View Full Version : Anyone want some magazines?

11-23-2002, 05:57 PM

I'm cleaning out the junk I've been carrying around and find myself with several years worth of Ford & Mustang magazines I was saving for the library in my dream garage (What was I thinking?!) Anyway, before I 'donate' them to the local recycling bin, I was wondering if anyone here would like them?

It's magazines like Super Ford (remember them?!), Fords & Mustangs, 5.0, etc. I have several beer case boxes worth (imagine that!).

If ya want 'em, gotta come pick 'em up by tomorrow afternoon in Richardson.

If nobody wants 'em, no harm. Just hate to see em go to complete waste. I wish I had time to sell them on EBay!

Oh well. :D

11-23-2002, 08:43 PM
I'll take them,
give me a call on my cell and we can meet (214)808-1018


11-23-2002, 11:46 PM
If Tony for some reason decides against it, I will pick them up just give me a shout on the cell phone (469) 964-7625

11-24-2002, 11:31 AM
If Tony and Wayne don't come through I would be glad to take them off your hands.

I won't be back in the metromess till later this afternoon.

11-24-2002, 07:05 PM
Thanks for all the replies. Tony came by this afternoon and picked 'em all up.

11-25-2002, 01:50 AM
I look through a few and they are great
My own library, tons of info
I will take care of them man,

Thanks again man and best of luck to you:beer: :banana: :beer:


11-25-2002, 11:16 AM
Man I had a stack of MM&FF and other various Ford mags from the early 90s that stood about 3 feet tall or more at one time. I threw them all out when I moved. Those things were heavy. I wish I would have kept them so I could give them to a good home. Oh well, they are destined to spend the rest of their days at the bottom of a landfill I guess. :(