselike (http://www.answers.com/main/ntquery?method=4&dsid=501&dekey=gooselike&gwp=8&curtab=501_1)


Adj.1.dopy - having or revealing stupidity; "ridiculous anserine behavior"; "a dopey answer"; "a dopey kid"; "some fool idea about rewriting authors' books"


Adjective: dopy (dopier,dopiest) dowpee

Having or revealing (http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/REVEALING) stupidity (http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/STUPIDITY)
- anserine (http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/ANSERINE), dopey (http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/DOPEY), foolish (http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/FOOLISH), goosey (http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/GOOSEY), goosy (http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/GOOSY), gooselike (http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/GOOSELIKE), jerky (http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/JERKY)Derived forms: dopiest, dopier
See also: stupid (http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/STUPID)

12-21-2005, 03:51 AM
Need I say more......oh great intellectual one???

Oh yeah...I suppose this would apply.


12-21-2005, 03:51 AM
I've got one for your review, Uncle Rocks .... CPITA. "Certified Pain-In-The-Ass." USDA Bonafide!;)

The CPITA is the essence of Uncle Rocks.:D

Luv' ya,


LOL....you thought I missed this didn't you? I care Dana...I just wanted to come up with some initials too...so I could fit in with you and Mark. WTFC was the longest thing I could come up with...:d .

Certified Medical Practice Executive....got it. I would tell you I will remember for the next time...but I would probably be telling a lie.

I need to come up with a fancy title for what I do.


12-21-2005, 03:53 AM
And then we have one of these for you.


12-21-2005, 03:56 AM
Why do you keep digging a deeper hole for yourself, Uncle Rocks?

You're funny.

Need I say more......oh great intellectual one???

Oh yeah...I suppose this would apply.


12-21-2005, 03:59 AM
Thanks For Playing.

12-21-2005, 04:11 AM
What was that you said again? Oh yeah...here it is....:rll:

I almost refuse to fight a battle of the wits with an unarmed-man - metaphorically speaking, of course.

My advice to you Ronald...would be to never underestimate ones opponent :tu: .

You should know this if you have ever played chess ;) .

12-21-2005, 07:34 AM
Ronald...nobody said they where offended. To say anybody was offended by your dopy ass post would be to give you far more credibility than you deserve.


I was actually the one who first mentioned I thought some might be offended from this comment.

comparing the decision to join the army and risk your life for God and Country to making the decision to buy a pickup truck was where it got out of line. Even if I where sitting with a group of friends shooting the sh!t...this would have the appearance of compromising the decision to join the army.

I can see now you only meant, in your opinion, he crossed the line between dopy and not dopey.


True Blue Aggie
12-21-2005, 08:33 AM
I need to come up with a fancy title for what I do.

Your title is O.W.N.E.R. Took decades to earn, and you did it without the help of all that schoolin'....

David N
12-21-2005, 08:48 AM

12-21-2005, 11:57 AM
Your title is O.W.N.E.R. Took decades to earn, and you did it without the help of all that schoolin'....

I like that Michael.....it fit's in many ways..... :D .


12-21-2005, 12:13 PM

I was actually the one who first mentioned I thought some might be offended from this comment.

I can see now you only meant, in your opinion, he crossed the line between dopy and not dopey.



I didn't say "nobody thought someone was offended". What I said was..."nobody said they where offended". My statement is still true.

Jeezus....I try to let it go but NO, they just keep dragging me back in.


12-21-2005, 12:24 PM
No matter what the degrees and the tests say. If your fellow humans dont see it it, having great scores on tests doesnt help...much

One of my favorite quotes from noted author and journalist Malcomb Muggeridge is; "We have educated ourselves into emibicility." I think that may apply here. :cool:

12-21-2005, 02:58 PM
My comments are solely based on what I see here and how I perceive them. I can't always know what people mean when they post.

What you said, in it's entirety was "Ronald...nobody said they where offended."

Where does Ronald say that people were offended? He doesn't.

So I posted that the origination of people saying anything in regard to “being offended” wasn’t from Ronald.

I wasn’t twisting your words around or trying to imply that what you said wasn’t true. It's possible I misunderstood them, but this the internet after all.

