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02-16-2006, 02:49 AM
Any local takers for a Whipple? I am talking to them about a dealer buy in and seeing if I have any local takers first. Of course I never sold any KB's either, but I'll give it a shot anyway.

02-16-2006, 03:25 AM
Well you know I am in.............this was the blower I wanted from day one.


02-16-2006, 09:43 AM
next summer ('07) i'll do it. sooner if i can win a real good scratch-off. :rolleyes:

02-16-2006, 10:18 AM
Someday, maybe. Once the finances settle down after the baby I'll have a better view of where my mod money is....:cool: What are they running for anyway...I haven't heard?


02-16-2006, 10:33 AM
According to their website
Starting at 3800 black and 4300 polished.

02-16-2006, 11:01 AM
Nah...not worth the upgrade money over the KB. I suppose if you're running 20+ PSI, but not for 99% of the people here. If you've already got the KB, it's a waste of about 1.5k for not much more performance, assuming you can sell your used KB for $2500.


02-16-2006, 12:12 PM
Nah...not worth the upgrade money over the KB. I suppose if you're running 20+ PSI, but not for 99% of the people here. If you've already got the KB, it's a waste of about 1.5k for not much more performance, assuming you can sell your used KB for $2500.


question is how much is the KB new ?? - ok I just found the price in KB site - its $3450
With the problems people have had with them I would be tempted to go with the whipple

02-16-2006, 01:10 PM
question is how much is the KB new ?? - ok I just found the price in KB site - its $3450
With the problems people have had with them I would be tempted to go with the whipple

KB's are $2999 at JL

If you're looking into which to buy new, the Whipple may be appealing then, still $800 more. However, already having a KB, the price difference isn't worth it.


02-16-2006, 07:44 PM
question is how much is the KB new ?? - ok I just found the price in KB site - its $3450
With the problems people have had with them I would be tempted to go with the whipple

What issues? I am out of that loop for sure..

Mark #2
02-16-2006, 07:58 PM
What issues? I am out of that loop for sure..

Early ones like mine had case clearance and front gear issues, mine has been off 3 times for correction of these issues.
No charge, 1 week turns, KB has been excellent in support of the learning curve.:tu:

We will see what the Whipple learning curve is like and how they support it.

02-16-2006, 08:02 PM
Early ones like mine had case clearance and front gear issues, mine has been off 3 times for correction of these issues.
No charge, 1 week turns, KB has been excellent in support of the learning curve.:tu:

We will see what the Whipple learning curve is like and how they support it.

Thanks Mark.. I had mine ported this last summer when I was in D. Terry took care of me.. but in the ever elusive search for more power, one has to keep these things in mind.


02-16-2006, 09:04 PM
Well it is about as I figured. All prices are basic black tuner kits without shipping $50.
If I buy 1-4 that is jobber at 3650 per unit.
Dealer level is 5-11 units and that is 3350 per unit.
Installing dealer is 12 or more which gets you down to 3200.
They require a company check for the Installing dealer pkg only $38,400.
So if enough guys commit we can possibly do the dealer pkg for 5 units. My terms are pre payment and 100 bucks mark up which is 3450. But I am sure there are plenty of internet whores that can beat me..

02-17-2006, 03:17 PM
Thanks Mark.. I had mine ported this last summer when I was in D. Terry took care of me.. but in the ever elusive search for more power, one has to keep these things in mind.


Come on Dana....you know you want in on this and I know you can afford one. Step up to the plate and swing...:D .


02-17-2006, 07:16 PM
Come on Dana....you know you want in on this and I know you can afford one. Step up to the plate and swing...:D .


I would except that the two day drive right now would be very unadvisable. Besides, if I come back down, then I will have to have Terry do another couple of thousand worth of work in addition to this. I keep on wanting more stuff for the truck..

tell you what, if he is one short of making the deal.. I could be convinced..


02-17-2006, 07:55 PM

tell you what, if he is one short of making the deal.. I could be convinced..


