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09-22-2006, 12:55 PM
The one time i bring the camera i dont limit out.Only got 4 today,winged several.

09-22-2006, 12:59 PM
You're way ahead of me. Only gotten to hunt part of one day so far, and shot the only dove that flew over, so I have a whomping one bird in the freezer. :(

09-22-2006, 01:03 PM
I'd love to do that sometime. Don't really have anywhere to go though. I ended up fishing this weekend. Between me, my father, and my brother in law we caught approx 90 fish. The red snapper has to be at least 16 inches to keep with a limit of 4 so we had to throw most of them back. Mostly 12-15 inchers. Here is what we got to keep (about 40 fish).

http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/data/500/medium/9-21-2006-01.jpg (http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=18877&size=big&cat=500&ppuser=135)

http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/data/500/medium/9-21-2006-03.jpg (http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=18876&size=big&cat=500&ppuser=135)

http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/data/500/medium/9-21-2006-02.jpg (http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=18875&size=big&cat=500&ppuser=135)

09-22-2006, 01:07 PM
Last friday i was limited out in an hour and a half.Today The wind was blowin so hard out in the field the birds were haulin butt.I thought the front blowin in would help,but i think shut em down.The Mojo Dove works great,several shots i had to hold back to keep from pepperin it.:d

09-22-2006, 01:10 PM
Adam,Those fish will eat a lot better than these dove.Nice catch!!

09-22-2006, 07:20 PM
You light-weights, this is where the real outdoor action is! :D:tu:


I'm gunnin' for this bad-boy next if younger brother Regan doesns't nail him first. knana

I've got pics of me holding a channel-cat I caught from my parent's pond - her snout was at my belt-buckle and her caudal-fin was touching the toe of my boot.knana

That cat was like reeling in a log.:eek2:



BC Lightning
09-22-2006, 08:52 PM
Those Bambi pics are small compared to the Mule Deer I'll be seeing this november in Yeso, New Mexico

The small 8pt I shot, pics dont do the deer justice the mounts are way bigger than any Texas Whitetail my dad or I've shot

http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/data/500/medium/PICT1943.JPG (http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=18900&size=big&cat=500&ppuser=220)

My dads friend Shane shot the biggest with 13 points

http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/data/500/medium/PICT19681.JPG (http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=18899&size=big&cat=500&ppuser=220)

09-22-2006, 08:56 PM
I haven't been dove hunting in a couple years. Let me just say that the birds are pretty safe when I am shooting at them....LOL. What is funny is watching the dove line up and down my fence while everyone is out in the field wondering where they are at. I could sit out in my back yard with a BB gun and limit out in 10 minutes. It is to bad that hunting is illegal in the Plano city limits. My buds invited me on opening day, but I just wasn't in the mood.

09-23-2006, 07:16 PM
What is funny is watching the dove line up and down my fence while everyone is out in the field wondering where they are at. I could sit out in my back yard with a BB gun and limit out in 10 minutes.

Same here. I could literally sit on my back porch every morning and pick off 3-4.

09-25-2006, 07:57 AM
Same here. I could literally sit on my back porch every morning and pick off 3-4.

I do,White Wings too.Love the Sheridan 5MM.:D

09-29-2006, 12:56 AM
In my experiences with deer, it's all in the diet in growing antler and body mass, obviously. Bulk-up on the legumes, meal and browse.:cool:

The White-tails and Mule deer are completely different animals under the subfamily Odocoilinae. http://www.worlddeer.org/biology/taxonomy.html

I so need to get out of the city and go spend a week hunting.:)


Those Bambi pics are small compared to the Mule Deer I'll be seeing this november in Yeso, New Mexico

The small 8pt I shot, pics dont do the deer justice the mounts are way bigger than any Texas Whitetail my dad or I've shot

http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/data/500/medium/PICT1943.JPG (http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=18900&size=big&cat=500&ppuser=220)

My dads friend Shane shot the biggest with 13 points

http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/data/500/medium/PICT19681.JPG (http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=18899&size=big&cat=500&ppuser=220)