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View Full Version : Speed & Spike TV hosts MIA..

TP Derrick D
05-27-2006, 06:56 PM
This may have been a topic before but since I have'nt been on a lot I may have missed it. I noticed on SPIKE TV for past couple months the host of TRUCKS has changed from Stacy David to 2 guys that I think has dry personalities and just not as fun to watch. Anyone know the story why the change? I missed a couple shows back when my brother passed away and probably missed it. Also on SPIKE, one of the 3 hosts from HORSEPOWER has been missing, whats the story? and on Speed channel 's Two Guys Garage one of the Dave's out of the 3 hosts has been missing so it really has gone back to TWO GUYS GARAGE ,anyone know the story?

05-27-2006, 08:46 PM
This may have been a topic before but since I have'nt been on a lot I may have missed it. I noticed on SPIKE TV for past couple months the host of TRUCKS has changed from Stacy David to 2 guys that I think has dry personalities and just not as fun to watch. Anyone know the story why the change? I missed a couple shows back when my brother passed away and probably missed it. Also on SPIKE, one of the 3 hosts from HORSEPOWER has been missing, whats the story? and on Speed channel 's Two Guys Garage one of the Dave's out of the 3 hosts has been missing so it really has gone back to TWO GUYS GARAGE ,anyone know the story?

Stacey David has moved on to other ventures.. go to his website www.staceydavid.com
With Horsepower, I think they felt that they needed a younger guy on there to try to attract a younger audience. The guy who left does do some commercials. I did see an interview of him on My Classic Car and he was taking some time off and going to do other things.. (the usual line) On Two Guys Garage.. I think that Dave #1 wasnt quite the mechanic they wanted on the show, so the other guy pushed him out.. He does do the occasional on site trip to a trade show or whatever though.. he isnt completely gone.

I dont care for at least the one guy on Trucks, he needs to go back to WWF for wherever he came from .. the other guy does seem to know something about working on trucks.. I dont mind the new host, Courtney Hansen.. she's fairly hot and has a better figure than Danica.. but then again I liked the very first host of Powerblock, but they got rid of her too.


TP Derrick D
05-27-2006, 09:42 PM
Stacey David has moved on to other ventures.. go to his website www.staceydavid.com
With Horsepower, I think they felt that they needed a younger guy on there to try to attract a younger audience. The guy who left does do some commercials. I did see an interview of him on My Classic Car and he was taking some time off and going to do other things.. (the usual line) On Two Guys Garage.. I think that Dave #1 wasnt quite the mechanic they wanted on the show, so the other guy pushed him out.. He does do the occasional on site trip to a trade show or whatever though.. he isnt completely gone.

I dont care for at least the one guy on Trucks, he needs to go back to WWF for wherever he came from .. the other guy does seem to know something about working on trucks.. I dont mind the new host, Courtney Hansen.. she's fairly hot and has a better figure than Danica.. but then again I liked the very first host of Powerblock, but they got rid of her too.


Thanks for the info Dana,
I guess I get used to certain faces attached to certain shows. I barely watch TRUCKS now. You're right about the WWF guy, just what I was thinking. They lack the carisma or whatever that Stacy had. Made me not want to miss a show when he hosted it. Plus, he built some really nice Trucks. Horsepower had the 3 guys for 3 years or so, I think the 3 of them worked well.Now they are back to 2 hosts. But yeah, I did see the commercial. He's also President of National Chevelle Club. With Two Guys ,I liked it before it was 3 guys, then I got used to it and liked it now its back to 2 guys again. I liked the departed Dave #1 better than Dave #2. Oh well, I'll just pick and choose the shows depending on what they are doing. By the way, there is always TRUCK UNIVERSE.

