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View Full Version : Be Careful out there!

02-07-2006, 12:51 AM
I got this Email today from my old business partner's wife. Some of you folks met him out at TMS when he joined us for parade laps and dinner at Posados. His name is Ethan and he had the silver Lancer Evo. Well he really got deep into the handling and performance of this new car. He started auto cross and tracking it the last few months. This past Sunday he was at Mineral Wells cutting some laps. For those who know the track it is 1.3 miles and gets over 100mph. For whatever reason he did not run his race pads staying on the street pads. After three laps he went from brakes to totally none. So he overshot the fastest part of the track exiting at 90-100 he went through some brush and slammed into a 13" tree. They had to cut him out of the car and CareFlight him to Ft Worth. I hate getting Emails like this, be careful when pushing your toys! A cage would have saved him a broken knee cap and leg among other injuries. Safety equipment pays dividends. He can't stand up or walk right now so he is quite a burden on his wife. He is 6'1" 220 and she is about 5'4" 120.

Hello everyone,

Ethan was messing around in a parking lot yesterday near Mineral Wells. Around noon, he
went off the track and ended up hitting a tree head on. It smashed in
the front end of the car pinning his legs under the dashboard. The local
paramedics & fire department had to cut him out of the car and he was care
flighted to Ft. Worth. The x-rays and catscan did not show any brain, neck,
or spinal injuries. His right kneecap is broken vertically and the top of
the fibula (smaller bone in the lower leg) has a small break from the
impact. They put about 6 stitches in a cut on his left knee and he has some
other abrasions on his arms and knees.

We were able to bring him home around 7:30 pm last night. He can't walk yet
and has severe bruising throughout his body. He will have to have surgery
on his right knee within the next 2 weeks where they'll put pins in to heal
his kneecap.

Please pray for healing for Ethan, comfort as he regains strength and
mobility, and patience during the recovery period ahead.

02-07-2006, 01:57 AM
Wow Terry.......I am real sorry that this happened. My prayers go out to his family for his full recovery.

Maybe some of the fellers that are pushing low 11's and proclaiming they aren't getting a cage will give some thought to it. Cages may be a bit of an eye sore to some, but when your life is saved by one, the cage won't seem so bad anymore.

Best wishes to he and his family...


02-07-2006, 06:11 AM
Wow Terry.......I am real sorry that this happened. My prayers go out to his family for his full recovery.

Maybe some of the fellers that are pushing low 11's and proclaiming they aren't getting a cage will give some thought to it. Cages may be a bit of an eye sore to some, but when your life is saved by one, the cage won't seem so bad anymore.

Best wishes to he and his family...

Rocks said it perfectly..

02-07-2006, 07:23 PM
That is crazy. Melissa and I just saw him the other day. Tell him that we are sorry to hear about it and we will be thinking of him.

02-07-2006, 10:06 PM
I have to take tomorrow afternoon off work to go get what is left of his car.

02-08-2006, 08:30 AM
Here is a pic of the ride, what a ride it was...

02-08-2006, 08:50 AM
My thoughts are with him and his family. Seemed like a good kid the couple times I met him.
:ron: I think he was with you the first time I met you at the car show at chucks..../:ron:


02-08-2006, 09:22 PM
I just found out about this from Jeffro today at lunch. Holy crap man! I spoke with him extensively the night of the last Charity laps, when we all went to Posados. I'm glad to hear that he wasn't hurt any worse than he was. Tell him he'll be in our thoughts and prayers. Just glad he lived to race another day.

02-09-2006, 12:51 AM
We got his car tucked away at his house now, not a day too soon I maight add. Those wrecker companies stomp the boundary of ethics. This po-dunk impound lot was less than a mile from the scene in billybobs back yard. Guess what it cost to get out??.... $703 bucks cash. Then how do you get a bent up car off a trailer when it won't steer and you don't have the ramps. Easy, hook it to a tree and drive off. I used a lot of stands, pavers, 2 floor jacks and 4 low range for precise control. We bought a set of car dollies from Northern Tool for $130 bucks. Sat it down gently and tucked it away in the corner.

02-12-2006, 10:15 PM

Glad he's ok. It was a pretty nice little car, I saw it at the shop when he first got it.
