View Full Version : Who is this?
T Hogg
03-01-2007, 11:58 AM
Has anyone here met/know this guy? Just checking b/c w/ 1,300hp street truck, this would be someone I would like to meet. I would hate for him to sneak up on me at one of our GTG and take my $$.
03-01-2007, 12:19 PM
He is the same guy that a few years back claimed a 10 second run on LT tires in a Supercharged F150
The truck crashed or was dismantled before the run was ever backed up...
He has been around a long time. I would wait to see a couple timeslips or a video before worrying
you can find more about him here
Wait there are 2 guys that used to build these together crash and skidmark - I may be confusing them into one person
here is a thread from 2001
i found the thread where they claimed a 10.8 in and extended cab f150
03-01-2007, 12:29 PM
be tough to go stealthy with that paint job
03-01-2007, 12:30 PM
I know that, the truck runs good but i've never seen that truck. I knew of him about 3-4 years ago.
I kinda like that cage setup.
03-01-2007, 12:50 PM
I remember Crash stirring the pot all the time and he was associated with Skidmark Racing at one time. Haven't seen anything from him on the board in a while. He posted this as a dyno last April....
yet posted this on Ford Truck World back in February of last year. Little confused about what the deal is...
"Well guys I am readily pushing the 800 mark with HP and TQ. As many know I was given one of the first trannys to test and see what it could take. Well I finally broke it (sort of). We actually think the converter is what broke, but are not sure. The truck ( still drives just fine and shifts good, however the converter will lock and unlock. This is due to the computer seeing it slip so it unlocks it to prevent damage. We are thinking that it is just a bad converter, by that I am not saying the converter is bad, rather there was a defect in a part somewhere. Jasper is building me a new unit as we speak (gotta love 2 year warranty). Once it shows up we will swap them out and send the whole tranny with converter back to them. They will then dismantle the tranny to see what went wrong and any potential weak points. Like I said, I am pushing twice what anyone else is through this tranny, but that is why I have it."
Doesn't look like Terry has to worry about losing any $$$. :evil
03-01-2007, 12:55 PM
terry I really dont think that guy is anything to worry about:burnout:
03-03-2007, 02:22 AM
The guy is some kind of internet/bench racer. I will believe it when I see it. I love the bullsh!t about pulling the wheels off the ground.
Until I see proof....he gets the flag to NLOC I go....:evil
03-03-2007, 03:16 PM
This guy was at Lonestar Performance a couple of years ago at a dyno day and he was showing me his truck. He was telling me and Tyson that he was going to put down 600 hp on the dyno and when he went on the dyno he only put out like 370 or something. The funny thing was that everyone was there and watched this take place and when he did not even come close to the numbers everyone laughed at him. Needless to say he left and never came back.
I believe that Scott (02Bolt) and a couple of others were there.
He does have a good setup from what I remember and a couple of really one off ideas i.e. the exhaust on the sides are boat exhaust that were cut and fiberglassed into the side of the truck.
Just my to cents on this guy Crash. Not passing judgment just sating the observation.
03-03-2007, 08:25 PM
This guy was at Lonestar Performance a couple of years ago at a dyno day and he was showing me his truck. He was telling me and Tyson that he was going to put down 600 hp on the dyno and when he went on the dyno he only put out like 370 or something. The funny thing was that everyone was there and watched this take place and when he did not even come close to the numbers everyone laughed at him. Needless to say he left and never came back.
I believe that Scott (02Bolt) and a couple of others were there.
He does have a good setup from what I remember and a couple of really one off ideas i.e. the exhaust on the sides are boat exhaust that were cut and fiberglassed into the side of the truck.
Just my to cents on this guy Crash. Not passing judgment just sating the observation.
thats happened a NUMBER of times with a NUMBER of vehicles ...
03-03-2007, 11:33 PM
02Bolt is Rob, I hope he forigves you for associating his screen name with SCOTT (00Bolt):throw: :evil .
03-04-2007, 12:53 AM
you know something... Im really ashamed and shocked by the behavior of MOST of you in this thread! internet tough guys?! why not invite that guy to come over here to talk????
guess what, I DID... if you want to run your mouths and talk trash, lets GET EVERYONE INVOLVED HERE!
