View Full Version : Track rental - Perhaps Spring race - perhaps Group picture

01-10-2006, 02:09 PM
Texas Motorplex is advertising Track Rentals - The rates havent changed much since last time I checked

Its $3600 for the track for 5 hours including Ambulance, Police and Lights

No lights makes it $3000 Or we can do an "Incentive " Event - we would need to guarantee 100+ paid Tech cards. The pricing changes on that event

Let the discussion begin

Since we couldnt get 100 paid lightning entries to save our lives we should consider going in with another club or 2 to do the incentive plan - I will need to talk with the site to get more details - I think the way it works is they get the $$ from the tech cards ... Need to confirm that

CLUB will be billed for all expenses including, but not limited to:

Its $2500 for the track plus hourly fees for Ambulance, Police, and Lights

10 hours of daylight would be $3500


01-10-2006, 09:32 PM
I posted this over in the group pic thread and figured I would post it up here. We could possibly make up a Lightning/Hemi-SRT-10 shootout out of it. This might grab the attention of a few in Houston and we could possibly pull John Hennessey into it too. Just a thought...I know this is something folks around the country are just waiting for. We can finally play mythbusters....


01-10-2006, 10:28 PM
I'm all in for the Lightning vs. SRT-10 Shootout. Sounds like fun and something I would actually be able to attend. :beer:

Tex Arcana
01-10-2006, 10:42 PM
cost per person?

True Blue Aggie
01-10-2006, 11:17 PM
I would be concerned over the total amount of SRT trucks you could get to come out. Plus we get into if this is a TALON event or a Lightning vs. SRT event.

Tom, I would definitely be there, but I have my reservations about being able to get their support and turnout.....

01-11-2006, 09:27 AM
I would be concerned over the total amount of SRT trucks you could get to come out. Plus we get into if this is a TALON event or a Lightning vs. SRT event.

Tom, I would definitely be there, but I have my reservations about being able to get their support and turnout.....

I agree the SRT crowd may not be very reliable here, but it is something I've been kicking around. Kinda why I also included Hemis as well. I've contacted Hennessey just to see what he thinks.


01-11-2006, 09:37 AM
Risk for having a racing event that requires a whole lot of guaranteed money is very high. See also Lightningfest 2002. See also LightningFest 2005 (when major sponsors pulled out a couple of weeks before the event). SRT-10s would be no-shows. Not much incentive to pay a fee just to get your a$$ kicked. Since most of us have full-time jobs, it would be very difficult for anyone to spend the kind of time required to go big with a racing event. I could help, but we need someone that actually has experience and time to promote an event that would require big money up front. My $.02 :cool:

01-11-2006, 11:00 AM
i know of a few dodge boys from the oklahoma area and i bet i could post up on there forum and get them to show up, they all think they can stomp a mud whole in our lightnings:D

01-11-2006, 11:15 AM
Im in but when would this be, ill be leaving soon and i would really like to be there. Another question, how much per person? Would it only be L's and SRT's, cuz i have buddies on LS2.com that will join in and im pretty sure that they could bring more people!

01-11-2006, 12:47 PM
This thing is getting all out of whack. The original idea was all of us pitching in to pay for the track rental. Short sweet and to the point.

We need 50 people that will pay 70 bucks each. Sorry, but I am not interested in being part of a Dodge event.

Like I said...KISS theory here folks or Dennis is right...this thing is going to get screwed up.

If our club can come up with 50 people this will work...otherwise....forget about it.


01-11-2006, 12:55 PM
One more thing..... I thought this was going to be a plan for the TFC and a pic combined. The idea is to lure other LIGHTNING owners from other areas. Just like we do with the TFC every year.

We lost the Arkansas boys due to our choice of venues last year. They may just go for a one day Ennis event.

L-Fest is a whole different deal. Not fair to compare it to this. Big D is renting a track for 3 days....we are doing nothing different than we do every fall. We are simply wanting to have a track to ourselves. Not a big deal.


01-11-2006, 01:10 PM
cost per person?

If we get 50 folks to belly up to the bar.... 70 bucks each....Not bad considering we tossed 45 bucks each at the last TFC and I got to make 3 passes.


01-11-2006, 01:30 PM
If we get 50 folks to belly up to the bar.... 70 bucks each....Not bad considering we tossed 45 bucks each at the last TFC and I got to make 3 passes.


I'm good for $75 if we get the track for the whole day (may 3-4 hours of test and tune), not just a racing event. The folks that back out at the last minute can back out without it costing everyone else. Collect money in advance and we would be good to go. The commitment usually breaks down when folks have to fork over a little dough in advance. :cool:

01-11-2006, 02:11 PM
IM IN!:tu:

IM COMMITTED TO $70 SO THATS TWO!:banana: knana :banana: knana




01-11-2006, 02:20 PM
We would need to get confirmation and prepay from at least 125 people to consider getting it going -
THing is the track is likely to charge extra for everything from jetdrying the trackl to track prep - I can get more details once Im done with this meeting.
to put it in perspective
As I recall Lfest barely attracted 125 one year

01-11-2006, 02:57 PM
We would need to get confirmation and prepay from at least 125 people to consider getting it going -
THing is the track is likely to charge extra for everything from jetdrying the trackl to track prep - I can get more details once Im done with this meeting.
to put it in perspective
As I recall Lfest barely attracted 125 one year

Based on participation at the TFC over the last 4 years, we can probably expect 20 commitments plus or minus five.

