View Full Version : Lost Puppy.
11-20-2006, 07:32 PM
well abandoned actually....:flaming:
long make it short....
black guy was renting one of my brothers house......didn't pay rent for 2-3 months....we got the court to kick him out....well the ******* finally leaves the house and now "we have the right" to go in our house...Stole the microwave and a few other stuff....:hammer:
Okay, So I go outside to check the backyard and what do I see?...a puppy just chilling there (he looked like he had not eaten in like 3-4 days and hes cold as ****) So I tried to get close to him and the lil fella is scared like crazy :( ...So I go home (around the corner) to get some dog food. Then went back to the house to give him some food....I got him in the garage right now but I need to take him somewhere tomorrow....Soo I need some help with some directions or numbers for a lost dog center or whatever is around if any of you guys know....
some ppl make me least take the puppy somewhere.
Im not racist or anything (****, Im hispanic lol) but ppl like this deserved to be called N...
11-20-2006, 07:45 PM
well abandoned actually....:flaming:
long make it short....
black guy was renting one of my brothers house......didn't pay rent for 2-3 months....we got the court to kick him out....well the ******* finally leaves the house and now "we have the right" to go in our house...Stole the microwave and a few other stuff....:hammer:
Okay, So I go outside to check the backyard and what do I see?...a puppy just chilling there (he looked like he had not eaten in like 3-4 days and hes cold as ****) So I tried to get close to him and the lil fella is scared like crazy :( ...So I go home (around the corner) to get some dog food. Then went back to the house to give him some food....I got him in the garage right now but I need to take him somewhere tomorrow....Soo I need some help with some directions or numbers for a lost dog center or whatever is around if any of you guys know....
some ppl make me least take the puppy somewhere.
Im not racist or anything (****, Im hispanic lol) but ppl like this deserved to be called N... I feel ya man. But don't take that poor pup to a pound:( . Try to find a good home for him:) . Surly you know someone that will take him off your hands. If not then you can run an add for a free pup in your local paper. :tu:
11-20-2006, 11:43 PM
I feel ya man. But don't take that poor pup to a pound:( . Try to find a good home for him:) . Surly you know someone that will take him off your hands. If not then you can run an add for a free pup in your local paper. :tu:
What kinda puppy is it?
11-21-2006, 12:05 AM
TP Derrick D
11-21-2006, 02:15 PM
well abandoned actually....:flaming:
long make it short....
black guy was renting one of my brothers house......didn't pay rent for 2-3 months....we got the court to kick him out....well the ******* finally leaves the house and now "we have the right" to go in our house...Stole the microwave and a few other stuff....:hammer:
Okay, So I go outside to check the backyard and what do I see?...a puppy just chilling there (he looked like he had not eaten in like 3-4 days and hes cold as ****) So I tried to get close to him and the lil fella is scared like crazy :( ...So I go home (around the corner) to get some dog food. Then went back to the house to give him some food....I got him in the garage right now but I need to take him somewhere tomorrow....Soo I need some help with some directions or numbers for a lost dog center or whatever is around if any of you guys know....
some ppl make me least take the puppy somewhere.
Im not racist or anything (****, Im hispanic lol) but ppl like this deserved to be called N...
Im not racist or anything (****, Im hispanic lol) but ppl like this deserved to be called N...
I don't know if you're racist or not but it sure sounds like it. You sound a lot like michael richards(Kramer on Seinfeld in his racist out burst)Its not funny to even think of calling someone nigger and it don't go away because you didn't spell it. with all the things going on with hispanic people right now you should be more aware. i'd never think of calling you an illegal or worst just because you did something. call the person the same thing you would call another hispanic or white person, lets see how about dirty, lowdown ba$tard....see, that fits anyone. Be careful some N....'s as you say aren't as forgiving as I am.... a word to the wise.
11-21-2006, 02:39 PM
:nono: No...Im not racist at all.
I have friends of all color..blacks,hispanics,azns,white....etc
LoL and No...I don't call ppl Niggers...If I did, the beaner/wetback etc comeback would come to me...
What I meant is...color ppl (anything but white i guess) get so pissed when ppl are racist towards them and is because of *******s that do **** like that guy that it comes back to all of us.
anyways the main point was about the lost puppy...useless ppl come in all colors...he just happened to be black....I would of said the same stuff if he was white or hispanic. fags come in all colors.
