View Full Version : New toll roads WTF is going on?
12-01-2006, 03:44 PM
Did any one read the Sunday paper?
There going to make 121, 75 and 35 a toll road, and we all ready have George Bush, and North Dallas toll road, and thats been payed for how many times over? I was not too pissed till I heard about 35. I cant afford that. Well I can, but I'm not going to. There trying to take my mod money!
The part that makes me mad is there lame excuses for the tolls.
What are they doing with our money? What are they planning to do with all the revenue from the added tolls? They say each toll is to fund other projects. But if the 121 toll is funding the construction on 35, what is the money from 35 going to fund? Another toll road?
And if they do all of this....... I'm moving! :mad:
I wonder how many potential employers will not move to the Dallas area because of this? How many others will move out? How bad will the congestion be on alternate routs because people can't afford the tolls?
When is the next elections?????? I want to help vote these money grubbing retards out!
12-01-2006, 03:48 PM
I heard about 121 & 635, but I hadn't heard about 75 & 35.. Thats B*^%$#!T!
12-01-2006, 04:00 PM
I though there was a law that if the road opened without toll you couldnt change it ...
The 635 expansion MAY be toll and since it would be totally new lanes it might get past existing law...
12-01-2006, 04:09 PM
I though there was a law that if the road opened without toll you couldnt change it ...
The 635 expansion MAY be toll and since it would be totally new lanes it might get past existing law...
If that is true they cant toll 121 , 75, or 35. I did not know about 635.
12-01-2006, 04:18 PM
If I'm reading this right. So much for there excuse for where the money is going!
commission determines that the mobility needs of a region of this
state could be most efficiently and economically met by jointly
operating two or more toll projects in that region as one
operational and financial enterprise, it may create a system
composed of those projects. The commission may create more than one
system in a region and may combine two or more systems in a region
into one system. The department may finance, acquire, construct,
and operate additional toll projects in the region as additions to
or expansions of a system if the commission determines that the toll
project could most efficiently and economically be acquired or
constructed if it were part of the system and that the addition will
benefit the system.
(b) The revenue of a system shall be accounted for
separately and may not be commingled with the revenue of a toll
project that is not part of the system or with the revenue of
another system.
12-01-2006, 04:23 PM
I though there was a law that if the road opened without toll you couldnt change it ...
The 635 expansion MAY be toll and since it would be totally new lanes it might get past existing law...
I found it..... Can we say LOOP HOLE!
Except as provided by Section 228.2015, the department may not
operate a nontolled state highway or a segment of a nontolled state
highway as a toll project, and may not transfer a highway or segment
to another entity for operation as a toll project, unless:
(1) the commission by order designated the highway or
segment as a toll project before the contract to construct the
highway or segment was awarded;
(2) the highway or segment was open to traffic as a
turnpike project on or before September 1, 2005;
(3) the project was designated as a toll project in a
plan or program of a metropolitan planning organization on or
before September 1, 2005;
(4) the highway or segment is reconstructed so that
the number of nontolled lanes on the highway or segment is greater
than or equal to the number in existence before the reconstruction;
(5) a facility is constructed adjacent to the highway
or segment so that the number of nontolled lanes on the converted
highway or segment and the adjacent facility together is greater
than or equal to the number in existence on the converted highway or
segment before the conversion;
(6) subject to Subsection (b), the highway or segment
was open to traffic as a high-occupancy vehicle lane on May 1, 2005;
(7) the commission converts the highway or segment to
a toll facility by:
(A) making the determination required by Section
(B) conducting the hearing required by Section
228.203; and
(C) obtaining county and voter approval as
required by Sections 228.207 and 228.208.
(b) The department may operate or transfer a high-occupancy
vehicle lane under Subsection (a)(6) as a tolled lane only if the
department or other entity operating the lane allows vehicles
occupied by a specified number of passengers to use the lane without
paying a toll.
Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., ch. 281, § 2.45, eff. June 14,
12-01-2006, 05:58 PM
If that is true they cant toll 121 , 75, or 35. I did not know about 635.
121 is possible because the lanes that are toll were NEVER opened without toll - for a few months the toll was waived ...
12-01-2006, 06:10 PM
Don't worry guys, the toll road thing is only going to be an issue for about ten more years or so....then we will have exhausted the remainder of the earths oil supply and everybody will be back to horse and buggy transportation. At best, any oil that is left will cost so much that paying a .75 toll will pale in comparison to buying 25 dollar a gallon gas.
Maybe hover crafts???? That would be cool. Just fly wherever you want. Kind of like the Jetsons.
12-01-2006, 07:21 PM
121 is possible because the lanes that are toll were NEVER opened without toll - for a few months the toll was waived ...
Actually , I just saw on the news that a portion of 121 is tolled even though there aren't booths etc. They have cameras that take the pictures of every cars license plate and the registered owner gets mailed a bill. :Bullshit
I don't see that flying at all.....there will be so much b!tching about this that they will surely have to gate those things so that people know they are to pay a toll to use the road (as if our taxes aren't enough)
12-01-2006, 08:04 PM
Actually , I just saw on the news that a portion of 121 is tolled even though there aren't booths etc. They have cameras that take the pictures of every cars license plate and the registered owner gets mailed a bill. :Bullshit
I don't see that flying at all.....there will be so much b!tching about this that they will surely have to gate those things so that people know they are to pay a toll to use the road (as if our taxes aren't enough)
Nope it was designed that way - no gates - no booths
Tex Arcana
12-02-2006, 12:29 AM
Nope it was designed that way - no gates - no booths
Time to get that "anti-traffic-camera" license plate spray...
12-02-2006, 12:32 AM
Time to get that "anti-traffic-camera" license plate spray...
LMC sells clear covers that can been seen at eye level. But supposedly a camera mounted up high will not see it.
12-02-2006, 12:38 AM
Who all has a front plate on there truck? Mine doesn't. It seems a simple drop of the tailgate would make it impossible to get a pic of the rear license plate ;)
Tex Arcana
12-02-2006, 12:52 AM
Who all has a front plate on there truck? Mine doesn't. It seems a simple drop of the tailgate would make it impossible to get a pic of the rear license plate ;)
It'll kill your aerodynamics, but that sounds like the simplest method yet!
And, no, I don't have my front plate on.
12-02-2006, 01:26 AM
I got it easy. I don't have a front license plate (legally) and I don't trip the sensors on the old toll roads, if I ride just to the left of the sensor mark. And I can install a luggage rack over the top of my rear plate. :D
And that was a good idea about the tail gate Chris.
12-02-2006, 06:55 AM
Wow, and I thought taxes here suck.. welcome to the world of large cities that want to tax you any way they can.. but this is the case in a lot of large cities, like NYC (but then again the whole state) and Chicago.. just to start the list.
12-02-2006, 09:12 AM
Actually , I just saw on the news that a portion of 121 is tolled even though there aren't booths etc. They have cameras that take the pictures of every cars license plate and the registered owner gets mailed a bill.
Oustanding- so I can drive the beater (that is registered to my wife's ex) and he'll get the bill. Sounds like retributuion for unpaid CS to me
12-02-2006, 12:14 PM
Oustanding- so I can drive the beater (that is registered to my wife's ex) and he'll get the bill. Sounds like retributuion for unpaid CS to me will burn him for sure. They like to add a 25 dollar fee to the toll(per violation). Take the beater for a ride down 190.
Tex Arcana
12-03-2006, 10:16 PM
Wow, and I thought taxes here suck.. welcome to the world of large cities that want to tax you any way they can.. but this is the case in a lot of large cities, like NYC (but then again the whole state) and Chicago.. just to start the list.
