View Full Version : Help Support TALON

11-13-2002, 07:23 PM
I am offering some options for future features and membership privileges for TALON.

Let Me know which of these if any, would be of interest to you.

SVTLightnings.com - Talonclub.com or Superchargedtrucks.com email address
Space to host your own website. You would have your own mini account on the same server as SVTLightnings.com. It would have most of the features of most shared hosting accounts on most web hosts. The drive space and bandwidth would be limited for $$ reasons.. there would be plenty of space to put up family pictures or truck pictures or whatever. Room enough for 10 or so webpages easy. If you had a domain name you could point the domain name to it.. pictures of your truck and the mods theoretically could be hosted at www.CrawfordsTruck.com for example.
Individual Photo Gallery Category - A place to post any pictures you want. Easier than using the Website above for quickly posting pictures.
Inclusion in the Members contact list here http://talon.svtlightnings.com/members/contact.php
Inclusion in a TALON Members email list - for direct non public communications via email.
TALON Discounts + Specials from TALON vendors and friends

More to come

I wasn't planning on charging for any of these features..

However I have implemented a $10 per year Software Dues per person for 2003. This Forum software costs $$$ to license every year and We can use any left over to buy future software or Plaques for an event... Next year Version 3 of this software should be available and they are talking about offering a Content Management System.

With the implementation of annual Dues there is a separate Forum setup that is ONLY accessible to the members in good standing.

I have changed the wording of this post to refelect that most o fthese changes have happened. THe next paragraph is past tense. We are a club with dues, and the featuresmnentioned are for the most part available only to Full Members
Once we were a club with dues it would likely make sense to have all the cooler features ( like some of the stuff above ) available only to members in good standing. That should help make the $10 easier to swallow.

Let me know what you think ...


11-18-2002, 07:23 AM
Sounds good to me Doug! We had talked about getting me a site up and running, but this might be easier??:tu:


11-18-2002, 08:55 AM
Sounds great, I'm in. :burnout:

11-18-2002, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by Badcarma
Sounds good to me Doug! We had talked about getting me a site up and running, but this might be easier??:tu:


Not easier - Same process...


11-18-2002, 11:04 AM
Sounds good to me! Let me know if it happens and lemme know how to make my dues payment.

11-18-2002, 11:16 AM
10 whole dollars?!?!?!?!

Where do I sign up? :D

11-18-2002, 11:21 AM
$10 a year!!!! You realize that's almost $.03 a day! I don't know about this...............Yeah, I'm in. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

Mark #2
11-18-2002, 11:36 AM
Sounds like a good way for me to obtain more free beer, count me in.

11-18-2002, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by HIHOAG
Sounds like a good way for me to obtain more free beer, count me in.

LOL :beer:

J.D. Blackwell
11-18-2002, 03:04 PM
Will somebody loan me 10 bucks?

I will get back to you Doug. I am only 10 dollars away.:hammer:

11-18-2002, 03:56 PM
I got yoo back J D
Doug would you consider payments or some pe$o$
:banana: I'm in, let me know when you whant to do this
I like it, I like it:tu:

11-18-2002, 04:00 PM
Where can I send money to you for the Forum software?
Or would you rather do a collection at one of the monthly meetings?

11-18-2002, 04:28 PM
Need to get some more feedback before going forward...

I would like to use paypal since it helps me keep track of who paid...

Who doesnt have a paypal account ?


11-18-2002, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Silver_2000_;)!
......... Who doesnt have a paypal account ?

I don't ......

11-18-2002, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by blueoval01
I don't ......

If you don't have a PayPal account you can
help SVTLightnings.com by using this PayPal referral link (https://www.paypal.com/affil/pal=CQ2KG4JJZFCVA)
You have to jump thru some hoops but if you
meet the requirements
they will send us both a $5.00 referral bonus if you use the link above...


George G.
11-18-2002, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by Silver_2000_;)!
Who doesnt have a paypal account ?


I don't have one...and I aims to keeps it that way! I'll just pay cash or something

One question I did have...would there have to be a separate forum? I mean...then we'd have to check 2 different forums to read posts from members and non-members. Am I understanding this correctly?

