View Full Version : Voting results

11-07-2006, 11:16 PM
Looks like everyone on earth passed their beer and wine, alcohol votes.

11-07-2006, 11:30 PM
Yep, and the Dems took back control of the House (and may get the Senate, too). :( Thanks, GWB.

At least we didn't get a tax-raising dem or silly old lady for a governor.

11-08-2006, 12:19 AM
Great - we re-elected Perry. I was getting a little tired of driving on some of these roads around here without paying a toll. Hopefully he can fix that before the next election. >:(

11-08-2006, 02:19 AM
We are doomed!!!!! It was nice knowing all of you. :crying:

11-08-2006, 04:16 AM
How can you guys even focus on the election when Britney Spears has just filed for divorce? :rolleyes:

it looks like another 2 yrs of gridlock, backbiting, fighting, posturing, etc.. until the Pres election.


11-08-2006, 09:19 AM
How can you guys even focus on the election when Britney Spears has just filed for divorce? :rolleyes:

it looks like another 2 yrs of gridlock, backbiting, fighting, posturing, etc.. until the Pres election.


With Jessica and Brit now both divorced......Maybe they will start the lesbo thing....knana

11-08-2006, 10:46 AM
Looks like everyone on earth passed their beer and wine, alcohol votes.
So can irving now sell beer in gas stations?

11-08-2006, 12:33 PM
adios Mofo's

11-08-2006, 12:40 PM
yeah, #7 failed in NV :bs

11-08-2006, 01:33 PM
Anyone watch or watching the news conference? Interesting stuff, I don't usually watch a lot of this but Bush is getting pretty mad and some funny stuff. I like Bush though and respect his decisions on a lot of things. Had to edit everything.

11-08-2006, 04:01 PM
bush is a dumbass:ron:

11-08-2006, 08:41 PM
yeah, #7 failed in NV :bs

what was that one about?

I did see where the voters in Seattle voted down the 4 foot rule for strippers.. at least there is some sanity in the world still. :tu:


11-08-2006, 08:42 PM
bush is a dumbass:ron::mad:

11-08-2006, 09:07 PM
bush is a dumbass:ron:

Not only an unpopular comment around here, but also a blatant misuse of the :ron: smilie.

11-08-2006, 09:28 PM
Not only an unpopular comment around here, but also a blatant misuse of the :ron: smilie.


11-08-2006, 09:54 PM
Not only an unpopular comment around here, but also a blatant misuse of the :ron: smilie.


11-08-2006, 11:23 PM
x 3.1415...~:D

Proper use and execution of the :ron: requires many years of rigorous training, grasshopper.:evil

As a Political-Science major in a former-life, this is only a minor setback in the larger scheme of things, so long as the Republicans and GB can stay in control of Iraq, terrorism and other "pocket-book" issues - these are key. Just my $.02. The Democrats only barely gained control of the Congress, and the media is hyping it big-time.

Say O/T maybe, did anyone else see where Saddam was convicted of his war-crimes recently and sentenced to hang from the gallows. He evidently insisted :rolleyes: on "checking out" via firing-squad, but the Iraqi judge said "Ain't happenin' " - it's a tall-tree and a short-piece of rope for you. :eek2:

There are still 2 more years until '08 - alot can happen with this administration and the the world about us.


11-09-2006, 12:19 AM
Not only an unpopular comment around here, but also a blatant misuse of the :ron: smilie.
Pickin' on Texans in Texas is gonna get you flamed any day of the week:throw: . You have to keep in mind who the other choices were as well:hammer: ...

11-09-2006, 09:28 AM
x 3.1415...~:D

Proper use and execution of the :ron: requires many years of rigorous training, grasshopper.:evil

As a Political-Science major in a former-life, this is only a minor setback in the larger scheme of things, so long as the Republicans and GB can stay in control of Iraq, terrorism and other "pocket-book" issues - these are key. Just my $.02. The Democrats only barely gained control of the Congress, and the media is hyping it big-time.

Say O/T maybe, did anyone else see where Saddam was convicted of his war-crimes recently and sentenced to hang from the gallows. He evidently insisted :rolleyes: on "checking out" via firing-squad, but the Iraqi judge said "Ain't happenin' " - it's a tall-tree and a short-piece of rope for you. :eek2:

There are still 2 more years until '08 - alot can happen with this administration and the the world about us.


