11-30-2002, 02:45 AM
I recently switched to all 18" wheels and Kuhmo MX's on the GM project. Previously 17" fronts w/ GoodYear Supercars on all 4. The Kuhmo MX's are rumored to be essentialy 1/2 price BFG KD's which are a rockin' dry weather tire:tu: I have not proven they out grip the Superecar tires yet... The Kuhmos are deadly slick brand new. I did a trick looking power slide leaving the store not on purpose. I think a molding, release agent or whatever mandates a third gear burnout from the tire store to clean them off:burnout: Anyway I had not done a top speed pull since I bought it in stock trim. Then it pulled sluggishly after 140 and I run out of safe room at 165. Tonight I ran it up and it pulled steady and hard all the way to 170+ where I once again hit the shutdown zone on the test track. I shifted out of 4th to 5th at 140mph @63-6500RPM. This run was with the air brake style headlamps up! I feel confident she will creep up in the 190's in this trim all motor:nana2 I would like a cage and downforce at this point, though downforce and top speed don't get along too well:(