Im shocked to see you guys all acting like kids!
Skidmark, chime in any time your ready buddy… I think you and I will have to make an appearance in the Dallas area some time soon….since we all want to talk so tough, run our mouths… lets see if our trucks can backup our mouths!? What about that guys?
I DISPISE internet tough guys… BACK IT UP!
Most of you know me, Ive been to MANY of your gatherings, I don’t RUN my mouth, I RACE!
Go for it guys, FLAME ON!
Talon <---:nono:
03-04-2007, 01:32 AM
you know something... Im really ashamed and shocked by the behavior of MOST of you in this thread! internet tough guys?! why not invite that guy to come over here to talk????
guess what, I DID... if you want to run your mouths and talk trash, lets GET EVERYONE INVOLVED HERE!
Im shocked to see you guys all acting like kids!
Skidmark, chime in any time your ready buddy… I think you and I will have to make an appearance in the Dallas area some time soon….since we all want to talk so tough, run our mouths… lets see if our trucks can backup our mouths!? What about that guys?
I DISPISE internet tough guys… BACK IT UP!
Most of you know me, Ive been to MANY of your gatherings, I don’t RUN my mouth, I RACE!
Go for it guys, FLAME ON!
Talon <---:nono:
Shane, it looks to me like you are running your mouth. A member here asked if we knew him. And we responded. Where is the problem ?
Since this site is wide open to anyone that wants to participate - including you and Skid - you are both welcome to post. There is no special handshake required - the site is prominent in yahoo and google, we are not hiding anything.
I have invited skid and crash to a number of race events we have had over the years - mostly 4 or 5 years ago - In the hundreds of times we have collectively been to the track these wonder beasts he builds NEVER seem to be there.. If you use the search on various sites I challenged them to run against my run of the mill truck and below average racing skills and they NEVER showed.
So in summary STFU
03-04-2007, 01:35 AM
Shane, it looks to me like you are running your mouth. A member here asked if we knew him. And we responded. Where is the problem ?
Since this site is wide open to anyone that wants to participate - including you and Skid - you are both welcome to post. There is no special handshake required - the site is prominent in yahoo and google, we are not hiding anything.
I have invited skid and crash to a number of race events we have had over the years - mostly 4 or 5 years ago - In the hundreds of times we have collectively been to the track these wonder beasts he builds NEVER seem to be there.. If you use the search on various sites I challenged them to run against my run of the mill truck and below average racing skills and they NEVER showed.
So in summary STFU
I think you should read it again Doug... I know Terry... Im not including him in this, you must have noticed I said "most" not all... you can read the thread enough to see WHO is talking trash... I think its $hitty to talk behind someones back... whats going on in this thread!
so with that said, if you dont want me to talk, then BAN me... other wise, YOU STFU! (you started that!)
03-04-2007, 01:43 AM
I think you should read it again Doug... I know Terry... Im not including him in this, you must have noticed I said "most" not all... you can read the thread enough to see WHO is talking trash... I think its $hitty to talk behind someones back... whats going on in this thread!
so with that said, if you dont want me to talk, then BAN me... other wise, YOU STFU! (you started that!)
Shane - give it up ...
I read the thread again. I don't see anyone talking trash except you.
The facts are that Crash and Skid have been making sky high proclamations about the HP and performance of their trucks for years and were never willing to back it up in this area. They used to live in the Dallas area - not sure if they do now.
It no different than sharing experiences with a racing series, a dragstrip, carwash or a Vendor. Thats what these discussion groups are for. If you dont like it dont read it ..
03-04-2007, 04:05 AM
As Yogi Berra used to say, "it looks like Deja Vue all over again". I understand that Skidmark and Crash are two different people and my participation in this thread is in response to Terry's inquiry. No opinion, just fact. :rolleyes:
03-04-2007, 10:32 AM
I really am not familiar with this truck but until I see proof pulling both wheels as stated I am with the majority on this one:Bullshit
03-04-2007, 10:56 AM
Wow, all the smack talking. Many have seen my truck and seen it pull like it was supposed to. The dyno day referred to when my truck pulled crap numbers was on 6 cylinders. That is why I took it home. You were there and saw the look on my face when it did what it did.
Now for the lonestar dyno pic posted, that was also on a stock block. To say I never have returned to lonestar is just plain stupid. I spend alot of money with them and am personal friends with Mike.
The above dyno was also on a stock fuel system that was not holding up so it was time to upgrade again. All the posts reference are old as dirt.
Everyone knows I keep buying parts and pushing them to the limit to see where they will break. The one main problem I have had is getting a tranny to hold up to the power and weight of my truck. We have a solution now with the lentech tranny. Big props to JL and all the work on that one.
I have posted several times that I wanted to race you, but you would never go for the money thing. Guess I will just have to run you for free.
The funny part is, I can post a dyno and a video of a pull and people call BS saying the dyno means nothing (even though they are yelling for dyno results). I can post a video of me running the truck and people cry foul on that as well.
It does not matter. The truck is completely different now. I have spent the past 2 years re-building the truck from the ground up.
Billet engine (curtesy of razors edge), stage III heads, stage II cams, etc. etc.
Full areomotive fuel system with 10an lines (now I am getting enough fuel to the 60# injectors). Plus the alky injection helps alot.
This year the truck will be at many events now that I have it completed and ready to run. My only problem is that I am not allowed to run in any of the truck classes (the ones that matter) because they are for lightnings or harley trucks only.
Since I do my own tuning, I have learned alot on the turbo tunes and many of the other tuners are asking me pointers on how to tune them since they are such a pain. Look at the dyno and see the almost perfect line on my air fuel.
In summary,
I will be out this year running the truck with video and timeslips. I want to see what else I can break
03-04-2007, 11:06 AM
For all the guys in the Dallas area. When ennis opens up. Lets do a get together and run our trucks. There are many here from stock to stupid.
This will allow a number of people see my truck and the work that went into it. Plus they will be able to see it up close and watch it go down the track.
I am not trying to bench race (that was alot of Crash), I am not trying to sell anything (I build alot of my own parts). What I do is push parts to the limit to see where they will break so that others dont take the wrong path. That is all I have ever done. I am just here to help, but it seems I get bashed everywhere. Kinda funny, nice guy always gets it. I am used to it and find it amusing. So do those that I help and understand the pains I go through to make things look and fit perfect.
We dont have to fight, caint we all just get along (sorry had to do it)
Anyone it the area can feel free to stop by anytime.
03-04-2007, 11:21 AM
Wow, all the smack talking. Many have seen my truck and seen it pull like it was supposed to.
I have posted several times that I wanted to race you, but you would never go for the money thing. Guess I will just have to run you for free.
The funny part is, I can post a dyno and a video of a pull and people call BS saying the dyno means nothing (even though they are yelling for dyno results). I can post a video of me running the truck and people cry foul on that as well.
It does not matter. The truck is completely different now. I have spent the past 2 years re-building the truck from the ground up.
This year the truck will be at many events now that I have it completed and ready to run. My only problem is that I am not allowed to run in any of the truck classes (the ones that matter) because they are for lightnings or harley trucks only.
Since I do my own tuning, I have learned alot on the turbo tunes and many of the other tuners are asking me pointers on how to tune them since they are such a pain. Look at the dyno and see the almost perfect line on my air fuel.
In summary,
I will be out this year running the truck with video and timeslips. I want to see what else I can break
I dont race for money -never have - heck I dont hardly race any more except to fill out the field at Lightning Fest or the TALON fall classic. My current truck is not as quick as the old one - but BOTH trucks were/are capable of backing up whatever number they ran.
There are a number of folks here that do race all the time and I have heard rumors that they have wagered on it ... :evil
You would have been welcome at any of the last 4 or 5 Annual Talon Fall Classic races we have run. You also would be welcome at any of the hundreds of impromptu races that have come up since 2000. Heck you could have raced anyone of your trucks in any of the past 5 Fun Ford weekend events in street ford or quick ford. Why didn't we see you running at those events ?
that is what is funny. People dont see me comin. Supercrew pushing over 800 hp, pulling both fronts off the ground
Heck since you mentioned cash and since I have been accused of smack talking - Ill drive any track within 50 miles and hand you a crisp hundred if your truck can pull both wheels twice within 2 hours of each other. The reason I stipulate twice is that you have a reputation for building trucks that can do amazing things ONCE. Assuming the light is decent Ill even take pictures and post them. Speaking of pulling the wheels what did the truck run the times it has pulled the wheels in the past ?
