View Full Version : Popped Rev Limiter tonight...

12-06-2002, 01:50 AM
I was breaking in my L' tonight against a modded GT ( I won BTW :tu: ) We went from a roll and it was close for a while til I hit 10 psi of BOOST! We then went fron a stop and it was worse once I hooked up, but I popped the rev limiter a couple of times while spinning. I also have a 02 GT and have heard if you do this to re-set the CPU, do I need to do this to the L' ? It is brand new with 650 miles on the ticker, should I reset the CPU on this monster also thanks. 'H'

ps. Oh BTW I am a newbie to the L' game, but I also have a Kenne Bell Blown 97 SVT Cobra with 458HP and 485 TQ and little spray:cool:

12-06-2002, 03:16 AM
I am not sure how the GT's are but the L's don't need a reset. sometimes if you do a burnout or excessive spinning the CPU will open the waste gate for a fewe minutes or until you restart the truck. I just unplug the solenoid and go:tu:

12-06-2002, 08:16 AM
Henry!! Welcome!! :)

I was wondering when you'd find your way over here!

12-06-2002, 10:48 AM
Henry a few of us saw you pull in with a sad-looking Contour SVT in tow. We couldn't figure out who it was, and by the time I was walking in to introduce myself the Arlington convoy back home was pulling out. Maybe next time...

Nice kill btw!