View Full Version : Romo is my Homeboy, and Gramatica is automatica

BC Lightning
12-03-2006, 10:04 PM
Glad we finally have a QB and kicker, with a big win over the giants the rest of the season looks pretty good knana

12-03-2006, 10:22 PM
Didn't Romo throw two interceptions in the first half? Didn't Gramatica miss his first FG attempt as well? We were lucky they didn't loose due to those mistakes..

12-03-2006, 10:24 PM
The QB did what he needed to do today when things aren't always clicking on all cylinders... manage the game, keep mistakes to a minimum (one of his INTs was a drop by the receiver that then bounced the wrong way) and WIN.

I'm not sold on the kicker, but he came through today. I doubt he'll be more inconsistent than Vanderjerk, so if that's the best they can do at this point in time... great. He did make a very clutch kick, so for today he's a hero. But a kicker is only as good as his last kick. So that makes him _really good_ for at least this week. ;)

Next week vs. NO is a big game. They need to win that one (and really the rest of them) to help move up some spots so they can get at least one game at home in the playoffs. Right now, they are the #4 seed in the NFC.

Tex Arcana
12-03-2006, 10:51 PM
Nevermind Terry... he still watches old game films of Bradshaw's Steelers in action... :d

Geriatrica scared the crap out of me, especially after missing FG#1 like vanderclank--visions of "kicker h8 karma" attacking Tunahead yet again. :hammer:

Romo showed some serious composure out there, and he held it together well. There were a couple of "trick" plays that, if they had worked out, I think would've turned out as intended.

Please note that Marion Barber saw even more work today, and that Buck and Troy, and the Fox Football gang, all said that they felt that was Parcell's trusting Barber to hold onto the ball better than Jones, and that Barber shows up EVERY TIME to play, while Jones occasionally mails it in (my words). I still think BArber is the better runner, even tho the o-line has to hit twice before BArber gets there. :rll:

I still think the 'boys should've gone with Swisham at kicker, but maybe Tuna's stopped his hate for now.

All in all, an exiting game. Makes me look forward to next year, for sure. :)

12-03-2006, 10:56 PM
Barber was definitely the better back against the Giants defense. I think we're seeing more of these "dual back" combinations than was the case even 4-5 years ago. The Giants have two really quality backs, too.

The great thing about Jones/Barber is that neither will be tired late in the game. They are different types of runners which allows Dallas to change them up and exploit some things the coaches might see.

As far as "next year"... if the 'Boys get on a real roll and win out, let's think about this year. The Bears will not beat the Cowboys with Rex Grossman playing the way he has been. No chance, no way.

Tex Arcana
12-03-2006, 11:17 PM
Barber was definitely the better back against the Giants defense. I think we're seeing more of these "dual back" combinations than was the case even 4-5 years ago. The Giants have two really quality backs, too.

The great thing about Jones/Barber is that neither will be tired late in the game. They are different types of runners which allows Dallas to change them up and exploit some things the coaches might see.

As far as "next year"... if the 'Boys get on a real roll and win out, let's think about this year. The Bears will not beat the Cowboys with Rex Grossman playing the way he has been. No chance, no way.

I agree with you, the differences between Barber and Jones allows them to be used (like I've said before) in different situations. Jones is speedy, and can turn the corner fast, and as long as the hole is huge, he can get some significant yardage; Barber, on the other hand, sees the holes better, sees them change better, and hits the holes better and is better able to make yardage out of nothing. Also, Barber blocks better.

I'm not too worried about this year, honestly: there's no way we're getting past the second round of playoffs. Not with this offensive line, and not with this kicker. He'll let us down as well. NEXT YEAR, however, I can see good things: pick up a couple of offensive linemen in the draft and free agency, trade JOnes and put that new boy in his place, and platoon him and Barber; and tune the defensive secondary, perhaps draft a replacement for Ellis. Then, watch out, we'll be a force to reckon with. :cool:

BC Lightning
12-03-2006, 11:48 PM
I agree with you, the differences between Barber and Jones allows them to be used (like I've said before) in different situations. Jones is speedy, and can turn the corner fast, and as long as the hole is huge, he can get some significant yardage; Barber, on the other hand, sees the holes better, sees them change better, and hits the holes better and is better able to make yardage out of nothing. Also, Barber blocks better.