HOWEVER... I promise to get in touch with Thunder Valley if I have to drive over there, and get some idea whether,

1) They are interested
2) They are affordable
3) They are flexible with their schedule
4) They will not penalize us for being from Texas

01-11-2006, 03:50 PM
I agree with Rocks on this. Quite frankly, I'm not interested in opening it up too much (no F-bod/Mustang crowd). Even if you advertised it nationwide, I am not sure you'd get 10-15 SRT trucks. Plus, if you're like me, you'd rather pay a bit more so you can get lots of run in... not pay $20-30 and get 3 passes in and watch all these "slapped together" combos break and oil the track for hours at a time. That's exactly what you'll get if you open the door wide.

It is honestly too bad you couldn't guarantee 100 paid entries, but what about opening it up to more than just TALON? Maybe include the Houston/Austin/S. Antonio area L owners. I don't think we should necessarily count on them as far as raising the $$ up front, though.

It's a tough deal. There's no _one_ or two individuals that need to be sitting there at the end holding the bag, and its quite possible that could happen. Certainly M-plex needs the money long beforehand, too.

01-11-2006, 03:51 PM
Thunder Valley would be a fun track to run at.

Tex Arcana
01-11-2006, 04:24 PM
Egh, in order to get enough participation, I like the idea of inviting some of the closer L-clubs, and hoping some show up, tho paying up front is critical for this working. I dunno if we can get the SRT10 crowd to show, since every one I see is typically running opposite direction (OBVIOUSLY running FROM me!:d).

I'm afraid that we'd still ahve to get some other people involved as well... hey, wait a second: what about that performance truck forum?? Maybe we can get a batch of GM'ers as well.

01-11-2006, 05:58 PM
I have ZERO interest in doing this if it is going to be more than just L's. The whole damn point of renting the track is to have it PRIVATELY. Otherwise, why not just pick another weekend the track is open and do it then.

NO SRT10/Hemi a$$holes....there I said it. Now...like Dennis said...we have to have the commitment and then the CASH...up front. The event still needs to be for the Fall...that is why we call it the Fall Classic.

First things first...we need to find out how many folks would be interested in laying out 75 bucks for a full day at the track.

Now we have a bigger issue... Doug...I am a bit slow on the uptake here, but did you just post that there are more expenses on top of the 3000 bucks? Now we may be getting in way over our heads.

One more remark...I would be willing to go 100 bucks to get the whole darned track to ourselves. If 30 guys kick in 100 bucks each....and then we can get the non-racers to each kick in say 20-25...we may be able to do this still.

It is going to take at least a few weeks to judge the sentiment on this...and of coarse now we need to know just how much the extras are going to cost.


01-11-2006, 06:07 PM
Based on participation at the TFC over the last 4 years, we can probably expect 20 commitments plus or minus five.

Dennis...I tend to lean toward believing this also, but there is one major difference here.

Doing a private rental will have more appeal than just sharing a day at the track with every a-hole that has a car. This past event lost Arkansas because we moved to a track that was further for them to drive.

This private rental idea has a very marketable appeal.

It can be done...we just have to focus on the objective.


01-11-2006, 06:14 PM
We would need to get confirmation and prepay from at least 125 people to consider getting it going -
Thing is the track is likely to charge extra for everything from jet drying the track to track prep - I can get more details once I'm done with this meeting.
to put it in perspective
As I recall Lfest barely attracted 125 one year

I am not sure where you come up with needing 125 people. Maybe if your thinking of folks only paying 35 bucks each, but again....there is no reason to rent a track if we are only wanting to pay 35 bucks each.

The point is to pay extra bucks to have fewer people and have a day of endless passes at our leisure. 125 people just makes it another day at Ennis.


01-11-2006, 07:01 PM
I did not make the TFC at Temple (because of shoulder surgery) after making a pledge to be there:( I will commit for up to $100 in advance to get this moved ahead. I would go a bit more if required and enough others agree to a higher limit. I would only expect a refund if it did not happen. I only work three days a week, so will also volunteer to do grunt work or whatever else is needed.

01-11-2006, 11:38 PM
I would put in $75, and if for some reason its on a day when I can't be there (sorry, but I have both my kids playing ball, I coach both teams, and Saturdays from Mar-Oct are very tough for me), then I'll just be SOL and someone can take my spot.

I guess to be more fair, it would be great if (before you start taking $$...forget "pledges" this time, you need the $$) there was a fairly firm date in mind.

