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View Full Version : possible bad intercooler....advice/help

04-09-2006, 02:12 PM
After 1500 miles or so, I had to put water in my intercooler tank, not much, maybe 12oz. I'm not sure that it wasn't low from when the motor was installed but I'm a little paranoid about killing my new motor. Other than using water what are the signs of a bad intercooler? Will it effect anything else? Less power, higher temps? My truck did have the intercooler warranteed a long time ago. If seems to me that it would be a lot of work to replace so I'm not excited about having to do it. What is the best way to check?

04-09-2006, 10:38 PM
Is it a 99?

The 99's had the recall replacing the 9 row intercooler with a new improved 10 row design. Pull the blower and intercooler to check- there should be some pics on NLOC that show the difference in the 9 row vs the 10 row


found a few pics in my gallery of mine during a cleaning project- this is the replacement one from the recall

04-09-2006, 11:09 PM
I already have the updated intercooler.

04-10-2006, 05:53 AM
Tom, I am not qualified to answer this one, but was wondering if the drop is just related to the system "burping" itself of air. Why not run it a bit more and keep an eye on it.


04-10-2006, 07:25 AM
Tom, I am not qualified to answer this one, but was wondering if the drop is just related to the system "burping" itself of air. Why not run it a bit more and keep an eye on it.


Having lost an intercooler in my 2000 - take Danas advice and just run it. Do what we did back then while waiting for the parts - take a sharpie marker and mark the water level - I bet yours wont drop again - If you are really leaking when you get on the boost it will go down pretty quick ...

04-10-2006, 07:38 AM
I was hoping that what Dana suggested is true. Doug, I did exactly what you said. As a matter of fact, I swapped out my 4lb lower for a 6lb, noted where the level was, and then took a 20 minute drive at an average speed of about 90- half of which was uphill. Then I ran errands and was getting on it every chance I could to make boost. The level didn't change. I'm probably being overly sensitive.

04-10-2006, 07:45 AM
Is the water swirling around in the intercooler resovoir tank when the engine is warmed up and running? In other words, is your intercooler pump working?

04-10-2006, 10:25 AM

04-10-2006, 11:04 AM

Just checking. That's how I figured out my pump was going south. The water level had dropped in mine and quit swirling.

04-10-2006, 11:52 AM
After working on my L and freaking out about every little thing that could be wrong with it, I had a thought. Why not a BB Ford? I posted the following on NLOC this morning:

Just for the sake of conversation, has anyone considered just putting a big block in an L or F150? Some of you hard core guys are spending so much money that I figure it would be cheaper to build a big inch carbed bigblock with a c6 behind it than the combo's we've been seeing lately with the turbo's and what not. As a matter of fact, for 1/2 the money of a built long block, built tranny, and Whipple, I could build a 550-600 nitrous ready big block that is pump gas friendly and fairly docile that could easily handle 200hp of spray and then build a c6 that would hold together forever...and still have a couple of bucks left over.
Would a big block even fit? I just got the idea this morning. I can't stop thinking about it. It would cost pennies to build a high 10 second truck with a rebuilt junkyard 460 and any old plate unit. Why hasn't anybody tried this yet?
I am ready for all the death threats that I am likely to receive now. I just figure with the Chevy trannies and turbo's being the new thing, most guys cant really be overly concerned about "stockness". Comparatively, there is almost no work with a carb.
I bet that a big block with a carb and a C6 or TH400 would be lighter than the 5.4/4R100 too. Hmmmmm. Does anybody see this the same way as me?

04-10-2006, 07:15 PM
I was hoping that what Dana suggested is true. Doug, I did exactly what you said. As a matter of fact, I swapped out my 4lb lower for a 6lb, noted where the level was, and then took a 20 minute drive at an average speed of about 90- half of which was uphill. Then I ran errands and was getting on it every chance I could to make boost. The level didn't change. I'm probably being overly sensitive.

Tom, being that you are in Kaliforney.. you are probably a very sensitive guy. :evil

sorry, just couldnt resist that one...


04-10-2006, 10:46 PM
You caught me Dana.....sensitive- that's me. That's why I called Ronald a Bambi killer in another post. Hear that Ronald- BAMBI KILLER!!!! I hope you at least eat Bambi after you shoot her Ronald....BAMBI EATER!!! Bambi is a female right? Ronald would know because he killed her.:rll:

Tex Arcana
04-10-2006, 11:38 PM
You caught me Dana.....sensitive- that's me. That's why I called Ronald a Bambi killer in another post. Hear that Ronald- BAMBI KILLER!!!! I hope you at least eat Bambi after you shoot her Ronald....BAMBI EATER!!! Bambi is a female right? Ronald would know because he killed her.:rll:

THis is what should be done with Bambi:

Tex Arcana
04-10-2006, 11:49 PM
After working on my L and freaking out about every little thing that could be wrong with it, I had a thought. Why not a BB Ford? I posted the following on NLOC this morning:

Just for the sake of conversation, has anyone considered just putting a big block in an L or F150? Some of you hard core guys are spending so much money that I figure it would be cheaper to build a big inch carbed bigblock with a c6 behind it than the combo's we've been seeing lately with the turbo's and what not. As a matter of fact, for 1/2 the money of a built long block, built tranny, and Whipple, I could build a 550-600 nitrous ready big block that is pump gas friendly and fairly docile that could easily handle 200hp of spray and then build a c6 that would hold together forever...and still have a couple of bucks left over.
Would a big block even fit? I just got the idea this morning. I can't stop thinking about it. It would cost pennies to build a high 10 second truck with a rebuilt junkyard 460 and any old plate unit. Why hasn't anybody tried this yet?
I am ready for all the death threats that I am likely to receive now. I just figure with the Chevy trannies and turbo's being the new thing, most guys cant really be overly concerned about "stockness". Comparatively, there is almost no work with a carb.
I bet that a big block with a carb and a C6 or TH400 would be lighter than the 5.4/4R100 too. Hmmmmm. Does anybody see this the same way as me?

I can't see why a big block couldn't be used, esp. if you pushed it down and back a bit. I could see the weight being an issue, nothing that couldn't be dealt with.

But GM trannies?? BLASPHEMY!! That's almost as bad as putting *shudder* tchebbie motors in Ford products. :throw:

04-11-2006, 12:18 AM
You fruitie Californians! :D I don't take does - only wall-hanger bucks. :tu:


Who says Californians (or out-of-staters) don't hunt deer / elk on the Left-Coast.


I'll have to throw some of that 9-ptr's marinated backstraps on the grill tomorrow evening, just for you Tom. :evil


You caught me Dana.....sensitive- that's me. That's why I called Ronald a Bambi killer in another post. Hear that Ronald- BAMBI KILLER!!!! I hope you at least eat Bambi after you shoot her Ronald....BAMBI EATER!!! Bambi is a female right? Ronald would know because he killed her.:rll:

04-11-2006, 07:55 AM
Ronald I never said that we don't hunt. We use our cars instead of guns. Heck, I've hit quite a few bunnies on my dirtbike (by accident). I hit a rabbit once, caught it with my back tire, flung the bunny into my friend (by accident), and knocked him off his bike a 50 mph.

Tex Arcana
04-13-2006, 12:33 AM
Ronald I never said that we don't hunt. We use our cars instead of guns. Heck, I've hit quite a few bunnies on my dirtbike (by accident). I hit a rabbit once, caught it with my back tire, flung the bunny into my friend (by accident), and knocked him off his bike a 50 mph.

Wow, "Hunting--Wyoming Style!!" :rll: