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02-20-2006, 09:11 PM
If you were able to go back in time, what bands or concerts would you want to see?
Mine are probably;
1.Van Halen
2.Pink Floyd
3.Rainbow w/ Ronnie James Dio
4.Stevie Ray Vaughan
5.Black Sabbath w/ Ozzy

02-20-2006, 09:23 PM
If you were able to go back in time, what bands or concerts would you want to see?
Mine are probably;
1.Van Halen
2.Pink Floyd
3.Rainbow w/ Ronnie James Dio
4.Stevie Ray Vaughan
5.Black Sabbath w/ Ozzy

none of the above.. but if I had to choose one, it would be Van Hagar..

I worked for Pace Concerts/KILT Concerts West as a security guy for a lot of concerts... saw Led Zepplin (still have the used drumstick to prove it), ELO, Bob Seger, KISS, Ted Nugent, etc... would have liked to have seen Jethro Tull, one of the very best shows was Queen, Robin Trower would have been good too.. oh well, too many brain cells are gone.. right Mark?


Tex Arcana
02-20-2006, 09:33 PM


Mark #2
02-20-2006, 10:23 PM
Well back in the day I saw...that I can remember quickly
Neal Diamond
Beach Boys
Elton John

Bruce Hornsby
Garth Brooks

But to answer the question, I would have liked to have seen Ozzy,Stevie Ray and AC/DC

02-20-2006, 10:46 PM
In Order:
Jimi Hendrix
Led Zepplin
Bad Company
Grand Funk


02-20-2006, 11:11 PM
Threads like this make me feel old. I have seen most of the bands listed here....

I would like to have seen Hendrix....Morrison...Joplin. I almost got to see Lynyrd Skynyrd....a plane crash interrupted the plans.

02-21-2006, 02:58 AM
Neil Young's Rust Never Sleeps tour. I missed it. It was supposed to be awesome.
I saw Rush (2112 was new) and Black Sabbath (w/ Ozzie) on back-to-back nights. I think Rush was better.
Alice Cooper was a good show, but come to think of it two really good shows were ELP, and Todd Rundgren. Todd put's on a good show (it was with Utopia).
Couldn't pay to go so Van Hager - oh that's right I passed up the chance to see them free in MN.

In the last few years the best show - was Course of Empire. Saw them three times. Great local band that is no more. the other - Modest Mouse.

02-21-2006, 08:05 AM
Waylon Jennings, oh and 2 Live Crew!

02-21-2006, 08:11 AM
There was nothing like a Grateful Dead concert. I saw them about 80 times...

One of the best shows I ever saw, other than The Dead, was Manfred Mann.

02-21-2006, 09:58 AM
Boston, Rush, Scorpions. Very first show I ever went to...Def Leopard and the Scorpions opened for Ted Nugent.

02-21-2006, 10:03 AM
Some of my favorites

Robert Cray


02-21-2006, 10:33 AM
My first concert was Aerosmith back in late 70's when they were not so good mentally or musically.
After 200 shows in 15 year span (78-93) the most memorable were:
Rush Hemisphere's Tour-80
Triumph and UFO-Moody Colisuem
Jeff Beck-DCC
Frank Zappa-DCC
The Who-82 Cotton Bowl
Jethro Tull (Bass Hall)
Derek Trucks and Eric Johnson (Caravan of Dreams)
Allman Bros (8x)
Alan Parson's Project (Cerritos,Ca)

I passed on SRV about 4 times:hammer: thinking I could always catch him next time- That's the one I would like to go back see. DVD's get you close but nothing beats that "live music expercience":cool:

02-21-2006, 06:22 PM
Waylon Jennings, oh and 2 Live Crew!

Interesting dichotomy, my cousin played drums for Waylon on tour and I just made a copy of the As Nasty As They Want to Be for a friend of mine up here.. man, its still nasty after all these years..


02-21-2006, 06:24 PM
Some of my favorites

Robert Cray


Which Stones tour? I saw them in the Astrodome on the Steel Wheels tour

In Living Color opened up for them... they werent great but they were freakin loud..

02-21-2006, 06:25 PM
My first concert was Aerosmith back in late 70's when they were not so good mentally or musically.
After 200 shows in 15 year span (78-93) the most memorable were:
Rush Hemisphere's Tour-80
Triumph and UFO-Moody Colisuem
Jeff Beck-DCC
Frank Zappa-DCC
The Who-82 Cotton Bowl
Jethro Tull (Bass Hall)
Derek Trucks and Eric Johnson (Caravan of Dreams)
Allman Bros (8x)
Alan Parson's Project (Cerritos,Ca)

I passed on SRV about 4 times:hammer: thinking I could always catch him next time- That's the one I would like to go back see. DVD's get you close but nothing beats that "live music expercience":cool:

would have liked to have seen Zappa, The Who, Tull and Alan Parson Proj..

02-21-2006, 06:33 PM
Which Stones tour? I saw them in the Astrodome on the Steel Wheels tour

In Living Color opened up for them... they werent great but they were freakin loud..

I just saw them 2 years ago in San Francisco and I think I saw them back about 20 years ago but the memories are a little vague :evil

02-21-2006, 07:08 PM
I think I saw them back about 20 years ago but the memories are a little vague :evil

I resemble that remark.. :beer:

Tex Arcana
02-22-2006, 01:32 AM
My first concert was Aerosmith back in late 70's when they were not so good mentally or musically.
After 200 shows in 15 year span (78-93) the most memorable were:
Rush Hemisphere's Tour-80
Triumph and UFO-Moody Colisuem
Jeff Beck-DCC
Frank Zappa-DCC
The Who-82 Cotton Bowl
Jethro Tull (Bass Hall)
Derek Trucks and Eric Johnson (Caravan of Dreams)
Allman Bros (8x)
Alan Parson's Project (Cerritos,Ca)

I passed on SRV about 4 times:hammer: thinking I could always catch him next time- That's the one I would like to go back see. DVD's get you close but nothing beats that "live music expercience":cool:

One of the best concerts I've ever been to (didn't go to many, tho), was SRV with Omar and the Howlers, way back in '86 ot '87. :d Also saw The FAbulous THunderbirds, playign with RObert Johnson, in a Q102 free concert at Dallas Convention Center. ;)

One of the best all-time concerts I ever saw was, of all people, Phil Collins: one of the TIGHTEST bands I've ever seen. :tu:

02-22-2006, 02:35 AM
I've been to Metallica / CandleBox / Kenny Chesney / George Strait / Rascal Flats / Junior Brown concerts. :beer:knana

Elaine and I were at Smirnoff with Rascal Flats opening for Kenny Chesney with "Pour Some Sugar On Me" / Def Leppard. RF put on a hulluva' opening act.


I would like to have experienced Marty Robbins and Andres Segovia, as well.:o


02-22-2006, 02:43 AM
Back in my disco days, Diana Ross, Village People and the Isley Brothers. Yes,some of you will say it sounds gay, but they were hot back then.. of course Frankie Beverly played with the Isleys. These were some of the more courteous concerts I went too. Not a lot of puking and drug dealing in the bathrooms, just gambling.. and when folks bumped into you they said pardon me.. quite a difference from the rock crowd.


Tex Arcana
02-22-2006, 03:11 AM
Back in my disco days, Diana Ross, Village People and the Isley Brothers. Yes,some of you will say it sounds gay, but they were hot back then.. of course Frankie Beverly played with the Isleys. These were some of the more courteous concerts I went too. Not a lot of puking and drug dealing in the bathrooms, just gambling.. and when folks bumped into you they said pardon me.. quite a difference from the rock crowd.




If Hendrix had lived, disco would've been just a flash in the pan... :d

02-22-2006, 08:09 PM
Jaco Pastorius
The Jimi Hendrix of Bass Players
I saw this cat in 1983 and he blew my mind!

02-22-2006, 08:23 PM


If Hendrix had lived, disco would've been just a flash in the pan... :d

I am not so sure about that.. but its been nice to have lived thru all of those musical changes.. not as keen about some of todays music though..

02-22-2006, 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by 99WhiteBeast
Derek Trucks and Eric Johnson (Caravan of Dreams)

that would have been a good one!

ten years after
zz top (but not since afterburner)
alman bros

02-22-2006, 10:50 PM
SRV is the one that I really regret never getting to see. I was just a pup when he died but his music has influanced me ALOT. It's what made me want to play the guitar better. I remember listning to him with my dad when I was younger and saying to myself, "man I want to play like that someday". I have all his cd's and the Austin City Limit's tape hardly plays anymore I've watched it so much.

02-23-2006, 01:19 AM
I forgot about the Dead concert. It was good, I think.

The other band I regret missing - the Clash