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View Full Version : Washing your pride and joy (with Stage 3 restrictions)

05-30-2006, 09:27 PM
Yes, this is a serious question/discussion. ;) Maybe it belongs in the TALON Members forum, and not general discussion. Move it if it's out of place.

Anyway, here in Collin Co, they are starting the Stage 3 water restrictions on Thursday, June 1. I won't go into all the details, but citizens will be prohibited from washing/rinsing their vehicles with a hose. I _always_ hand wash my vehicles and take meticulous care when dong so. I don't feel like I waste much water at all, but I also have no intention of getting fined up to $2k.

They are allowing commercial wash centers to stay open b/c they say the drains are set up to feed properly into the water treatment system. So, I guess I will take my wash solution, sponge and bucket and go up and throw a few quarters in at a time to get the water I need? It will be a PITA, and a bit more cumbersome.

Anyone have any other suggestions? I'm certainly not going 3-4 months without keeping my Vette and L in great looking condition.

05-30-2006, 09:31 PM
I used to go to the do it your self car wash all the time. Bunch of us from a car club back in the day used to go up on friday evenings, and all detail our cars for the weekend.. I always had a wash bucket and mit..

Most of the time the owners and others frown at hand washing but if you get to know the owner like we did he didnt mind so much since we were there few times a week...

Also most large carwashes like colonial car wash chains. They recycle the water... so they realy dont use much..

05-30-2006, 09:37 PM
Frankly, I don't give a rats you-know-what if people frown on it. Unless its just a little dusty, spraying it down does nothing but loosen the dirt up. Then you get the drying chamois dirty. No thanks.

If the city wants to impose this, fine. But I'm going to keep the vehicles as clean as possible.

The fact is, I _will_ wash them less than before just due to the inconvenience.

Mark #2
05-30-2006, 09:39 PM
Yes, this is a serious question/discussion. ;) Maybe it belongs in the TALON Members forum, and not general discussion. Move it if it's out of place.

Anyway, here in Collin Co, they are starting the Stage 3 water restrictions on Thursday, June 1. I won't go into all the details, but citizens will be prohibited from washing/rinsing their vehicles with a hose. I _always_ hand wash my vehicles and take meticulous care when dong so. I don't feel like I waste much water at all, but I also have no intention of getting fined up to $2k.

They are allowing commercial wash centers to stay open b/c they say the drains are set up to feed properly into the water treatment system. So, I guess I will take my wash solution, sponge and bucket and go up and throw a few quarters in at a time to get the water I need? It will be a PITA, and a bit more cumbersome.

Anyone have any other suggestions? I'm certainly not going 3-4 months without keeping my Vette and L in great looking condition.

Get a large trash can and fill it with water behind the fence, then take buckets of water to the driveway to rinse it off?

05-30-2006, 09:45 PM
My driveway is actually enclosed, so no one ever even sees me (might hear the sprayer "hissing", though) washing the vehicles. The problem is that the run-off would be obvious to a city inspector who happened to be driving by...bucket or not.

Mark #2
05-30-2006, 09:50 PM
My driveway is actually enclosed, so no one ever even sees me (might hear the sprayer "hissing", though) washing the vehicles. The problem is that the run-off would be obvious to a city inspector who happened to be driving by...bucket or not.

It they can't see or document you then no way you get a ticket, IMHO.

05-30-2006, 09:59 PM
It they can't see or document you then no way you get a ticket, IMHO.

I agree. But if I'm in the middle of the wash and an inspector happens to see some water run-off (I assume these guys are going to be driving all over the city...hitting people who water landscape on the wrong day/time primarily, I'm sure) then all he's gotta do is bang on my fence (probably won't be scaling the 8 foot fence), get my attention and nail me. I'm betting I use less than 5-6 gals for one vehicle, but I know there are lots of people who are very wasteful.

Chances of this occuring are probably rather slim, I admit. I am sure the first time, I'll get a warning. Second time I can be fined.