Oh, it's big cities aren't alone... it's every politician looking to line his pockets changing EVERYTHING to screw us out of our hard-earned money. The US government has made changes tot he tax laws that are already screwing us bigtime, and are planning even greater changes, including taking away or reducing most of the deductions we get to use now. :hammer:
Just remember: as long as there's a dime to be had, the politicians will come up with ways to screw the poor rubes out of that dime. ;:vomit:
12-05-2006, 08:35 PM
We're getting hosed here in Houston too. The politicians sold us on the Sam Houston tollway (Beltway 8) saying that once it was paid for, the toll booths would come down.
The damn thing has paid for itself 10 times over and they're still charging tolls. As a matter of fact, they're even adding more toll roads. Toll roads (like redlight and remote radar cameras) are nothing more than a money grab by our local governments. With the taxes we already pay, there is no excuse for our elected officials to be building toll roads and I intend to hold them accountable come election time.
As for license plate stealth technology...... license plate covers of any kind are illegal in Texas. However, there is no law against using the Photoblocker spray because there is no law that states your plate must be photogenic. I am a Photoblocker distributor in this state and I can attest that it works against all flash photography.
Tex Arcana
12-06-2006, 03:52 PM
However, there is no law against using the Photoblocker spray because there is no law that states your plate must be photogenic. I am a Photoblocker distributor in this state and I can attest that it works against all flash photography.
Time for a TALON group buy... :d
12-06-2006, 05:04 PM
6 oz. cans of Photoblocker sell on the internet for $30 a can + S/H. Each can contains more than enough product to spray eight plates with 2-3 thick coats.
I can make TALON members the same deal as I did for HALO........ individual cans for $20.00 each, 2-5 cans for $18.50 each, 6 or more for $16.00 each.
I see many buyers who purchase a can, spray the plates on their own cars, then use the remaining product on their friend's and neighbor's vehicles for $5.00 per plate. My partner and I have been known to spray individual plates for the same amount, which ends up netting us over $40.00 per can. :)
Just let me know if you guys are interested.
12-06-2006, 06:00 PM
I am a Photoblocker distributor in this state and I can attest that it works against all flash photography.
Funny.... I don't remember ever seeing a flash when going down the toll road?
12-06-2006, 06:32 PM
The 121 toll portion is really annoying.
Going Southbound, you really have to make an effort to get on it until you are past Hebron and then you automatically join it (although it's not tolled) when the 35E interchange comes up. To avoid paying the toll, you have to exit where the 35E South exit is even though it doesn't indicate you can still stay on the frontage road there. At the end of the South bound side, you really have to watch and stay left to get to the Airport. It's really poorly marked and actually very dark, at 6am in that area.
On the North bound side, after leaving the airport and going through two stop lights, you are suddenly on the toll road and there is only a small yellow "last exit before toll" sign on the exit for Denton Tap Road and it's very easy to miss. Once you're on the frontage road, you end up on it again at the 35E and have to remember to exit Hebron or pay, but that one currently has a large flashing light with a written warning on the side of the road.
I've yet to see a sign anywhere near that thing that tells you how much it costs to take it. I'll probably find out soon since I missed the Denton Tap exit today. :mad:
Tex Arcana
12-06-2006, 06:52 PM
The 121 toll portion is really annoying.
Going Southbound, you really have to make an effort to get on it until you are past Hebron and then you automatically join it (although it's not tolled) when the 35E interchange comes up. To avoid paying the toll, you have to exit where the 35E South exit is even though it doesn't indicate you can still stay on the frontage road there. At the end of the South bound side, you really have to watch and stay left to get to the Airport. It's really poorly marked and actually very dark, at 6am in that area.
On the North bound side, after leaving the airport and going through two stop lights, you are suddenly on the toll road and there is only a small yellow "last exit before toll" sign on the exit for Denton Tap Road and it's very easy to miss. Once you're on the frontage road, you end up on it again at the 35E and have to remember to exit Hebron or pay, but that one currently has a large flashing light with a written warning on the side of the road.
