View Full Version : Crazy place out there

11-24-2002, 10:38 PM
I try not to watch the news too much but have noticed a trend lately. It seems like there is more than one homicide in D/FW every weekend:eek2: This weekend a shooting in Dallas and one on I75 North of McKinney. Both were shootings involving automobiles.

11-24-2002, 10:46 PM
Watch yourselves out there. It's just outta control...


http://www.f150online.com/galleries/images/1855-2588-38389.gif http://www.f150online.com/galleries/images/1855-2588-36282.gif

11-24-2002, 11:14 PM
My uncle is a retired PhD college professor gray beard and glasses you now the look. Anyway he travels around the country in a RV mobile home thing seeing the country side. He told me about a time crossing into Canada they dug through the RV for 4 hours looking for a gun. The officers/mountees were polite and repacked what they took out. He asked why they chose him? The officer said you are from Texas and everyone from Texas carries a gun;)

11-24-2002, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by L8 APEX
He asked why they chose him? The officer said you are from Texas and everyone from Texas carries a gun;)

Funny, but when your police force is referred to as "Mounties", do you really think they should be stereotyping? :D http://www.f150online.com/galleries/images/1855-2588-39071.gif

Logan what up wit dat? :)


11-25-2002, 08:39 AM
Mounties are just pawns. The real power in Canadians is our stealth mode. We stop saying "Eh", come to the US and start assimilating America. Take North Texas for instance, in DFW, Canadians out number Texans by about 3 to 1... You just can't see us, cause we're stealthy buggers. :)

When our great leader Jean sends the secret signal, we shall take over your cities and start calling them by traditional Canadian names like Red Dog, Loud River, Bobville, and such. Everyone will be forced to wear traditional Canadian toques and be required to use alot of u's in their words, such as colour and neighbour.

If you ever see a great big Maple leaf spotlight showing in the sky, don't bother running for cover, because by then, it will just be too late. If you're lucky, we'll let you keep North Dakota and Wyoming.

You are doomed.

11-25-2002, 09:16 AM
Stop licking toads Logan:nono: Return my frickin calls while you're at it:tu:

J.D. Blackwell
11-25-2002, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by L8 APEX
I try not to watch the news too much but have noticed a trend lately. It seems like there is more than one homicide in D/FW every weekend:eek2: This weekend a shooting in Dallas and one on I75 North of McKinney. Both were shootings involving automobiles.

Dang, you guys are starting to scare me. I am beginning to think that carrying my 9 around is going to be enough. I guess I will need to get out the AK.:(

11-25-2002, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Logan
Mounties are just pawns. The real power in Canadians is our stealth mode. We stop saying "Eh", come to the US and start assimilating America. Take North Texas for instance, in DFW, Canadians out number Texans by about 3 to 1... You just can't see us, cause we're stealthy buggers. :)

When our great leader Jean sends the secret signal, we shall take over your cities and start calling them by traditional Canadian names like Red Dog, Loud River, Bobville, and such. Everyone will be forced to wear traditional Canadian toques and be required to use alot of u's in their words, such as colour and neighbour.

If you ever see a great big Maple leaf spotlight showing in the sky, don't bother running for cover, because by then, it will just be too late. If you're lucky, we'll let you keep North Dakota and Wyoming.

You are doomed.

Umm, so that I can be properly assimilated, what's a toque? :eek:

11-25-2002, 11:48 AM
A toque is a knitted or fleece cap that you wear upon your head in the cooler climates.

Please visit HERE (http://www.logansgarage.com/canadian.html) for a further listing of canadian terms.