I feel better now that I have gotten my fix.

11-09-2006, 09:51 AM
what was that one about?

I did see where the voters in Seattle voted down the 4 foot rule for strippers.. at least there is some sanity in the world still. :tu:


Does that mean no more stripping midgets in Seattle? Dang! :evil

11-09-2006, 10:28 AM
I decided to steer away from the mainstream this year and cast my vote for libratarian ticket. I believe that a lot more people would prefer this party than the votes show but are too afraid to "waste" their vote by not voting for a Dem. or Rep.

In general I believe the Democrats are a little delusional and don't represent the value of freedom, but I do welcome the balance of power to the government this election has given because no party should have unlimited control of the government.

Ronald's right, just having a majority means very little, you still need 2/3 vote to pass something through congress.

11-09-2006, 10:29 AM
As a Political-Science major in a former-life, this is only a minor setback in the larger scheme of things, so long as the Republicans and GB can stay in control of Iraq, terrorism and other "pocket-book" issues - these are key. Just my $.02. The Democrats only barely gained control of the Congress, and the media is hyping it big-time.

....wait, what?

They didnt barely get the House. They have it by like, 30 seats. They also might get the Senate (that one is a barely). Between the two though, that spells bad news for Bush. I can't stand Nancy Pelosi.:vomit:

I also have to ask - how do you think we are in control of Iraq at this point? Sections of it, yes, but as a whole I think it is obvious to everyone that we do not have control over there. Wasn't October the most casualties in a month we have suffered since this thing started?

11-09-2006, 11:26 AM
ok, ok bush has done some good things i just dont like the fact that we have way too many troops fighting a war where we are not wanted. i cant seem to figure out how someone can justify sending troops to a country to bomb and kill so many, and then want to help fix it when were done.

i think we need to bring our troops home !!:vomit:

11-09-2006, 11:41 AM
ok, ok bush has done some good things i just dont like the fact that we have way too many troops fighting a war where we are not wanted. i cant seem to figure out how someone can justify sending troops to a country to bomb and kill so many, and then want to help fix it when were done.

i think we need to bring our troops home !!:vomit:

if we brought our troops home then all the ones who have died over there would be for nothing, i have read numerous reports from soldiers, that are over there as we speak, saying that it would be a mistake to pull out right now and leave, :flaming:

11-09-2006, 11:43 AM
that has to be from the ones that dont have the family and loved ones, i know they cant come home now but why we went there in the first place boggles the mind! we should have just bombed the country and been done with it!!:d

Tex Arcana
11-09-2006, 12:53 PM
x 3.1415...
that's 3.14159265, which would round to 3.1416, mosquito... :hammer:

Proper use and execution of the :ron: requires many years of rigorous training, grasshopper.:evil

Or a career in IT, without proper scientific rounding abilities. :tongue:

As a Political-Science major in a former-life, :ron:ald

Yeah, and a little birdie also says you went to law school, meaning you went from the lowest form of life to the second-lowest form of life--kind of an improvement, 'til one factors in the fact you went into IT and hit rock-bottom with the catfish. :tongue:

BC Lightning
11-10-2006, 09:35 PM
we need to do what is done in Vietnam, one of the agreements was that the Vietnamese would hold a vote and when they voted that they no longer wanted the US in their country, we would then have to pull out, otherwise still give them aid

what about all the troops in Bosnia from the Clinton Admin bombings??? :rolleyes:

people wanted us to find weapons of mass destruction, however we got THE weapon of mass destruction out of power and he will hang shortly

I guess I kinda have a right to have an opinion about the war, since two high school buddies were killed in Iraq, of which had loving families and still supported the war

Last time I checked freedom wasn't free, and if you want peace you have to prepare for war

We shouldnt have gone over to Iraq after the THOUSANDS that died in the world trade center, I guess there would have been alot more Americans alive if we never joined WW2 after being attacked

11-10-2006, 11:15 PM
Yall are F'in up my thread about alcohol sales! Peace is a time for reloading:beer: .

BC Lightning
11-10-2006, 11:53 PM
Yall are F'in up my thread about alcohol sales! Peace is a time for reloading:beer: .

Alcohol sales was not passed in Irving, to stay on topic :D

11-10-2006, 11:54 PM
Alcohol sales was not passed in Irving, to stay on topic :D
The ticker on election day said it passed by 60% plus?

