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09-26-2006, 05:26 PM
I noticed today when I was driving my truck it was making a clicking sound from the rear end. When the sounded started it kinda go louder and then when I stopped it got faster and faster. What could this be??? I guess if its not one thing its another. This really sucks.........:flaming:

Mark #2
09-26-2006, 06:07 PM
I noticed today when I was driving my truck it was making a clicking sound from the rear end. When the sounded started it kinda go louder and then when I stopped it got faster and faster. What could this be??? I guess if its not one thing its another. This really sucks.........:flaming:

The only thing moving behind the cab when you are stopped are the fuel pumps. Could be an exhaust rattle too.

09-26-2006, 07:20 PM
It does it when I am rolling down the road too. I am thinking its either the rearend going out or the universal joint on the drive shaft. Im not sure though....maybe Terry will see this and be able to give me an answer.

09-26-2006, 08:24 PM
Im kinda wonering if maybe its the brakes now.....one of my friends thinks so and Mike also mentioned the brakes....i have no clue

09-26-2006, 10:48 PM
Im kinda wonering if maybe its the brakes now.....one of my friends thinks so and Mike also mentioned the brakes....i have no clue

only reason i think it could be something with the brakes is that it seems to get louder as you stop, could be some trash caught in there.. Normaly if its a bearing or the like it gets louder the faster you go.... and its more of a howl than a click.....

We can take a look at it.. Maybe tomorow or something... depends if i get off work at my normal 330.. didnt get off till about 830ish or so today:throw:

09-27-2006, 10:32 PM
I had my g/f drive the truck today and I was in the bed. I heard the noise and its coming from the left rear wheel area. It does get faster as the truck goes faster. Im starting to think its the brakes. What do you think? :confused:

09-27-2006, 10:59 PM
I had my g/f drive the truck today and I was in the bed. I heard the noise and its coming from the left rear wheel area. It does get faster as the truck goes faster. Im starting to think its the brakes. What do you think? :confused:

With your hard driving and hard braking on the way back from L Fest :D
I think you are down to the wear indicators for the pads. Take a visual look at the pads and see how much material is left on them.

09-28-2006, 08:37 AM
Im thinking my brakes are gone or something along those lines. Hopefully I will find out today.

09-28-2006, 08:34 PM
Well......we got the problem fixed. I got the truck on jack stands this afternoon and took the wheels off. Turned the axle and nothing....no clicking or anything. I checked the brake pads and rotors.....still nothing. So I grabbed the left rear tire and looked at the inside of the wheel, and found some un-normal rub marks on it. So looked around the left rear rotor and caliper for whatever it was rubbing on. Found it....the wheel weight on the inside of the wheel was rubbing on the e-brake cable. So I followed the brake line up to the mounting point on the leaf spring area, the bracket was loose. You could turn the nut by hand that holds the leaf spring and everything in place. Repositioned the bracket and tightened everything back down. Put the wheels back on and drove it around. No Clicking anymore. I so glad it was something that easy, but I am also glad I noticed it as soon as I did. Something bad could have happened if that nut and bolt would have come completely out.

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that gave me input. Thanks Tifton for coming over even though we had it fixed rite before you got there. :tu:

09-29-2006, 08:19 AM
You gotta love the cheap fixes like that!

09-29-2006, 02:42 PM
You gotta love the cheap fixes like that!

Thats the truth.....Im so glad thats all it was.

09-30-2006, 10:05 AM
sorry i didnt call ya... been working the overlay crew and not getting home till about 830. Walking on freshly laid 200+ degree asphalt all day(7am-7/8pm) i was just plum tuckered out..

09-30-2006, 09:45 PM
sorry i didnt call ya... been working the overlay crew and not getting home till about 830. Walking on freshly laid 200+ degree asphalt all day(7am-7/8pm) i was just plum tuckered out..

Its cool Mike....I totally understand. I would be dead tired after a days work on 200+ degree asphalt.