I am thinking along the same lines as Rocks, though. You rent the track for a private GTG. No one is going to pay $50-75-100 so every kid in his F-bod or Mustang can run. And if we're just going to pay 35 or so, then just have a "meet" where everyone shows up as planned on a given day when the track is open. No need to go through the hassle of renting it.

Conceiveably if this was marketed right (and I'm not slamming anyone's skills on this, I'm saying this strictly as a hypothetical) you could walk away with TALON making some money. If its just going to be L's and you want to open it up to Houston, S. Antonio, Austin, Arkansas, Oklahoma, etc, you could have well over 100 trucks. This would be better than any FFW event _ever_, if you're an L owner. :)

Tex Arcana
01-12-2006, 12:17 AM
This isn't normally my cup 'o tea, but under $75 can work for me. And if you can get more L's than our paltry li'l bunch, that would be even beter, obviously. What I can't fathom, tho, is why everyone--especially Rocks--is so dead set against other makes being in on this? Maybe it's 'cuz I live under a rock and am missing something. :(

Either way, I like the way Wes thinks, so where do we go from here?

01-12-2006, 01:40 AM
What I can't fathom, tho, is why everyone--especially Rocks--is so dead set against other makes being in on this? Maybe it's 'cuz I live under a rock and am missing something. :(

Because then it would be just like going to Kennedale every Sunday for those of us that go to the track. We like it when our buddies that we dont see very often, get to go to the track together and don't have to be bothered with everyone asking us if our trucks came with a supercharger etc.

01-12-2006, 09:19 PM
Because then it would be just like going to Kennedale every Sunday for those of us that go to the track. We like it when our buddies that we dont see very often get to go to the track get together and don't have to be bothered with everyone asking us if our trucks came with a supercharger etc.

I couldn't have said it better............my thoughts exactly....:tu: :tu: :tu: .

01-12-2006, 09:35 PM
This isn't normally my cup 'o tea, but under $75 can work for me. And if you can get more L's than our paltry Lil bunch, that would be even better, obviously. What I can't fathom, tho, is why everyone--especially Rocks--is so dead set against other makes being in on this? Maybe it's 'cuz I live under a rock and am missing something. :(

Either way, I like the way Wes thinks, so where do we go from here?

So you like the way Wes thinks, but you can't understand my thoughts. That's some funny sh!t right there. Considering the fact that Wes basically reiterated what I said.:rll: Wes must have been holding his hands differently than when I said it.

I am thinking along the same lines as Rocks, though. You rent the track for a private GTG. No one is going to pay $50-75-100 so every kid in his F-bod or Mustang can run. And if we're just going to pay 35 or so, then just have a "meet" where everyone shows up as planned on a given day when the track is open. No need to go through the hassle of renting it.

Rocks:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

01-12-2006, 10:19 PM
What time-frame are we talking about here? I've been kicking around the 1/4 mile thought.:cool: I've been practicing 0-100 launches on rural blacktop and you certainly have to feather the throttle with these Toyos until you hook-up.

I might have to plan a little weekend getaway with TALON and visit the OU area, again.:burnout:


01-12-2006, 10:48 PM
What time-frame are we talking about here? I've been kicking around the 1/4 mile thought.:cool: I've been practicing 0-100 launches on rural blacktop and you certainly have to feather the throttle with these Toyos until you hook-up.

I might have to plan a little weekend getaway with TALON and visit the OU area, again.:burnout:


Wow! Ronald's living a little! <j/k> Good for you! :) Seriously, if you're "practicing 0-100" anywhere not _on a track_, then you _definitely_ need to go to a full 1/4 mile track and run the truck.

01-12-2006, 11:38 PM
Posted on other thread...thought it beared repeating.

1)If we do have this at Ennis I think it would draw a lot bigger crowd including guys from farther away helping the vehicle count. I know I would travel farther/pay more to actually get on one of the big dog tracks.

2)Cash up front starting now. I think we could easily get 25-40 cash commitments up front....I would be willing to put up $$$$ now even if I couldn't attend...this club has been that good to me just as resource of info, not counting the friends, good times, and Terry.

3)Great idea Michael about combining the drag race with photo shoot with a truck show.....it would definitely help get people out that wouldn't normally come to just a drag race or photo shoot.
a)If we do combine...think it has to be a spring thing, Lfest and our fall classic will put too much drain on available ppl, trucks, and cashola.

4)If we chose to split with another club....
a)I seriously doubt you will get enough SRT-10 guys to come out with enough force to make a difference. I also prefer NOT to involve non-ford vehicles.
b)Regretfully, we will not get enough L's together to make this happen....so if we have to involve another club, make it the SVT club. I am sure they would be very interested in running at Ennis and they have enough MEMBERS to pick up half the tab, plus it would be fun to race and talk mustangs, most of us have either owned a mustang or like them (and I stress "SVT MEMBERS" in order to keep any beater mustangs from showing up).
d)Also think we should def invite the Austin, Houston, Arkansas, and the Harley guys.

01-12-2006, 11:43 PM
Don't make us tell your parents....or worse, your wife!!!!! bwah-ha-ha

I've been practicing 0-100 launches on rural blacktop and you certainly have to feather the throttle with these Toyos until you hook-up.


