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11-16-2006, 03:51 PM
I bought a S&W sw40ve. I like the gun especially for the price, I heard do not get a s&W semi auto but I did anyways. Never had a problem with it yet no jamming it is very accurate but the trigger is a S.O.B. It is a long hard pull and has got a little easier since I have been using it and getting used to it. Question is, is there any way I can make it any softer? There is a little spring inside I did not know if I could replace or what to do. Thanks.

-Kyle :tu:

11-16-2006, 04:03 PM
I can't answer your question about modding it, but where did you hear to not get a S&W semiauto? I have several police officer friends that are all using S&W's. I bought a nickel plated S&W 39-2 several years ago for the wife. It has never once misfired (and she has put a lot of rounds through it.)

Of course I prefer my Glock 21.

11-16-2006, 04:04 PM
there ought to be something in there that can be filed down, but i know you have to be careful, i have a semi auto, .30-06 thats dangerous, just have to breath on the trigger to make it go off, one time long ago i had it go off while taking it off of saftey:eek: , so too much sucks

11-16-2006, 04:08 PM
where did you hear to not get a S&W semiauto? QUOTE]

Some forum that I believe was mostly Glock fans.

[QUOTE=tiffo60;112949]there ought to be something in there that can be filed down, but i know you have to be careful, i have a semi auto, .30-06 thats dangerous, just have to breath on the trigger to make it go off, one time long ago i had it go off while taking it off of saftey:eek: , so too much sucks

Ya I def. do not want that but it could be a little softer. I may see where I can find a spring and start off by trying that.

11-16-2006, 04:51 PM
for hunting purposes ther is no reason to go under 2.5# on the trigger. tooo many risk involved when it gets lower than that. for target shooting poeple go insane on how low they get them. take the pistol to a gunsmith and have him fix it up just like you want.

11-16-2006, 05:06 PM
I know with glocks you can change the trigger bar and springs for the pull, I'm sure you could perhaps find something similar for the S&W?

11-16-2006, 05:29 PM
The gun kinda looks like a Glock and has similar safety feature on the trigger so maybe.

11-16-2006, 05:34 PM
I got this one, The forum doesn't say that all S&W auto's suck only the new poly models that they make trying to keep up with glock... I say screw them both and get a springfield armory XD but thats just me...Regards to the trigger pull i'm not sure you can do anything about it yourself but take it to the smithy and let him take a run at it... It might come down to you having to swap triggers or just a trigger job never know...

11-16-2006, 05:59 PM
Ya it's got the poly grip and I love the Springfield but this gun was cheap and I wanted something else when I am out hunting. I plan to get one as soon as I get some money. :tu: Although the S&W has not given me any problems just the trigger and maybe I should just leave it as is.

11-16-2006, 09:47 PM
Although the S&W has not given me any problems just the trigger and maybe I should just leave it as is.

That's my recommendation. The S&W SW series developed from the Sigma line, and were direct ripoffs of the Glock. However, unlike the Glock I'm not aware of anyone making aftermarket trigger parts, and a crappy trigger pull is a common complaint on the SW's and Sigmas. Live with it or trade it is your best bet. The design is not conducive to modifying the trigger for a better pull.

11-16-2006, 10:05 PM
I will live with it for hunting purpose, I have gotten pretty used to it now and it is a little more broke in. The XD .45 will be my next gun I was very impressed when I shot it. I am not to fond of Glocks, maybe because the one I shot was my old bosses and I hate that guy other than that not too bad. It took him about 5 min to field strip it for us one day trying to show off. :rll: :hammer:

11-16-2006, 10:13 PM
5 mins to field strip a glock? lmao had he never done it before? takes like a few seconds including making sure the chamber is clear

11-16-2006, 10:50 PM
This guy never owned a gun before that and just got his CHL. It was actually kinda scary working for him knowing he had that and always had it in his pager pal. His mom said he looked big with it in his pants. :rll: :rll:

11-17-2006, 02:58 PM
His mom said he looked big with it in his pants. :rll: :rll:
Holy **** i just pissed my pants...I can strip my XD in about 5 secs actually can strip all my guns in about 15 secs besides my 1911 and my P89...

11-17-2006, 03:26 PM
It actually takes me a few minutes to strip my Glock because I can never get the two tabs to come down at the same time. Maybe my hands are just too weak or it needs to be broken in more. Of course once the tabs are down then it only takes seconds.

11-17-2006, 03:36 PM
Thats what i like about the XD is rack the slide pop up this little swivle then let slide down and dry fire and its stripped.

11-17-2006, 05:16 PM
It actually takes me a few minutes to strip my Glock because I can never get the two tabs to come down at the same time. Maybe my hands are just too weak or it needs to be broken in more. Of course once the tabs are down then it only takes seconds.
you can get a replacement part that makes it wider at that part and easier to grip

11-18-2006, 01:56 AM
you can get a replacement part that makes it wider at that part and easier to grip
I like the sound of this. Do you have more info on this?