BC Lightning
11-11-2006, 12:04 AM
The ticker on election day said it passed by 60% plus?

here is the link from dallas morning news, I'm not a member so I cant get the whole article

<LI class=first>www.dallasnews.com/neighbors/irving/?nl
... going to be easier to buy beer and wine in Richardson and Coppell, but alcohol sales will remain off limits in Irving ... Other Texas Schools

11-11-2006, 12:13 AM
Its good to see Irving citizens voting to stay in the Prohibition Era. :rolleyes:

SO glad I moved from Irving...

BC Lightning
11-11-2006, 12:14 AM
Its good to see Irving citizens voting to stay in the Prohibition Era. :rolleyes:

SO glad I moved from Irving...

the last thing Irving needs is alcohol sales, with all the Mexicans here they will be crawling all over even worse than they are now, at least they have to leave to go to Dallas to get thier Mexican piss beer

11-11-2006, 05:54 PM
Great, Irving is the one place that I wish had alcohol sales and they are the only one that doesn't :(

11-11-2006, 08:31 PM
the last thing Irving needs is alcohol sales, with all the Mexicans here they will be crawling all over even worse than they are now, at least they have to leave to go to Dallas to get thier Mexican piss beer

You are kidding yourself if you think it makes a difference. You can buy beer easily on NW Hwy, or on the other side, the Stop N Go on County Line Rd. Both are minutes from Irving. All you are doing is having drunk drivers drive farther.

/former Irving resident

11-11-2006, 09:07 PM
I lived in Irving as well and I heard they would never pass beer and wine ever. It is very close on all three sides of town. Seeing how the sales are in D'ville after a year of beer and wine I wish we didn't have it. Nothing but scum buying it one 32 or 40 at a time and walking the neighborhood with it....

BC Lightning
11-11-2006, 09:23 PM
I lived in Irving as well and I heard they would never pass beer and wine ever. It is very close on all three sides of town. Seeing how the sales are in D'ville after a year of beer and wine I wish we didn't have it. Nothing but scum buying it one 32 or 40 at a time and walking the neighborhood with it....

exactly, north irving (valley ranch, las colinas area) are the ones who want it, the rest of irving south of 114 doesnt want it, with property values being so low, and the fact that the city wouldnt recieve more than 1% of sales, its just not worth it for Irving to have beer/wine sales

if you can give me more than "more drunk driving" then I might consider your opinion as a valid point :rolleyes:

current Irving resident

11-12-2006, 11:34 AM
exactly, north irving (valley ranch, las colinas area) are the ones who want it, the rest of irving south of 114 doesnt want it, with property values being so low, and the fact that the city wouldnt recieve more than 1% of sales, its just not worth it for Irving to have beer/wine sales

if you can give me more than "more drunk driving" then I might consider your opinion as a valid point :rolleyes:

current Irving resident


How about convienience? I think as an adult I should be free to buy alcohol in any retail establishment. Having wet and dry areas, in this day and age, just shows how backwards some of Texas laws still are.

My comment about more drunk driving really should be read as "how are you solving the problem?" Do you really think that anyone who wants beer can't get it because you put it a couple miles away? When I grew up in Irving, we go beer, underage, by driving to a service station in Arlington. point is, we still got it.

Frisco legalized beer and wine sales several years ago - opponents predicted the End Times if it passed...and Frisco seems to be doing just fine.

Edit: Forgot to mention - Irving may see only 1% of the sales from beer/wine, but considering the "problem people" are already there, 1% is more than you are getting today to deal with the problem.

BC Lightning
11-12-2006, 12:15 PM
For starters, the majority of drunk drivers are coming from restaurants/bars/clubs not from going to or from a beer/wine store

Like you said you still bought beer, so is it really that much of a inconvenience to have to drive to a different city, especially since they do sell alcohol in restaurants in Irving, and usually cheaper than what you could buy in a store ex. Applebees has 1.25 draft beers

You mentioned Frisco, but look at the types of people in Frisco compared to Irving, Frisco is a growing city, where Irving is an imploding city

With all of the problems Irving has I see no benefits to have beer/wine sales here, maybe if the entire city was like North Irving, or in your example Frisco, then I wouldn't see any problems with it, however when the biggest pushers for sales is Walmart then I fail to see any reasons or benefits to having it in Irving

11-12-2006, 12:21 PM
Like most laws they are for the minority that have no self control or dicipline. It is all about the demographic of the area. Frisco has a lot better chance than Irving or D'ville for decent folks respecting beer and wine sales. Irving and D'ville has a poor element for the most part these days and all they do is make beer and wine sales look bad. Every morning I get coffee at 7/11 on Main St. Each morning the construction workers are loading up on cheap beer, and the night shift is buying a 32oz before bed with loose change.