05-30-2006, 10:52 PM
I'd take my chances if I were you. If you really dont waste much water, and I have seen your driveway, what does it matter? They wont fine you the first time. :)

Tex Arcana
05-30-2006, 11:04 PM
Frankly, I don't give a rats you-know-what if people frown on it. Unless its just a little dusty, spraying it down does nothing but loosen the dirt up. Then you get the drying chamois dirty. No thanks.

If the city wants to impose this, fine. But I'm going to keep the vehicles as clean as possible.

The fact is, I _will_ wash them less than before just due to the inconvenience.

So set yourself up with some evidence that supports your claims. First, video yourself washing the truck, showing how little water you really use. Then, video the CITY and BUSINESSES watering the streets at all hours of the day and night, wasting LOADS of water on a daily basis. When you get your citation, take it to the city council, show them the videos, then ask them nicely to dismiss it. If they don't, call the newspapers and TV news stations, and get them to do a story on how City Hall is sticking it to the little guy while letting others get away with wastage. Watch that citation go away in a hurry. :tu:

When we lived in Frisco, I was just *waiting* to get a citation for my watering schedule, becasue my soil was so shallow that watering it "deeply and infrequently" like they wanted me to was a total waste, and would end up killing my plants. But they never got me, darn it, and I was prepared to go to the mat as described above. :mad:

05-30-2006, 11:51 PM
Be a rebel and wash away. I would pick hours that were less likely to search. The quarter washes may have filthy reclaimed water or additives etc. Wash it in the yard if you have to justify runoff water. I wouldn't let the city push me around.

05-31-2006, 02:11 AM

I TC washed/waxed the heck out of mine recently in the 3-car enclosed garage and I haven't heard a thing from the city - all covert. :cool:

We run the hell out of our sprinklers, etc.:rolleyes:

They're after you, you know? :evil


05-31-2006, 08:36 AM
Basically it comes down to a busy body neighbor complaining or as you said a random drive by of an inspector

Carrollton is in condition 1 BUT even that says vehicle washing is "Discouraged Except to elleviate an immediate health or safety hazard "
LOL - My mental health would have to be at risk I guess...

I see they finally stopped changing the screwy watering schedule - the idiots would change it to some crazy new calendar thing every year which would require you to go get a special watering controller that understood the 3rd thursday of the 4th week. They are apparently giving out rain sensors but you have to agree to things - I bet signing up for that would be an invite to trouble

05-31-2006, 09:13 AM

I TC washed/waxed the heck out of mine recently in the 3-car enclosed garage and I haven't heard a thing from the city - all covert. :cool:

We run the hell out of our sprinklers, etc.:rolleyes:

They're after you, you know? :evil


I never rec'd a notice on a watering schedule until yesterday, saying we can only water once a week on trash pickup days. That makes it VERY easy for them to regulate/patrol that. So, I'll water my lawn once a week (twice during the night, so as to alleviate run-off). I'll probably wash my vehicles that AM as well, so there will be less issues with visible run-off.

Yeah, a busy-body neighbor can nail me. I doubt that will happen, but its possible. That's one thing I can't control.

Ronald, all this takes effect June 1. Before then (today), you can/could wash your vehicles anytime, anywhere. I'm washing 3 of them tonight.


05-31-2006, 10:45 AM
I used to have Scott come detail my car/truck for me on occasion. He is a detailer located in Arlington. He would bring his own water and use a product in it called Quick and Easy Wash.. it works, and it just might be what you need to use.. the link is below.. also, I use a quick detailer if the car isnt too bad off. Either way, you should be able to do something like this and stay well within the law.


If you want more validation, do a search over on Autopia to see what other detailers say about the product. You can buy it at most RV centers.. and no I do not have any connection to the product whatsoever.

05-31-2006, 10:53 AM
Thanks, Dana. Looks like a good alternative.

Tex Arcana
05-31-2006, 11:16 AM
Be a rebel and wash away. I would pick hours that were less likely to search. The quarter washes may have filthy reclaimed water or additives etc. Wash it in the yard if you have to justify runoff water. I wouldn't let the city push me around.

