View Full Version : I seen a comedy show on the way home.

05-27-2007, 10:27 PM
I was sitting @ a red light on Preston and Spring creek on the way home from my brothers B-day gathering. And this guy in a regular F-150 long bed was sitting next to me in the turn lane eying my "L" . He rev-ed the engine a couple of times ever so slightly. When his turn arrow lit up he floored it and spun one wheel all through the intersection. The truck turning next to him was hanging right beside him @ normal acceleration. At the part where he should have straightened out, he kept spinning and got enough speed to get side was, almost hitting the truck beside him. He shot into the other lane hitting the curb and shot back across the 2 lanes hitting and jumping the curb side was. I laughed so hard I almost peed my self! Best comedy show I've seen all week. :rll:


05-27-2007, 10:37 PM
I had some one do the same thing (but I wasn't turning) and there was a cop right behind him and he smoked his one wheel wonder through the intersection with johny law on his ass. I laughed about as hard as you did.