11-12-2006, 03:39 PM
For starters, the majority of drunk drivers are coming from restaurants/bars/clubs not from going to or from a beer/wine store

Based on...what? 56% of statistics are made up, you know :)

Like you said you still bought beer, so is it really that much of a inconvenience to have to drive to a different city, especially since they do sell alcohol in restaurants in Irving, and usually cheaper than what you could buy in a store ex. Applebees has 1.25 draft beers

Well, yes, it is. Why should I have to drive to another city? Again, the people that are going to buy beer, are still going to buy it. Its not like having it close by is seriously going to create tons of new alcoholics, no more than it is likely that by moving it a little further away you are going to keep people from drinking. If you wanted to do that, just make it so Applebee's is the only place to buy alcohol, and you might have a shot. :vomit:

You mentioned Frisco, but look at the types of people in Frisco compared to Irving, Frisco is a growing city, where Irving is an imploding city

No argument there.

With all of the problems Irving has I see no benefits to have beer/wine sales here, maybe if the entire city was like North Irving, or in your example Frisco, then I wouldn't see any problems with it, however when the biggest pushers for sales is Walmart then I fail to see any reasons or benefits to having it in Irving

Besides just the alcohol sales, you have to look at it from tertiary sales point of view too. When Wal-Mart was building their store in north Plano, on Ohio Rd, they ultimately built it on the Plano side instead of the Frisco side of 121 in part because Plano had legal beer/wine sales. That's ONE store, but I bet their was a significant economic impact to that decision.

11-12-2006, 04:08 PM
Costco and 2 QT's built in D'ville due to passing beer/wine.

Tex Arcana
11-12-2006, 04:40 PM
people wanted us to find weapons of mass destruction, however we got THE weapon of mass destruction out of power and he will hang shortly

:tu: Best way of putting that, ever. I never thought of things that way. Personally, he should've been assasinated during the first "war". :rolleyes:

I guess I kinda have a right to have an opinion about the war, since two high school buddies were killed in Iraq, of which had loving families and still supported the war

Great thing about living in America: we ALL have the right to our opinions, no matter what they are. We ALL have the right to worship how we wish, and who we wish (even none at all); and we have the right to question EVERYTHING our government does and says. If anyone disagrees with that, then my last statement applies to them. :hammer:

Last time I checked freedom wasn't free, and if you want peace you have to prepare for war

"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance." --Thomas Jefferson. As an addendum: the goal of said preparations is to guarantee and protect the ability to be free in what we do and what we say. Limiting those basic freedoms in the name of "security" is completely wrong.

We shouldnt have gone over to Iraq after the THOUSANDS that died in the world trade center, I guess there would have been alot more Americans alive if we never joined WW2 after being attacked

:rolleyes: Had we not joined WWII, we could very well be speaking German, and saluting our Fuhrer, and this discussion would likely land us in the Gulag. :hammer:

Tex Arcana
11-12-2006, 04:51 PM

How about convienience? I think as an adult I should be free to buy alcohol in any retail establishment. Having wet and dry areas, in this day and age, just shows how backwards some of Texas laws still are.

My comment about more drunk driving really should be read as "how are you solving the problem?" Do you really think that anyone who wants beer can't get it because you put it a couple miles away? When I grew up in Irving, we go beer, underage, by driving to a service station in Arlington. point is, we still got it.

Frisco legalized beer and wine sales several years ago - opponents predicted the End Times if it passed...and Frisco seems to be doing just fine.

Edit: Forgot to mention - Irving may see only 1% of the sales from beer/wine, but considering the "problem people" are already there, 1% is more than you are getting today to deal with the problem.