12-21-2005, 03:22 PM
My comments are solely based on what I see here and how I perceive them. I can't always know what people mean when they post.

What you said, in it's entirety was "Ronald...nobody said they where offended."

Where does Ronald say that people were offended? He doesn't.

So I posted that the origination of people saying anything in regard to “being offended” wasn’t from Ronald.

I wasn’t twisting your words around or trying to imply that what you said wasn’t true. It's possible I misunderstood them, but this the internet after all.

I find it interesting to note that neither Luis, Brook, Larry, John (and Moonshine) and others that have read this post - who have and/or will serve our country/state daily weren't at all perturbed/offended by my original comments.:cool:

Nothing but respect.


Now Brook.....I never said Ronald claimed anybody was offended. I was clarifying to Ronald that it was NOT about folks being offended.

By the way....did you see the part where :ron: got owned??? :evil


12-21-2005, 03:40 PM
Now Brook.....I never said Ronald claimed anybody was offended. I was clarifying to Ronald that it was NOT about folks being offended.

By the way....did you see the part where :ron: got owned??? :evil


Before we go around in circles about this comment. The reason I wanted to clarify it is because of this series of :ron: 's.

I find it interesting to note that neither Luis, Brook, Larry, John (and Moonshine) and others that have read this post - who have and/or will serve our country/state daily weren't at all perturbed/offended by my original comments.:cool:

Nothing but respect.


Then John makes this post

Naw..I wasn't offended. Nothin' to be offended about. I understood the point that Ronald was trying to make. Parents get pissed at the choices we make make. I'm going through a situation now with my son now. He is making choices that I don't much like. Without question the level of commitment between Joining up and buying an L is vast. But I think that Ronald is just trying to say, In his own Ronald way that...We make choices, Our parents don't like it, We suffer the wrath and press on. He just put the L spin on it. No big deal.

John started his post with Naw..I wasn't offended. Nothin' to be offended about. Making the point of his post about not being offended.

Then Ronald responds with this.


Thank you for driving-home the point I was trying to beat certain members of TALON over the head with, earlier. :cool:

Sometimes, I think that post-counts and maturity have an inverse relationship around here.;) Myself excluded.:D


Ronald once again trys to deflect. I say :Bullshit , oh no you don't.

I hope this clears it up for you Brook. I understand what you mean by things getting lost in the translation on the internet.


12-21-2005, 03:40 PM
I can see that now, but it wasn't clear when you wrote it. At least not to me.

There are a lot of :ron: pictures, posts and comments around. It's hard to know which one you are talking about.

Regardless, whether it's "owned" or not is opinion.

12-21-2005, 03:45 PM
It does clear it up. That wasn't what I was seeing and I could use the same posts you quoted and just bold different sentences and make the conversation look totally different.

As I said, it's all about perception and thanks for helping me understand what yours was.


12-21-2005, 03:48 PM
I can see that now, but it wasn't clear when you wrote it. At least not to me.

There are a lot of :ron: pictures, posts and comments around. It's hard to know which one you are talking about.

Gosh...then I am glad it came up. Others may have been confused. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to explain my post.

Regardless, whether it's "owned" or not is opinion

Hmmm.....nope...no getting around it...he got owned...LOL.


12-21-2005, 04:07 PM
Here's my last post on this. My apologies to all of you popcorn eaters.

I agree with everything you said up there up to the point where you said Ronald was trying to deflect. I agree John's post is about not being offended. That's pretty clear.

Where it changes for me is that the point Ronald is thanking John for helping to drive his point home is where John said "Parents get pissed at the choices we make make."
That's the same point Ronald made with his :ron: way back on page one.

12-21-2005, 04:19 PM
Here's my last post on this. My apologies to all of you popcorn eaters.

I agree with everything you said up there up to the point where you said Ronald was trying to deflect. I agree John's post is about not being offended. That's pretty clear.

Where it changes for me is that the point Ronald is thanking John for helping to drive his point home is where John said "Parents get pissed at the choices we make make."
That's the same point Ronald made with his :ron: way back on page one.

That could be....IF...it where not for the fact that Shiners post was not in response to Ronalds post way back on page one. Shiner responded to Ronalds post where ronald said he finds it interesting that blah blah and blah were not offended.

