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View Full Version : Got a ticket: "Burning Off" need advice!

11-12-2002, 11:39 PM
Well, after about 4 years of not having any tickets I finally got one tonight. I was at a light about to have some fun with a riced out Honda Prelude... when the light turned green I took off with a little wheel spin and guess who pulls out of the gas station just a ways up the street... thats right... Johnny Law! He issued me a ticket that says burning off written in the other violations section.

I need advice on how to handle the ticket. There are a couple things on here that don't work out. The cop was Dallas Police but the incident took place in Collin county. Is this out of jurisdiction?

Also he got my drivers license number wrong. Does this mean I can easily get the ticket dropped?

Do I contact a lawyer or what? If so does anyone have recommendations?

HELP! Thanks!

11-13-2002, 12:19 AM
I heard they don't have to get the info on the tickets correct any longer.. I use Michelle L. Smith her office is at 4111 Central Expwy. Just north of downtown 75 and Haskell I think. She took care of 19 tickets for a buddy our Junior year during street racing days none went on his record:eek2: Well worth her $45 fee. You always end up paying the city their money that is the game, but it won't go on your record:tu:
A lot of people say to just choose deferred judication skip the lawyer. The importance of a lawyer comes to play if you do get a ticket during your judication period. The lawyer can postpone that 2nd or even 5th ticket court date until your original judication has been served. They are lawyers they have a bag full of tricks to get your ticket dismissed. I never try to handle the ticket myself. My .02:)

11-13-2002, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by Crawford
Well, after about 4 years of not having any tickets I finally got one tonight. I was at a light about to have some fun with a riced out Honda Prelude... when the light turned green I took off with a little wheel spin and guess who pulls out of the gas station just a ways up the street... thats right... Johnny Law! He issued me a ticket that says burning off written in the other violations section.

I need advice on how to handle the ticket. There are a couple things on here that don't work out. The cop was Dallas Police but the incident took place in Collin county. Is this out of jurisdiction?

Also he got my drivers license number wrong. Does this mean I can easily get the ticket dropped?

Do I contact a lawyer or what? If so does anyone have recommendations?

HELP! Thanks!

I think we must have spoke after you posted, but so everyone else knows:

If you are in the city of Dallas, you are in DPD jurisdiction. It spans at least two counties I know of, much like Frisco is on both Denton and Collin counties.

I think you will get out of this...at least easier than I will in my current dilemma! :hammer:


Mark #2
11-13-2002, 09:37 AM
Seems like everyone is getting tickets lately. Moonshine, is there a new training session to target Ls?:(

11-13-2002, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by HIHOAG
Seems like everyone is getting tickets lately. Moonshine, is there a new training session to target Ls?:(

I sure hope not. If there is, I missed the memo.

Coming in today I couldn't get a cop when I needed one. Got caught behind one of those oil recycling tankers with a serious leak. As he sprayed oil all over the front of my L. I got on the radio and asked for a squad. Due to traffic, call load, and a few other factors no one could get to me, so the tanker continued merrily on, hosing everyone in his wake. :flaming:

11-13-2002, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by L8 APEX
I heard they don't have to get the info on the tickets correct any longer.. I use Michelle L. Smith her office is at 4111 Central Expwy. Just north of downtown 75 and Haskell I think. She took care of 19 tickets for a buddy our Junior year during street racing days none went on his record:eek2: Well worth her $45 fee. You always end up paying the city their money that is the game, but it won't go on your record:tu:
A lot of people say to just choose deferred judication skip the lawyer. The importance of a lawyer comes to play if you do get a ticket during your judication period. The lawyer can postpone that 2nd or even 5th ticket court date until your original judication has been served. They are lawyers they have a bag full of tricks to get your ticket dismissed. I never try to handle the ticket myself. My .02:)

Actually it's fairly simple to postpone the dates yourself if you are currently on deferred...ask DamonH...he's an expert at this from our 300TT days :D


11-13-2002, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by wesman
Actually it's fairly simple to postpone the dates yourself if you are currently on deferred...ask DamonH...:D

Who's DamonH?!

11-13-2002, 01:02 PM
Are you sure the charge doesn't read "Beating Off?"


11-13-2002, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Red2002
Who's DamonH?!

He's a member here, doesn't post much. He was out at Ennis with us the other night. He should fill in the profession field of his profile with "Professional Speeder" :)


11-13-2002, 06:18 PM
Law Offices of Martin J. Rubin
3611 Fairmount Street
Dallas, Texas 75219

Lil Nicky88
11-14-2002, 01:22 AM
here's a website that might help



11-14-2002, 10:09 AM
Valentine is not a sure thing but it sure helps... I got one in both my vehicles...

Twice stopped on the toll way and it never went off (let go both time though :tu: ).

Got two tickets recently... laser in Grapevine... my fault... had my head up... in the air and wasn't watching... taking defensive driving for that...

Farmersville on 380 east of Greenville... AGIAN... it didn't go off and nailed me for 79 in a 60... I used a lawyer on that one.

Great detectors... but they don't get everything.

Mark #2
11-14-2002, 10:12 AM
Yeah, what Rickgig said.

If the radar or laser isn't on...kind of difficult for the V1 to pick it up.:)

We have multiple testimonials to this.


11-14-2002, 10:27 AM
True... however as an FYI... mine was on!!

Lil Nicky88
11-15-2002, 02:21 AM
I've actually gotten many tickets driving through Farmersville. Stuff like 63 in a 60 and 31 in a 30, you know, typical small town police work... stopping the crime from hitting the streets, or dirt trails or whatever you want to call 'em...

...it's my hometown...:tu:

11-15-2002, 12:08 PM
be carefull at farmes branch if you ask for defer you get it for 180 days, normaly 90 days :bs and you can't get convicted any where in Texas and you have to give them a notoriced letter stating that you where not convicted of any moving & non-moving vialations :eek2:
about 6 weeks ago I got a ticket for no front licence plate and
7 min later I got pulled over by the same cop and recived another one for excebition of acceleration:bs :bs