Problem with Frisco is that they screwed up royally and shut off alcohol sales at midnite. All those drunks are tossing down "one for the road" at last call, then driving to The Colonic or Addison for more drinking 'til 2am. If they moved the cutoff to 2am, Frisco would keep those sales in Frisco, AND the chances are those folks would drink a little less, and have to drive shorter distances to get home, which helps minimize the chances of someone getting killed by one of 'em. :hammer:

11-12-2006, 06:11 PM
Problem with Frisco is that they screwed up royally and shut off alcohol sales at midnite. All those drunks are tossing down "one for the road" at last call, then driving to The Colonic or Addison for more drinking 'til 2am. If they moved the cutoff to 2am, Frisco would keep those sales in Frisco, AND the chances are those folks would drink a little less, and have to drive shorter distances to get home, which helps minimize the chances of someone getting killed by one of 'em. :hammer:

It wont matter after 2010 - State Law will enable any bar or restaurant serving in Collin County to be open until 2am. :beer:

11-13-2006, 09:51 AM
Northwest highway is a pretty good drive from my inlaws in Irving (Story and Finley). It takes us 45 minutes to do a beer run by the time we drive over, pick it out, pay in the long line, and drive back. That is a fair junk of time if you are running late or run out of beer in the middle of a get together. It would be much nicer if the 7/11 two blocks up sold beer.

Of course that is not too much of an issue if we remember to keep a full keg in the kegerator.

BC Lightning
11-13-2006, 10:05 AM
Northwest highway is a pretty good drive from my inlaws in Irving (Story and Finley). It takes us 45 minutes to do a beer run by the time we drive over, pick it out, pay in the long line, and drive back. That is a fair junk of time if you are running late or run out of beer in the middle of a get together. It would be much nicer if the 7/11 two blocks up sold beer.

Of course that is not too much of an issue if we remember to keep a full keg in the kegerator.

Bro I lived right around that area, country club and northgate, and it would take me all of 20 total time to get beer from NWHWY and back to the house, what route are you taking??

11-13-2006, 10:11 AM
From Story and Finley Something off 360 might be closer.

11-13-2006, 10:28 AM
Bro I lived right around that area, country club and northgate, and it would take me all of 20 total time to get beer from NWHWY and back to the house, what route are you taking??
We take Addington to Stafford to Northgate, to Leland to Oconner to NW Highway. It's only about 5 miles, but with traffic and stoplights it always takes a while. Then the lines are a mile long on Friday and Saturday evenings and getting back home.

Tell me that it is just as easy as going to the 7/11 on the corner?

BC Lightning
11-13-2006, 10:37 AM
We take Addington to Stafford to Northgate, to Leland to O'Connor to NW Highway. It's only about 5 miles, but with traffic and stoplights it always takes a while. Then the lines are a mile long on Friday and Saturday evenings and getting back home.

Tell me that it is just as easy as going to the 7/11 on the corner?

but here again is another person not living in the city talking about convenience, would it not be easier to just bring some from a 7/11 on the way

11-13-2006, 11:43 AM
but here again is another person not living in the city talking about convenience, would it not be easier to just bring some from a 7/11 on the way
Yes, if I planned in advance.

I don't live in Irving, but I am there almost all day every Saturday and Sunday and most Friday evenings. That is where we hang out and meet our friends. We don't always plan to have a party, often it just happens. Besides, if it is inconvenient for me, how much more inconvenient is it for my inlaws that live there?

BC Lightning
11-13-2006, 01:38 PM
Yes, if I planned in advance.

I don't live in Irving, but I am there almost all day every Saturday and Sunday and most Friday evenings. That is where we hang out and meet our friends. We don't always plan to have a party, often it just happens. Besides, if it is inconvenient for me, how much more inconvenient is it for my inlaws that live there?

Its not an inconvenience for me and I live in Irving :rolleyes:

11-13-2006, 03:39 PM
Its not an inconvenience for me and I live in Irving :rolleyes:
Different habits and different lifestyles. It may not hinder you, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't hinder others.

My guess is that next time it will pass. The gap just keeps getting smaller. So far it has mostly been a split between north and south Irving. I don't know why they can't just pass it for one side.

BC Lightning
11-13-2006, 10:36 PM
Different habits and different lifestyles. It may not hinder you, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't hinder others.

My guess is that next time it will pass. The gap just keeps getting smaller. So far it has mostly been a split between north and south Irving. I don't know why they can't just pass it for one side.

I agree with you on that, if they are going to pass it, it should be for North Irving, Las Colinas, Valley Ranch and not for South Irving