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04-24-2007, 07:23 PM
This goes for all of your vehicles not just Lightnings. I have worked a lot of trucks lately and all have been 1-2qts low on oil and the oil was dirty. Keep up with the oil and fuel filters. These things run on a ragged edge they need all the preventive care you can do. I would check it every week and change it every 3K max. Run at least a 10-30wt oil. The 5wt is too thin to take a beating. Check/change plugs at least once a year to catch any before they spit out.

04-24-2007, 07:34 PM
Terry what brand of of transmission oil do you usually use? Just wondering what kind to get since I'm about to change it and the torque converter.:)

04-24-2007, 07:50 PM
Is 10k for fuel filters overkill on these trucks? Also, where can you get the TR6's?(that is what you use, right?)


04-24-2007, 08:12 PM
Since I run M1 and use an M1 filter, I go 6000 miles on an oil change.. I do try to get the plugs changed once a year.. I clean the air filter annually. I have the gas filter done annually.. I drive about 8000 miles per year..

I have the brake fluid and the coolant flushed out every 2 years..

I dont think this is too bad of a routine..

04-24-2007, 08:27 PM
Is 10k for fuel filters overkill on these trucks? Also, where can you get the TR6's?(that is what you use, right?)


Depends if you run a lot of race fuel. If it's jsut normal driving, 8-10k should be fine.

The TR6's can be had at O'reillys I believe.


04-24-2007, 08:39 PM
Thanks Wes. Time to change my fuel filter then. No race gas for my truck. Just QT or Shell(top tier gas stations).

Time for new plugs too.


04-24-2007, 08:47 PM
After installing the Art Carr converter (from Gorila I believe), I found that it must have had the Modusmucho Virus, because now I have a 2.3 KB. The bypass actuator got damaged in shipment and I just received the replacement today. So now I am set to do the KB install along with new plugs, EGR delete and oil change this weekend. Hope this calms down the virus for a while.:crying:

04-24-2007, 09:08 PM
I use M1 10w30 and change my oil every 3000 miles. If the oil starts to look the slightest bit dirty before 3000, it gets changed. But that's just me, I like to see nice clean oil when I pull the dip stick :D. I'm about due on a fuel filter, it gets changed every 10,000 miles.

04-24-2007, 11:33 PM
Haha terry did ya find someones that was worse that mine!! :tex

04-25-2007, 12:20 AM
Regular 3K RP 5w-20 changes here with fuel filter swaps, as well. 2nd Eaton from the factory with all original belts, hoses, etc. Sippin' the oil about 1 qt. every 1K miles as prescribed from Ford SVT Corporate.:tex

This is a late '02 L with ~53K - first and current owner.

Still runs like brand-new.:)


04-25-2007, 08:15 AM
Castrol GTX 10w40 every 3k miles (give or take a hundred or so).
The oil Terry told me to run.

04-25-2007, 08:19 AM
Gotcha all beat! M1 5W30 oil in my truck is changed every 1000-1500 miles. I'm due for an oil change now...last oil change was March 2006 and the previous oil change was July 2005....

Wow...looking at my maintenace record it has taken me 3.5 years to go 10,000 miles :eek: ...I gotta take this thing out more often...


04-25-2007, 11:11 AM
I use M1 ATF and Oriellys is where I get the TR6's. Race fuel has a tendency to clog or swell fuel filters. So I change them every couple tanks of race fuel.

04-26-2007, 12:55 AM
I use M1 ATF and Oriellys is where I get the TR6's. Race fuel has a tendency to clog or swell fuel filters. So I change them every couple tanks of race fuel.

When I was running regular with FFW, I would change the fuel filter before each event. Same for the oil and oil filter. The tranny fluid would get a partial change every 2-3 events. Differential fluid the same. Maybe this was overkill, but it was common to run 25-30 passes over a three day event. I have always been paranoid about the fuel filter getting restricted and causing a fuel starvation issue. It would suck to jack up a motor over a ten dollar fuel filter.

04-26-2007, 07:43 AM
My trucks get the Walmart Mobil one treatment as often as I can ..

3000 - 5000 - when ever ...

04-26-2007, 08:43 AM
I'll run M1 for up to 5K between changes I'll change more often if the color starts turning darker. Usually at about 1500-2000 miles I'll be a quart low so I'll add some and by the time it reaches the low marker the second time I change the oil. It's always used a little bit of oil since it was new but the majority of the lost oil is because I always throw out my separator oil because it looks so dirty.

BC Lightning
04-26-2007, 11:24 AM
I change my Oil, Oil filter, fuel filter every 3000 miles, and I change my plugs every 6,000 miles, this is the most inexpensive stuff to do to your truck. but if neglected could add up to being a big time $$$$$ problem