Tex Arcana
01-13-2006, 01:02 AM
So you like the way Wes thinks, but you can't understand my thoughts. That's some funny sh!t right there. Considering the fact that Wes basicly reiterated what I said.:rll: Wes must have been holding his hands differently than when I said it.

Rocks:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
That's because I hit maximum density that nite, not to mention the fact his breath is better'n yours. :tongue:

I think Tommy is right, tho: inviting other SVT owners would be fine, because they understand us, and aren't duffers like the rest.

Tex Arcana
01-13-2006, 01:05 AM
Wow! Ronald's living a little! <j/k> Good for you! :) Seriously, if you're "practicing 0-100" anywhere not _on a track_, then you _definitely_ need to go to a full 1/4 mile track and run the truck.

Wes, that's a "0 to 100 *feet*", he only hits about 22mph in that distance... :d

01-13-2006, 10:41 AM
I'd pay $75 ahead of time for a day of racing, but I would want to know the date first.

01-13-2006, 01:07 PM
Roughly where and when will this be taking place? Early/Late spring and what part of Texas? My wife is having our first [child] in July and this may be my last chance at road trip for a long time. Where are all these tracks? $75-$100 for a day of unlimited track time is a steal....especially L's only!

01-13-2006, 01:25 PM
I'm in for $75-$100 if is going to be a private L event. If something other than that we should just shoot for the normal deal we've done in the past.

Don't forget about the little track in Paris, TX I saw featured on HP TV that I told you about.
Mom and Pop might rent it out for 1/2 the price and that local would be a big draw for the OK and AR boys.

01-13-2006, 01:32 PM
I'm in for $75-$100 if is going to be a private L event. If something other than that we should just shoot for the normal deal we've done in the past.

Don't forget about the little track in Paris, TX I saw featured on HP TV that I told you about.
Mom and Pop might rent it out for 1/2 the price and that local would be a big draw for the OK and AR boys.

Paris??? Do they have a Web Sight? If it is a mom/pop type track....it probably will be less expensive. Interesting thought. Maybe someone can call them and see what they say.

A couple people have asked about time frame. I would like to see this done in the fall as our TFC, with a group picture done as part of the day.

Doing this event in the spring would mean that we will still have the TFC to plan, which also takes getting folks from all over to attend. Two big events in one year may be a bit much for us at this point. By making this a Fall classic plan, we are giving ourselves plenty of time for people to get it on the schedules and plenty of time to promote it to the other L clubs.

Just some thoughts...Rocks

01-13-2006, 01:37 PM
Wes, that's a "0 to 100 *feet*", he only hits about 22mph in that distance... :d

This is what I wanted to post, but I was afraid Ronald would say I was picking on him again.....:rll: .

01-13-2006, 03:22 PM
Paris??? Do they have a Web Sight? If it is a mom/pop type track....it probably will be less expensive. Interesting thought. Maybe someone can call them and see what they say..........

Just some thoughts...Rocks

It said in one link its 1/8 mile but I swore they said 1/4 in the spot on TV

True Blue Aggie
01-13-2006, 05:26 PM
Temple was a Mom and Pop establishment.....should we try that again?

Mark #2
01-13-2006, 06:21 PM
Temple was a Mom and Pop establishment.....should we try that again?
Actually Temple is just a Mom establishment;)

01-13-2006, 07:44 PM
Paris is 1/8th mile. I went to college up in Sherman, and I went to the Paris track every now and then. Back then (late-80s) it was 1/4 mile, but they have since shortened it.

Tex... :rll: :rll: :rll:

01-15-2006, 11:00 PM
Depending on when and where, Arkansas is always open to attend an event. Only problem is right now, we dont have many trucks that are running on their own power. Between sellouts and turbo swaps, it may take us a little bit to get back on out feet. Arkansas is going to be the turbo place though if we ever get them running. Just keep us in mind before a final track is selected. I cant wait to get another shot at Rocks in a bracket race. Ice got some redeeming to do. :D

True Blue Aggie
02-15-2006, 06:50 PM

Just an update as to when the Motorplex could be available.....

Lets not let this discussion die. :tu:

Tex Arcana
02-18-2006, 01:25 AM
Bump on this.

I just got back from the DFW-SVTOA meeting tonite--rather thin, partly because of the anticipated weather :rolleyes:, but partially because the club is withering somewhat, with the cutoff from national SVTOA, and a lack of new members (guys selling their cars to people not interested in joining).

Anyway, was having a talk with Robert Hall, who's the acting pres; we were talking about SVTTexas' MSR/Apex driving school event in March, when I mentioned this idea, and he said if we were going to allow other SVT products besides Lightnings, he would be able to get us some dealer sponsorship money to help with the costs, and he asked me to run it by y'all.

Now, in their defense, these guys (what's left, anyway) are a decent bunch of people--never derogatory, always positive, even of the lone Lightning guy in the midst! :eek2: Hell, I got cheers on my first dyno with these guys. So they won't be a$$es like some groups we won't mention. They just love cars, of any type, the more performance the better.

