View Full Version : How not to install a KB

09-16-2006, 11:14 PM
I made another house call to BFE to help straighten out another DIY install. This one made me chuckle and I think I saved his sanity and from lunching his KB. One way to make a KB super fast is to bolt a bracket over the waste gate actuator so it makes boost all the time:D This lever is supposed to travel up approx 90 degrees to relieve boost pressure, down is the closed position.
We all know oil creates windage and drag right.. So make sure there is no oil on the dipstick so the gears spin more freely. This is a pic of the nice dry dipstick.
Luckily the upper plenum had a huge air leak along with the closed waste gate the truck wouldn't run or idle long enough to damage itself. We drained the oil that was in it and it was about half an ounce worth. I think they hold closer to 6 ounces. It also had a light brown oil in it with a burnt smell. Anyone with a KB knows it comes with a dark green oil (Red Line 50wt). So we removed the blower and sealed the upper plenum and EGR plate. Installed the injectors while it was off and ground the IC tabs so they would bolt down to the blower studs. We also put the drivers side sensor bracket back on the rear stud where it belonged. So now he is out terrorizing the town with a KB full of oil and no plenum leaks:tu: .
Oh another surprise I liked... I was going to let him borrow an Xcal1 until his tuner came in. So I grabbed a unit off the shelf that was traded in. Well I go to load the program and it says tuner is locked to a vehicle. It was not correctly put back to stock by the last user:hammer: . If you know where Tiff lives it is a HAUL from the shop. So I put my own truck back to stock and give him my Xcal2 and have to drive a stock truck home;) . I do all I can for you guys and I know you apreciate it, or at least I hope so. All I got was day old pizza bastard, where's my steak:bs :D .

09-17-2006, 01:24 AM
All I got was day old pizza bastard, where's my steak:bs :D .

Damn, I get charged and I (well Steph...sorta) feed you properly:throw: :bs We're gonna have to work on this :rll: :nono:

09-17-2006, 02:23 AM
Terry you have no idea how thankfull i am you helped me sort out my problems and it runs like a raped ape, your top notch in my book and will do anything for you that you may ever need. :bows :bows :bows :bows

09-17-2006, 03:13 AM
Terry you have no idea how thankfull i am you helped me sort out my problems and it runs like a raped ape, your top notch in my book and will do anything for you that you may ever need. :bows :bows :bows :bows

Sounds to me like you owe the guy a steak dinner, and well, at this point I would throw in a 5th of Crown too.. :evil