11-21-2006, 02:52 PM
I'd suggest starting another thread if the "N" discussion must be continued past here - dont let the goal of finding a home for this puppy be lost!
11-21-2006, 08:04 PM
I'd suggest starting another thread if the "N" discussion must be continued past here - dont let the goal of finding a home for this puppy be lost!
TP Derrick D
11-23-2006, 12:43 AM
:nono: No...Im not racist at all.
I have friends of all color..blacks,hispanics,azns,white....etc
LoL and No...I don't call ppl Niggers...If I did, the beaner/wetback etc comeback would come to me...
What I meant is...color ppl (anything but white i guess) get so pissed when ppl are racist towards them and is because of *******s that do **** like that guy that it comes back to all of us.
anyways the main point was about the lost puppy...useless ppl come in all colors...he just happened to be black....I would of said the same stuff if he was white or hispanic. fags come in all colors.
The word nigger has been and probably always will be a racist way to belittle and downgrade black people. It should not be a way to show yours or anyones else's frustration toward a man who happen to be black for leaving a dog somewhere. If you think that way of him because of that... YOU ARE RACIST!!! Don't use the word or think it, its racist!!! how else can I say it. I don't think of you as a wetback because you left a dog behind, like I said you would be a sorry lazy ba$tard or something but I would not call you a racist name because of it. You don't call white or hispanic people that but if you want to continue to use that then think of this, is it something you would say to a black mans face? I doubt it. hope you find a taker for the dog and see the effect of using that word, its makes you sound unintelligent.
11-23-2006, 02:46 AM
Ok Whatever.
Hes a sorry lazy bastard.
I will be taking the puppy to a shelter center thingy lol on friday. At least hes been having fun these days.
11-23-2006, 09:51 AM
The word nigger has been and probably always will be a racist way to belittle and downgrade black people. It should not be a way to show yours or anyones else's frustration toward a man who happen to be black for leaving a dog somewhere. If you think that way of him because of that... YOU ARE RACIST!!! Don't use the word or think it, its racist!!! how else can I say it. I don't think of you as a wetback because you left a dog behind, like I said you would be a sorry lazy ba$tard or something but I would not call you a racist name because of it. You don't call white or hispanic people that but if you want to continue to use that then think of this, is it something you would say to a black mans face? I doubt it. hope you find a taker for the dog and see the effect of using that word, its makes you sound unintelligent.
Since this is already so far off topic...
It would be easier for the rest of the world to treat the word as you expect if the black community didnt use it so much to describe each other. Between comedians and rappers the word is used constantly.
If you are to come back and say that is not racist for a black person to use the word but it is for any one else - well thats racist as well...
In my opinion there are *******s in every color ...
11-23-2006, 08:37 PM
Since this is already so far off topic...
It would be easier for the rest of the world to treat the word as you expect if the black community didnt use it so much to describe each other. Between comedians and rappers the word is used constantly.
If you are to come back and say that is not racist for a black person to use the word but it is for any one else - well thats racist as well...
In my opinion there are *******s in every color ...
11-23-2006, 10:29 PM
I am not sure I agree with the argument you present Doug. It sounds like you are saying that all blacks are somehow responsible for the mistakes of a few. I feel sure there are many in the black community that feel the use of the N word is inappropriate.
Just for the record, anytime a person uses the race or color of skin as a description, I get the impression that they are somehow saying that race or color are an important factor. When the paragraph started guy rented my house....I immediately wondered what the hell being black had to do with anything. I feel pretty sure I have yet to hear anyone start out by saying...this white guy did da da da.
Now when describing someone wanted by the law, color of skin and such are important to recognizing the person being looked for.
For example if I say the following, "In this case.....that post was racist as hell. That damned s*** made a racist post..":evil.
See what I mean....sounded racist to me. Being a beaner had nothing to do with the fact that the post was racist. So why point out the race?
Maybe we should get some hoods for everyone. The only thing left is for us to find out who all are kikes.
11-23-2006, 11:38 PM
I said...HE (as in one person, who happens to be a low life person) is a nigger....If you are black and get offended by it...then Im sorry.
I also said that..I would of said the same thing if he was of any other race.
