View Full Version : new kb and some additional mods complete

07-12-2006, 10:30 PM
First and formost Terry thanks for the time and effort on the latest round of mods. Second I am really enjoying the power.

Some jackleg in a 350Z was the first victim on I-20 60MPH to
"what the hell was that" not even close but power does corrupt:evil

Yes I am sure that many L's are quicker but new toys are really fun and this round of mods really have made a huge difference

Thanks again Terry for putting in the time in the 100+ weather enjoy the rockies

07-13-2006, 12:11 AM
Thanks for your patronage and patience:tu:

07-13-2006, 06:51 AM
Nice. :)

Grats on your new toys!!

07-13-2006, 08:17 AM
http://www.co.winkler.tx.us/images/troopers.jpg These guys just love modded L's :D They know me by name :rll: My next mod is the blinder M-40 and a longer middle finger.Ya know the finger is kind of hard,i have stopped by some local cops who loved the truck,could have wall papered me and let me off.I even offered one a free test drive, and asked if i could chase him in his car.We are friends now.My past stops has been cops who just get off on bustin a hot rods.It is so hard for me not to get on my truck,of course only when its safe for everyone, but lately i have been hammered by a few hot shots.It seems All the butwipes have laser,hell most of the time i am only 5-10 over.I have put some future modds aside,my next is the blinder.Has anyone here used this and got stopped by a smart one who knows you jammed him.I believe they are illegal.