View Full Version : Key stocks go down

10-22-2002, 10:31 PM
I know most of you already heard. Kimberly-Clark and TI announced lower than expected earnings. Clarks stock dropped $6 and some change. Sad thing is a buddy's grandpa worked for them for 32 years and retired with a few million in stocks, it is almost half now:( Thing is K-Clark is a textiles company they should be much less affected by techs..

Mark #2
10-23-2002, 08:42 AM
TI also announced lay-offs yesterday. Another thing, not too proud of this, but my 401K is 25% of what it was 3 years ago, too much TI stock.

10-23-2002, 09:07 AM
Dont even open the 401k envelopes anymore


10-23-2002, 09:10 AM
2 and 1/2 years ago when I hired on at Sun Microsystems I was granted 5000 shares of stock options at $122.00 a share with a 5 year vesting.
Each 6 months I have been grannted additional varring amounts ranging from $58.00 to the last grant in June at $11.16 a share.
I now have a total of 11, 580 shares of Sun Microsystems stock and what is it worth today you ask...$2.63/share.
Company anounced last Thursday an additional 11% layoff after missing its quarterly numbers...this 11% in addition to the 9% already on the chopping block.
1 in 5 people will no longer be with the company by Thanksgiving, and this follows a 10% RIF that was back in May.

Who will be left to do the work?:bs :bs :bs

10-23-2002, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by andy_cain
2 and 1/2 years ago when I hired on at Sun Microsystems I was granted 5000 shares of stock options at $122.00 a share with a 5 year vesting.
Each 6 months I have been grannted additional varring amounts ranging from $58.00 to the last grant in June at $11.16 a share.
I now have a total of 11, 580 shares of Sun Microsystems stock and what is it worth today you ask...$2.63/share.
Company anounced last Thursday an additional 11% layoff after missing its quarterly numbers...this 11% in addition to the 9% already on the chopping block.
1 in 5 people will no longer be with the company by Thanksgiving, and this follows a 10% RIF that was back in May.

Who will be left to do the work?:bs :bs :bs

A year ago I had 7000+ coworkers around the world... Now we are down under 2600.... I am doing all the work


10-23-2002, 09:31 AM
My stock options were initially awarded at around $80 a share. The company did an option swap at the beginning of the year because the share price dropped substantially...at about $7 a share. The stock price right now is about 80 cents and there is talk of a 20:1 or 40:1 reverse split, which would mean that the stock price would have to reach and surpass $140 - $280 in order for my option to be worth anything? Will that happen in my lifetime? :nono: I seriously doubt it!:crying:


George G.
10-23-2002, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Silver_2000_;)!
A year ago I had 7000+ coworkers around the world... Now we are down under 2600.... I am doing all the work


Well let's just be thankful that you and I have work!

10-23-2002, 09:14 PM

You beat me to that line! Except that I was gonna say, be glad you have a job... it's no fun not having full time employment, lemme tell ya!!!

I hope you all continue to hold on to your jobs.