No need to keep this topic going...we are all racist to some point..and when ppl **** us over it comes out.
Tex Arcana
11-24-2006, 01:33 AM
The word nigger has been and probably always will be a racist way to belittle and downgrade black people. It should not be a way to show yours or anyones else's frustration toward a man who happen to be black for leaving a dog somewhere. If you think that way of him because of that... YOU ARE RACIST!!! Don't use the word or think it, its racist!!! how else can I say it. I don't think of you as a wetback because you left a dog behind, like I said you would be a sorry lazy ba$tard or something but I would not call you a racist name because of it. You don't call white or hispanic people that but if you want to continue to use that then think of this, is it something you would say to a black mans face? I doubt it. hope you find a taker for the dog and see the effect of using that word, its makes you sound unintelligent.
Actually, that word is a slurred pronunciation of the word "negro", which is Spanish means "black".
And you know as well as I do that most black people will use that word with each other as if it's either a compliment or a joke; and the SECOND someone else uses it, they take offense--which, to me, is hypocritical.
If you don't use the word, EVER, in ANY of your conversations, then you have plenty room to talk; otherwise, tend to your own house first before you call anyone else "racist". :nono:
Tex Arcana
11-24-2006, 01:36 AM
Since this is already so far off topic...
It would be easier for the rest of the world to treat the word as you expect if the black community didnt use it so much to describe each other. Between comedians and rappers the word is used constantly.
If you are to come back and say that is not racist for a black person to use the word but it is for any one else - well thats racist as well...
In my opinion there are *******s in every color ...
"A rose, by any other name..."
Beat me to it, Doug, but well-said.
And since the rock's already been tossed into the pond: I've come to the conclusion that most human beings are racists. The unfortunate part of that is, they had to be TAUGHT to be racist. :(
Tex Arcana
11-24-2006, 01:50 AM
I am not sure I agree with the argument you present Doug. It sounds like you are saying that all blacks are somehow responsible for the mistakes of a few. I feel sure there are many in the black community that feel the use of the N word is inappropriate.
Just for the record, anytime a person uses the race or color of skin as a description, I get the impression that they are somehow saying that race or color are an important factor. When the paragraph started guy rented my house....I immediately wondered what the hell being black had to do with anything. I feel pretty sure I have yet to hear anyone start out by saying...this white guy did da da da.
Now when describing someone wanted by the law, color of skin and such are important to recognizing the person being looked for.
For example if I say the following, "In this case.....that post was racist as hell. That damned s*** made a racist post..":evil.
See what I mean....sounded racist to me. Being a beaner had nothing to do with the fact that the post was racist. So why point out the race?
Maybe we should get some hoods for everyone. The only thing left is for us to find out who all are kikes.
I think his point is that an apparent majority of people use said word as, say, Terry would use "Cracker" with you: you know he's not serious, but an "African-American" or "Hispanic" would possibly see that usage as we do the "n" word: "Damned honkies, always gettin' mad when WE call 'em 'crackers', but they think it's okay for them to use it?? WTF??"
In truth, it's *just* a word (and a mispronunciation at that), like "f*ck" and "sh1t" and "cracker" are; the only reason those words have power over a person or group of people is that those people GIVE those words the power, and thereby the person or people using the word.
Take away the perception of insult, you take away the power of the word.
Personally, I'd rather see the usage stop. Then again, I'd like to see world peace, but I suspect I'll die and rot to dust before that will happen. :(
11-24-2006, 02:58 PM
I am not sure I agree with the argument you present Doug. It sounds like you are saying that all blacks are somehow responsible for the mistakes of a few. I feel sure there are many in the black community that feel the use of the N word is inappropriate.
Just for the record, anytime a person uses the race or color of skin as a description, I get the impression that they are somehow saying that race or color are an important factor. When the paragraph started guy rented my house....I immediately wondered what the hell being black had to do with anything. I feel pretty sure I have yet to hear anyone start out by saying...this white guy did da da da.
Now when describing someone wanted by the law, color of skin and such are important to recognizing the person being looked for.
For example if I say the following, "In this case.....that post was racist as hell. That damned s*** made a racist post..":evil.
See what I mean....sounded racist to me. Being a beaner had nothing to do with the fact that the post was racist. So why point out the race?
Maybe we should get some hoods for everyone. The only thing left is for us to find out who all are kikes.