So, let's talk about this: would y'all be willing to let other SVT owners in, if we can get some sort of sponsorship to help defray the costs?

Chime in, now. :tu:

02-20-2006, 12:13 AM
4)If we chose to split with another club....

b)Regretfully, we will not get enough L's together to make this happen....so if we have to involve another club, make it the SVT club. I am sure they would be very interested in running at Ennis and they have enough MEMBERS to pick up half the tab, plus it would be fun to race and talk mustangs, most of us have either owned a mustang or like them (and I stress "SVT MEMBERS" in order to keep any beater mustangs from showing up).
d)Also think we should def invite the Austin, Houston, Arkansas, and the Harley guys.

Had my vote over a month ago! :banana:

Tex Arcana
02-20-2006, 12:20 AM
Had my vote over a month ago! :banana:

Yeah, I know, me too. But this is different: Robert Hall can get sponsorship money out of at least two or three dealers. One way to defray the cost, and possibly make it VERY attractive to alot of people.

02-20-2006, 12:55 AM
Yeah, I know, me too. But this is different: Robert Hall can get sponsorship money out of at least two or three dealers. One way to defray the cost, and possibly make it VERY attractive to allot of people.

I am not sure my intentions are clear. The whole reason I would be down with this is to have LIMITED people. I spend allot of time at the track with every kind of jack a$$ you can imagine. I don't really get why some of you want to go through the :bs of all this so you can go to a track with 100 other guys. Especially you guys that never go to the track anyway...unless it's some kind of "special" reason. Are you guys aware that you can go to the track for around 15 bucks just darned near once or twice a week if you want to race with just anybody????

One more time...I am up for a PRIVATE rental where several of us in TALON spend around 100 bucks each to have the track to ourselves. I don't need a special excuse to go racing with 100 other muther fockers. I do that sh!t all the time.

I am not saying I would not go to the track if a bunch of Talon guys want to go to the track with a bunch of other fockers...but I don't think we need to make a special arrangement to do this...just haul arse to the track when they are open for business.

If you are looking to go to the track and spend around 30 bucks...just go on down there.

If you are looking to have a special day with the track to ourselves and can afford the 80-100 bucks to do it...a track rental is for you:tu: .


Tex Arcana
02-20-2006, 01:14 AM
I am not sure my intentions are clear. The whole reason I would be down with this is to have LIMITED people. I spend alot of time at the track with every kind of jack a$$ you can imagine. I don't really get why some of you want to go through the :bs of all this so you can go to a track with 100 other guys. Especially you guys that never go to the track anyway...unless it's some kind of "special" reason. Are you guys aware that you can go to the track for around 15 bucks just darned near once or twice a week if you want to race with just anybody????

One more time...I am up for a PRIVATE rental where several of us in TALON spend around 100 bucks each to have the track to ourselves. I don't need a special excuse to go racing with 100 other muther fockers. I do that sh!t all the time.

I am not saying I would not go to the track if a bunch of Talon guys want to go to the track with a bunch of other fockers...but I don't think we need to make a special arrangement to do this...just haul arse to the track when they are open for business.

If you are looking to go to the track and spend around 30 bucks...just go on down there.

If you are looking to have a special day with the track to ourselves and can afford the 80-100 bucks to do it...a track rental is for you:tu: .


Your intentions were perfectly clear. Thing is, at $100, there might be about 20 people going all told, if you're lucky, and that wouldn't cover it all--and I am tlaking about PREPAID, CONFIRMED people. You know as well as I do that would be too much for most people.

So the only other possibility is to get other people in here, eitehr from other Lightning groups, or from other car groups. Since you mentioned at one point you wouldn't mind if other SVT owners joined in, if necessary, that opened it up to other groups. Even then, tho, if you set it to about $75 per, that would slow down participation pretty well.

Now, if 30-40 is too much for you, then maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. But the way I read things, money would be a major issue, which brought up the necessity of bringing in other groups. Hence why I made mention of this.

Of course, you could just fund it yourself and call it the "Rock's TALON Invitational", but I suspect you're not up for footing the entire bill.

I really can't see more than 30 or 40, at best, at an event like this, even with inviting other groups, unless the price gets into the range you mentioned, which would be waht you don't want.

If y'all can handle maybe 30 or so, at a $50-ish price point, then maybe what I mentioned would help. I doubt you'll get more than 10 out of DFW-SVTOA; I even doubt you'll get that many out of SVTTexas; both groups are experiencing membership declines.

So decide waht you want: it's your club, anyhow. :tongue:

02-20-2006, 01:44 AM
I will just repost this for ya Tex...so maybe you will get it.

I am not sure my intentions are clear. The whole reason I would be down with this is to have LIMITED people. I spend alot of time at the track with every kind of jack a$$ you can imagine. I don't really get why some of you want to go through the :bs of all this so you can go to a track with 100 other guys. Especially you guys that never go to the track anyway...unless it's some kind of "special" reason. Are you guys aware that you can go to the track for around 15 bucks just darned near once or twice a week if you want to race with just anybody????

