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View Full Version : Has anybody heard?

01-16-2006, 11:51 AM
Well i have friends that have LS1's and most of the people that i know and everybody associated with LS2.com goes thru FastTech, just like we go to PR. Well part owner, Sean F. has gone dead broke and has lost everything! Well first thing...there was alot of peoplt that bought lifetime tune for $450, well they lost that and there was some people that just bought that not too long ago, there was some guys that had their cars up there for months and were never touched! There is a guy that paid him $2500 for nothing but got his money back but the bad thing was when he went to go get his car. His motor was completely dissasembled and was in million pieces when he went thru his stuff there was alot of stuff missing like heads, bolts, fuel rails, computer and other valuable things! Another guy bought a nitrous kit and never got it but come to find out that it was put on another customers car! There was a post on there to tell guys to come get their cars or they will be towed, so there was two guys that couldnt get their cars cuz they are not in the area....well a ZO6 suffered severe damage to the bottom of the back bumper because they didnt used a flat bed and the car was too low...just imagine that one! Well there is so many guys that got screwed over in this, im talking about hundreds and really dont know what to do! Its just bad business and he will have a very bad rep. in years to come!


SO MANY CRIES!!! :eek2:

01-16-2006, 12:02 PM
Also there was guys that went up there to get some money issues worked out and parts back....well the part owners were missing alot of things.

01-16-2006, 12:12 PM
Sounds like what happens when you send a Viper to Hennessy half the time...


01-16-2006, 05:10 PM
That's too bad. When my brother had an LS1 T/A, the guy screwed him big time.

I should've bought the LS1edit software (vendor version) and offered my own services. It is not rocket science to tune these things... I did my Vette and another buddy's LS1 T/A with the private-owner version I have.
Keep overhead really low (basically a one-time, up-front purchase of the software + quality laptop), and stay affordable. Forget trying to make a buck on parts when people can just go internet shopping and get better deals.

I'm sorry to hear so many people in the DFW area got messed around. Frankly, it doesn't surprise me. I would highly recommend RPM in Lewisville for LS1 stuff.