Just about everyone that has been on Talon for the last 5 years knows that I used to be the person that caused a lot of commotion when people said stuff that shouldn't be said. I calmed down a lot a realized that people are going to be how they are no matter what I say. Well, I tried to stay out of this as long as I could, but Ron is exactly right. I went to a school that was just about equal as far as whites to blacks, so I have a lot of black friends. I could probably get away with saying it in front of them because they know that I am not like that, but I have never done it and never will. To me Derrick is one of the most respected people on this board. I would hate to think that he would not have any part of Talon anymore because of a $hitty issue like this. I know that it would make me feel uncomfortable if I was in his shoes. I'm a white dude and when I read the first post, I was offended. I don't know the guy that posted it and I don't think that he is a bad person. I just think that when there is a mixed crowd of people, everyone needs to be considerate of each other. I do think that this post should have been locked down way before now. I know that it's not the same Derrick, but I apologize for anything negative that was said.
Political correctness is a two edged sword. Many of us can benifit from sensitivity training (race, religion, and gender). The old adage of "When you can't say something nice about someone do'nt say anything" has a lot of wisdom.
11-24-2006, 04:24 PM
I never meant to disrespect anyone on the forum. I was mad at the moment for what that guy did and thats what made me post that stuff.
I said sorry already to anyone that got offended by it, so no reason to keep the topic going.
11-24-2006, 05:00 PM
Then again, I'd like to see world peace, but I suspect I'll die and rot to dust before that will happen. :(
Not me....fock world peace. I still have thoughts and beliefs I feel the need to shove up other peoples asses. If it takes me killing the mutha be it.
What are you Tex? Some kind of pansy ass liberal?
BC Lightning
11-24-2006, 06:14 PM
Political correctness is a two edged sword. Many of us can benifit from sensitivity training (race, religion, and gender). The old adage of "When you can't say something nice about someone do'nt say anything" has a lot of wisdom.
You have it wrong, when you cant say something nice, your talking about Hiliary Clinton :d
You have it wrong, when you cant say something nice, your talking about Hiliary Clinton :d
You got me on that one, so I'll just keep quite.
Tex Arcana
11-24-2006, 07:32 PM
Not me....fock world peace. I still have thoughts and beliefs I feel the need to shove up other peoples asses. If it takes me killing the mutha be it.
What are you Tex? Some kind of pansy ass liberal?
:rll: I'm just a nice guy, that's all.
Tex Arcana
11-24-2006, 07:42 PM
I never meant to disrespect anyone on the forum. I was mad at the moment for what that guy did and thats what made me post that stuff.
I said sorry already to anyone that got offended by it, so no reason to keep the topic going.
Dude, the simple fact is that bast4ard is a cork-socking son-of-a-bitch who should've been beating to within an inch of his life, and probably should've been beaten regularly as a child.
With all due respect to Derrick, using the "N" word on the guy was likely perfectly descriptive, and in some circles wouldn't've garnered a second glance.
Before you go off again, Derrick, I've got a :ron: for ya: I grew up in a black neighborhood, all of my friends were black, and if you get me drunk enough today, I'll start talkin' jive. And I was a victim of racism: because I was one of the very few white kids in the neighborhood (late '60s), I got beaten on a regular basis just because of the color of my skin.[/:ron:] So I *know*, to the core, what it's like. But you have to admit, that callin' it like you see it is more important than being poilitically correct, because by letting idiots like the guy that's the subject of this thread get awway with those things (and others), and using race to excuse his actions, or the use of a word to excuse his actions, is way more damaging overall, than otherwise. Don't take this wrong, man, but skin color to me means NOTHING: if you're acting like a <insert word of choice here>, you ARE that. You want to be treated with respect, treat others with respect as well as yourself. YOU are a cool dude; but that other guy was a jackass and should be shot.