I'm already posting on SVTLightnings, NLOC and Corral. I gave up on ****** and SVTPerformance! I don't think I can handle another login ID and password.:crying:

11-18-2002, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by stang_460
One question I did have...would there have to be a separate forum? I mean...then we'd have to check 2 different forums to read posts from members and non-members. Am I understanding this correctly?

I am considering setting up a section in this "Forum" that is for members only. You would just have to look at the General Discussion forum and the Members Only forum here if we decided to do that ... NO more passwords...

PS - If you choose to pay cash you stand the chance that Ill forget that you paid and youll have to pay again, and again... ;) I know my memory is bad which is why I use technology to my advantage...:rolleyes:


11-19-2002, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Silver_2000_;)!
If you don't have a PayPal account you can
help SVTLightnings.com by using this PayPal referral link (https://www.paypal.com/affil/pal=CQ2KG4JJZFCVA)
You have to jump thru some hoops but if you
meet the requirements
they will send us both a $5.00 referral bonus if you use the link above...


Done !!

11-19-2002, 01:29 PM
...or just bookmark THIS (http://talon.svtlightnings.com/forum/search.php?s=&action=getnew) link... and use it to visit the site. It will automagically show you all threads that have new posts in all forums since your last visit.

Mark #2
11-19-2002, 01:36 PM
Thanks for the link. Great for us web challenged folk.

11-20-2002, 01:09 AM
10 bucks....no problemo....say the word.... :D


and yes...I have Pay Pal....which is now owned by Ebay....

Flats Man
11-20-2002, 09:50 AM
Hey Doug, how about 5 pounds of Grouper instead of $10? By the time it gets there, you won't forget who sent it. lol Put me down for the deal. Have Pay Pal Will Travel

11-20-2002, 08:49 PM
I have done the Pay-pal thing once. I don't like something I don't understand so I try not to use it. As far as an account , I guess I can resign. I will try this weekend, got to go beddie- by, since me get up at 430am in the morning. Will check back then.:tu:

11-23-2002, 11:44 AM
Examples of domain names that are available if you guys decided to spend $10 bucks to register them


Well you get the idea....

You can look them up in www.networksolutions.com or many other places BUT if you decide to register a name DONT pay more than $10 a year. Lots of places want to charge $35 a year for 2 year minimum... That is the OLD days...
Here is place you can do it for $8.95 a year 1 year at a time

PS- I am ****ed www.DOUGSTRUCK.COM is taken... BUT it has never been used and the registration expires dec 7 2002... LOL

11-23-2002, 11:57 AM
Doug, AWESOME idea!


11-23-2002, 02:42 PM
It is a great idea Doug, good thinkin'... :)

Me, I already have http://www.logansgarage.com


11-23-2002, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Logan
It is a great idea Doug, good thinkin'... :)

Me, I already have http://www.logansgarage.com

What happened to BadAssMoFo.com? yo? :tu:

11-23-2002, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by L8 APEX
What happened to BadAssMoFo.com? yo? :tu:

MoFo Productions "owns" that one..

badassmofo.net is avail though...

11-23-2002, 07:48 PM
Oooooooooooo the perfect domain name!!

Here ya go Terry....


Da BOMB!!! Go register that puppy!


11-23-2002, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Logan
Oooooooooooo the perfect domain name!!

Here ya go Terry....


Da BOMB!!! Go register that puppy!

LOL! The DoggFather, Snoop Dogg, is getting his own variety show from MTV.

It's called Doggy Fizzle Televizzle. Dead serious, no sh*t either yo. http://www.f150online.com/galleries/images/1855-2588-39361.gif

11-24-2002, 01:14 PM
Ok I ready to send the deniro , but too? I dont rember your e-mail Doug.

11-24-2002, 01:22 PM
Since everyone keeps wanting to send money before we have decided whether or not this is a good idea - i guess we'll assume that it is...

Here is link to page I whipped up to make it easier

If you use the button I made it saves you typing and makes it easier for me to tell whats happening


11-26-2002, 10:16 PM
Pay Pal transaction complete...thanks for keeping this site up..


11-27-2002, 12:09 AM
I've added galleries in the TALON Photo gallery for all you guys that have stepped up so far. ( THANKS )


If you guys are interested in a web account/domain, or SVTLightnings.com email address, drop me an email with your questions/ needs and we'll get started...

In the future I will be able to offer TALONClub.com email addresses. You can either have a true POP email account or just a forwarder where the User@SVTLightnings.com email just forwards to your current email address.