I'm not too worried about this year, honestly: there's no way we're getting past the second round of playoffs. Not with this offensive line, and not with this kicker. He'll let us down as well. NEXT YEAR, however, I can see good things: pick up a couple of offensive linemen in the draft and free agency, trade JOnes and put that new boy in his place, and platoon him and Barber; and tune the defensive secondary, perhaps draft a replacement for Ellis. Then, watch out, we'll be a force to reckon with. :cool:

They have way too much money invested in Jones (hopefully he will be traded at the end of the season) which is why Tyson hasn't made it in the Barber/Thompson rotation. Tyson is still the fastest in pads on the team, and I just got off the phone with him and he said he did the entire pre-game warm up, so hopefully he will be back in the next couple of weeks, my thoughts on JJ is that he still starts to wear down the defense and that allows Barber to make plays happen

At least we now have a kicker that makes more than he misses, and nailed the one that matters the most

Romo just seems like a better composed QB, ever since he took over you can see an extra spark in the Cowboys knowing they have someone back there who can make plays happen

Tex Arcana
12-03-2006, 11:57 PM
and I just got off the phone with him and he said he did the entire pre-game warm up, so hopefully he will be back in the next couple of weeks


Name-dropper. :tongue: Next thing we know, you'll be dating Paris Hiltion and Brittany Spears at the same time. :eek2:

The money thing is why I said "trade", but hey, if they could cut vanderclank after dropping that sort of money on him, they might just give JJ the axe as well. :tu:

Either way, I'm with you on that: tyson should be in there. However, I don't think JJ is as effective as everyone thinks he is, and today's game was a good example of that. I think Barber got the lion's share of the carries today?


BC Lightning
12-03-2006, 11:59 PM

Name-dropper. :tongue: Next thing we know, you'll be dating Paris Hiltion and Brittany Spears at the same time. :eek2:

they are both worn out :rolleyes:

I was just helping you out with his name, since you said "new boy" ;)

12-04-2006, 12:17 AM
As much as I like Tyson Thomson (and he is definitely the fastest player they have), I do not believe he is an upgrade to JJ.

And Tex... while I agree that they will be better next year than they are this year, it is premature to count anyone out in the mediocre atmosphere of the NFL (and certainly the NFC). The Cowboys are better than anyone in the NFC right now, with the possible exception of Chicago if the Bears QB is playing well. New Orleans may surprise me next week, but until they beat a really solid team this late in the year, I don't have a lot of confidence in them. Carolina? Nope. Giants? Done. The Cowboys will have to collapse and play really poorly in order not to win at least 3 of their last 4 games in the reg season. From there, you never know, but they can win on the road against NFC-caliber opponents.

BC Lightning
12-04-2006, 12:27 AM
As much as I like Tyson Thomson (and he is definitely the fastest player they have), I do not believe he is an upgrade to JJ.

And Tex... while I agree that they will be better next year than they are this year, it is premature to count anyone out in the mediocre atmosphere of the NFL (and certainly the NFC). The Cowboys are better than anyone in the NFC right now, with the possible exception of Chicago if the Bears QB is playing well. New Orleans may surprise me next week, but until they beat a really solid team this late in the year, I don't have a lot of confidence in them. Carolina? Nope. Giants? Done. The Cowboys will have to collapse and play really poorly in order not to win at least 3 of their last 4 games in the reg season. From there, you never know, but they can win on the road against NFC-caliber opponents.