03-04-2007, 12:11 PM
I can do it twice, all this crap started from my blue truck that got totaled. I am sorry it got smashed. Trust me I was quite mad about it. As stated before, the past year and a half I was re-building the truck so it would stand up to the rigors of what I was putting it through. Plus they made me put a roll bar in it. I can tell you that after pulling them off the ground my front window now leaks from the chassis flex. I am trying to get that figured out.
Funny part is the truck is actually slower when the front end comes up. I lose about 3 tenths in the 1/4.
I know I can run in quick ford and other classes, but I stated the ones that count like tough truck and JL's classes. Guess that is what I get for not buying a SVT to start with.
I will make a few of the events this year. My computer business was slammed last year, which is one of the reasons it took so long to get the truck done.
I am not trying to start crap (even though others are, not saying you). I will come to some of the events and will participate in them. People can call BS etc. It is fine. I would to until I saw it. I just dont air it out. If I do, I will stand behind it and issue a formal apology. Just like I did with Mike T.
Where is all the love?
03-04-2007, 01:08 PM
What times has the current set up produced for you?
03-04-2007, 01:19 PM
This whole thread is about Terry's question. Just a simple post to see if his Gen I would be in trouble if he raced you for money. You are at a great disadvantage against his truck and I don't think he should be worried about losing his $$$. I posted same.
I understand Shane is all pumped up about his new truck and basically he comes on here to get things stirred up and that's OK because at least he is predictable. It doesn't need to get personal because this thread is not about you as a person, but about your truck. We have never met, but you know my brother (Flats Man) and he has respect for the things you have been able to accomplish outside the SVT Lightning truck world. I posted the blurb from Ford Truck World and the dyno. These were posts from February and April of last year (2006) and are as current as I could find on the internet. The post on FTW was in February 2006 yet you dyno in April 2006 at less than 600rwhp (if that is your dyno) which is not bad, but a long ways away from 800rwhp. I think I did post about not being sure about the inconsistancy. If you could help explain why you would post a dyno sheet that is 200+rwhp less two months after you say you are push 800rwhp, I would like to hear the story. Maybe in some people's minds less than 600rwhp is pushing 800rwhp, but not in mine at least.
At LightningFest 4 last fall, there was a grudge night where folks could come out and race their trucks no matter what brand they owned. Parrish was there with his truck and ran consistant mid to low 10s against some pretty fast Lightnings (and all in the spirit of appreciation for what everyone owned). His truck dynoed at 1,000+rwhp from what I remember. Terry's truck runs 10s. I'll bet the ranch on Terry's truck if you guys decide to race, or maybe you should contact SPEED and get a spot on Pinks and go heads up. That would be sweet. :cool:
03-04-2007, 01:53 PM
For all the guys in the Dallas area. When ennis opens up. Lets do a get together and run our trucks. There are many here from stock to stupid.
Ennis is open. I know a few people who have already been a couple times this season.
03-04-2007, 04:29 PM
02Bolt is Rob, I hope he forigves you for associating his screen name with SCOTT (00Bolt):throw: :evil .
Sorry Rob my mistake i was really tired.:beer:
03-04-2007, 06:36 PM
Ennis is open. I need to call. Last time I looked they were not open yet. That would be sweet. The dyno I posted is with 12psi and a new turbo controller (that sucked) as you can see by the graph and lag time.
As I said, I will be at events this year and will gladly run the truck. Personally I like running for money (makes it interesting). Nothing much, just a few hundred. One thing I do if I win is take the "loser" out to dinner after the event is over. We dont have to run for money. Yes I do know your brother and he is a great guy. Figure you are as well.
to everyone, you cannot miss my truck. So when you see me down there, come up and say hi. If you want to line them up, sweet, lets do it. It is all in good fun.
T Hogg
03-05-2007, 09:34 AM
you know something... Im really ashamed and shocked by the behavior of MOST of you in this thread! internet tough guys?! why not invite that guy to come over here to talk????
guess what, I DID... if you want to run your mouths and talk trash, lets GET EVERYONE INVOLVED HERE!