One more time...I am up for a PRIVATE rental where several of us in TALON spend around 100 bucks each to have the track to ourselves. I don't need a special excuse to go racing with 100 other muther fockers. I do that sh!t all the time.

I am not saying I would not go to the track if a bunch of Talon guys want to go to the track with a bunch of other fockers...but I don't think we need to make a special arrangement to do this...just haul arse to the track when they are open for business.

If you are looking to go to the track and spend around 30 bucks...just go on down there.

If you are looking to have a special day with the track to ourselves and can afford the 80-100 bucks to do it...a track rental is for you:tu: .


02-20-2006, 01:50 AM
I like 70's country music:beer:

02-20-2006, 01:53 AM
I will add this. My thought was for this to possibly be a plan for our TFC event, which would possibly gain a few more from other Lightning groups around the area, such as OK and Arkansas.

My problem is that the minute you get sponsors involved...the limited event concept goes away. I may be wrong...but I don't believe any big sponsor money is going to be put toward an event with 30 guys. Big sponsor money will want an event that gains some Big advertising exposure. This means they will want advertising and attention, to gain maximum exposure.

We shall see, but it is not looking like it is going to go anywhere.

02-20-2006, 01:54 AM
I like 70's country music:beer:

I like Rock:beer:

Tex Arcana
02-20-2006, 01:54 AM
I will just repost this for ya Tex...so maybe you will get it.

So why not jack the price to $300, so the 12 of you can have it all to yourselves? Better yet, pony up the $3600 yourself, so you can run the tack without anyone else to bother you? :rolleyes:

Even at $100 a pop, you're gonna have trouble getting 36 paying customers, especially just Lightnings. Might as well give it up altogether and run with the rabble.

Tex Arcana
02-20-2006, 01:58 AM
I will add this. My thought was for this to possibly be a plan for our TFC event, which would possibly gain a few more from other Lightning groups around the area, such as OK and Arkansas.

My problem is that the minute you get sponsors involved...the limited event concept goes away. I may be wrong...but I don't believe any big sponsor money is going to be put toward an event with 30 guys. Big sponsor money will want an event that gains some Big advertising exposure. This means they will want advertising and attention, to gain maximum exposure.

We shall see, but it is not looking like it is going to go anywhere.

Dammit, I wish you would've said this BEFORE I posted my reply to your other!!:mad: You remind me of Ronald, bouncing around all over the place!! :tongue:

That makes better sense; the offerred sponsorship shouldn't open it to the rabble: people will still have to pay. He was just offering to helpdefray some of the costs this way, and enable people who love ALL SVT product to enjoy them.

BC Lightning
02-20-2006, 02:13 AM
I too agree with Rocks, try and keep it as a TALON event, there is already a LIghtningFest and Fun Ford Weekend, as well as tracks open weekly to have to wait in long lines to race, I would rather it be for TALON, but will go regardless.

Tex Arcana
02-20-2006, 02:21 AM
Well, hell.. I was jus' tryin' to HELP! :crying:

02-20-2006, 10:17 AM
The only way to have a track session worth Rocks, THogg and other fast trucks to attend is private or pro. You need goo track prep and SLICKS only racing. Every time joeblow does a street tire burnout is slows down the track for the good trucks. There should be no street tire vehicles allowed and make sure folks don't muff up the water box. Otherwise we should just keep our money in our pocket and go to Kennedale or any other street night. That is exactly how it would be with a pack of show and shine disgustangs. That is my vision for private track day.:)

02-20-2006, 10:59 AM
The only way to have a track session worth Rocks, THogg and other fast trucks to attend is private or pro. You need goo track prep and SLICKS only racing. Every time joeblow does a street tire burnout is slows down the track for the good trucks. There should be no street tire vehicles allowed and make sure folks don't muff up the water box. Otherwise we should just keep our money in our pocket and go to Kennedale or any other street night. That is exactly how it would be with a pack of show and shine disgustangs. That is my vision for private track day.:)

There arent 30 trucks in the club that have slicks - let alone that would show up for a track event and pay $100

02-20-2006, 04:04 PM
There aren't 30 trucks in the club that have slicks - let alone that would show up for a track event and pay $100

Your probably right Doug. But the same guy will go to a restraint and drop 25 bucks on eats and drinks for a whole hour of sitting on his ass doing jack sh!t. The same guy will drop 150 bucks a person for a day at Six Flags. The same guy will spend 50 bucks a week buying beer and alcoholic beverages.

It's all in the perception one has of it. A private track rental is analogous to a day at the amusement park.

PS...I can't figure out how to use the spell checker...:cool:
It worked this time. Geese, I misspelled allot of words in this post

02-20-2006, 04:39 PM
Your probably right Doug. But the same guy will go to a restaurant and drop 25 bucks on eats and drinks for a whole hour of sitting on his ass doing jack sh!t. The same guy will drop 150 bucks a person for a day at Six Flags. The same guy will spend 50 bucks a week buying beer and alcoholic beverages.

