View Full Version : FFW Atlanta Update - Rocks...

True Blue Aggie
04-07-2006, 11:00 PM
TOUGH TRUCK (Top 5 of 18)
1. O’neal 10.867 123.59
2. Justus 10.922 124.27
3. Durham 11.276 119.69
4. Chuhran 11.909 113.49
5. Roberts 12.473 108.69

....after two rounds of qualifying. Looks like Rocks let off. Maybe not???

04-08-2006, 12:36 AM
Nope, I didn't let off. I am having issues with a air leak sucking in unmetered air around my plenum. I didn't run in the second round. I just needed to get a qualifying run in so I would be able to compete on Sunday. My truck is under going emergency gasket replacement surgery tommorrow. Cost me 75 bucks already just to overnight the damned thing to me. I'm not a happy feller right now. Wish me luck. Nothing like driving half way across the country and having mechanical problems.


04-08-2006, 05:08 AM
Nope, I didn't let off. I am having issues with a air leak sucking in unmetered air around my plenum. I didn't run in the second round. I just needed to get a qualifying run in so I would be able to compete on Sunday. My truck is under going emergency gasket replacement surgery tommorrow. Cost me 75 bucks already just to overnight the damned thing to me. I'm not a happy feller right now. Wish me luck. Nothing like driving half way across the country and having mechanical problems.


Sorry to hear that but good luck on Sunday. :burnout:


04-08-2006, 05:16 AM
Good luck, Uncle Rocks! :tu:

Be sure and check out the Pink Pony in Atlanta. knana:tu:

Mark #2
04-08-2006, 09:29 PM
Nope, I didn't let off. I am having issues with a air leak sucking in unmetered air around my plenum. I didn't run in the second round. I just needed to get a qualifying run in so I would be able to compete on Sunday. My truck is under going emergency gasket replacement surgery tommorrow. Cost me 75 bucks already just to overnight the damned thing to me. I'm not a happy feller right now. Wish me luck. Nothing like driving half way across the country and having mechanical problems.


What kind of plenum?
You are still running the KB? as I am thinking about switching plenums?

Tex Arcana
04-08-2006, 09:47 PM
Nope, I didn't let off. I am having issues with a air leak sucking in unmetered air around my plenum. I didn't run in the second round. I just needed to get a qualifying run in so I would be able to compete on Sunday. My truck is under going emergency gasket replacement surgery tommorrow. Cost me 75 bucks already just to overnight the damned thing to me. I'm not a happy feller right now. Wish me luck. Nothing like driving half way across the country and having mechanical problems.



Just kidding... get that beast fixed, kick some ass, and bring the trophy home, hear?? :tu:

True Blue Aggie
04-08-2006, 11:52 PM
Final qualifying, and no change of time for Rocks......

If your runnin, good luck on Sunday. :tu:

04-09-2006, 01:54 AM
Best of luck getting back up and improving Ron.


04-09-2006, 02:18 PM
Go Rocks....GO!

04-11-2006, 01:33 AM
Just got in a couple ours ago. I blew a focking head gasket. I towed the truck to Jersey and then flew home from there. What a completely focked up weekend this has been. I have learned that I am not suicidal. After all the problems i had this weekend i would have eaten a bullet for sure.

It was just one got damned thing after another. What really sucks is that I had the lights nailed on every pass I made. It would have been my weekend if not for all the mechanical issues.

I cut a perfect .000 light on Friday. In the first round of eliminations Sunday morning I cut a .002 light and had my opponent dead to rights. The fricking motor stumbled once and then puked at the 1000 ft mark. Focking antifreeze all over everywhere in the engine bay. The crap got on my slicks and I started to think the truck wasn't going to stop. It would try to slide every time I hit the brakes.

I am thinking this crap started at the TFC. I don't know if anyone remembers but my truck stumbled once at the 1000 ft mark that day. I got out of it real fast since the race was just for fun. This time I stayed in it for a few seconds to long...

I am hoping the only damage is the gaskets. I am not as wealthy as some folks think I am. This could be real forked up for me. Keep your fingers crossed for me, cause a whole new engine is pretty much out of the question if that is what it takes. I have about had enough of this sh!t. Warning to anyone who wants to get crazy with the mods. It becomes a never ending money pit and just about sucks the fun out of owning one of these focking trucks.

:flaming: :flaming: :flaming:

04-11-2006, 07:29 AM
Sorry to hear of your troubles Rocks. Here's to a speedy recovery for the black beast :beer:


04-11-2006, 08:24 AM
Warning to anyone who wants to get crazy with the mods. It becomes a never ending money pit and just about sucks the fun out of owning one of these focking trucks.

:flaming: :flaming: :flaming:

I feel your pain. Been there, done that... about 7 years ago.

Take care, buddy. Get some rest. Hopefully it won't be as bad as you might be thinking.

-Wes T.

04-11-2006, 09:15 AM
Hopefully everything will be ok with the engine. If so, then it's time to get a parachute!

04-11-2006, 06:47 PM
We have our fingers crossed for ya..

Mark #2
04-11-2006, 08:34 PM
What kind of plenum?
You are still running the KB? as I am thinking about switching plenums?

Do you think that the plenum leak caused it to go lean, detonate and blow the head gaskets?
What kind of boost were you attempting?
Good luck with the tear down.

04-12-2006, 12:11 AM

You'll be fine! Hell, I found out Friday that 4/28 is my last day (end of my 6 mo. contract), Elaine's quitting her job to be a stay-at-home-Mommie and Zane "dropped" this weekend.:eek2::) Oh, and to top it all off - I'm having to completely train my replacement!

Remember, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.:tu:

I just hope I don't have to fly to work. :crying:


04-12-2006, 02:19 AM
Do you think that the plenum leak caused it to go lean, detonate and blow the head gaskets?
What kind of boost were you attempting?
Good luck with the tear down.

Partially yes. She did go real lean, about 13.8 A/F, a split second before coughing up fluid. I had multiple issues. Plenum leak was the first issue. Due to the screwed up weather, the replacement gasket didn't come in so I had Jim add more fuel to make the safety margin wider.

Issue number two. My ground wire was making a bad connection to the frame, causing voltage to drop sporatically. This may have jacked with the computer. I should have noticed this one, because every time I started the truck since the TFC, my gages would sweep like they do when the battery has been disconnected. I didn't even give it a second thought since the truck would fire right up after it would do this.

Issue three. I dropped from a 3 inch pulley to my 2 3/4 inch pulley for eliminations. Like I have been doing for two years. The extra boost may have finally bitten me. About 19 lbs just before the big burp.

Issue four. My oil catcher mod blew out of the line leading from the PCV. I had clamped one side of it a year ago, but should have clamped both sides.

Issue five. I remember the truck stumbling at the TFC at the 1000 ft mark and I let off the throttle. It may have done some damage to the head gasket back then and this event just finished it off.

I will know more once they get the heads off. I am going to go ahead and have them update the heads while they are off with the stonger valve springs. That is unless the block has cracked also. I have no reason to believe the block cracked, but it can happen when a major head gasket failure occures during a WOT run down the track.

Tex Arcana
04-13-2006, 12:29 AM
DAmn, Rocks.. that sucks bigtime. I"m sorry it happened like this--then again, you lived thru it, that counts more. :tu: