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03-31-2006, 03:28 PM
Just picked this up for 1200 bucks.Runs great,cold a/c.Gets 38 MPG.Its a Honda 1991 CRX.It looks small but actually is roomy for a 2 seater.It has 138k on it.Its also an automatic transm.I bought it for work,i am sick of getting screwed for gas.Every time i fill up,the next 3 days later its 10 cents higher.I figure 2 more months its gona be well over 3 bucks for the low octane.:D

03-31-2006, 04:05 PM
daumn foo, that whoptie is the shizzil-bomb!!!!

03-31-2006, 06:03 PM
Nice color :d I wish I had something that got 38mpg though, seriously. Smart move.


03-31-2006, 08:02 PM
I gona have to tint the windows so nobody sees me in it :rll: .I also got it to keep the miles off the L..

03-31-2006, 11:05 PM
Im your resident honda expert if the timing belt hasnt been changed id change it..Because with that many miles and if it has never been changed and if it breaks you get to buy a new motor...Also if it ticks pretty loudly get the valves adjusted and it will run tons better

04-01-2006, 01:30 AM
I'm thinking I'll be getting a gas-mizer too. I may be picking up an FZ6. Going to look again, tomorrow.

04-01-2006, 01:50 AM
Good thinking, Beau. :tu:

I'm glad now that we held on to Elaine's '95 4.6 L T-Bird as my daily-driver.

04-01-2006, 09:56 AM
Im your resident honda expert if the timing belt hasnt been changed id change it..Because with that many miles and if it has never been changed and if it breaks you get to buy a new motor...Also if it ticks pretty loudly get the valves adjusted and it will run tons better
There was a sticker on the housing that it was changed @ 85k.No ticking on valves.The valve cover gasket is leaking around one of the spark plug boots.I am gona have to order one.Other than that it runs great.

04-01-2006, 10:07 AM
cooll then you shouldnt have any problems...

04-01-2006, 10:11 AM
I might need a radiator (plastic piece of crap),it was cracked but i did a epoxy fiberglass mesh repair on it from Oriely.So far its holding up.Thats pretty good stuff,but when you mix it you better be quick.Anyone got connections on an all aluminum radiator.I cant find the motor size anywhere on the car.All stickers are gone.I was told it is a 1.5L.When i asked for parts @ Orielys there is nothing under CRX.I guess i order under Civic right?:confused:

04-01-2006, 10:45 AM
ok heres how to find your motor size....

Looking at the front of the motor look to the left of the exhaust manifold. There will a small square spot that sticks out a bit on the block,almost to the end of the block by the tranny. It should say something like 15d and a few other letters... the first to numbers are your engine size.. You should have a 1.5L in that car...

04-10-2006, 12:33 PM
Paging local Honda Guru.Mike do you know what model CRX this is.Its an auto with a 1.5L,is it an HE?:confused:I have been replacing a few minor parts.and they ask me what model.I tell em i dont know but it has a 1.5L motor and so far the parts all fit.I had to give the dealer the V.I.# just to find out what engine it is,but forgot to ask what model:hammer: The car still runs great and will save me about 40 bucks a week just driven it to work.Best of all 20 bucks fills it up.:banana:

04-10-2006, 03:49 PM
you could have snaped a pic of the motor and i could have told you the engine size to... Im going to take a guess and say that its a HX.. It has steel wheels and a 1.5.

04-13-2006, 02:12 PM
you could have snaped a pic of the motor and i could have told you the engine size to... Im going to take a guess and say that its a HX.. It has steel wheels and a 1.5.
Its a DX.Went and got some parts and had em run the numbers.

04-13-2006, 02:53 PM
When i feel the need for speed.She averages 17-18 MPG.This is the back of the sport pcg..Notice the spoiler is also different.I am in the process of looking for some 3 1/2 rolled tips on the exhaust.This is the perf. pckg..From the tips forward Corsa makes a nice system.

04-13-2006, 03:50 PM
Its a DX.Went and got some parts and had em run the numbers.

hx is the bottom of the line dx is next up

04-18-2006, 08:43 AM
Anyone looking for a gas saver,i highly recommend this car.Runs like brand new and simple to work on.I have put over 1500 miles on it and love it.Saves me about 50 bucks a week.knana

04-27-2006, 09:04 AM
Anyone got conn. on professional car stereo install/purchase in the lewisville area?Its for the work car,sounds like an old AM hand held.Looking for a 1cd disk with 2 nice speakers/cheap.

05-02-2006, 03:43 PM
Anyone got any reasonable exhaust ideas for the CRX?I was hoping maybe Mike (Poorsvtman) would reccom. something on e-bay.I am looking for a system with the cat.I saw several systems cheep on ebay.Looking for a deal.The cat is toast on my crx thats why i need a sys. with a cat.