I'm with you: them damn governments seem to forget who they work for. :flaming:

05-31-2006, 08:45 PM
Thanks, Dana. Looks like a good alternative.

anytime, glad I could be of some help.. a lot of Northern guys use it to wash in the cold.


06-01-2006, 01:55 PM
Hmmm.........so have we all lost our minds? There is a water shortage. This isn't some big government conspiracy to force everyone to drive dirty cars. Be glad they haven't shut down the car washes yet. That may very well be next. In the interum, I suggest you just play by the rules and take your happy ass down to the car wash.

Maybe we should bookmark this thread for our grand children to read while they are drinking their own recycled urine in another 20 years.


06-01-2006, 02:16 PM
Hmmm.........so have we all lost our minds? There is a water shortage. This isn't some big government conspiracy to force everyone to drive dirty cars. Be glad they haven't shut down the car washes yet. That may very well be next. In the interum, I suggest you just play by the rules and take your happy ass down to the car wash.

Maybe we should bookmark this thread for our grand children to read while they are drinking their own recycled urine in another 20 years.


lol...that's pretty damn funny.

We have the water usage laws here in Arlington every summer as well, the funny part is driving down Matlock and the city is watering the median and there are at least 2 out of 10 sprinkler heads broken and spweing water 20 feet into the air. This has happened on several different occasions.

The other is the sprinklers never being adjusted and they water the road more often than the grass and shrubs. It pisses me off because it's seems this happens every time I drive my newly washed truck through there and it gets all dirty again.(I don't wash my truck that often, so this really irks me :tongue:)

Also Rocks, when's the last time you drove your truck on the street? No need to worry about washing it if it sits ona trailer all the time. :throw:


06-01-2006, 06:42 PM
:evil.....I still have to wash it.

06-01-2006, 07:34 PM
Hmmm.........so have we all lost our minds? There is a water shortage. This isn't some big government conspiracy to force everyone to drive dirty cars. Be glad they haven't shut down the car washes yet. That may very well be next. In the interum, I suggest you just play by the rules and take your happy ass down to the car wash.

Maybe we should bookmark this thread for our grand children to read while they are drinking their own recycled urine in another 20 years.


Which is why I posted the question. I want to do my best to conserve water. There is no doubt there is a water shortage here in N. Texas. As far as drinking recycled urine... water treatment plants are doing that anyway. ;)

But I see the same thing wesman does up here in Allen/Plano. It's a joke. 1000 gals of water _wasted_ on the concrete streets. But they want to cite a citizen who washes a couple of vehicles 1-2x a month as they get dirty. ???

06-01-2006, 09:15 PM
Uhhh....I haven't said this in many years. But my momma always told us that two wrongs won't make a right.

I agree 100% with the statements about water sprinklers going wild all over the street. it isn't just city properties either. Darned apartments around Plano love to water the street. The city should give out VERY stiff fines to those asshats. For me, watching them waste water doesn't make it OK for me to do it.

My comment was not really meant to be a personal attack on you Wes. It was just my overall reaction after reading all the posts scoffing at the water conservation ordinances.

06-01-2006, 10:12 PM
My cleaned truck is dirty now just from driving down Debbie Ln which has no less than an inch of standing water flowing across from the median sprinklers. I beleive when it comes to water usage per household I deserve to wash my truck when I want. I am one person using an eigth of the water that a house of 4 or more does. Even washing my truck once a week I don't get near the consumption the regular household does for laundry and baths etc. They are infringing on my right to pursue happiness.:hammer:

Tex Arcana
06-01-2006, 10:34 PM
Uhhh....I haven't said this in many years. But my momma always told us that two wrongs won't make a right.

I agree 100% with the statements about water sprinklers going wild all over the street. it isn't just city properties either. Darned apartments around Plano love to water the street. The city should give out VERY stiff fines to those asshats. For me, watching them waste water doesn't make it OK for me to do it.

