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View Full Version : Can't figure out my tune

10-13-2006, 12:07 AM
To make a long story short I had a Predator on the truck...it froze up and has given me hell when trying to load custom files onto the truck. i'm switching to SCT and a guy here local named Joe Lynch is tuning it.........the files load just fine but it runs like total crap. I have 60lb injectors on it and with the canned SCT tune for 60lbs it runs way lean. With the stock 42lb SCT tune it runs way rich, same with 50lb and 55lb settings. We adjusted the tune to where it theoretically had 57lb injectors and it kept pegging out the trims to 1.25 and would stick and that's when the truck would run way choppy. Is it possible that something in the Predator has corrupted the PCM that's not being overwritten by the SCT?

I'm going to try replacing the 02 sensors tomorrow because it seems like they're working but it's running rich and pegging out the trims with just about every tune......even a custom tune written by Amazon.

Any other suggestions? It was running fine until the whole Predator freezing issue so at that point everything mechanically has been working just fine. The trucks been run rich to get me out of jambs occassionally so that's why we're thinking the 02 sensors may be fouled up.

Hope this makes sense.....I'm kind of tired of dealing with it.

10-13-2006, 08:43 AM
The SCT base files are not good enough. You cannot depend on SCT's generic files, they have never been close enough for me either. Your tuner needs to data log the truck and make a real 'custom' tune not just drag and drop in SCT's figures. That is assuming all mechanical things are correct.

10-13-2006, 10:40 AM
The SCT base files are not good enough. You cannot depend on SCT's generic files, they have never been close enough for me either. Your tuner needs to data log the truck and make a real 'custom' tune not just drag and drop in SCT's figures. That is assuming all mechanical things are correct.

The truck was just fine mechanically before the tuning issues. I'm not sure how Joe was doing his tuning, but since I was already a customer of Rick @ Amazon Tuning I asked him to send me a "custom" tune and loaded it up and it still seems to run the same. Right now my PCM is stuck with a Diablo generic "91 Octane Pulley Tune" and I'm unable to flash it back to stock with the Predator which is why I switched to SCT. Would I have to flash back to stock before using the SCT?

Also, a friend of mine suggested that the MAF had to be recalibrated for larger injectors and when I had Ford reflash back to stock the first time that I may have lost this calibration. Is this true or does the SCT take care of that as well?

Thanks for your help.

True Blue Aggie
10-13-2006, 12:45 PM
You will more than likely need to flash it back to stock with the Predator. You can contact Diablosport, and let them know what happened. They have a way to reset the Predator tuner with either a code or a combination of buttons pushed.

Or you could get it to a Ford dealer and have them flash the PCM back to stock...

10-13-2006, 01:06 PM
You will more than likely need to flash it back to stock with the Predator. You can contact Diablosport, and let them know what happened. They have a way to reset the Predator tuner with either a code or a combination of buttons pushed.

Or you could get it to a Ford dealer and have them flash the PCM back to stock...

I'm pretty much done with DiabloSport stuff. I have a brand new in the box tuner here and it's no good to me becuase it's locked up. I can't use the Predator to load any tune, not custom, not canned Diablo tunes, not even my stock original backup. I'm willing to take the loss and toss it in the garbage if I can get the SCT to work for me. My tuner as well as Rick from Amazon are telling me that the SCT overwrites anything the Predator did to the PCM when I install a custom tune with the SCT and that it'd be useless to have Ford reflash back to stock.

10-13-2006, 01:58 PM
I am not sure about pcm corruption. I know SCT does a full writing but it reuses some data which is considers stock like PATS etc. You may have to ask SCT themselves about writing over a Diablo tune. I would still try and get it back to stock so you know where you are starting.

10-13-2006, 06:06 PM
I am not sure about pcm corruption. I know SCT does a full writing but it reuses some data which is considers stock like PATS etc. You may have to ask SCT themselves about writing over a Diablo tune. I would still try and get it back to stock so you know where you are starting.

I had it flashed by Ford about 2 hours ago. I loaded up Amazons tune and started her up and had lost all hope as it started shaking and stuttering. I had no choice but to drive it home so I left that tune in since it's the only one I had for 60lb injectors and I limped home. By the time I got home all shaking had stopped, tips were clean, and no stuttering at all. Is it possible that the 02 sensors burned themselves clean enough to get a correct reading to the computer? Either way, I'm not plugging anything into the OBD port until someone with enough knowledge is standing next to me.

I'd still like to get it tuned by PR, but I'm just barely making the switch to SCT stuff. It's upsetting to have so many problems and not get any help from the people that caused it. I can picture them now " :evil ". I hate the devil and I will never run with him again. Thanks for your help guys.

10-14-2006, 02:28 PM
From what I read on another forum the Diablo does not remove everything when you flash back to stock & this is what was causing your troubles. I do think he has a fix now.

No offense to Terry, he has tuned many a trunk on this forum & has many a happy customer. Just do not like to see another company, Diablo, damage a persons reputation.


I had it flashed by Ford about 2 hours ago. I loaded up Amazons tune and started her up and had lost all hope as it started shaking and stuttering. I had no choice but to drive it home so I left that tune in since it's the only one I had for 60lb injectors and I limped home. By the time I got home all shaking had stopped, tips were clean, and no stuttering at all. Is it possible that the 02 sensors burned themselves clean enough to get a correct reading to the computer? Either way, I'm not plugging anything into the OBD port until someone with enough knowledge is standing next to me.

I'd still like to get it tuned by PR, but I'm just barely making the switch to SCT stuff. It's upsetting to have so many problems and not get any help from the people that caused it. I can picture them now " :evil ". I hate the devil and I will never run with him again. Thanks for your help guys.

10-15-2006, 03:59 AM
No offense to Terry, he has tuned many a trunk on this forum & has many a happy customer. Just do not like to see another company, Diablo, damage a persons reputation.


I'm confused......Terry has never touched the truck. If he had I really doubt I'd have any problem at all. Only thing is that he's about 6 hours away from me. I posted in here to get advice from him or anyone that could suggest anything for me. He'll work on the truck eventually I'm sure....but I needed a fix for now. Again, thanks for everything guys.

10-15-2006, 08:31 AM
I understood Terry has not touched your truck. The reason I made that statement is because this forum for his business. I wanted to ensure that you knew that I had no ill will against him.

Depending on the info presented to Terry prior to tuning he may have had the same issue... Anyway it looks like Joe & you have spoken.


I'm confused......Terry has never touched the truck. If he had I really doubt I'd have any problem at all. Only thing is that he's about 6 hours away from me. I posted in here to get advice from him or anyone that could suggest anything for me. He'll work on the truck eventually I'm sure....but I needed a fix for now. Again, thanks for everything guys.

10-15-2006, 08:51 AM
So did it clear up and running good now?

10-15-2006, 05:12 PM
So did it clear up and running good now?

It seems to be just fine now. Is it at all possible for the O2 sensors to have cleared themselves up?

10-15-2006, 07:34 PM
I guess they could get hot enough to clear out unburned fuel and contaminates.

10-16-2006, 10:34 AM
Should I replace them or would that be a waste?

10-16-2006, 02:11 PM
If it ain't broke... It will throw codes if they are not switching.