I agree that early on Tyson's in-ability to block sometimes made Tuna use caution when putting him in, but he definately is an upgrade to JJ, he is more like Barber and even when he is running horizontally trying to find a hole, he is still making yardage, where JJ just seems to hit a hole then get hit

12-04-2006, 09:57 AM
I agree that early on Tyson's in-ability to block sometimes made Tuna use caution when putting him in, but he definately is an upgrade to JJ, he is more like Barber and even when he is running horizontally trying to find a hole, he is still making yardage, where JJ just seems to hit a hole then get hit

Show me his fumbels-per-carry stats. I know he doesn't have a lot of carries in the NFL, but if I recall he's put the ball on the ground more than others (including kick-off returns). There's no doubt that once he gets to or through the hole, he's an upgrade. But as Tex pointed out, the O-line isn't the greatest (meaning there are less holes). All these guys would be even better if they were playing in the days when Emmitt Smith was here with the O-line he had. I don't see TT "creating" space for himself to run through. I don't necessarily thing JJ is very good at that, either.

They _should_ have drafted Stephen Jackson, IMHO... not JJ

Tex Arcana
12-04-2006, 03:12 PM
As much as I like Tyson Thomson (and he is definitely the fastest player they have), I do not believe he is an upgrade to JJ.

And Tex... while I agree that they will be better next year than they are this year, it is premature to count anyone out in the mediocre atmosphere of the NFL (and certainly the NFC). The Cowboys are better than anyone in the NFC right now, with the possible exception of Chicago if the Bears QB is playing well. New Orleans may surprise me next week, but until they beat a really solid team this late in the year, I don't have a lot of confidence in them. Carolina? Nope. Giants? Done. The Cowboys will have to collapse and play really poorly in order not to win at least 3 of their last 4 games in the reg season. From there, you never know, but they can win on the road against NFC-caliber opponents.

You're right about that, I was just keeping my hopes ar a reasonable level--ya know, if ya don't expect a thing to happen, when it does you're pleasantly suprised? ;)

It would hella cool, tho, to go all the way to The Show with this rag-tag bunch, especially this year while Dreadsoe is watching from the sideline. :d

Tex Arcana
12-04-2006, 07:59 PM
Show me his fumbels-per-carry stats. I know he doesn't have a lot of carries in the NFL, but if I recall he's put the ball on the ground more than others (including kick-off returns). There's no doubt that once he gets to or through the hole, he's an upgrade. But as Tex pointed out, the O-line isn't the greatest (meaning there are less holes). All these guys would be even better if they were playing in the days when Emmitt Smith was here with the O-line he had. I don't see TT "creating" space for himself to run through. I don't necessarily thing JJ is very good at that, either.

They _should_ have drafted Stephen Jackson, IMHO... not JJ

I'm with you, Jackson's the better back. I suspect, tho, that this was another case of Jerry Jones' "starter-kit-itis" flaring up. :rolleyes:

12-05-2006, 09:43 PM
As far as "next year"... if the 'Boys get on a real roll and win out, let's think about this year. The Bears will not beat the Cowboys with Rex Grossman playing the way he has been. No chance, no way.

I can't wait to see the Cowboys go into Chicago. Dallas does not have the offensive line to handle Chicago's defense. Romo will get to know Mr. Harris, Mr. Ogunleye, Mr. Brown and the Tank quite well and I'm sure Mr. Urlacher and Mr. Briggs will get their licks in too. It will be a good game, but Dallas won't do it.

By the way, I have thrww favorite teams this weekend...the Saints and the Cardinals. The Cowboys and the Seahawks need to lose and a win for Chicago gives them a home playoff game...I'll be glued to the TV this weekend!


12-05-2006, 10:16 PM
So Tom, forget the Cowboys for a minute. Do you honestly believe that if Grossman continues to have poor games (his last 6 or 7 have been horrendous) the Bears will continue to win by averaging 2 non-offensive TDs per game (kick returns, INT returns)? All the opposing team has to do right now vs. the Bears is play very conservative, not turn the ball over (which is a strength of the Bears, I know), and cover well on special teams. If the Vikings would have done that last week, they win 13-10. The Bears offense is horrible. They will not be an effective running team in the playoffs if their QB continues his pathetic performance.

Too bad b/c the defense is incredible. But no team can count on the defense scoring 10-14 points a game.