My comment was not really meant to be a personal attack on you Wes. It was just my overall reaction after reading all the posts scoffing at the water conservation ordinances.

I think if Wes takes Terry's suggestion to wash his vehicles on the grass, then he'll kill two birds with one stone: clean cars, watered yard.

Sometimes, you just *have* to use water to get something done. If I don't keep the level of my pool up, not only will I kill my pumps, I'll end up wasting 16,000 gallons of water that ends up going VERY bad in a big hurry. Better to use *some* water to prevent a huge problem later.

I see both sides of the issue: we *must* conserve water. If you're careful when washing a vehicle, the water doens't literally go down the drain. Also, the municipalities AND business MUST toe the line as well, and it's up to our elected representatives and employees to make sure that happens. Hence my advice to make sure you back yourself up when you *do* wash a vehicle. :tu:

Tex Arcana
06-01-2006, 10:35 PM
My cleaned truck is dirty now just from driving down Debbie Ln which has no less than an inch of standing water flowing across from the median sprinklers. I beleive when it comes to water usage per household I deserve to wash my truck when I want. I am one person using an eigth of the water that a house of 4 or more does. Even washing my truck once a week I don't get near the consumption the regular household does for laundry and baths etc. They are infringing on my right to pursue happiness.:hammer:

Take pictures, turn 'em in. Do your part. :tu: :evil

06-01-2006, 10:40 PM
I think if Wes takes Terry's suggestion to wash his vehicles on the grass, then he'll kill two birds with one stone: clean cars, watered yard.

Sometimes, you just *have* to use water to get something done. If I don't keep the level of my pool up, not only will I kill my pumps, I'll end up wasting 16,000 gallons of water that ends up going VERY bad in a big hurry. Better to use *some* water to prevent a huge problem later.

I see both sides of the issue: we *must* conserve water. If you're careful when washing a vehicle, the water doens't literally go down the drain. Also, the municipalities AND business MUST toe the line as well, and it's up to our elected representatives and employees to make sure that happens. Hence my advice to make sure you back yourself up when you *do* wash a vehicle. :tu:
trouble is that unless you washed t 7 am on the grass you would be watering outside the allowed window

Tex Arcana
06-01-2006, 11:00 PM
trouble is that unless you washed t 7 am on the grass you would be watering outside the allowed window
Perhaps that should be counted as an exception?

Come to think of it, there isn't any place where I can wash my vehicles where the water DOESN'T go into the grass. :D

06-02-2006, 01:20 AM
My cleaned truck is dirty now just from driving down Debbie Ln which has no less than an inch of standing water flowing across from the median sprinklers. I beleive when it comes to water usage per household I deserve to wash my truck when I want. I am one person using an eigth of the water that a house of 4 or more does. Even washing my truck once a week I don't get near the consumption the regular household does for laundry and baths etc. They are infringing on my right to pursue happiness.:hammer:

lmao...I typed out a very similatr post, but decided against it because I hadn't been challenged or asked for that information.

I also feel entitled to my "share" of water but that's neither here nor there.

There are a lot more atrocious things happening to the water than me using my sprinklers or washing my truck (which I did wash today before the meeting, and then of course ran into rain on the way to the meeting :hammer: :flaming: :flaming: ) and the municipalities are the culprits.

I'll take it as it comes....


06-03-2006, 02:20 PM
Yes, this is a serious question/discussion. ;) Maybe it belongs in the TALON Members forum, and not general discussion. Move it if it's out of place.

Anyway, here in Collin Co, they are starting the Stage 3 water restrictions on Thursday, June 1. I won't go into all the details, but citizens will be prohibited from washing/rinsing their vehicles with a hose. I _always_ hand wash my vehicles and take meticulous care when dong so. I don't feel like I waste much water at all, but I also have no intention of getting fined up to $2k.

They are allowing commercial wash centers to stay open b/c they say the drains are set up to feed properly into the water treatment system. So, I guess I will take my wash solution, sponge and bucket and go up and throw a few quarters in at a time to get the water I need? It will be a PITA, and a bit more cumbersome.

