View Full Version : Ouch

Aggie Mom
01-04-2007, 07:41 PM
Awhile back I fractured my neck and I just had a vertebroplasty procedure done to try to fix the fractured vertebrae. Thankfully, only one vertebrae was fractured. Basically, they injected a cement like substance into the fracture so it can heal. I also had two other injured cervical vertebrae’s blocked with a cervical epidural. I can't really tell if it has helped or not just yet because they have me on alot of pain medication. Has anyone ever had any experience with vertebrae fractures? If so, what did you all do that worked and how long did it work? Anybody have vertebroplasty? I'm really trying to avoid the surgery. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. My C4, C5, C6 & C7 are pretty screwed up.

However, there is one bright side to all this, my mother loaded me down with alot of food so I don't have to cook!:D

01-04-2007, 07:51 PM
broke your neck? DAAAAAYAM!! no help from me, sorry. just wanted to say i hope all goes well for you which ever way you go.

01-05-2007, 01:49 AM

I'm very sorry to hear of your neck situation and hope for your full-recovery!:o

I did run into socially with our wedding planner / pastor's wife recently as she was in a bad car accident - neck-brace and everything. Turns out, she has some vertabrae from a cadaver in her neck, now. :eek:

She's about your age and seems to be doing alright.:)

Take care,

Ronald and Zane

Awhile back I fractured my neck and I just had a vertebroplasty procedure done to try to fix the fractured vertebrae. Thankfully, only one vertebrae was fractured. Basically, they injected a cement like substance into the fracture so it can heal. I also had two other injured cervical vertebrae’s blocked with a cervical epidural. I can't really tell if it has helped or not just yet because they have me on alot of pain medication. Has anyone ever had any experience with vertebrae fractures? If so, what did you all do that worked and how long did it work? Anybody have vertebroplasty? I'm really trying to avoid the surgery. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. My C4, C5, C6 & C7 are pretty screwed up.

However, there is one bright side to all this, my mother loaded me down with alot of food so I don't have to cook!:D

01-05-2007, 09:29 AM
Sorry to hear about your neck. I had a mild fracture (non-displaced fracture, hair line really) of the C-2, C-3 verts with a disk herniation as well. (helicopter crash) The surgeon at the time offered me two choices. Go in and stablize the area with plates or fuse it. The other alternative was to wear a hard collar for 6 months and very limited activity and see how it heals. I chose the collar. I was a little scared to have my neck cut on. I still have some neck problems. Pain, limited movement. But it's tolerable. Sounds like yours is prolly worse. I think anytime there is a chance to avoid surgery that's a good thing.