I've yet to see a sign anywhere near that thing that tells you how much it costs to take it. I'll probably find out soon since I missed the Denton Tap exit today. :mad:
And now you konw who runs that section: Lewisville. They don't *want* you to know because they are going to stick it to EVERYONE. Shouldn't be legal, but then again pretty much all politicians are breaking every law they can, and changing the rest to screw us out of every dime we earn. :flaming:
Tex Arcana
12-06-2006, 06:53 PM
6 oz. cans of Photoblocker sell on the internet for $30 a can + S/H. Each can contains more than enough product to spray eight plates with 2-3 thick coats.
I can make TALON members the same deal as I did for HALO........ individual cans for $20.00 each, 2-5 cans for $18.50 each, 6 or more for $16.00 each.
I see many buyers who purchase a can, spray the plates on their own cars, then use the remaining product on their friend's and neighbor's vehicles for $5.00 per plate. My partner and I have been known to spray individual plates for the same amount, which ends up netting us over $40.00 per can. :)
Just let me know if you guys are interested.
I am a Photoblocker distributor in this state and I can attest that it works against all flash photography.
Funny.... I don't remember ever seeing a flash when going down the toll road?
Interesting point... how *does* that work on non-flash-illuminated cameras, i.e. the ones they use on the tollways around here, which are illuminated by high-power lights?
12-06-2006, 07:48 PM
Not sure, but I would think that high illumination would provide the same reflective element as a flash. However, there's really only one way to find out. :D
My partner was having problems with being popped for pulling a trailer through the EZ Tag lanes here, even though he had an EZ tag in his truck. On a whim, he decided to spray the plates on his truck and trailer, then removed the EZ tag from the truck altogether. He ran through the toll plazas at least a dozen times and never received a citation.
The spray definitely worked for him! :rll:
12-06-2006, 08:45 PM
Not sure, but I would think that high illumination would provide the same reflective element as a flash. However, there's really only one way to find out. :D
My partner was having problems with being popped for pulling a trailer through the EZ Tag lanes here, even though he had an EZ tag in his truck. On a whim, he decided to spray the plates on his truck and trailer, then removed the EZ tag from the truck altogether. He ran through the toll plazas at least a dozen times and never received a citation.
The spray definitely worked for him! :rll:
How long ago did he run through the booths without paying? The reason I ask is that I have received citations for this as much as a year later.
12-06-2006, 11:03 PM
It's been about a year now.
Up until he sprayed his trailer plates, he was getting cited several times a month..... usually within a couple of weeks of the infraction.
This same guy has a son who recently got a redlight ticket in the mail for running a red light near his home. He had been regularly running this light for quite some time because at 4:00am, there's no traffic, and it took forever for the light to change.
Not knowing the light was recently equipped with a camera, he continued to run it at least twice a week. The day after he got his first ticket, he got a second one in the mail. He called his dad and had him spray his plates.
To test the product, he was going to intentionally run the red light again. It's been a couple of weeks now and I have not heard anything about him getting a third citation in the mail. I need to check with him and see if he followed through with his "plan". :d
12-06-2006, 11:32 PM
It's been about a year now.
Up until he sprayed his trailer plates, he was getting cited several times a month..... usually within a couple of weeks of the infraction.
This same guy has a son who recently got a redlight ticket in the mail for running a red light near his home. He had been regularly running this light for quite some time because at 4:00am, there's no traffic, and it took forever for the light to change.
Not knowing the light was recently equipped with a camera, he continued to run it at least twice a week. The day after he got his first ticket, he got a second one in the mail. He called his dad and had him spray his plates.
To test the product, he was going to intentionally run the red light again. It's been a couple of weeks now and I have not heard anything about him getting a third citation in the mail. I need to check with him and see if he followed through with his "plan". :d
Hope he doesnt get killed running it
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