Anyone have any other suggestions? I'm certainly not going 3-4 months without keeping my Vette and L in great looking condition.


I am in Frisco under the same restrictions. I've wash mine like you do although I have a coin car wash within a couple of miles form the house near the quad c campus.

I am going to take the bucket up there early in the morning and take my time before the crowds arrive. You got kids though and heading out before they are taken care of is hard to do... maybe late at night?

The reason I say early or late is we are not supposed to bucket wash at these places. A friend of mine owns a few and there have been time the people waiting can get a little PO'd. So... I prefer before or after the masses are there.

That being said... I did take my wheels off today to clean the old tape from the balance weights off then washed and rinsed them via buckets.

$2,000 for after the first warning out here.

Now I take care of my in-laws in Heath (by Rockwall). They belong to the same thing you and I do... however, their rules and reg's are more forgiving than ours. Such are no washing of cars with water run off. New plants are exempt for the first 12 months.

Don't understand how three towns under the same NTMWD with the same stage of restrictions can have variances like this.

Oh well...

06-03-2006, 02:52 PM
Yeah, I really don't know exactly what I'm going to do. Right now all 4 vehicles are clean, so I don't have to think about it til the next rain or until the city waters the streets and it sprays up all over me as I drive through it. :mad:

I need to order a sample size of that stuff Dana suggested and see how well it works.

06-03-2006, 05:29 PM
Yeah, I really don't know exactly what I'm going to do. Right now all 4 vehicles are clean, so I don't have to think about it til the next rain or until the city waters the streets and it sprays up all over me as I drive through it. :mad:

I need to order a sample size of that stuff Dana suggested and see how well it works.

It works pretty good when used correctly.. I have seen it done more than once.. read the directions, read the directions.. if in doubt, go over to autopia and read a few of the threads over there, especially the ones by scottwax.. he's the king... he uses it everywhere on porsches, lambo's etc.. if you want to see his work, go to www.scottwax.com.

Hope its a good solution for you.. just do it in the shade of your garage too..

Mark #2
06-15-2006, 08:02 PM
Just FYI,
Got home earlier today, went to get on it at a favorite spot on a side street and got 4 radar warnings.:eek:

Richardson police were going door to door reminding those with sprinklers already on that the ban is 10am to 6pm even on trash days.
Not handing out tickets though, but they are monitoring.

06-15-2006, 08:24 PM
I received my notice from the City of Plano today. Watering one day a week only.No daytime watering. No car washing, no sidewalk washing...no...no...no ...........fricking frivolous water usage allowed.

But I can keep the pool filled with water:rolleyes: . If I had one. If I owned a pond, I can't fill that up. But if I own a golf coarse...and don't use potable water...i can water the greens. You just have to love Plano. We keep our priorities in order around here:rll: .

Mark #2
06-15-2006, 08:36 PM
I received my notice from the City of Plano today. Watering one day a week only.No daytime watering. No car washing, no sidewalk washing...no...no...no ...........fricking frivolous water usage allowed.

But I can keep the pool filled with water:rolleyes: . If I had one. If I owned a pond, I can't fill that up. But if I own a golf coarse...and don't use potable water...i can water the greens. You just have to love Plano. We keep our priorities in order around here:rll: .
We have a neighbor 5 houses down whose pool leaks and drains down the alley everyday. I don't know how he affords the water bill.

My cross the alley neighbor has complained to the city many times as he is sick of the alley being wet all the time with his black car that he gets detailed every week(the guy that I bought our house from and with the Z28 I drove for a week).:tu:

No actions from the city.

06-15-2006, 08:40 PM
It works pretty good when used correctly.. I have seen it done more than once.. read the directions, read the directions.. if in doubt, go over to autopia and read a few of the threads over there, especially the ones by scottwax.. he's the king... he uses it everywhere on porsches, lambo's etc.. if you want to see his work, go to www.scottwax.com (http://www.scottwax.com).

Hope its a good solution for you.. just do it in the shade of your garage too..

Got 4 bottles in yesterday. Tried it out today on the "work truck" (S-10 pickup...has a new paint job though, so its not like I wanted to take big chances with it, but I'd rather try it out on that than my other vehicles). Used less than a gallon of water. It seems to work well, but I can't imagine if the vehicle gets _really_ dirty. A gentle touch is necessary so that you don't grind dirt/grit into the clearcoat like sandpaper. And when they say "do one area and then quickly dry it" they mean it. Otherwise you get a film on it... easy enough to go back over and wet it again.

I also did my HRE wheels on my L. Turned out nice.

I like the fact I can do this in my garage with just a bucket full of water.

We'll see... when it rains and tons of crap gets on the vehicle, it may be a different story.

Tex Arcana
06-15-2006, 08:47 PM
Just FYI,
Got home earlier today, went to get on it at a favorite spot on a side street and got 4 radar warnings.:eek:

Richardson police were going door to door reminding those with sprinklers already on that the ban is 10am to 6pm even on trash days.
Not handing out tickets though, but they are monitoring.

I wish they'd come up here and hand out tickets. I saw the local Albertson's watering the pavement at noon today. :hammer:

Tex Arcana
06-15-2006, 08:50 PM
I received my notice from the City of Plano today. Watering one day a week only.No daytime watering. No car washing, no sidewalk washing...no...no...no ...........fricking frivolous water usage allowed.

But I can keep the pool filled with water:rolleyes: . If I had one. If I owned a pond, I can't fill that up. But if I own a golf coarse...and don't use potable water...i can water the greens. You just have to love Plano. We keep our priorities in order around here:rll: .

Our first notice was one of those portable lighted signs, saying "STAGE 3 WATERING RESTRICTIONS", etc. etc. I think we got something in the water bill, but I don't remember. Either way, it still kills me how inconsistent they are in enforcement. Not that I need to be enforced--my entire irrigation system is down right now. :(

06-15-2006, 08:53 PM
I wish they'd come up here and hand out tickets. I saw the local Albertson's watering the pavement at noon today. :hammer:

As some of you know who've been to my home, I live on a corner. I am also on a "low side" and have a storm drain on the street side. Thus, I have the potential to get several neighbor's runoff coming down the street on the side of my home.

I actually got a Notice of Violation last week. The guy left a time of 3:27am. I _know_ I didn't water my lawn. Maybe my neighbor behind me did (although I went out that morning and walked his yard and it was dry, and it certainly would not have dried overnight). Anyway, I called the city talked to a secretary who didn't know much but was apologetic, then sent them a pointed e-mail, and got a call back from someone a bit higher up the ladder. Lady said they were just issuing warnings for the month of June. I said, yes I know, but next time I'll get a citation. She took all my info and said to call her back if I got another one, and not to worry about it. I told her that the inspector better have a video camera in-hand before he puts the hanger on my door, or have the balls to knock at 3am b/c I'd be happy to discuss it with him face-to-face. She said that inspectors _will_ be required to get video evidence of violations.

I think the guys just see that my grass is still green and my lawn is well maintained and they think I'm cheating. ;)

Mark #2
06-15-2006, 09:06 PM
As some of you know who've been to my home, I live on a corner. I am also on a "low side" and have a storm drain on the street side. Thus, I have the potential to get several neighbor's runoff coming down the street on the side of my home. ;)

Same here, OT how many live on a corner lot, is it a power thing or a claustrophobic thing?

Tex Arcana
06-15-2006, 09:09 PM
Same here, OT how many live on a corner lot, is it a power thing or a claustrophobic thing?
<-- corner lot, damned luck thing. ;)

06-15-2006, 09:11 PM
Same here, OT how many live on a corner lot, is it a power thing or a claustrophobic thing?

Not a power thing for me, but ever since I did lots of landscape/lawn work when I was a kid, I always wanted to have a nice corner lot.