Funny you should say that. That is exactly what is going on. Call Terry for details. Chance of a lifetime Dana...:tu: .

02-17-2006, 08:21 PM
Funny you should say that. That is exactly what is going on. Call Terry for details. Chance of a lifetime Dana...:tu: .

ok, I am biting so far on this one.. but what is the real difference? especially on a stock block? Terry, if you dont want to post up here, drop me an email or pm..
If I come back down, you ready for another week of fun on the L? I got other things to do if you have the time.

Mark #2
02-17-2006, 08:25 PM
I just can't trash another blower thread can I?
Adam sold his ported blower... so maybe;), but I will wait.
I wonder why someone supported Adam's sale?

02-17-2006, 08:39 PM
I just can't trash another blower thread can I?
Adam sold his ported blower... so maybe;), but I will wait.
I wonder why someone supported Adam's sale?

Nobody "supported" Adams sale. I had dynoes that showed that particular blower to be a MUCH better dollar per HP investment than your KB. I just posted them.

Like I said on that thread...It mad you crazy when I owned it...and it is still making you crazy.

But then again...all this bullsh!t is not why Terry posted this thread. He made this post to see if any of the Talon group might be interested in a Whipple.


02-17-2006, 08:49 PM
ok, I am biting so far on this one.. but what is the real difference? especially on a stock block?



Mark #2
02-17-2006, 08:49 PM
Nobody "supported" Adams sale. I had dynoes that showed that particular blower to be a MUCH better dollar per HP investment than your KB. I just posted them.

Like I said on that thread...It mad you crazy when I owned it...and it is still making you crazy.

But then again...all this bullsh!t is not why Terry posted this thread. He made this post to see if any of the Talon group might be interested in a Whipple.


Everyone please buy Whipples to support Terry.

BC Lightning
02-17-2006, 10:46 PM
What timeline are we talking about?? I have been saving for a KB, with hopes of the whipple coming out. If its closer to summer then I will get one, just trying to get cash together and not just put it on my credit card.

02-17-2006, 11:07 PM
I'll be ready for a blower upgrade in March. I was planning on a KB, but the Whipple sounds interesting. Someone PM me the details. :cool:

02-18-2006, 12:03 AM
Someone PM me the details. :cool:

me too please.

02-18-2006, 12:14 AM
Everyone please buy Whipples to support Terry.

Yeah.....because we all know Terry is going to get rich making 100 bucks per unit:rolleyes: . Maybe another way of putting it Mark, so that you won't come off as such a dousch bag, would be to say. If your in the market for a whipple....please buy one from Terry to help support our SUPPORTING vendor.

WTF is with you Mark??? You have stock in a blower company or something?

This is simply a chance for those of us that want a whipple, to buy one locally. Nothing more...nothing less.


02-18-2006, 12:52 AM
I wonder why someone supported Adam's sale? I normally stay out of this kind of stuff but that is such :Bullshit . Jealousy and envy breeds negativity.

02-18-2006, 03:58 AM
You have 4 guys that need more info on this thing. You know that I run a stock block, 4# ported Eaton and want daily reliability. Will this also require an upgrade in injectors? fuel pump? etc.. what are the other items I have to take into consideration? how hard will it be to tune, esp from a distance?

Just pm the group of us if you want to do it that way.. thanks again

02-18-2006, 05:46 AM
You have 4 guys that need more info on this thing. You know that I run a stock block, 4# ported Eaton and want daily reliability. Will this also require an upgrade in injectors? fuel pump? etc.. what are the other items I have to take into consideration? how hard will it be to tune, esp from a distance?

Just pm the group of us if you want to do it that way.. thanks again

Hey Dana..........

I can answer a couple of your questions. You would not have to upgrade your injectors, fuel pump ect. simply because you install a Whipple blower. What will cause you to want to upgrade those items would be the desire to turn up the boost on the Whipple.:d

The items you question are actually more a HP related requirement. I never ran my KB on the stock block...and this blower is comparable to the KB...only cooler looking and capable of higher boost on the extreme side of things. I made around 475-500 HP on my stock block with my stock MAS, stock injectors and stock fuel pumps. I am not saying that was a smart thing to do...but I got away with it for a few passes and dyno pulls. I would not be afraid to run 450 HP on the stock pumps and injectors.