Im shocked to see you guys all acting like kids!
Skidmark, chime in any time your ready buddy… I think you and I will have to make an appearance in the Dallas area some time soon….since we all want to talk so tough, run our mouths… lets see if our trucks can backup our mouths!? What about that guys?
I DISPISE internet tough guys… BACK IT UP!
Most of you know me, Ive been to MANY of your gatherings, I don’t RUN my mouth, I RACE!
Go for it guys, FLAME ON!
Talon <---:nono:
I don't know if I know you/truck. But for you to come over here and start talking smack is no good. When I read these threads and it seems like your the only one stiring the pot.I know I talk alot $hit but I also can back it up. So if you or Mr. Skid (AKA pulling wheels off the ground, AKA 1300 rwhp w/NOS) would like to "BACK IT UP". Bring it on and don't forget your $$.:twitch: We can line up anywhere/anytime and if you can't make it here I'll come to you (For the right amount).
Don't get it twisted "I run my month and I race":d
03-05-2007, 09:41 AM
I don't know if I know you/truck. But for you to come over here and start talking smack is no good. When I read these threads and it seems like your the only one stiring the pot.I know I talk alot $hit but I also can back it up. So if you or Mr. Skid (AKA pulling wheels off the ground, AKA 1300 rwhp w/NOS) would like to "BACK IT UP". Bring it on and don't forget your $$.:twitch: We can line up anywhere/anytime and if you can't make it here I'll come to you (For the right amount).
Don't get it twisted "I run my month and I race":d
03-05-2007, 10:19 AM
First Shane dared me to ban him
Now he sends me an email telling me to delete his account ....
Him ....
Uhh No
and NO
03-05-2007, 10:27 AM
Recent email ....
first, your forum for some "mysterious" reason, will no longer allow me to post... I get "server is too busy" any time I try...
second, you guys are clowns... you want to live in your small little special worlds... FINE.. do so... Im finished "attempting" to comunicate with you "wonderful" people...
so EAT ME...
Ive made a spam filter edit, Im making a formal request to be removed...
I said I didnt ban him ... I didnt say I wouldnt make his experience here a little frustrating.... :evil:evil
03-05-2007, 10:44 AM
"eat me"? I haven't heard that expression since I was in junior high ...:rll: :rll: :rll:
03-05-2007, 10:52 AM
Shane - You can still post - you just will have to be determined ..
You will only get server busy about 20% of the time.. Of course then there is the other 40% of the time that other things will happen, which leaves about 40% of the time you should be able to bring up a page here ... :evil:evil
I guess I shouldnt be enjoying this should I ???
03-05-2007, 11:27 AM
sweet. lets meet up and run-em. I am going to contact ennis to verify they are open. If that is the case then I will be heading down to do some testing. installing a new converter this week and need to thrash on it a bit to see how it holds up and how it lets me spool the turbo.
is your truck pretty consistent? I would like to run side by side with a truck that is consistent so that I can see what is going on, to compare it to my datalogs
03-05-2007, 11:40 AM
ennis is open for the year, here's the schedule as of now:
T Hogg
03-05-2007, 12:11 PM
sweet. lets meet up and run-em. I am going to contact ennis to verify they are open. If that is the case then I will be heading down to do some testing. installing a new converter this week and need to thrash on it a bit to see how it holds up and how it lets me spool the turbo.
is your truck pretty consistent? I would like to run side by side with a truck that is consistent so that I can see what is going on, to compare it to my datalogs
I'm kinda hard on parts too. So I would have to say if my truck leaves off the line w/o any problems (like break something) you'll be able to see what is going on. Is Shane going to bring his truck? I would like to kill two birds w/ one stone.:D
When you guys get a date in mind let me know and pm the details on the $$ so we can get it all worked out. My truck should be ready by as soon as Friday (maybe). I snapped the input shaft at Redline a few weeks back. But they said it would by ready by Friday.
03-05-2007, 12:22 PM
03-05-2007, 01:41 PM
I just got off of their site as well. NOPI is coming up. Anyway guess that is what I get for sleeping. I will get it done so I can go down and make some passes.
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