TP Derrick D
11-28-2006, 07:41 PM
Some people get it , some people don't. I'm going to say this and then I'm finished with it because I can try till I'm 90 years old and some people still won't get it. That word to black people goes 2 ways, a show of unity between each other (nigga) or a form or belittlement and downgrading by non-blacks(nigger). I didn't start it but thats the way it is. I hate either use but I understand it, its something we learn as blacks growing up.I am truly sorry if any non-black person don't understand our culture or way of life but a non-black person simply cannot use either word without being considered racist. Now there are times when color plays no part between each other and that word or others may be exchanged between THAT group as sign of unity, but that group has to realize it can not go outside that group. Like JC Black was saying he has black friends where it was OK but at the same time I'm sure he realize that he can not go to the mall or somewhere and start saying that to unknown people. As close as I am to many of the Tarrant County posse many whom has been inside my home & meet my wife I would NEVER think of calling them a name that would be considered racist by anyone outside our little group. I know its something that has become mainstream in songs, videos, etc but its still a word thats reserved for blacks only within the black circle and not be considered bad .In other words if you are not within a circle where you have an understanding its best not to be used. I don't like it to be used by blacks(nigga) so I really don't want it to be used by non blacks in my presence. I respect you, you respect me. Rocks seems to have a good way of thinking about it. It may never go away but that don't mean you have to engage in that activity. You know its strange how 15 years ago Tipper Gore and others was on Capitol Hill lobbying and protesting against gangster rap and other forms of explicit music(Me so horny- 2 live crew, Fock 'da Police- NWA)now it seem some of the same people she was "looking out for" is using those same words they hear in those songs. When it comes to that word I can Kinda understand the young whippersnappers 30 and under using it because they grew up with it in songs, movies etc, but I don't understand the older crowd especially when they should know the hate it generates. I'm gonna say this then I'm finished. I grew up in Alabama during segragation. I went to segregated schools for the first 4 years and in 1970 my 5th grade, the schools desegregated. No more seperated buses, Bus 74 which was white only prior could no longer pass me & my sister by. even with riding on Bus 74 me & my sister(1 year younger) had to sit in the back. My grandmother died in 1971 and we went back to live with my mom and moved to Rosedale court, a project that was pure hell growing up in. we finally got out of there and we went to mixed schools. In 1977, my senior year, and less that 10 years after segragation there was still some racial tension but overall things were OK. Then the movie "Roots" by Alex Haley came out and all hell start to break loose. At the time I worked at Sonic after school and a lot of high school kids hung out there like Arnolds in Happy Days. Well one of my white "friends" that I had 2nd period English with, the same one that I talked to everyday about racing against each other, joked and cut up in class with came to Sonic. I saw him out the big window so when his order came up I took it so I could go talk to my "friend". He had another white guy and a white girl in the car and when we finished talking I had to go get his change. when I turned around he said "hurry back nigger", I said what? He said "you heard me, hurry back nigger" The next day in class he was already there when I got there sitting in the some spot near where I sat as if nothing happened. Back it those days the windows were about 8 feet tall and a stick or broom handle had to be used to prop the window open. I went to that window and got what looked like a 1" x 2" (2 x 4 sawed in half) I took that stick and right there in front of the entire class & teacher I held it back far as I could like a bat and I dared, double-dog dared him to say it again. well he was scared as hell and finally the teacher(Mrs Plunk) got me to put it down, then we had a talk and come to find out he was trying to show out and do what he had seen in "Roots" all his white friends were like "You did what?" to him and he had to apoligize. We kept talking as if nothing happened but to me it wasn't the same anymore. He seem to do all he could to regain it but its like once you do it, it can't be undone. We always waved at each other on the street, he had a '66 Chevelle, I had a '68 LeMans. We never raced either and I always wondered if he was racist or thought he was cool by saying it.That was 30 years ago. So that word should never be used to describe a black person, nor should it be used by non blacks trying to be cool, you're only making things worst. I'm finished with this,I made my statement so if it continues to be used then I'll think the person using it is racist and has no respect for me or the color of my skin. Thanks to all who have defended me and consider me a friend or at least a person with feelings.
Aggie Mom
11-28-2006, 07:51 PM
Very well stated. You were the first person I met in the club and in my book - you always will rock! :tu:
A great - from the heart - explanation. We can all learn from you.
11-28-2006, 09:45 PM
I never meant to disrespect anyone on the forum. I was mad at the moment for what that guy did and thats what made me post that stuff.
I said sorry already to anyone that got offended by it, so no reason to keep the topic going.
Sorry you got offended by it...that was not my goal.
the guy is a sorry lazy u told me to call him.
...I still think ur truck is badass :tu:
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