It's all in the perception one has of it. A private track rental is analogous to a day at the amusement park.

PS...I can't figure out how to use the spell checker...:cool:

We don't have the marketing skills that Six Flags does to generate perceived value

The spell check is a button on the right hand side of the post window that has an ABC and a check mark - its right above the smilies - you have to use the advanced edit screen - I spell checked the quoted version above

02-20-2006, 05:21 PM
My opinion...

track rental = pain in the ass

To pull this off, you need

1) $$ up front...if we don't have all the cash prior to scheduling a date and still want this to happen, someone will have to step up and foot the bill, since the track will be prepaid
2) Group of organizers to make all the necessary plans, including running the race program and picture (if the intention is to do that). If you want this to go off smoothly and be of quality, you will need dedicated people to pull it off (in other words, people spending a lot of their free time to plan...A LOT). The picture last year at TMS took a lot of planning to get done, and even though we had all of the planning we still did not accomplish everything we set out for. If we just want something thrown together without much planning the need for dedicated organizers might not be very necessary, but there will need to be a few people to work out some details.
3) We'll need to work out the details with the track...will they provide people to do the track prep, gate personnel, someone to man the timing shack, etc. Otherwise we may need volunteers to sit on their asses and take one for the team to do these things...we're talking possibly having people drop $75-100 to attend and then work it while they are there

I think the hardest thing to get will be the $$ up front and the dedicated people to work out the details. I'm sure someone will have to make up the difference, because we WILL come up short. I, also, cannot guarantee my time this year since the baby is due in July, so somebody else will have to step up and plan.

Bottom line, if we just want to rent the track and tear it up, it should not be too big a deal. I think it's going to need to be a little more and people are going to have to donate time to make it. So before we go forward, I think it is imperative that you determine what exactly you want from this and determine who will step up to plan it. Plans are great, but if you don't have anyone to execute them you have nothing.


Tex Arcana
02-20-2006, 08:49 PM
The only way to have a track session worth Rocks, THogg and other fast trucks to attend is private or pro. You need goo track prep and SLICKS only racing. Every time joeblow does a street tire burnout is slows down the track for the good trucks. There should be no street tire vehicles allowed and make sure folks don't muff up the water box. Otherwise we should just keep our money in our pocket and go to Kennedale or any other street night. That is exactly how it would be with a pack of show and shine disgustangs. That is my vision for private track day.:)

Well, Doug's right: you wo'nt get enough hardcores out of this place (or even out of the "disgustangs") to make it worth our while, unless you do something to allow the "posers" (me included) to paticipate and get value out of it. One way to do it, tho, would be to reserve one lane for true slicks only, and leave the water box dry on the other side of the track.

Tex Arcana
02-20-2006, 08:53 PM
Your probably right Doug. But the same guy will go to a restraint and drop 25 bucks on eats and drinks for a whole hour of sitting on his ass doing jack sh!t. The same guy will drop 150 bucks a person for a day at Six Flags. The same guy will spend 50 bucks a week buying beer and alcoholic beverages.

It's all in the perception one has of it. A private track rental is analogous to a day at the amusement park.

PS...I can't figure out how to use the spell checker...:cool:
It worked this time. Geese, I misspelled allot of words in this post

Change that to, "...drop[ping] $130 for a day at MSR...", and drop the beer bit, and you'll get me.

Getting my arse whupped by the "heavy hitters" isn't my idea of fun. I would enjoy being able to rub elbows with a variety of people and machines, along with the camaraderie. THAT would add enough value to a $75 day for me to do it; and I suspect anyone else, too.

Tex Arcana
02-20-2006, 09:01 PM
My opinion...

track rental = pain in the ass

To pull this off, you need

1) $$ up front...if we don't have all the cash prior to scheduling a date and still want this to happen, someone will have to step up and foot the bill, since the track will be prepaid
2) Group of organizers to make all the necessary plans, including running the race program and picture (if the intention is to do that). If you want this to go off smoothly and be of quality, you will need dedicated people to pull it off (in other words, people spending a lot of their free time to plan...A LOT). The picture last year at TMS took a lot of planning to get done, and even though we had all of the planning we still did not accomplish everything we set out for. If we just want something thrown together without much planning the need for dedicated organizers might not be very necessary, but there will need to be a few people to work out some details.
3) We'll need to work out the details with the track...will they provide people to do the track prep, gate personnel, someone to man the timing shack, etc. Otherwise we may need volunteers to sit on their asses and take one for the team to do these things...we're talking possibly having people drop $75-100 to attend and then work it while they are there

I think the hardest thing to get will be the $$ up front and the dedicated people to work out the details. I'm sure someone will have to make up the difference, because we WILL come up short. I, also, cannot guarantee my time this year since the baby is due in July, so somebody else will have to step up and plan.