These posts are not typically just random sentences making invidual statements.

The first line is usually the position...the remainder explains that position.

But like I said....this time...every response was a response to an offended post.


12-21-2005, 04:25 PM
I will admit Brook, the internet has a way of making these kind of debates multidimensional.

12-21-2005, 05:44 PM

12-21-2005, 05:45 PM
:ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2:

12-21-2005, 05:59 PM
:ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2: :ron2:

Yep....we seem to have a need for a second Ronald smiley. On the surface, it appears that Doug is showing favortism towards Ronald. We only need to look at the whole situation to know how much it is needed.

Congratulations Ronald...you have done it again.


Mark #2
12-21-2005, 07:42 PM
You just couldn't leave it alone could you?

Your correlation was just plain.............


I taught Rocks a new word and he used it in a sentence.:d

12-21-2005, 07:47 PM
I taught Rocks a new word and he used it in a sentence.:d

LOL :tu:

12-21-2005, 08:01 PM
I taught Rocks a new word and he used it in a sentence.:d

:D :D :D

12-21-2005, 08:05 PM
I will admit Brook, the internet has a way of making these kind of debates multidimensional.

Mark....did you notice I used a big word in this post too? :D

Mark #2
12-21-2005, 08:21 PM
Mark....did you notice I used a big word in this post too? :D

Yes I did, 6 syllables.:eek:

Since this thread is random now, with my aid of course.
I don't think I can drink enough beer to deal with the stress I have been experiencing this week.

House all torn up, Acura dealer 60K service, inspections on 2 vehicles, tire dealers to pass inspections, work 24x7 support, Christmas stuff, etc, etc, etc.

No pity party desired but what a week and it is far from over, haven't lost it yet but it's getting really close.

12-21-2005, 08:27 PM

Since I coined that phrase there should be some kind of initial monetary payment and then a fee for each time it's used. :d

12-21-2005, 08:34 PM
Yes I did, 6 syllables.:eek:

Since this thread is random now, with my aid of course.
I don't think I can drink enough beer to deal with the stress I have been experiencing this week.

House all torn up, Acura dealer 60K service, inspections on 2 vehicles, tire dealers to pass inspections, work 24x7 support, Christmas stuff, etc, etc, etc.

No pity party desired but what a week and it is far from over, haven't lost it yet but it's getting really close.

I have family coming in town Friday. Don't tell me about stress...:eek: .

Since I coined that phrase there should be some kind of initial monetary payment and then a fee for each time it's used. :d

I like the way John thinks....:tu:

12-21-2005, 08:58 PM
I like the way John thinks....:tu:

Rocks, between your avatars and signatures,,, I like the way you think..

:D Dana

True Blue Aggie
12-21-2005, 09:58 PM
Yes I did, 6 syllables.:eek:

Since this thread is random now, with my aid of course.
I don't think I can drink enough beer to deal with the stress I have been experiencing this week.

House all torn up, Acura dealer 60K service, inspections on 2 vehicles, tire dealers to pass inspections, work 24x7 support, Christmas stuff, etc, etc, etc.

No pity party desired but what a week and it is far from over, haven't lost it yet but it's getting really close.

I can cheer you up and bring you your nuts back. Your lug nuts saved the day in Temple.

In all seriousness, if you need some help at the house, I am available after lunch on Friday. Need a ride or something....no big deal.

Mark #2
12-21-2005, 10:25 PM
I can cheer you up and bring you your nuts back. Your lug nuts saved the day in Temple.

In all seriousness, if you need some help at the house, I am available after lunch on Friday. Need a ride or something....no big deal.

Now I'm reminded that I lost my nuts, what a week.:D

Thanks for the offer, I just have to decide to spend Christmas here while I have time off managing workers fixing the house versus going to the in-laws with the SO:confused: Interesting choice.:confused: No upside as far as I can see.

True Blue Aggie
12-21-2005, 10:28 PM
If you stay, would you be opening the WWFB garage? I might have an item or two if Santa was good to me this year....