My wife and I were going to build a home just down the street, found this one that was less than a year old (cheaper, since the owner was taking a bath by selling so soon after building), and it was larger to boot. So it was a no-brainer. Plus, the lot is 1/2 acre in the city, which is rare in Allen and I was able to build a 1.5 car unattached garage and maintain plenty of space in my backyard.

I am "isolated" from neighbors since I have streets on two sides and an alley on a 3rd. With my electric gate and 8' board on board fence... yeah, I don't have to see neighbors if I don't want to. ;)

But I'm really not an introvert. You guys are welcome anytime. :tu:

Tex Arcana
06-15-2006, 09:17 PM
As some of you know who've been to my home, I live on a corner. I am also on a "low side" and have a storm drain on the street side. Thus, I have the potential to get several neighbor's runoff coming down the street on the side of my home.

I actually got a Notice of Violation last week. The guy left a time of 3:27am. I _know_ I didn't water my lawn. Maybe my neighbor behind me did (although I went out that morning and walked his yard and it was dry, and it certainly would not have dried overnight). Anyway, I called the city talked to a secretary who didn't know much but was apologetic, then sent them a pointed e-mail, and got a call back from someone a bit higher up the ladder. Lady said they were just issuing warnings for the month of June. I said, yes I know, but next time I'll get a citation. She took all my info and said to call her back if I got another one, and not to worry about it. I told her that the inspector better have a video camera in-hand before he puts the hanger on my door, or have the balls to knock at 3am b/c I'd be happy to discuss it with him face-to-face. She said that inspectors _will_ be required to get video evidence of violations.

I think the guys just see that my grass is still green and my lawn is well maintained and they think I'm cheating. ;)

When I got sick and tired of seeing construction people driving in and out of the back entrance of the development across the street from me (they are NOT allowed to do that, for ANY reason!), I called code enforcement, who told me I had to call the police and file a report--of course that's ignorant, because by the time the cops show up, they're long gone. :mad: So I sat down, found the email addresses for code enforcement, and the ENTIRE city council, and I sent them a very detailed and pointed letter. Next day, I got a call from, of all people, the ASSISTANT CHIEF OF POLICE!! :eek2: He was very apologetic, very concerned, and told me he talked to DR HOrton's liason for the corporation, and gave me her number so I could call next time I have a concern--as well as calling the police and code enforcement and filing a complaint. So far, that email worked, they've controlled traffic thru there pretty well.

Tex Arcana
06-15-2006, 09:19 PM
But I'm really not an introvert. You guys are welcome anytime. :tu:
So why'd you shoot at me when I tried to stop by the otehr day?? :crying:

Mark #2
06-15-2006, 09:33 PM
Not a power thing for me, but ever since I did lots of landscape/lawn work when I was a kid, I always wanted to have a nice corner lot.
1.5 car unattached garage and maintain plenty of space in my backyard.

I am "isolated" from neighbors since I have streets on two sides and an alley on a 3rd. With my electric gate and 8' board on board fence... yeah, I don't have to see neighbors if I don't want to. ;)
I'm really not an introvert. You guys are welcome anytime. :tu:

Same here with the detached WWFB garage, I haven't found the money
yet for the 8' board on board, but want to.:tu:

Tex Arcana
06-15-2006, 09:39 PM
Same here with the detached WWFB garage, I haven't found the money
yet for the 8' board on board, but want to.:tu:

Well, I guess I"m gonna have to have a nice "wash day" to initiate my WWFB shop... :d Hey, once it's done, NO ONE from the front will be able to see anyeon doing anything!:D

06-15-2006, 09:43 PM
I didn't think about it until it was mentioned here, but my next door neighbor has a pool and there is always water running uout of his yard. I mean like ALWAYS. It is a slow trickle but it is enough that the alley is wet right along his yard. I bet his darned pool is leaking. Wonder if they will nail him?

Tex Arcana
06-15-2006, 09:45 PM
I didn't think about it until it was mentioned here, but my next door neighbor has a pool and there is always water running uout of his yard. I mean like ALWAYS. It is a slow trickle but it is enough that the alley is wet right along his yard. I bet his darned pool is leaking. Wonder if they will nail him?