12-06-2006, 07:18 AM
Wes, I agree that the offense has lapsed with Grossman's performance, but 10-2 with a shoddy offense is not bad. The offense will come around by playoff time with or without Grossman. I look at it this way...if the opposing team can't score they can't win.


12-06-2006, 08:52 AM
Their offense hasn't just lapsed. It's dismal. In the last 5 games, Grossman had a QB rating of

105.7 (respectable)
1.3 (not a typo)

In 3 of those 5 games, he threw three interceptions each game. Lovie's comments revolve around "All I know is that with Rex at QB, we are winning". What is really happening is they are doing a great job of "not losing."

Whether they replace Grossman or not remains to be seen. The Bears last four games are against teams with a combined 12 and 36 record. Assuming they stay with Grossman, the Bears will probably win most if not all of those games as well. Putting Griese in now wouldn't necessarily prove anything because of the severe weakness of the rest of the season schedule.

Personally, I'd be fine with the Bears going all the way. The Ravens won the Superbowl in '01 with nothing more than defense (IMO). The Ravens intercepted 4 passes and recovered a fumble. The Bears could do it too, but I'd still like to see a little more O.

12-06-2006, 03:34 PM
Wes, I agree that the offense has lapsed with Grossman's performance, but 10-2 with a shoddy offense is not bad. The offense will come around by playoff time with or without Grossman. I look at it this way...if the opposing team can't score they can't win.


And no one can argue with a 10-2 record. As Brook said, they will very likely go 14-2.

The only thing I'd say is that _if_ another good, quality playoff team scores 13-16 points on the Bears, the Bears will likely lose. Why? Because the other solid teams will not turn the ball over, and if they do, the Bears won't return them all for TDs. Solid teams have special teams that will prevent the Bears from scoring TDs on returns. As bad as Grossman is, the defense actually has to score the points. You can't even give him the ball at the opponents 35 and expect anything. It's _that_ bad. The Bears offense alone is lucky to get 10 points a game.

Tex Arcana
12-06-2006, 03:43 PM
Too bad b/c the defense is incredible. But no team can count on the defense scoring 10-14 points a game.

The Ravens did it.

Tex Arcana
12-06-2006, 03:45 PM
Wes, I agree that the offense has lapsed with Grossman's performance, but 10-2 with a shoddy offense is not bad. The offense will come around by playoff time with or without Grossman. I look at it this way...if the opposing team can't score they can't win.


that 10-2 was attained using smoke and mirrors. If Grossman/Greasey can't get it done offensively, I don't figure the Bears will do well enough to get past the first round.

And I think Romo can move well enough to avoid the Bears defense long enough to help score enough points to beat them. Not to mention our defense will make mincemeat out of Greasey/Grossman.

12-06-2006, 04:14 PM
I think that the Cowboys can easily sweep the Bears, their defense is good but not the best, if Tom Brady(QB) can put a move on Mr. Urlacker and make miss then Julius Jones, marion barber can easily put a move on Mr. Urlacker, both have exposive speed

BC Lightning
12-06-2006, 04:54 PM
I think that the Cowboys can easily sweep the Bears, their defense is good but not the best, if Tom Brady(QB) can put a move on Mr. Urlacker and make miss then Julius Jones, marion barber can easily put a move on Mr. Urlacker, both have exposive speed

Barber does have the speed, while JJ does not have "explosive speed"

12-06-2006, 05:03 PM
I think that the Cowboys can easily sweep the Bears, their defense is good but not the best, if Tom Brady(QB) can put a move on Mr. Urlacker and make miss then Julius Jones, marion barber can easily put a move on Mr. Urlacker, both have exposive speed'

I was embarrassed for him on that one. That was pretty lousy to say the least. He'll learn from that for sure. There are few running backs that can elude Urlacher all the time...Barber and Jones included. Romo is not fast enough...this defense contained Michael Vick last season, and he has more to offer than Homo....

Can't wait until this game...I hope it happens.


12-06-2006, 05:06 PM
The Ravens did it.

The Ravens "D" did not score every game, Tex. Also, the Ravens "O" was nothing spectacular, BUT they protected the ball. Dilfer was not flashy, and didn't put up the best numbers (neither did Big Ben for the Steelers last year), but he didn't make mistakes.

Maybe Grossman can snap out of it and play like he did the first 5-6 weeks of the season. But if the trend continues, I don't care how good the defense is. The Bears are not playing playoff teams right now, and they won't for the next 4 weeks. So he has time to shake it off and get it straightened out. But if he plays in the playoffs like he has the majority of the past 5 weeks, then the Bears will be out in the first round.

12-06-2006, 05:39 PM

I was embarrassed for him on that one. That was pretty lousy to say the least. He'll learn from that for sure. There are few running backs that can elude Urlacher all the time...Barber and Jones included. Romo is not fast enough...this defense contained Michael Vick last season, and he has more to offer than Homo....

Can't wait until this game...I hope it happens.


Romo is faster than Brady, The Falcons have a losing record, Vick and Dunn r their only weapons, Cowboys got Romo, Owens, Glenn, Crayton, Jones, Barber, And the whole D-FENCE, :evil , Why dont you move to Dickago since you like them so much :nono: :evil

I hope Cowboys win this one, Then Romo will give you the finger(like ur avatar) like Vick did to one the Fans,

12-06-2006, 06:17 PM
Romo is faster than Brady, The Falcons have a losing record, Vick and Dunn r their only weapons, Cowboys got Romo, Owens, Glenn, Crayton, Jones, Barber, And the whole D-FENCE, :evil , Why dont you move to Dickago since you like them so much :nono: :evil

I hope Cowboys win this one, Then Romo will give you the finger(like ur avatar) like Vick did to one the Fans,

My grandma is faster than Brady. The Bears played the Falcons last year numbnuts and stopped Vick cold. Same personnel.

I like living in Dallas because I enjoy the faces Cowboys fans make when they lose, just like they will if they go to Chicago in the playoffs. :d

And Romo can kiss my ass. Flavor of the day...he's good now because no one has film on him, much like it was with Grossman. I foresee a slide in performance in the near future.

And last but not least....defense wins games! If the opponent can't score they can't win.


12-06-2006, 06:19 PM
Why dont you move to Dickago since you like them so much

I believe he's originally from Chicago and migrated here like a lot of people in any big city. Nothing wrong with being a life long fan of any team. It's not like he's drinking Grossman Kool-aid.

The offense will come around by playoff time with or without Grossman.

He sees the issue also.

I saw the Brady/Urlacher move while I watched the game. It was definitely funny, but it's simply one play out of a season. Nine times out of 10, Urlacher would probably put him on the planet and Brady would get up saying "Ow" a lot.

Just four more regular season games and we'll see how it all starts turning out.

Personally, I wouldn't want to be one of the favored teams. It seems like all to often they get unexpectedly eliminated.

12-06-2006, 06:45 PM
And last but not least....defense wins games! If the opponent can't score they can't win.Tom

Geesh Tom, if you are going to do a quote, get it right.. its offense wins games, defense wins championships.

Tom, you made some good points, however, the one thing I do believe is in the Cowboys favor is that the Cowboy defense is much better than the Bears offense. I think the Cowboy offense will get enough chances to score so that they will win the game, if it happens. If the Bears cant keep the ball for any period of time, the Cowboy offense will eventually wear them down and score points.. thats the way I see it.. but it would be a good game to watch..

If you look at strength of schedule and some weird endings, the Cowboys could have the same record right now (yes I do know they dont) but I am betting that they have played better teams, lets face it, the black and blue division, just aint that strong.


Tex Arcana
12-06-2006, 06:50 PM
da Boars will be da DEAD like one of :ron:'s barrell-shot deer. :rll:

12-06-2006, 07:20 PM
Geesh Tom, if you are going to do a quote, get it right.. its offense wins games, defense wins championships.

I thought it was offense wins championships and defense wins Superbowls. :tongue:

12-06-2006, 10:12 PM
I thought it was offense wins championships and defense wins Superbowls. :tongue:

Offense sells tickets Defense wins Championships.