In my case I use my SVTLightnings account as my primary and I dont use my attbi.com email at all but I could use my attbi.com email and have the SVTlightnings.com addresses forward to it, and just set up the reply to email in attbi to go back to doug@svtlightnings.com and no one would know I wasnt using the SVTLightnings.com email...


Flats Man
11-27-2002, 09:56 AM
Good Morning Doug,
While you were sleeping this morning, you made $10 for your site. See you on Friday, I am pretty sure I have wheels. Good luck with everything.

11-27-2002, 10:00 AM
Thanks Flats

While you were having coffee I added you here..

I also updated your signature to show the new domain name


Mark #2
11-27-2002, 10:04 AM
Contributed to the fund this morning, no stuff to post though.

11-29-2002, 12:05 PM
Yo Doug,

I sent a Paypal, too! Do you use the email address to keep us straight? 'cause I use an alias most places, so Paypal is different than what I registered with at Talon.

Thanks for keeping up the site! Don't work too hard putting on the shocks!


12-04-2002, 11:28 AM
I just sent my contribution to this great site- keep up the good work:tu:

12-04-2002, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by whitelightning'02
Yo Doug,

I sent a Paypal, too! Do you use the email address to keep us straight? 'cause I use an alias most places, so Paypal is different than what I registered with at Talon.

Thanks for keeping up the site! Don't work too hard putting on the shocks!

:beer: '

Thanks Guys !!!!

I added a TALON username Entry to the form so I can tell who is who ....



12-05-2002, 11:33 PM
I just finished the paypal thing so you will recive your



12-09-2002, 08:26 AM
Count me in!!


01-18-2003, 07:54 AM
I just paid too.. :tu:

01-18-2003, 08:49 AM
Just fired a 10 spot your way from the ol' muzzle loader. :tu:

01-22-2003, 10:31 AM
Doug, just sent $ 10.00 by way of pay pal.:d

01-22-2003, 08:29 PM
Thanks Guys...


02-06-2003, 10:15 AM
Now that F150online has turned off the ability to link to pictures on thier galleries from other sites the galleries here may be a more attractive option...


02-06-2003, 10:21 AM
Every time I login it kicks me back over here:confused:

02-06-2003, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by L8 APEX
Every time I login it kicks me back over here:confused: You shouldnt have to login to the galleries.. The Galleries and the Forum use the same cookie and the same username and password.

You should be able to go here http://www.talonclub.com/4images/index.php click on your gallery category and upload pictures...

Oh wait .... You dont have a gallery... Hmm wonder why .....


02-06-2003, 10:51 AM
So a sponsoring vendor doesn't get a gallery. I pay a lot mor ethan 10 bucks a year. I have to pay even more for that?:bs

02-06-2003, 01:27 PM
Yes dammit. You do. Fork it over or I'll start charging you too. :D

02-06-2003, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Logan
Yes dammit. You do. Fork it over or I'll start charging you too. :D
Get lost Logan.. Or I will have me some boys to date and marry your daughters:eek2: :d

02-06-2003, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by L8 APEX
Get lost Logan.. Or I will have me some boys to date and marry your daughters:eek2: :d

This is a scary thought! I move we sterilize Terry to make certain this does not happen....

:d :d


02-06-2003, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by tliss
This is a scary thought! I move we sterilize Terry to make certain this does not happen....

:d :d

Tom :p :throw: :hammer: :banana: :nana2

02-06-2003, 11:39 PM
Dang......free galleries...


02-07-2003, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by tliss
This is a scary thought! I move we sterilize Terry to make certain this does not happen...:d :d Tom

One end of the table confirmed that this evening, Tom. And voted to take up a collection for the procedure ASAP ........ :rolleyes:
We did however realize that Terry would not be able to crawl up under any trucks, or anything else for that matter.

So, any work you need Terry to do should be scheduled well in advance.

12-29-2006, 05:30 PM
I noticed all the posts in here are really, thought i'd go ahead and say i paid a years membership. Just for the help i was given on my motor, it was well worth it!

12-30-2006, 09:56 AM
I like it and I am in!

12-30-2006, 10:15 AM
I like it and I am in!

Who broke out the shovel and dug up this old post? It was started 3 years ago.


12-30-2006, 11:31 AM
I did!