They *should*... it wouldn't surprise me to find that, if he doesn't have a leak, he has some kind of "automatic" fill setup that's malfunctioning.

06-15-2006, 10:45 PM
So why'd you shoot at me when I tried to stop by the otehr day?? :crying:

:rll: Yeah, I've been told by a few neighbors that a few gun turrets would finish off the fortress look.

06-15-2006, 10:48 PM
Same here with the detached WWFB garage, I haven't found the money
yet for the 8' board on board, but want to.:tu:

Well, my WWFB garage got turned into a playroom for the family a few years ago. It's worth it... for now. And someday when the kids are out of the home, I'll have another spot for a vehicle and now it has electricity, is insulated, has lighting and fans and working HVAC. :)

06-15-2006, 10:53 PM
I don't even wash my truck at home I wash it at work and watch the water run down Main Street:evil .

06-16-2006, 05:34 AM
Got 4 bottles in yesterday. Tried it out today on the "work truck" (S-10 pickup...has a new paint job though, so its not like I wanted to take big chances with it, but I'd rather try it out on that than my other vehicles). Used less than a gallon of water. It seems to work well, but I can't imagine if the vehicle gets _really_ dirty. A gentle touch is necessary so that you don't grind dirt/grit into the clearcoat like sandpaper. And when they say "do one area and then quickly dry it" they mean it. Otherwise you get a film on it... easy enough to go back over and wet it again.

I also did my HRE wheels on my L. Turned out nice.

I like the fact I can do this in my garage with just a bucket full of water.

We'll see... when it rains and tons of crap gets on the vehicle, it may be a different story.

I hope it works out for you in the long run... my detailer used it on really cars too, but you are correct, dont grind in the dirt, use a deft touch.

06-16-2006, 08:11 AM
I hope it works out for you in the long run... my detailer used it on really cars too, but you are correct, dont grind in the dirt, use a deft touch.

I never understood how the water less or low water wash products could NOT be sanding the CRAP out of your clearcoat paint ... :nono:

06-16-2006, 08:35 AM
Absolutely, Doug. This certainly isn't waterless. I used more than they say you have to b/c I got the sponge full of the solution (most of it is water) and literally emptied it over the area I was washing. It does loosen the dirt really well. I could see it. But I would imagine if someone didn't use enough water on a given area, then you certainly risk scratching stuff.

So really its not a lot different than rinsing and then using your car wash solution on a sponge and wiping it down. The biggest difference is no rinse. Honestly, it didn't leave any streaks that I could see...but I was also drying it quickly after washing a given area.

06-16-2006, 05:19 PM
I never understood how the water less or low water wash products could NOT be sanding the CRAP out of your clearcoat paint ... :nono:

Yep, its a weird concept, but it makes the water more slippery.. kind of like Water Wetter makes water work better in the radiator.. I dont know how it works (like my computer sometimes) I just know it does.


Tex Arcana
06-16-2006, 07:46 PM
Well, we're gonna see how diligent McKinney is.. I'm watering the foundation excavation site as we speak. Of course, I'm watering the trees we moved, too, but you can't see that. :D

06-18-2006, 09:00 PM
Well, we're gonna see how diligent McKinney is.. I'm watering the foundation excavation site as we speak. Of course, I'm watering the trees we moved, too, but you can't see that. :D

You're going to be fine out where you are. I wouldn't think an inspector would even bother driving down your street. Not enough houses, and they're all spread out, and yes, it would be much to easy to water without them even catching you... so why bother if you're an inspector.

Tex Arcana
06-18-2006, 09:40 PM
You're going to be fine out where you are. I wouldn't think an inspector would even bother driving down your street. Not enough houses, and they're all spread out, and yes, it would be much to easy to water without them even catching you... so why bother if you're an inspector.

Oh, I've already seen 'em coming down here... at the time he drove by, nothing was running, thankfully.