05-02-2006, 05:58 PM
Anyone got any reasonable exhaust ideas for the CRX?I was hoping maybe Mike (Poorsvtman) would reccom. something on e-bay.I am looking for a system with the cat.I saw several systems cheep on ebay.Looking for a deal.The cat is toast on my crx thats why i need a sys. with a cat.

Anyone got conn. on professional car stereo install/purchase in the lewisville area?Its for the work car,sounds like an old AM hand held.Looking for a 1cd disk with 2 nice speakers/cheap.

Hmmm, does someone have a modding bug leftover from their Lightning? :rolleyes:

05-02-2006, 06:21 PM
what kind of exhaut styles where you looking for... also you want a good decent tone, a throaty deep tone or the ricer high pitched crap.. The problem with going to cheap is that when you do thats when you get the typical ricer crap... If you told me what you were looking at so far and what you want i could probly help out so you dont drive around sounding like a swarm of bumble bees

I still have connections at some shops... so i can probly work something up

05-03-2006, 01:27 AM
Walmart has some great deals for this. I bought a super pimp setup for the trailer from there. I got a very nice head unit with USB, SD slot, MP3, CD, iPod 1/8" inputs remote, detach face all the bling for only $79 bucks! Two nice three way 6x9's for $39 bucks and do it yourself 6x9 box kits for $14 each. We ran it all weekend at the track and it rocked. It helped a lot listening to the announcer vs the crap track PA system. After hours or before the race we jammed out and kicked back. You can't go wrong with Lightning Audio:cool: .

05-03-2006, 07:25 AM
Gota luv Walmart.I am gona check it out.If i am gona drive a piece a crap it needs a good stereo.

05-03-2006, 07:28 AM
what kind of exhaut styles where you looking for... also you want a good decent tone, a throaty deep tone or the ricer high pitched crap.. The problem with going to cheap is that when you do thats when you get the typical ricer crap... If you told me what you were looking at so far and what you want i could probly help out so you dont drive around sounding like a swarm of bumble bees

I still have connections at some shops... so i can probly work something up
I am looking for something cheap,sporty.The exhaust is old and the cat is a boat anchor.I need a cat,and a cat back.I saw this cat on e-bay,any good.Its awlful cheap. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/HONDA-CRX-HI-FLOW-CATALYTIC-CONVERTER-CAT-88-89-90-91_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33717QQitemZ80614953 81QQrdZ1

05-03-2006, 07:38 AM
Anyone got conn. on professional car stereo install/purchase in the lewisville area?Its for the work car,sounds like an old AM hand held.Looking for a 1cd disk with 2 nice speakers/cheap.

Hmmm, does someone have a modding bug leftover from their Lightning? :rolleyes:
No, its just a work car.Just fixen the needed things.I waited a while to see how it ran and if its worth it to invest in a few things.Turns out i stole it for 1200 bucks.If i am gona drive a piece o chit,it has got to @ least have good tunes.The exhaust is old and needs replacing.Just got the windows tinted dark as legally pos.I was gettin blinded when other cars tail gate me,hell i am 6 inches off the ground:rll: .It saves me 50 bucks a week driven it to work,and probally some high dollar tickets to,although this car idles @ 70.Very impressed with the perform for a 1.5L. Wish American auto makers made quality vehichles like this.

05-03-2006, 07:56 PM
No, its just a work car.Just fixen the needed things.I waited a while to see how it ran and if its worth it to invest in a few things.Turns out i stole it for 1200 bucks.If i am gona drive a piece o chit,it has got to @ least have good tunes.The exhaust is old and needs replacing.Just got the windows tinted dark as legally pos.I was gettin blinded when other cars tail gate me,hell i am 6 inches off the ground:rll: .It saves me 50 bucks a week driven it to work,and probally some high dollar tickets to,although this car idles @ 70.Very impressed with the perform for a 1.5L. Wish American auto makers made quality vehichles like this.

:tu: :tu:

05-03-2006, 10:20 PM
My daily-driver's odometer quit last year at 109,730 - '95 Ford T-Bird 4.6 L. I need to get her tuned up and with maybe some Royal Purple goodness. :cool:

Wish American auto makers made quality vehichles like this.

05-05-2006, 10:34 AM
New Tunes.knana Probally should have gone to Walmart,but happen to be close to a Best Buy.Paid about 250 for this set up.

05-05-2006, 12:38 PM
what kind of exhaut styles where you looking for... also you want a good decent tone, a throaty deep tone or the ricer high pitched crap.. The problem with going to cheap is that when you do thats when you get the typical ricer crap... If you told me what you were looking at so far and what you want i could probly help out so you dont drive around sounding like a swarm of bumble bees

I still have connections at some shops... so i can probly work something up
Can you get something in this neighborhood with a cat for 200 bucks? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/CATBACK-N1-STAINLESS-EXHAUST-88-91-HONDA-CRX-DX-SI-89_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33630QQitemZ80618911 66QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW