View Full Version : Need a Mortgage referral

06-28-2006, 06:04 PM
...Talon Brethren...

..A good friend of mine is relocating to DFW currently and I need to get him hooked up with a good mortgage broker or otherwise hooked up with some personal service in the DF Dub...

Send me your recommendations if you've got it.

No "He didn't completely suck" type referrals.

Just the, "This guy/gal has been doing it longer than you've been alive and they're so honest and trustworthy you would trust them implicitly with your children and your life" type referrals...

Many thanks...

06-28-2006, 06:19 PM
I just purchaced my home 1 month ago & I went through Craig Drake @ Paramount Mortgage. He was reccommended to me by a co-worker & I wasn't dissapointed. This was my first house, so I was a little worried about getting ripped, but he took the time to explain all of the options available, what would work best for me & what I wanted to pay. He explained all of the mumbo-jumbo in a way that made sense to me. It took me about 6 months to find the right house for me, and during that time intrest rates changed dramatically. All along the way, he would call me with updates, let me know what options would work best with the current rate.
The 1 thing that I liked about him the most was that he wasn't looking to put me into a payment that I couldn't afford.
Anyway... If interested, his contact info is:
Craig Drake
Paramount Mortgage
817-870-2777 Office
817-917-5654 Cell

Tell him that Steve Krumm sent you.

06-28-2006, 08:35 PM
I purchased my home last June. This guy was outstanding. He even showed up at the title company just to make sure everything was cool. They also don't sell your loan. He sent me a $100 gift card to Home Depot about a month after moving in.:tu: If I had to do it all over again he would be the person I would use.

Colonial National Mortgage
Mike Walkenhorst (Mortgage Planner)
817-860-8448 x215