Bottom line, if we just want to rent the track and tear it up, it should not be too big a deal. I think it's going to need to be a little more and people are going to have to donate time to make it. So before we go forward, I think it is imperative that you determine what exactly you want from this and determine who will step up to plan it. Plans are great, but if you don't have anyone to execute them you have nothing.


Hence why I suggested what I suggested: it's a way to finance this, with some compromise on our part.

02-21-2006, 12:52 PM
I am not sure my intentions are clear. The whole reason I would be down with this is to have LIMITED people. I spend allot of time at the track with every kind of jack a$$ you can imagine. I don't really get why some of you want to go through the :bs of all this so you can go to a track with 100 other guys. Especially you guys that never go to the track anyway...unless it's some kind of "special" reason. Are you guys aware that you can go to the track for around 15 bucks just darned near once or twice a week if you want to race with just anybody????

One more time...I am up for a PRIVATE rental where several of us in TALON spend around 100 bucks each to have the track to ourselves. I don't need a special excuse to go racing with 100 other muther fockers. I do that sh!t all the time.

I am not saying I would not go to the track if a bunch of Talon guys want to go to the track with a bunch of other fockers...but I don't think we need to make a special arrangement to do this...just haul arse to the track when they are open for business.

If you are looking to go to the track and spend around 30 bucks...just go on down there.

If you are looking to have a special day with the track to ourselves and can afford the 80-100 bucks to do it...a track rental is for you:tu: .


We UNDERSTAND your point of view and all of us would love nothing better than a Lightning only event.

REALITY is unless someone is willing to personally cover a huge lose on the event it will NOT draw enough paying participants to break even. Nearly everyone on here has agreed to that. :hammer: Stop being so stubborn :D

So we have 2 options:
1)Drop the whole thing....which I am NOT for.

2)Involve another club.....BUT here we can control the event and who we chose to allow in. I REPEAT--WE CONTROL THE EVENT AND WHO GETS IN! We can limit entries or even the type of cars allowed. The point is not to race with just anybody, I dont want that anymore than you do. The SVT club is made up of fellow FORD enthusiasts who would have a genuine interest in our trucks as well as most of us would have an interest in their pony's.

And I dont have a "special" reason for allowing another club into this event. I have no loyalty's to the SVT club or any other club but TALON. I do however love Mustangs, always have, always will and dont mind them being involved in certain events.

And I dont go to a lot of drag events is 2-fold:
1)Drag racing isnt my favorite kind of racing....I prefer road racing. Going out there even once a month just doesnt appeal to me. Plus it is so hit or miss.
2)Exactly as you stated I dont want to go and have to deal with a bunch of ricers or standing around for 10 hours getting 2 or 3 passes or dealing with a bunch of jacka**es. I would rather go somewhere with a bunch of fellow Lightning or Ford guys to talk L's and pony's and be able to get several passes in.

So make a decision:
1)Foot the bill for an all Lightning event--and yes I will gladly still pony up my $100 or whatever to help out. I am not expecting anyone to pay my way.
2)Allow another club--OF OUR CHOOSING--to attend.

3)If you don't choose either of the above the event doesnt happen.

02-21-2006, 02:42 PM
i have no problem sharing a track with other svt cars, specificly cobra mustangs, i dont care for focuses or even gt's, but i do like watching cobras run down the track, they are cool cars and even though they are quite a bit faster than some of our trucks, still fun to watch and hang around and yak with, and it will be fun to see some of the faster lightnings like rocks and hogg whip em down the track. but which ever way it goes i am down for what ever

02-21-2006, 04:08 PM
Your right Tommy...I am a bit stubborn. Maybe some of the confusion is happening due to a few of us having different understandings about what we are wanting this event to be.

Tom has brought up a very significant point when he speaks of planning. We haven't gotten past the first step yet. This whole deal started because Michael had a very good idea...a track rental. Obviously we can't come up with enough guys from Talon alone to do a track rental. Not unless we do like Tex suggested and kick in 300 bucks each. We also don't have to rent a 3600 dollar a day track. There are several 1/4 mile track options available, but we have to first make up our minds to get focused on a single objective.

We would need to figure out a hook to increase participation. One hook that we already have is the TFC. I believe the TFC can attract 40-50 Lightnings if we plan it right. The reason I wanted to consider doing this for TFC is that I don't believe a majority of folks will be able to manage TFC plus a track rental in addition to L-Fest in one year. Most normal wives aren't going to go for it.

I don't suppose there is any reason to start listing what each of us think planning it right means, since we still are not all on the same page for when we want to attempt a track rental.

02-21-2006, 06:31 PM
seems that the rental prices and our proposed approaches are not uncommon


02-21-2006, 06:35 PM
I, for one am planning to go to LFest for the first time this year. So if there is a significant number of Talon folks that don't go because they go to this, I will be really disappointed.

02-21-2006, 07:34 PM
I don't think anyone is going to forgo L-Fest for this event.

Doug...they must be paying less than the price we got. 80 bucks X32 = 2560.

It also looks as if someone is about to get burned if 10 more trucks don't show up.