Mark has changed those items on his stock block and is making over 500 HP if I am not mistaken. Like I said, the blower is comparable to the KB so Mark can probably share some experiences with you on when he decided it was time to upgrade fuel pumps and injectors. That is if he decides to quit being contrary here and help some....;) .

I am sure Terry will be posting up to offer his thoughts....but maybe this will give you a starting point.


02-18-2006, 06:59 AM
Thanks Ron.. I know with an upgrade like this, its not just the Whipple but what else is coming next? I would guess that I would have to sell my ported Eaton and the C&L plenum and elbow, since I doubt they will work with it.. then comes the traction issue... yada yada yada.. just wanting to know what is the full ticket going to be on this one.. I have traction issues now, as you know, and will need to address those at the same time.

02-18-2006, 07:20 AM
Thanks Ron.. I know with an upgrade like this, its not just the Whipple but what else is coming next? I would guess that I would have to sell my ported Eaton and the C&L plenum and elbow, since I doubt they will work with it.. then comes the traction issue... yada yada yada.. just wanting to know what is the full ticket going to be on this one.. I have traction issues now, as you know, and will need to address those at the same time.

LOL...I had traction issues when I was running 100% stock. I would go with a set of Metco's. Yep...the C&L plenum is history with this mod...as is your cold air filter kit.

I was just lurking NLOC whipple threads. It is a good place to do some research Dana. Some of the threads get funny too. People get worked up over blowers. There are some good pics of it installed on a thread or two also. I like the way it looks and really like the rear entry on the airflow alot. Type in whipple on the search over there and you will come up with several threads.

I am trying to picture where Terry is going to put my nitrous nozzle now.

Going fast isn't cheap:rll: . It reminds me of Tim the toolman with this stuff....more power....urgh urgh urgh.

02-18-2006, 10:19 AM
ok, I did the search and it came up with 461 threads, so I limited myself to reading about 20... whew!! youi'd think most those guys owned stock in the company(s) or something.. I am cooling a bit on this idea since the whipple is still so new.. but am not out of the game though.. it does look a heck of a lot better (and I am driven by bling factor A LOT).. but I would have to do the upgrade to headers, etc to make it worthwhile.. I guess one of the big positives is that for the same psi, I would get a lot more hp and tq over the ported Eaton. I would prob have to go to DR's for daily driving, or just spin my wheels at every stopsign and stoplight. Since I dont drive that far, DR's are a reasonable option for me here, in Dallas it would be another issue.

btw, I am still not sure who "won" the battle on output between the KB and the Whipple..

I am trying to make an excuse to drive back to Dallas to get some more work done if Terry doesnt mind taking it on..


Ron, after you have this done, can we then call you Mr Whipple? (just like the Charmin guy?):evil

02-18-2006, 11:37 AM
I am not pushing Whipples at all my thread was just intended as a feeler to see if it was worth the effort for me to become a dealer with them. Obvisouly at their pricing structure it is not wise for me to invest 20-40 THOUSAND dollars only to maybe make a hundred bucks per unit. One months worth of interest on my credit card would put me at a loss real quick.
I am putting together a buy in through a few other local shops so maybe there are enough of us to make it work. I need to pre sell at least TWO units.
The KB is a good blower I have only seen one lock down, and two or three had the bad couplings in the snout. The problem with KB is the top feed inlet adapter it robs power. Jim Bell is also a butball to deal with from a shop owners view, currently he is selling to the public at dealer prices which shop owners love... The rear feed of the Whipple and new intake plenum is the right way to feed a blower from the start.
On a stock motor either blower can overpower the block. A whipple is more trick and bling IMO.