12-21-2005, 10:38 PM
...and maybe a Bonedaddy's lunch outing. Looks like there might be some good come out of this thread yet. :tu:

12-21-2005, 10:41 PM
Hey Mark, is WWFB open for changing a fuel filter maybe? I am off all next week! :D

Tex Arcana
12-22-2005, 05:05 PM
QFT = QFE for idiots. Devised by those who lack an understanding of the word "Emphasis". Quoted for Emphasis is essentially the same as Quoted for Truth, only it makes sense. If you are quoting something "for truth", you are quoting it for, get this - EMPHASIS.

'QFT' is usually used by children (i.e, under 13) who have clearly not had internet access long enough. Thus it is usually found on forums with something to do with children's games - namely CS, and various MMOs.
"u suck lol get a life!! u r so awseom lololr lmao"

The fall off that horse of yours might be injurious. Not that it matters, unless you're just illuminating your education. Or should that be "emphasizing" your education?

Mark #2
12-22-2005, 07:12 PM
On the WWFB and lunch questions I will reply privately once my plans are finalized.

12-22-2005, 07:50 PM
Well Ill be back in town next fri send me a PM if the bonedaddys trip gets delayed that far

12-23-2005, 03:40 AM
It's always amazing to watch the surface-level psychology and sociology of humans interacting one-on-one, as well as, in groups versus posting over the 'net.:cool:

Well, seeing as how this thread is 'jacked-all-to-hell :tongue:, I might as well add my contribution(s).;)

Sweetie says she can feel Baby kicking-around "in there", on a regular basis.:) I'm wearing my leopard-spotted Santa lid (right now, as a matter of fact) to pass out presents to all the children on Elaine's family in Tulsa/Broken Arrow.

I'm amassing the Ruger M77-Mk.II .300 Win. Mag. and Ruger Mini-14 Ranch SS and bulk SP/FMJ ammo for sale. Both rifles are scoped with 3x9x40 Leupold/Redfield optics. I'll post-up soon with pics and more specifics, as to pricing.

The only reason I'm selling is that I can't endure another seasonal beating from the .300 and I don't varmint to justify the .223. This pinched radial-nerve has my right-arm completely inoperable and numb - like your cheek after a visit to the dentist.:hammer::( I'm like this even a month later.

I'm all about one of the AR-10 HBAR flat-top varieties as whitetail is my game.:tu:

Back on topic, I thought others here had a more well-developed sense of humor and have never taken any of my posts as a personal affront.;)

Merry Christmas TALON,


12-23-2005, 11:37 AM
Ronald.....This thread now belongs to Mark, he jacked it a page or so back....:cool: .

P.S. I am wanting to get the Colt make of the AR-15. I am waiting to find one in the actual military versian...with the exception of the full auto mode(although this would be cool to, but then it would be called an M-16 and I can't afford the bucks for the full auto and stamp). I haven't like any of the assault weapons sense the laws forbidding falsh suppressors, bayonet lugs and so forth. Now that the laws are allowing this again...I want to get one before the socialists democrats get control again and start making laws to protect us from ourselves :rolleyes: .


12-23-2005, 11:43 AM
I'm wearing my leopard-spotted Santa

I had to stop reading right there. :eek:

I'm going to go throw up now. :D


12-23-2005, 11:48 AM
I had to stop reading right there. :eek:

I'm going to go throw up now. :D


Funny I missed that one... I normally would have been all over something that easy to flame.

Good eye Garett, I must be getting tired.


Tex Arcana
12-23-2005, 03:40 PM
I'm wearing my leopard-spotted Santa lid (right now, as a matter of fact) ...

Teh prufs of teh gheyness... :d

12-24-2005, 01:44 AM
Uncle Rocks,

Let's discuss off-line. :cool:


Ronald.....This thread now belongs to Mark, he jacked it a page or so back....:cool: .

P.S. I am wanting to get the Colt make of the AR-15. I am waiting to find one in the actual military versian...with the exception of the full auto mode(although this would be cool to, but then it would be called an M-16 and I can't afford the bucks for the full auto and stamp). I haven't like any of the assault weapons sense the laws forbidding falsh suppressors, bayonet lugs and so forth. Now that the laws are allowing this again...I want to get one before the socialists democrats get control again and start making laws to protect us from ourselves :rolleyes: .