05-28-2006, 05:44 AM
Thanks for the info Dana,
I guess I get used to certain faces attached to certain shows. I barely watch TRUCKS now. You're right about the WWF guy, just what I was thinking. They lack the carisma or whatever that Stacy had. Made me not want to miss a show when he hosted it. Plus, he built some really nice Trucks. Horsepower had the 3 guys for 3 years or so, I think the 3 of them worked well.Now they are back to 2 hosts. But yeah, I did see the commercial. He's also President of National Chevelle Club. With Two Guys ,I liked it before it was 3 guys, then I got used to it and liked it now its back to 2 guys again. I liked the departed Dave #1 better than Dave #2. Oh well, I'll just pick and choose the shows depending on what they are doing. By the way, there is always TRUCK UNIVERSE.
The wife always liked Dave #1 best too. She wont watch the show because she feels Dave 2 pushed out Dave 1... Stacey just had a great way of saying what you were thinking at the time.. He did some pretty crazy one-off buildups and these guys are more into the bolt on scene. Chuck, (I think that is right) was the best of all three of them to me.. I liked the way he presented stuff on the show.. oh well..
Truck Universe, :eek2: :eek2: , you arent serious are you? I watched it a couple of times and those guys are just weird or something.. cant do it..
I dont mind Extreme 4x4, even though I dont see myself doing offroading, but Jesse is kind of cute and they are somewhat entertaining, so I only watch it off of the DVR to skip the commercials.

05-28-2006, 10:26 AM
I think - havent researched - that dave #1 is doing the behind tyhe scenes stuff now -
Here is a link with some info
THis link says he is executive producer www.equipto.com/pages/images/News%20&%20Articles/E-2GG%20Press%20Release%20-%206-20-05.doc


bowman isnt even mentioned here

more detail here

This was brought up on Sam's local radio show on WGST in Atlanta. There were no problems between them. With Speed wanting more episodes, about 25 a season, Dave Bowman's other business interests took precedence. In the past, most of a season's worth of episodes were shot in a few weeks. Currently, Sam and Dave McBride head to Tampa once a month for a few days to tape new episodes.

TP Derrick D
05-29-2006, 01:33 AM
The wife always liked Dave #1 best too. She wont watch the show because she feels Dave 2 pushed out Dave 1... Stacey just had a great way of saying what you were thinking at the time.. He did some pretty crazy one-off buildups and these guys are more into the bolt on scene. Chuck, (I think that is right) was the best of all three of them to me.. I liked the way he presented stuff on the show.. oh well..
Truck Universe, :eek2: :eek2: , you arent serious are you? I watched it a couple of times and those guys are just weird or something.. cant do it..
I dont mind Extreme 4x4, even though I dont see myself doing offroading, but Jesse is kind of cute and they are somewhat entertaining, so I only watch it off of the DVR to skip the commercials.

nah, I wasn't serious about Truck U. They in no way, no how compared to Stacey David versions of Trucks!

05-29-2006, 01:42 AM
ok two guys garage wasnt that shade tree mechanic at one point in time? What channel dose two guys garage come on down here in texas... It use to come on back when spike was tnn...

Also car and driver is missing from this years line up of shows...

05-29-2006, 05:50 AM
ok two guys garage wasnt that shade tree mechanic at one point in time? What channel dose two guys garage come on down here in texas... It use to come on back when spike was tnn...

Also car and driver is missing from this years line up of shows...

When it was Shade Tree, they were on TNN.. now they are on the Speed Channel..

Yep, Car and Driver is MIA.. but I also watch Motorweek on Speed Channel.. you can also catch Fifth Gear on Speed too.. its the US version of that British show we all love where they test cars... I watched it this last week and they chronicled a guy buying Michael Schumachers 2001 F1 car that he won the F1 championship with ... wonder how much that one cost?

05-29-2006, 11:08 AM
i need to get speed channel... got dish and dont have it:throw:

05-29-2006, 11:57 AM
i need to get speed channel... got dish and dont have it:throw:

Speed used to be on dish - but I left dish a while back

05-29-2006, 01:16 PM
its on dish... just isnt on my package.. I can see the chanel on the guide but just dont get it...

05-29-2006, 05:44 PM
its on dish... just isnt on my package.. I can see the chanel on the guide but just dont get it...

Speed is much better these days.. I also watch Pinks on there too.. Fifth Gear, F1 racing and related shows, Champ Car series, Atlantic Series (junior Champ Car).. they have good motorcycle shows, Motorweek, blah blah blah..my bro n law watches even more than me.. there is a TON of CrashCar (NASCAR) related shows on there.. there are some really bad ones too, so bad you cant help but watch them.. they have motorsport related movies too..

worth a couple bucks in my book..