02-18-2006, 11:53 AM
When would you want the money for a presold Whipple? :cool:

02-18-2006, 03:51 PM
Just my .02 here...not that I'm the expert or anything...

In reference to running on the stock shortblock, the biggest advantage of either blower on a stock shortblock IMHO, is their ability to produce more power while spinning considerably slower than a ported or unported factory blower. In other words...they enable you to make more power with less boost. This makes for less cylinder pressure, which makes for less heat in the combustion chamber which reduces the chance of detonation(from a mechanical standpoint), while simultaneously reducing stress on the reciprocating assembly. This is all old hat, I realize, just thought I'd reiterate.

Is it worth it? I thought so, and still think so. Beyond the dyno numbers and lower E.T.'s, it just makes the truck even more fun to drive, and they pull like a freight train in the upper rev range where the factory Eaton tends to peter out. Not to mention the piece of mind knowing, that you're producing a lot less heat, and making just as much or more power(depending on how you pulley it) than a ported blower that's spinning considerably harder.

As far as the KB -vs- Whipple, there is absolutely no question that the Whipple is the more attractive of the two, and the rear inlet is proven to be the more efficient inlet design. I'm looking forward to seeing how the Whipple does once it gets out there as it looks and sounds like a very qualtiy piece. From what I've seen on the Cobra forums, it's pretty frickin' wicked.

However let's not forget what the KB has done for the Lightning community, and until now, was the ONLY true bolt-on aftermarket blower for these trucks. So despite its shortcomings, it's still a bad muther scratcher that will easily get a stock-blocked truck into the 11's without even breaking a sweat.

If you have the extra cabbage to spend, then the Whipple is attractive as hell, but the ole KB, still ain't no punk!:tu:

One more thing...Dana...in reference to traction, the twin screw blowers do not initially "hit" much harder than the Eatons out of the hole, it's once you get into the mid-rev-range and up that you really feel the difference. So traction is not going to be that much more of an issue for you then, than it is now. Long Tubes are also a good idea with a twin screw, IMO. Once again, just my .02...or maybe .03;) Sorry so long......

02-18-2006, 04:01 PM
Just my .02 here...not that I'm the expert or anything...

In reference to running on the stock shortblock, the biggest advantage of either blower on a stock shortblock IMHO, is their ability to produce more power while spinning considerably slower than a ported or unported factory blower. In other words...they enable you to make more power with less boost. This makes for less cylinder pressure, which makes for less heat in the combustion chamber which reduces the chance of detonation(from a mechanical standpoint), while simultaneously reducing stress on the reciprocating assembly. This is all old hat, I realize, just thought I'd reiterate.

Is it worth it? I thought so, and still think so. Beyond the dyno numbers and lower E.T.'s, it just makes the truck even more fun to drive, and they pull like a freight train in the upper rev range where the factory Eaton tends to peter out. Not to mention the piece of mind knowing, that you're producing a lot less heat, and making just as much or more power(depending on how you pulley it) than a ported blower that's spinning considerably harder.

As far as the KB -vs- Whipple, there is absolutely no question that the Whipple is the more attractive of the two, and the rear inlet is proven to be the more efficient inlet design. I'm looking forward to seeing how the Whipple does once it gets out there as it looks and sounds like a very qualtiy piece. From what I've seen on the Cobra forums, it's pretty frickin' wicked.

However let's not forget what the KB has done for the Lightning community, and until now, was the ONLY true bolt-on aftermarket blower for these trucks. So despite its shortcomings, it's still a bad muther scratcher that will easily get a stock-blocked truck into the 11's without even breaking a sweat.

If you have the extra cabbage to spend, then the Whipple is attractive as hell, but the ole KB, still ain't no punk!:tu:

One more thing...Dana...in reference to traction, the twin screw blowers do not initially "hit" much harder than the Eatons out of the hole, it's once you get into the mid-rev-range and up that you really feel the difference. So traction is not going to be that much more of an issue for you then, than it is now. Long Tubes are also a good idea with a twin screw, IMO. Once again, just my .02...or maybe .03;) Sorry so long......

:tu: :tu:

Mark #2
02-18-2006, 04:53 PM
Hey Dana..........

I can answer a couple of your questions. You would not have to upgrade your injectors, fuel pump ect. simply because you install a Whipple blower. What will cause you to want to upgrade those items would be the desire to turn up the boost on the Whipple.:d

The items you question are actually more a HP related requirement. I never ran my KB on the stock block...and this blower is comparable to the KB...only cooler looking and capable of higher boost on the extreme side of things. I made around 475-500 HP on my stock block with my stock MAS, stock injectors and stock fuel pumps. I am not saying that was a smart thing to do...but I got away with it for a few passes and dyno pulls. I would not be afraid to run 450 HP on the stock pumps and injectors.

Mark has changed those items on his stock block and is making over 500 HP if I am not mistaken. Like I said, the blower is comparable to the KB so Mark can probably share some experiences with you on when he decided it was time to upgrade fuel pumps and injectors. That is if he decides to quit being contrary here and help some....;) .

I am sure Terry will be posting up to offer his thoughts....but maybe this will give you a starting point.


I ran a stock MAF, fuel pumps, and injectors up to ~15 psi or 450HP. Over that you should upgrade to a 2400 MAF, 255 pumps, and 60 injectors for over 500 at 18psi.

The Whipple does look a lot better but it will make changing the plugs a little more difficult, but not much.

No harm intended in previous posts, just poking a little, and I was sincere about supporting our supporting vendor.

02-18-2006, 05:07 PM
I ran a stock MAF, fuel pumps, and injectors up to ~15 psi or 450HP. Over that you should upgrade to a 2400 MAF, 255 pumps, and 60 injectors for over 500 at 18psi.

The Whipple does look a lot better but it will make changing the plugs a little more difficult, but not much.

No harm intended in previous posts, just poking a little, and I was sincere about supporting our supporting vendor.

Well then...my apologies for my comment about femanin hygene products. I thought you where being sarcastic. After reading all the blower war threads going on in the other forums, I have been concerned about this thread going in that direction.... I just want a whipple blower. I wanted one way back when they called it works:D .

Mark #2
02-18-2006, 05:11 PM
Well then...my apologies for my comment about femanin hygene products. I thought you where being sarcastic. After reading all the blower war threads going on in the other forums, I have been concerned about this thread going in that direction.... I just want a whipple blower. I wanted one way back when they called it works:D .

Yeah, that is why I stopped posting I saw it going that way too.
I like the looks of the Whipple.

02-18-2006, 07:35 PM
Well then...my apologies for my comment about femanin hygene products. I thought you where being sarcastic. After reading all the blower war threads going on in the other forums, I have been concerned about this thread going in that direction.... I just want a whipple blower. I wanted one way back when they called it works:D .

Geesh, would you and Mark just go get a hotel room and be over it? :evil

I am still interested, but I would like to get from Terry what the whole thing is going to set me back.. blower, headers, traction bars, etc.. will have to have a few other things done too while I am there.. but I need to get the laundry list going..
I hope that Terry knows I am good for the cash to buy the thing even if I dont get there for a month or two..


Mark #2
02-18-2006, 07:48 PM
Geesh, would you and Mark just go get a hotel room and be over it? :evil

I am still interested, but I would like to get from Terry what the whole thing is going to set me back.. blower, headers, traction bars, etc.. will have to have a few other things done too while I am there.. but I need to get the laundry list going..
I hope that Terry knows I am good for the cash to buy the thing even if I dont get there for a month or two..


We are over it.
We just like to push each others buttons to make it interesting rather than the same old boring site, like how do I change my fuel filter, etc?:D


Just FYI, it looks like with the same pulley ratios the Whipple has about .5 psi higher boost to a KB from their chart.

Do a google on Art Whipple, lots of history in NHRA and they even banned his new blower.

I think that this will be very interesting with these new blowers. I'm guessing that they will be very good with Whipples long history. I did a lot of research today.

02-18-2006, 08:39 PM
when I was researching it over on NLOC, I got burned out by the my KB is better than your Whipple arguments.. only thing is that I havent seen a lot of real data to show the real differences between the two.. except they seem to be close in performance, but the Whipple is a lot better looking than the KB. If I can push more air, at a lower temp, up my performance but keep the daily driveability and stock reliability, then why shouldnt I do this? Although, once I put on headers, will my truck be louder? inside and outside? I hope not, I have to say that Terry's mild setup that I have is the best exhaust I have ever had on a vehicle, the right combo for me from a sound and looks standpoint.


Mark #2
02-18-2006, 09:00 PM
when I was researching it over on NLOC, I got burned out by the my KB is better than your Whipple arguments.. only thing is that I havent seen a lot of real data to show the real differences between the two.. except they seem to be close in performance, but the Whipple is a lot better looking than the KB. If I can push more air, at a lower temp, up my performance but keep the daily driveability and stock reliability, then why shouldnt I do this? Although, once I put on headers, will my truck be louder? inside and outside? I hope not, I have to say that Terry's mild setup that I have is the best exhaust I have ever had on a vehicle, the right combo for me from a sound and looks standpoint.


Not a lot of data yet, I am guessing that the Whipple will be better at higher boost levels. Whipple looks great.

No reason not to go to an aftermarket blower except that you will be stressing all the stock parts more if you run higher than the stock boost, but then why would you change?

Probably a little louder with Long tubes as you go from 4 to 2 cats, but with the mild set up, shouldn't be much.

02-18-2006, 10:17 PM
Just my .02 here...not that I'm the expert or anything...

In reference to running on the stock shortblock, the biggest advantage of either blower on a stock shortblock IMHO, is their ability to produce more power while spinning considerably slower than a ported or unported factory blower. In other words...they enable you to make more power with less boost. This makes for less cylinder pressure, which makes for less heat in the combustion chamber which reduces the chance of detonation(from a mechanical standpoint), while simultaneously reducing stress on the reciprocating assembly. This is all old hat, I realize, just thought I'd reiterate.

Is it worth it? I thought so, and still think so. Beyond the dyno numbers and lower E.T.'s, it just makes the truck even more fun to drive, and they pull like a freight train in the upper rev range where the factory Eaton tends to peter out. Not to mention the piece of mind knowing, that you're producing a lot less heat, and making just as much or more power(depending on how you pulley it) than a ported blower that's spinning considerably harder.

This is why I, too, would seriously consider an aftermarket blower upgrade over other options like building it up small steps at a time (e.g.: headers, throttle body, ported blower). If I could get to my threshold of safe power (which I believe is ~+/- 450rwhp based on my own research... nothing scientific) with just a blower and not having to do lots of other mods that deviate from stock, then I'm all for it.

I'm like Dana though. I want it to be very reliable...as in fire-it-up-and-go. I put ~7500-8000 miles a year on my truck, and I don't plan to stop that practice. Plug changes once a year or every 18 months is fine, just like I do other routine maintenance to it. But beyond the extra wear on tires, I do not want this to become a "project" vehicle.

I also have no interest in doing long-tube headers or traction bars. I run Nitto DRs full time, and that would just have to suffice. I don't kill my truck, but I do like to downshift it into 2nd gear at 50mph and not worry about things breaking. I don't worry about that right now, but then again I'm only at 395rwhp w/ 13+psi from a stock Eaton.

My own personal research has led me to believe that ~450rwhp would be ok on the trans and stock block, so long as the owner isn't going crazy doing things that would be considered abuse.

I don't know if another 2psi from a Whipple (or KB for that matter) could net me 60rwhp, however. But another 60rwhp should put me in the 12.4 range at 113mph or so on drag radials. I'd be very happy with that. :)

02-18-2006, 11:43 PM
This is why I, too, would seriously consider an aftermarket blower upgrade over other options like building it up small steps at a time (e.g.: headers, throttle body, ported blower). If I could get to my threshold of safe power (which I believe is ~+/- 450rwhp based on my own research... nothing scientific) with just a blower and not having to do lots of other mods that deviate from stock, then I'm all for it.

I'm like Dana though. I want it to be very reliable...as in fire-it-up-and-go. I put ~7500-8000 miles a year on my truck, and I don't plan to stop that practice. Plug changes once a year or every 18 months is fine, just like I do other routine maintenance to it. But beyond the extra wear on tires, I do not want this to become a "project" vehicle.

I also have no interest in doing long-tube headers or traction bars. I run Nitto DRs full time, and that would just have to suffice. I don't kill my truck, but I do like to downshift it into 2nd gear at 50mph and not worry about things breaking. I don't worry about that right now, but then again I'm only at 395rwhp w/ 13+psi from a stock Eaton.

My own personal research has led me to believe that ~450rwhp would be ok on the trans and stock block, so long as the owner isn't going crazy doing things that would be considered abuse.

I don't know if another 2psi from a Whipple (or KB for that matter) could net me 60rwhp, however. But another 60rwhp should put me in the 12.4 range at 113mph or so on drag radials. I'd be very happy with that. :)

I know if I where to start over with a brand new Lightning today, an after market blower would be my first mod. For the money I spent on all the little bolt on mods...I could have bought two blowers.


02-19-2006, 12:02 AM
I'm like Dana though. I want it to be very reliable...as in fire-it-up-and-go. I put ~7500-8000 miles a year on my truck, and I don't plan to stop that practice. Plug changes once a year or every 18 months is fine, just like I do other routine maintenance to it. But beyond the extra wear on tires, I do not want this to become a "project" vehicle.

Wes, when I had the KB on my truck, I had absolutely NO drivability or reliability issues of any kind. Also, I didn't do anything differently from a maintenance standpoint, that I wasn't already doing. That's one of the things that makes me such a huge fan of these blowers(KB or Whipple). It's the fact that they are a _TRUE_ bolt-on, and there is something to be said for the simplicity of their operation.

Simply bolt it down, get a good tune on it, and forget about it. As far as stuff breaking from a 50mph downshift, I'd think the risk of that happening would be negligible, especially if you're planning on keeping the boost levels in check(b/w 12 and 15 psi).

As far as Long Tubes....I personally, absolutely LOVED the sound they gave my truck. I had them coupled with hi-flow cats, and a Bassani cat-back, and I tend to be a little on the conservative side myself, when it comes to exhaust tones. They are not an absolute necessity, but just something I consisdered a "supporting" mod in an effort to reduce cylinder pressure with the bigger blower.

02-19-2006, 09:53 PM
Well you guys have been busy posting, lol. I spent the weekend at the shop swapping an engine trying to catch up.
I will know more on Monday..
I can say that after driving a few KB trucks the aftermarket blwoers feel and sound like fine European pieces. The pull is linear and smooth as glass. They make a Lightning feel like it is 50 degrees outside all year long:cool: .
Dennis, if I ordered them on my CC I would have to pay it off in thirty days to avoid interest and a loss on the items.

02-20-2006, 09:29 PM
Whipples customer service sucks... I had a whipple on my other truck (454ss) and called whipple to buy a blower pulley and they would not sell me one. They told me to call kennebell. I did and kb would sell me a pulley. Then when my whipple locked up on me I called whipple to get it rebuilt they said they dont do rebuilds and that I should call kennebell. I called Kb and they would rebuild it and put a new front snout and smaller pulley for $600.

I was very impressed with Kb and I will never buy whipple crap again.

02-20-2006, 10:14 PM
Whipples customer service sucks... I had a whipple on my other truck (454ss) and called whipple to buy a blower pulley and they would not sell me one. They told me to call kennebell. I did and kb would sell me a pulley. Then when my whipple locked up on me I called whipple to get it rebuilt they said they dont do rebuilds and that I should call kennebell. I called Kb and they would rebuild it and put a new front snout and smaller pulley for $600.

I was very impressed with Kb and I will never buy whipple crap again.

:rll: :rll: :rll:

02-21-2006, 03:02 AM
:rll: :rll: :rll:
What's so funny - he just telling you what you may be in for. But then you will have Terry running interference, which should help!

02-21-2006, 03:58 AM
What's so funny - he just telling you what you may be in for. But then you will have Terry running interference, which should help!

:rll: :rll: :rll: because it's a thread asking who wants a whipple, not a thread asking what do you think of Whipple...

Realistically though, these kinds of stories can be heard and told of darned near every product and or service in existence. There is always two sides and sometimes you only get to hear one side of it. For example...if somebody tells me that they where treated like arse at a Kroger grocery store, I am not going to quit going to Kroger's over it.

BC Lightning
02-21-2006, 12:35 PM
When something good happens you tell 2 people, when something bad happens you tell 200 people. Like Ron said just because one person had a bad experience, doesn't mean its a bad product, now if more than half of the people with Whipples were to chime in, then I might take what he said seriously.

:ron: I fell in love with Whipples when my buddy with a 2004 Escalade on 24's with a Whipple and other go fast mods was keeping up with me when I had a 4# and tune.

p.s. this spell checker works great :tu:

02-21-2006, 01:18 PM
:rll: :rll: :rll:

Call whipple and ask them if they can rebuild you one..........

BC Lightning
02-21-2006, 01:24 PM
I'm sure they can rebuild one, all it takes is time and money.

My question is when was your whipple on your truck? within the last year, 2 years, 3 years?

Because KB's have been known for locking up, and after time it was corrected, probably same deal with Whipple.

I'm the same way, if something doesn't work for me then I don't want to use it again, but I haven't seen or heard of bad things with the Whipple on the Lightnings

I still am planning on buying a Whipple from Terry when I get the cash together

02-21-2006, 01:31 PM
I'm sure they can rebuild one, all it takes is time and money.

My question is when was your whipple on your truck? within the last year, 2 years, 3 years?

Because KB's have been known for locking up, and after time it was corrected, probably same deal with Whipple.

I'm the same way, if something doesn't work for me then I don't want to use it again, but I haven't seen or heard of bad things with the Whipple on the Lightnings

I still am planning on buying a Whipple from Terry when I get the cash together

I had it on my truck 2 years ago...
Its not the fact that it locked up. It is the fact that they wouldnt rebuild it and they told me to call kennebell.
Also at that time kennebell and whipples where both made by opcon/ autorotor. I was happy with the blower just not happy with whipples customer service. Also when they told me to call kennebell made me think why i didnt just buy a kenebell.

02-21-2006, 03:10 PM
MK50, please speak with some intelligence before bashing Whipple. They treated you straight and this is why. They quit using the Autorotor internals a few years back, KB is the only US service center still using Autorotor internals. So everyone with the older style Whipples gets the same reply you did, they go to KB for parts and service on older Autorotor equiped Whipple blowers. Whipple is a very compenent company when it comes to service and support. We ran several old style Whipples on big block Chevys from 88-98 and we went through the same delimas..

02-21-2006, 06:02 PM
MK50, please speak with some intelligence before bashing Whipple. They treated you straight and this is why. They quit using the Autorotor internals a few years back, KB is the only US service center still using Autorotor internals. So everyone with the older style Whipples gets the same reply you did, they go to KB for parts and service on older Autorotor equiped Whipple blowers. Whipple is a very compenent company when it comes to service and support. We ran several old style Whipples on big block Chevys from 88-98 and we went through the same delimas..

Then you know the same issues I went through. I was not aware that in 2005 whipple started makeing there own blowers. That should get rid of alot of the problems they had a few years back. I retract my previous statements.

02-21-2006, 09:17 PM
No problem Mike, as in msot situations there is more than one side to every story. You can see KB is still having Autorotor lockups and drive failures. We still have a locked up 1.8L Whipple sitting in the back.